Hello owners, CEOs, COOs, and Directors,

Bruce back with the fourth edition of For Owners Only.

We just returned from another successful TES show in Cascais, Portugal, where we were proud to be a gold sponsor.

Not only is Portugal lovely (we stayed right on the ocean) and the food is amazing, but TES just gets better and better. It was nice to see those of you who were there. Thanks again to Walter and Andreas, the best show promoters anywhere!

Now in Arizona, enjoying Spring Training Baseball.

I had some great business discussions and meetings at the show. I have no doubt we will close more transactions than even in our record year of 2022.

I’m getting inquiries from both sellers and buyers. So if you want to sell your site there’s never been a better time. If you have any questions you can always contact me personally HERE.

And despite all the doom and gloom stories about the economy on the boards, the companies I’m talking to are having record months.

One thing I noticed in Cascais is that the industry continues to grow with more companies and many new faces I’ve never seen before. That’s as good of a sign of a healthy industry as any.

Of course, with the attacks on the industry from the religious right and their store bought politicians, things are always a bit challenging. The latest attack are new stringent age verification laws. We just covered this on our blog in a brand new post. You won’t meet anyone in our industry who’s legitimate who doesn’t want to keep kids off their sites. And we certainly support a kid free space. But these laws will make it difficult for users. The good people at the FSC are fighting daily for our cause. Alison Boden, the Free Speech Coalition Executive Director is just wrapping up a 2 week run on Adult Site Broker Talk, where she discusses the industry and how we can fight back. You should most definitely listen to both episodes on Adult Site Broker Talk.

As always, if you’re even thinking about an exit, feel free to reach out to us by replying to this email or contacting us HERE and we’ll give you a free, no-obligation broker assessment.

Also, I know many of you get approached with properties for sale. If someone offers you a site that you decide not to pursue, please refer them to us and make money.If it becomes a successful sale you cash in. Our affiliate program, ASB Cash recently doubled our commissions to 20% of our broker commission. 

And finally, we can act as a buyer’s broker and find you just what you’re looking for.

Finally we’re always looking for top quests for Adult Site Broker Talk. You can apply to be a guess here or. you can reply to this email.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Bruce (the adult site broker)

Lets Talk

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