Disclaimer: Adult Site Broker is not a law firm. No information from this article should be taken as legal advice. Consult an attorney with any legal questions.
Specific legal processes must be followed when buying and selling an adult website, including drawing up the sales agreement, completing due diligence, and escrow. These processes are in place to protect you as either the buyer or seller. Understanding the different considerations for buyers and sellers and how to protect yourself is crucial to ensuring a smooth transition between the website’s seller and buyer.
No matter which side of the buying and selling process for an adult website you are on, understanding the legal considerations you must make throughout the process is helpful. It allows you to carefully plan and work through the sales process without causing any long-term issues or losing the sale, and it protects you throughout the process.
In this article, Adult Site Broker has broken down how to protect yourself legally when buying or selling an adult website.
Legal Considerations As A Buyer
Due Diligence
Doing your due diligence is a necessary part of the process when buying an adult website. Not only should you do an SEO audit and look at the website’s analytics for traffic and sales, but you should also check any legal and financial issues your potential new adult website may be experiencing that must be resolved before buying the site.
Copyright Laws
Depending on the type of adult website you buy, you may find yourself needing to understand the copyright and trademark protections for buying and hosting porn clips, games, and creators’ content on your new adult site. Understanding what your legal obligations are before you decide to purchase an adult site can save you any potential legal headaches in the future.
In addition, researching whether the site you are interested in buying has any outstanding copyright violations or DMCA takedown notices can also give you a clear indicator of whether the adult site you are buying has a good reputation to build upon.
Data Protection
No matter where your adult website is based, you must comply with data protection laws in the entry of operations and anywhere your website can be accessed. Making sure you know the data protection rules for each country allows you to prepare the necessary data protection actions before you have even finalized purchasing the adult site you are interested in. Understanding these legal obligations will enable you to protect your business from any future legal issues.
Purchase Agreements
Without a purchase agreement, you should never buy an adult site. These legal documents will set out the final price, who the parties are, the timeline, what you are buying, and any legal obligations for you and the seller. These contacts are in place to set out what you are buying, when, and for how much, and ensure that both parties know all the necessary details they agree to. When having one drawn up, it is essential to work with a legal counsel with experience in purchasing digital assets, like websites, to ensure that the purchase agreement is drawn up correctly. Contact Adult Site Broker if you need us to refer a good adult attorney.
Legal Considerations As A Seller
Purchase Agreement (Exclusivity Clause)
As a seller, you must also comply with the obligations within the purchase agreement. One of which you will need to be aware of is the exclusivity clause; this means that as you proceed with the offer from your buyer, you should stop considering and discussing offers from third parties outside of the agreement. This is something that is locked in once you’ve signed the agreement.
Tax Implications
Understanding when and if you need to pay capital gains or income tax on selling your adult site is also a legal consideration you should consider as a seller. Like with any tax, failure to comply with the rules on paying tax once you have sold your website can result in legal issues later on, such as being held liable for tax fraud.
Employment Laws
Regarding employment law, understanding your obligations as you transfer your adult website and the business attached to the site to a new owner can smooth the transition period. In cases where you oversee a team and the new website owner will be taking on these employees, understand your legal obligations, such as when and how to notify your employees, how to inform them of any redundancies, and provide employee liability information to the buyer allows for a smooth transition as you sell.
Getting the Documents Ready
To ensure that the due diligence proceeds smoothly, ensure you have all contracts with third parties or vendors, copyright agreements, trademarks, licenses, etc., ready for the buyer to review. In addition, for transparency and honesty, you should notify them of any potential or ongoing legal issues you may be going through.
How To Protect Yourself Legally When Buying Or Selling An Adult Website
Alongside being aware of specific legal considerations for when you are either buying or selling an adult site, there are certain things that you can do to protect yourself legally throughout the process. Such as:
Working with an adult website broker can help you list any details for buyers to understand, saving any misunderstandings that could happen otherwise. As well as this, they can guide you through the process of due diligence, ensuring that all documents are ready to go to make the process smooth, and offer advice on any legal or financial help you should seek from a third party to help you meet your obligations. When choosing a website broker to work with, if one says that you don’t need legal expertise, this should be viewed as a red flag.
As obvious as it sounds, seeking legal counsel both during the sale of the website and to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations surrounding businesses, contracts, and the adult industry in the country in which you are operating is crucial. As you sell or buy an adult website, working with a lawyer when drawing up the purchase agreement means that both sides will be legally protected, and the contract will be valid in case any legal issues arise. A good lawyer should draw up a sales agreement that outlines each party’s roles, obligations, a timeline for the purchase, the sales price, etc, in a way that allows everyone to understand the contract in front of them.
Using a third-party escrow service (at Adult Site Broker, we recommend working with escrow.domains) should also be a part of the process. These will act as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer, holding all digital assets of the website and funds until everything has been finalized.
Buying and selling an adult website has specific legal considerations that must be accounted for. Drafting documents and completing due diligence ensure that everyone knows their role, expectations that must be met, and what the buyer is taking on when transferring the assets to them.
As a buyer, be aware not just of your obligations throughout the buying process but also of legal considerations like copyright laws, 2257, and GDPR, which allow you to be fully prepared for what legal obligations you will take on once you have bought an adult site. For a seller, understanding your legal obligations towards a buyer, such as when to offer exclusivity on your adult site listing to maintain trust and loyalty throughout the sales process, any tax you may have to pay after you have sold your website, and the employment and business laws that surround transferring ownership of your adult website and the business attached to the buyer can allow you to remove yourself from ownership when the time comes smoothly.
To protect yourself, whether you are a buyer or a seller, understanding your legal obligations and working with legitimate third parties, such as an adult website broker or an attorney, and using a third-party escrow service, allows for a smooth transition and protects you throughout the process.
Read more from Adult Site Broker here:
What Questions Should You Ask An Adult Website Broker Before You Sell Your Website?
Challenges For Adult Websites: What To Know Before You Buy
When Should I Lower The Asking Price For My Adult Website?