Speaker 1 (0s): This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk, where every week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry, and we discuss what's going on in our business. Plus we give you a tip on buying and selling websites this week. This week we'll be speaking with Carly David of PS Group.
Adult Site Broker is proud to announce the launch of our new website, Adult Site Broker 3.0 at adult-site-broker-dot-com. The look and feel of the new site is nice and up to date and easier to navigate.
The new site also has links to our affiliate program, ASB Cash and our new blog.
Speaking of ASB Cash, the affiliate program for Adult Site Broker, we’ve doubled our affiliate payouts!
That’s right. Now when you refer sellers or buyers to us at Adult Site Broker you’ll receive 20% of our broker commission on any and all sales that result from that referral for life.
You can either place a link to us on your site or refer buyers and sellers through an email introduction.
ASB Cash is the first affiliate program for an adult website brokerage.
Check out ASB-Cash-dot-com for more details and to sign up.
Now let's feature our property the week that's for sale at adult site broker, we're proud to offer for sale. A growing sex doll site started in 2016. It's grown to over 2 million in annual revenue. The owner is focused and invested heavily into SEO for the site, making sure it consistently ranks at the top in the search engines for the main industry keywords as a result, most of the traffic and sales are organic coming from people who have searched for sex dolls on Google.
Other strong sales channels are the 25,000 plus person email list and an affiliate program. The owner has developed relationships with the best manufacturers. The products are drop shipped directly from the manufacturer to the customer. The store has hundreds of five star reviews on the website and on third-party sites. The store currently has no employees aside from the owner who works only 10 to 15 hours a week on the business. SEO is handled by an agency. This is a business that can be grown by a company with experience in the novelties field.
Only 2.7, $2 million. Now time for this week's interview. My guest today on adult side, broker talk is Carly David of PS group currently. Thanks for being with us today on adult site. Broker talk
Speaker 2 (2m 45s): Pleasure is mine.
Speaker 1 (2m 47s): Oh no, it's mine. We can go back and forth on that one. So Thank you. So with over 15 years experience in mainstream marketing, former worker, Carly David originally began her career in film and TV before transitioning to ad agencies. Over the years, she's collaborated with one of Adweek's top advertising execs of the decade Australia's marketer of the year BAFTA and Sundance film festival nominees, fortune 100 companies cause marketers and Hollywood directors.
Her areas of expertise include campaign strategy, branding, website, design, and SEO. Carly currently resides in Mexico with her dog Bodie P S groups mascot, by the way, at any given moment, she can be found not working on her memoir, which I want to read. That sounds exciting. She was educated at Columbia university. PS group is a creative agency for the adult industry and is comprised primarily of current or retired sex workers.
Yay for you. Their team comes from all over north America, or as well as the UK, their services include website, design, branding, and graphic design strategy, copywriting, SEO, and social media marketing. They take a very holistic approach to their work and encourage their clients to learn not just the what but the why, which I totally agree with their clients have gone on to win awards, create successful podcasts, develop a support collective for sex worker rights again, and become educators themselves.
Well, Carly had just talked a bit about your background and by the way, did you, did you like your commercial there?
Speaker 2 (4m 35s): I'm exhausted just hearing it.
Speaker 1 (4m 38s): Yeah. Usually after a long bio like that, I'll say, and thank you for being with us today. That's all the time we have. So
Speaker 2 (4m 44s): Exactly.
Speaker 1 (4m 46s): I talked a bit about your background. It sounds like quite a journey. Tell us about the jury
Speaker 2 (4m 52s): Journey is, is definitely one way to put it it's been a bizarre trajectory, but for some reason it has actually come completely full circle for me at school in college, I majored in English and human rights and went into entertainment and then advertising and marketing. And now I swore to combine all three and it's just, you know, w I was reviewing the questions that we had discussed earlier.
And I was like, wow, I have the most amazing job ever, but let me tell you, I've gone through quite a few jobs that were not amazing. So it's, it's definitely been a journey for sure. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (5m 39s): Yeah. Now, now you mentioned to me, and I mentioned in the bio, you're a former sex worker at what point in your life was that
Speaker 2 (5m 49s): That was actually, while I was working in advertising agencies, I sort of had this very bizarre film noir, double life going. I just, I've learned so much about psychology and people. And I mean, it was a very different time. It was probably about 10 years ago and the industry has changed drastically. I mean, the world has changed drastically, so I'm just really happy to have found this industry.
And, you know, mainstream never really felt right. It never really fit for me. So once I found this industry, I was like, I'm home.
Speaker 1 (6m 33s): Yeah, yeah. I get ya. Now, you, you alluded to it, but tell me the story of how you got into the adult industry.
Speaker 2 (6m 42s): Oh, wow. That was very interesting. Well, I had actually known sex workers pretty much since I was an adult, like in college, which again, very different time. And it just kept people just entered my life at different points who were a part of this industry. And eventually I decided, you know what, this is something I want to explore. And I was very fortunate that it was not because I needed something to survive.
I didn't necessarily depend on it for my livelihood. It was something that I was doing for very personal growth reasons. And that, that again is a very privileged place to be. But I've found that it was more fulfilling and gratifying than being in a mainstream corporate environment.
Speaker 1 (7m 47s): Okay. So, I mean, were you a performer or were you working as an escort or do you want to talk about it?
Speaker 2 (7m 53s): I was full service. I was supposed to service in New York city. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (7m 57s): Oh, wow.
Speaker 2 (7m 58s): Wow. So it was definitely a, it was definitely a double life, you know, VP by day lady of the night. And it was, it was a time where the online and digital sex work wasn't as prominent. I would say it wasn't as accessible and it wasn't as sophisticated as it is now. So that was the niche that I was exposed to first. So that's sort of where I made my entry and then it, it no longer was something that was, I feel like as you grow and evolve in your life as a person, as a professional, you know, as a sex worker, that there are chapters as with any career.
And it just got to a point where I was like, you know what? I feel that the next challenge for me is helping other sex workers.
Speaker 1 (8m 56s): Sure, sure. Now, now you said you had personal reasons that that helped, I think believed the words you said were, were fulfilling. Anything you wanna share about that?
Speaker 2 (9m 10s): I got to say it was a way to connect with individuals in a very unusually intimate way. And when, I mean intimate, I mean, people bearing their souls. People can fighting you and trusting you. And that's a huge responsibility. And being able to have a positive impact on someone's life after they have taken that leap of faith in trusting you that way, it's, it, it meant more to me than any old envelope for real.
It really did. And it continues to. So that's really, that's part of why I do what I do is that, you know, it's amazing to see your work recognized. It's so much more amazing indescribable feeling to see the people we work with getting their work recognized.
Speaker 1 (10m 9s): That's what it's all about. That is what it's all about. So I, I mentioned before, we may have a little barking in the background, only six dogs. What can I say? We talked about that before we went on, what is P S group?
Speaker 2 (10m 26s): So Pittsburgh has gone through a variety of incarnations and I could not be happier with where we are today. We are basically a traditional creative ad agency. We just work exclusively with sex workers. And for the vast majority, we are sex workers or we're either current or retire and where people who genuinely care about the community and really want to, I mean, I know it's a cliche term, but you know, to really empower our peers and to really make a dent in our future, as an industry, shift the needle and just keep changing the game and making everything that we do in terms of marketing, just one notch, better, one notch, more informed, one notch, more creative, one notch, pushing the envelope and just making sure that we don't just say sex workers work.
We live that we walk that
Speaker 1 (11m 36s): If I'm a potential client and I'm looking at you and I'm looking at a firm that isn't run by sex workers,
Speaker 2 (11m 45s): Why
Speaker 1 (11m 46s): Should they go with PS group?
Speaker 2 (11m 48s): That's always a good question. And it's something I should
Speaker 1 (11m 50s): Probably, that's why I asked it.
Speaker 2 (11m 53s): Yeah. And it's, I should have my elevator pitch ready, you know, but I mean, beyond our differentiator that this was our world, like, this is what we do. I would also say the quality of our work speaks for itself. And we're always just trying to produce better and better and better and more creative and more thought provoking and more really effective.
I mean, it's great to have really pretty work, but if it's not going to convert, if it's not going to propel you towards your end goal and objectives, then it's just pretty work.
Speaker 1 (12m 36s): Right. Right. Yeah. And you know, what's interesting. And you, you know, we, we've been communicating a lot by email and you were talking about, you said, well, we haven't won awards, but our clients have won lots of awards. And my reply was, well, that's what it's all about. And you know, what's interesting. And I, I come from the radio world. I was in radio for 21 years and I'll never forget all these ad agencies that were totally ineffective, but they won all these awards.
And the whole thing was all about who could be the cutest, who could be the one that, that puts out the ad that, you know, the client spent the most money on and won an award. But when it comes right down to it, the important thing is results.
Speaker 2 (13m 27s): Exactly, exactly. I mean, the ideal piece of work is going to transcend just creative. It is not only going to convert and be effective, but it also becomes something that's larger than just an ad or a website. It becomes about something that is relevant to all of us and something that makes us think.
And hopefully one day something that changes things, you know, I mean, I would say that Nike does this really well, is that, and frankly, the ad agency who does most of Nike's work is an inspiration for PS group. And I think the fact that they're able to tackle, not just a sales pitch within the quality of creative, but also really be a vehicle for social change.
And I think they, they've had a very good track record of, of work that rallies people in a way that inspires you. And I, that's what we, we really strive to produce here.
Speaker 1 (14m 54s): Yeah. Now, besides what I just shared, what other services does PS group offer?
Speaker 2 (15m 0s): Well, we actually are adding more social media platforms. So as of may, we are, we're currently offering Reddit soon. We'll be offering discord marketing, and we do sometimes offer bespoke packages for other platforms. But for the most part, we focus on those platforms that in our opinion has the most potential for longevity. Sure. So, and I'm sure we're going to touch on this a little bit.
When we dive deeper, I really want to aim for, you know, editorial and creative and, and everything that we've really already touched on, but so we will have photography and we have played with the idea of, we do have a music producer. Sometimes we'll do custom music tracks that you own in entirety.
Speaker 1 (15m 55s): Wow. That's nice. Now I shouldn't give the standard disclaimer, we're taught, we're doing this April 29th and this whole run in August. So yeah. A lot of this will be happening. Then tell me what a typical day looks like when w when, when a, Podcaster's not keeping you up late to do an interview. That is,
Speaker 2 (16m 16s): I would say, I mean, every day is different yet. Exactly the same. There's always the firefighting projects you have to attend to immediately. And I typically have about four to five zooms a day with clients and with team members and, you know, vendors and things of that nature. So I'm, I'm on zoom a lot.
The pandemic was actually sort of business as usual for me, because I work from home. Our entire team is remote. So the only tricky thing is the, the time differences because we have
Speaker 1 (17m 4s): Just,
Speaker 2 (17m 6s): Yeah. You know, more. Yeah, absolutely. So, so it's a lot of zooms and then it will be, I am by August, I will be working less and less on active projects and more focusing on the trajectory of PS group and operations and business development. But as of right now, I'm finishing up a bunch of sites because I have been our lead website designer until, until recently.
And what else I do a lot of SEO work. So there's a lot of keyword researching. There's a lot of data analysis and a lot of motivational pep talks to clients for summaries. For some reason, we have a lot of pep talks here. And I don't know, I tend to speak in memes, which is very odd, but you know, Bruce, if you ever need the leg down at halftime, we're in the locker room with Denzel Washington telling you to go kill those, you know, the football team out there.
We're gonna, we'll take care of you. We'll take you for, we got you.
Speaker 1 (18m 23s): You don't know how much I appreciate that
Speaker 2 (18m 25s): For sure. Just don't do it in the middle of my night, please.
Speaker 1 (18m 29s): Well, you won't get it properly. So why is marketing strategy or plan so important for adult performers?
Speaker 2 (18m 39s): I feel, I mean, first of all, I think I have trouble, perhaps just because of my background coming from more traditional corporate environments, that I'm not quite sure how to approach running a business without a marketing plan. I mean, if I don't know where I'm going, then I don't know what the next step is to get there. If I don't have an end goal in mind, if I don't have objectives for, we always ask our clients, when they're coming on board, what are your short-term goals?
Where do you want to be in six months? What are your, what's your five-year plan? You know, what are these, why did you get into this industry to begin with and what is going to make it a success for you? So I would say the biggest thing is that if you don't start with a foundation, you're not going to be able to execute in a way that will be, that will really have an ROI on everything you're doing.
It's not gonna be able to help you to grow. You're not gonna, you're not going to grow as a person. You're not gonna grow as a business, and you're not going to be able to achieve those goals regardless of whether you've identified them or not. So we definitely are proponents for everything starts with strategy. And then it turns into a, how do I execute this?
Speaker 1 (20m 16s): Hmm. So what are your feelings about social media as a marketing tool?
Speaker 2 (20m 22s): I'm actually very, I'm very torn on using social media for marketing personally. I am not a social media person. I get extraordinarily social media awkward and, and I just, I don't use it in my personal life. And, you know, I do a bit grudgingly for work, but I feel like I, I did not grow up with Instagram, so I don't really get it.
And that is why we have a social media manager on our team because she's fabulous and she knows. And so I just let her go and let her stay out of her way because she knows. And you know, that's also part of a team is that you all have your specialties, but to return to the initial question, I think it's a very volatile time for that because, because obviously the, just the current landscape in the tech world, I mean, as we're recording this, you know, Musk literally just bought Twitter.
So we have no idea what the future is going to be. We don't know what the future is going to be for Twitter. We don't know what the future is going to be for the industry. We don't know what the future is going to be for the world at large.
Speaker 1 (21m 49s): So,
Speaker 2 (21m 51s): Yeah. I mean, if you had said three,
Speaker 1 (21m 53s): Well, we're kind of in good, we're kind of in a good shape though, because I, data for Russia is going to bomb Thailand or Mexico. So
Speaker 2 (22m 1s): Yeah. But I mean, butterfly effect, you know, slapping wings.
Speaker 1 (22m 6s): That was a, that was a little bit of a, that was a little bit of a joke, but yeah, indeed.
Speaker 2 (22m 12s): I know. I mean, I think also there's the concept that just because you can say something on social media, you know, is it really right to say it like, should you say it? And I think because of the nature of social media and also the nature of the world right now that we're all, you know, hooked into a virtual sense of living and surviving that, you know, it's very tempting to overshare and forget that it is a marketing tool.
And so it has to be approached with strategy the same way that you would developing a search engine optimization plan. It has to be addressed in plans the same way that you would build a website. You can't just throw something up there and see if it sticks because I mean, social media more than anything is just it's forever. So yes. So I encourage people and, you know, performers in this industry and everyone really to just put the pause button on before, before something is posted, make sure,
Speaker 1 (23m 32s): I think before think beef think before you post yeah,
Speaker 2 (23m 36s): Absolutely. Is this furthering my goals or is this mean venting? If your brand is venting and it works for you then, you know, by all means that's a business decision and that's furthering your marketing, you know, but I would say very few people are consciously deciding on that style of brand.
Speaker 1 (24m 1s): Well, yeah. I mean, how, how often does somebody pay someone to do their social media and then screw it up with one of their posts?
Speaker 2 (24m 11s): Exactly. Exactly. I mean, I trust my social media manager because she collaborated,
Speaker 1 (24m 18s): I'm talking about, I'm talking about the person who owns the account.
Speaker 2 (24m 22s): Oh yes, yes, absolutely. Yes. I get that. You'd be surprised. You'd be surprised, but I mean, it's all, it's all a learning lesson, isn't it?
Speaker 1 (24m 36s): Oh, it is. It is. And I've ever since January 6th, 20, 21, I've backed away considerably from social media, but that's a whole other story.
Speaker 2 (24m 51s): Our thing is that like our clients don't pay us to sit on social media for us. They pay us to do their work. So I am, I'll keep an eye on Twitter, but I don't post nearly as much as I should for promotional reasons. But to be fair, I'm a little busy and that's what we should be. We should be doing the jobs that we, that we want and have, and that we're working so hard on.
So yeah,
Speaker 1 (25m 26s): That's the whole idea. So what do you think the future is of adult marketing?
Speaker 2 (25m 33s): I think it would be arrogant to presume. I know because I don't and no one does really. I can say what I hope it is and where I think it's going. I have been advising our clients for years now, get your email marketing in place. Now work on your SEO now because both of those are very long gestation periods.
You'll have to really work on them for quite a while, for them to be as effective and beneficial as they can really be. We've been really fortunate with our clients that they've really taken that to heart. And I get so excited every time I get a newsletter from one of them, I would say that we're just going to keep as an industry, like going up a notch and going up a notch and going up and really just getting more and more creative, more and more sophisticated with our efforts.
I think we're going to use data a lot more. The people that you hear talking about their analytics. Now, ironically, I'm seeing this on Twitter, but I think the people who are really we're really embracing that because to be fair, the adult industry is we're slightly antiquated with our tools because of how we're limited by the outside world.
You know, the facts that we're not eligible for a lot of things that mainstream marketers can do, but also because we're sort of, you know, for better, for worse, we're a little underground. So we, the communication opportunities to share are, are less than they are in a mainstream world. So I think the information is just not as accessible and that's something that like me and my team are really are really trying to work on is to provide resources and to disseminate information and try to provide as much free education as we can.
So I think the future of adult marketing is, is going to be, it's going to be bigger. It is going to be more thought-provoking I think. And I think it's probably going to look a lot like mainstream marketing is just happens to be for the adult industry.
Speaker 1 (28m 18s): Yeah. Yeah. And I think, and I think as time goes on, despite all the negative noise from outside, what governments are trying to do the grand standing of certain politicians, which there seem to be more every day mainstream and adult as time goes on, seems to be coming closer together when she say,
Speaker 2 (28m 41s): I do think so. I do. And I think, I think my personal belief is that the sooner we're able to de-stigmatize by humanizing the industry and making it a little bit more, perhaps accessible and relatable to those who are not as involved in it. I think the sooner we can do that, the sooner we'll actually be able to instigate change on a legislative, you know, societal level.
And so my goal is to really reach back out to the industries that I grew up in and get them on board and try to integrate adult and mainstream in a much more holistic interdependent way, I think so that we can coexist and it's less us and them
Speaker 1 (29m 51s): Indeed. So what advice do you have for new models and what do you think the keys are for success?
Speaker 2 (29m 59s): I personally believe that success is really due to three things. The first is a work ethic. If you have a really solid work ethic and you apply yourself and you discipline yourself and you keep challenging yourself, despite, you know, outside factors or whatever else is going on, if you're willing to put in that work, I think the chances for your success is a lot more
Speaker 1 (30m 30s): Then.
Speaker 2 (30m 32s): Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And then also a good attitude, a positive attitude, humility that goes a long way. And so I think between the work ethic and a positive, good attitude, everything else can be learned, really everything else can be learned if you've got that work ethic and you've got that positive attitude. And then it comes, you know, frankly, it comes down to fair amount of luck. It really does.
And that unfortunately is for the most part out of our control, but we can definitely take the steps towards recognizing those opportunities when they arrive. And when they present themselves and with the work ethic and attitude, you're able to act on those opportunities and really leverage them and make them the most. They can be
Speaker 1 (31m 26s): Sure. Now, what do you think PS group will look like in five years?
Speaker 2 (31m 31s): I would, well, we're definitely going to be bigger because we're growing at an exponential rate right now and I could not be more thrilled with my team. I got to tell you, I am everyone's biggest fan. Like everyone is amazing at what they do. And they're just all lovely individuals. We'll have team meetings and like half of people are smoking a joint, but we're talking about SEO and we're having fun because the point is, is that we either, the entire team is comprised of people who either were in traditional and it didn't work for them, or they never even entered it because they knew it wouldn't work for them.
So we are sort of a team of outliers where a team of random people who are, you know, where are the, where are the counterculture people. But for the most part, we try to function like a mainstream ad agency. So I think in five years it'll be, it'll look a lot more like an ad agency just with like a filter or a prism of a lot of weird, which is exactly what we all love and want.
So I definitely, and also I do see us doing big campaigns. I do see us producing work of some sort, meaning like music videos or commercials or ad campaigns. I mean, I want to really help take my clients to the next level. And so I think in five years, I mean, PS group doesn't look like what it did five years ago.
It doesn't even look the same as a year ago. So I am very excited to see what it will be in five years. So, I mean, especially at some point I am going to be planning or I am planning to step away for a moment to write that infamous memoir, but I really want PS group to stand on its own. I don't want it to be the Carly show.
I want it to BPS group. And I want it to be a collective of team members and individuals and clients who share a mission who share values and really, really care about this community and industry. So that's a very, long-winded answer to your very short question.
Speaker 1 (34m 25s): So what makes you feel inspired or like your best self?
Speaker 2 (34m 30s): I think frankly, we said it earlier, watching the people I'm helping succeed, you know, their success is, is our success. And you know, when people say, how can I, how can I thank you for the help you provided? I'm affirm you do it for someone else one day, you know, pay it forward. That is not paying me back because frankly the more I'm able to help someone and they, and it helps them genuinely and you see them thriving and succeeding and attaining their goals and eventually helping others, you know, that I received so much more from that than they originally received from me.
So, and I know that's how so Pollyanna kumbaya, but
Speaker 1 (35m 24s): No, no. Cause I feel exactly the same way.
Speaker 2 (35m 28s): I mean,
Speaker 1 (35m 29s): I mean, my clients succeeding, my clients succeeding, somebody selling a website and getting a good return for all their work or somebody buying a property and turning it into an, even more of a success and being thankful for that. And on my way on my website, you see stories like that with the testimonials and yeah. So I feel the same way exactly the same way.
Speaker 2 (36m 1s): Yeah. I mean, they're really, I mean, this will have aired by them. So I guess we'll know in August, but we have a number of people up for awards experts in
Speaker 1 (36m 15s): A few weeks
Speaker 2 (36m 17s): And we even have a team member who's up for an award and I am just, I am so I'm more excited for them than I would be if I were, I mean, I started crying when one of our clients won a fan AVN award and, and I just I'm. So it just, it means it makes you feel full because I've been through a lot in my life that makes me jaded and I could be really cynical, but at a certain point in my life, I just said, you know what?
I can choose to be cynical or I could choose to believe there is positive positivity in the world. So why don't I just choose that? And I'm truly believe that, you know, that helping others really is the most fulfilling element because it does present opportunities for you as well. So it always comes full circle. I feel,
Speaker 1 (37m 21s): I agree. So what are your dream achievements?
Speaker 2 (37m 25s): I would absolutely love after saying I want my clients, but you know, want my clients or a client project to be recognized in some way in the mainstream spear for an adult project. I want the quality of work that this industry is putting out and that we put out to rival any vanilla or civilian project, want it to be that good.
And I want it to be that effective and that thought provoking, you know, I also really want to be on lip-sync battle. I think I would do really well on that. I think the whole production would be very fun and I practice a lot in my bathroom, but beyond that, like I am
Speaker 1 (38m 19s): Instead of singing in your shower.
Speaker 2 (38m 21s): Exactly. I do have the hairbrush microphone. So, but yeah, and I mean, and of course
Speaker 1 (38m 28s): I got the visual Carly, I got the vision.
Speaker 2 (38m 31s): It's not a pretty picture. Let me tell you, it
Speaker 1 (38m 34s): Depends on who's thinking about it.
Speaker 2 (38m 37s): Oh God, that's a whole other tangent and a lot. And then of course I really do feel very passionate about this infamous book that I've been working on for a very long time, but you know, it just never felt right. And eventually I realized this story is still going.
Speaker 1 (38m 56s): Yeah, absolutely. You can't write a book unless the story is completed. Right.
Speaker 2 (39m 3s): Exactly. Exactly. So I'm giving myself a little bit of a break, but we have some ideas. We have a lot of notes.
Speaker 1 (39m 13s): Sure. Well, you've had a lot of lives and you know, I mean, it's something that I'm sure people would be interested in reading.
Speaker 2 (39m 22s): Cool. Thank you. Well, we'll definitely see, I mean, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow, so I'll have to send the notes to you so that you can, you know, ghost write.
Speaker 1 (39m 33s): There you go. Well, Hey, in Mexico, that is probably more likely to get hit by a taxi. So be careful
Speaker 2 (39m 39s): Or a donkey.
Speaker 1 (39m 42s): Yeah. That too, that too. Or a donkey with a cart behind it. So what profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt
Speaker 2 (39m 52s): A lot? I mean,
Speaker 1 (39m 54s): Okay. Tell, tell us, give me the top five,
Speaker 2 (39m 58s): Top five professional napper. I could really
Speaker 1 (40m 2s): Use
Speaker 2 (40m 3s): More sleep in my life. I would also, you know, what is like one of those TV careers that probably looks nothing like it in reality, I really want to be one of those like stolen art investigators, like a bounty hunter for a Monet. And then I always, I mean my childhood dreams, I really wanted to be a grocery checkout person until I was four.
And then I changed to a mathematician. Now let's be honest. I cannot even count to 20 with my shoes off now. So, but honestly,
Speaker 1 (40m 48s): And I wanted to be a fireman, but you know what kind of, and not also also a garbage man. So, cause I'd always look out the window and see the garbage man and go, oh, that's cool.
Speaker 2 (40m 57s): They've got to get up. They get down. Like there, they're hanging off the back of the truck. Like it's very risky, like railing. So I get it, I get it. But frankly, I just, I love what I do now. I really do.
Speaker 1 (41m 14s): Yeah.
Speaker 2 (41m 15s): It's amazing. I get to work with legends in this industry. I get to work with people who are going to be legends. I get to learn from all these people. It's just every walk of life and every background, you know, I mean, when we, it sounds so cheesy, but like we get stagnant when we stop inquiring and being curious. So I think this, this industry in my job right now allows me to do that and wants me to do that.
So yeah, I've definitely found my place. I think.
Speaker 1 (41m 52s): Well, you seem to have Carlin. I'd like to thank you for being our guest today on adults. Adult am broker talk, and I hope we'll get a chance to do this again soon.
Speaker 2 (42m 1s): Likewise. Thank you, Bruce. It was a pleasure being here.
Speaker 1 (42m 4s): The pleasure was mine. My broker tip today is part three of what to do to make your site more valuable for when you decide to sell it later, find new ways to monetize your website, such as sell advertising. If you've got a free site, like a tube, that's the best way to monetize your site. If you have a tube, another way to make more money is to sell premium memberships, offer free users, one level of content. And for premium users, you can do things like give them higher quality video or longer videos or both.
You can also make the site ad free for premium members. Start an affiliate program. If you have a pay site, this is a great way to increase your quality traffic and get more joins with all sites. You can figure out other upgrades and products you can sell your users. Pay sites can also sell, pay per view where people have the option of paying by the scene for content they can't get on the site. This is also another way to charge users as opposed to a monthly fee, sell them other products like toys and novelties market, your business.
Do things do improve your search engine results. There are some great SEO consultants out there who can help you get higher search rankings in Google. If you want some recommendations, contact us on our website lists all of the benefits of your site in your marketing and how they affect the user. And of course, hire a great marketing consulting firms, such as adult B2B marketing, which we also happened to own eliminate unneeded expenses constantly make sure you're not spending money. You don't need to make sure there isn't duplication in your staffing from time to time check services you pay for like hosting and see if there are better and less expensive options.
Take it from me. I've done this and saved a bunch. Plus got higher quality hosting in the process. Again, ask us for recommendations. Always look for ways to do things more cost-effectively along with this, make your profit and loss statement. Show more profit, increasing sales and reducing expenses obviously does just that make sure your P and L statement accurately reflects your company's actual costs. Not a bunch of personal expenses you put in. This will cost you money when you sell it may help you with the tax man to put that stuff on your tax return, but it hurts you.
If you show that stuff on your profit and loss statement, remember every dollar in profit increases the value of your website. As much as three to four times, this is why you need a good experience broker to help lead you through the process. We've gotten people thousands of dollars, more on their sale just by adjusting the P and L statement to reflect actual business expenses, as opposed to a bunch of BS. We'll talk about this subject more next week and next week we'll be speaking with comedian and actor Dan Frigalette. And that's it for this week's Adult Site Broker Talk. I'd once again like to thank my guest Carly David of PS Group. Talk to you again next week on Adult Site Broker Talk. I'm Bruce Friedman.
Talk to you again next week on adult side broker talk. I'm Bruce Friedman.