Adult Site Broker Talk Episode 14
[00:00:09] This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk, where every week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry and we discuss what's going on in our business. Plus, we give you a tip on buying and selling websites. This week, we'll be talking to porn star Lance Heart.
[00:00:33] Adult Site Broker is proud to announce Adult Site Broker Cash, the first affiliate program for an adult website brokerage with Adult Site Broker cash, you'll have the chance to earn as much as 20 percent of our broker commission, referring sellers and buyers to us at Adult Site Broker. Check our website at Adult Site Broker dot com for more details. First of all, today, let's cover some of the news going on in our industry. German authorities have been stepping up their efforts to find in country sex workers for posting sexually explicit content on open online platforms like Twitter, forcing them to take down posts on the U.S. based and free speech protected sites, according to a new report by The Daily Dot, focusing on sex workers and the German BDM community. The crackdown against free sexual expression on the Internet has been ramping up in Germany over the last few years. Laws regulating online pornography have been in place since 2002. The Interstate Treaty on the Protection of Minors in the media in Germany makes it illegal to distribute pornography to which minors have access to government censors from a confusing patchwork of regulatory bodies. And state and local governments have been using that legislation to target sex workers who pose sexual content on open platforms like Twitter without an age verification firewall. The 9th Circuit Federal Appellate Court ruled against Kim Dotcom and owner Peter Acworth and their lawsuit against their former insurance company Yutang specialty, affirming a lower court's opinion that the insurer does not have a duty to provide coverage for litigation costs and settlements over 2015. Lawsuits concerning allegations of HIV transmissions at the iconic San Francisco Armory building at the time of the alleged transmission's Kim Dotcom and Acworth own the iconic San Francisco location associated with the Kinchen brand.
[00:02:38] In an unpublished opinion yesterday, a Ninth Circuit panel upheld a 2009 summary ruling against Kink and Acworth by District Judge James DeNardo, ruling that the insurance exclusion provision precludes coverage of injury resulting from sexual acts. Legal news site Law 360 reported. Kinchen Acworth were targeted in a series of lawsuits in 2015 by performers who claimed to have contracted HIV while shooting scenes for a company called Cybernet Entertainment. Kink and Acworth alleged Cybernet was a tenant who had rented the armory as a location. The performers alleged unsafe work conditions that didn't mandate the use of condoms and required actors to engage in sexual acts with visitors touring the premises. Judge Donatos 2013 ruling, upheld yesterday by the appeals court, stated that Otane was not obligated to cover the defense costs incurred by kinked common Acworth during the Cybernet cases due to their policies. Physical sexual abuse exclusion. A worker's comp case recently brought in Australia against an anti porn group by one of their own employees provides another bizarre example of plaintiffs deploying the debunked concept of porn addiction and the stigmatization drug related language of porn use or porn consumption as legal strategies. Michael Bouker, a man working as a national office manager at Family Voice Australia, a conservative Christian organization which lobbies against porn and other social issues, had a stroke at work in April 2016. Borkur then sued Family Voice Australia, claiming that his workplace, where he worked for four months, had become so stressful that the situation had a direct impact on his health leading to the stroke. Bakker's argument was that the work environment became so stressful he turned to the sin of pornography, which contributed to the stroke.
[00:04:45] Since he felt this was in conflict with his religious beliefs and his moral standards. The South Australian Employment Tribunal, in a judgment published online, awarded Bouker two years of weekly compensation payments after finding the distress levels significantly contributed to his brain hemorrhage. The tribunal took into consideration several workplace environmental factors, including poor staff morale, long hours, workload and technological issues. Now let's feature our Property of the Week that's for sale at Adult Site Broker. We have an adult microblogging and social media site that has over seven point seven million unique visitors per month. The site is a mix of social media and microblogging with a very active user base. Which is expanding rapidly every day, the platform offers every registered user a blog which they can use to post their own content and read blog content from other users. They can also interact with other users through comments and an instant messaging system. The website offers truly immense potential for growth and earnings for the right person or company. By adding subscription plans for an ad free experience, a new owner would significantly raise the earnings and combined with starting to sell ads directly, could more or less double the earnings in no time at all. The site is also very unique. There's nothing else like it. Also, it has not been advertised in any way, so there are tremendous opportunities for growth using ad campaigns for the right company. This is an opportunity which has immense potential. This great site is available now for only two hundred and eighty thousand dollars. Now time for this week's interview.
[00:06:32] My guest today on Adult Site Broker Talk is adult star Lance Heart. Lance, thanks for being with us today on Adult Site Broker Talk.
[00:06:40] Thanks, thanks for having me.
[00:06:41] It's a pleasure. Now, Lance is one of the most prolific stars, an adult who can master any role and has done it all from gay, straight fetish by trans and everything in between. His first scene was for Sean Cody, and he went on to become one of their top contracted models. After that, he started his own fetish studio and produced clips and eventually went on to found his current studio Man Up Films, Sweet Fendom and Lance Hart Studios.
[00:07:09] With over 10 years in adult, Lance has worked with all the top studios, including Kink, Evil Angel, Lust Cinema Icon, Male Transerotica Trends, Sensual Gender, Sex Fetish, Wasteland and Severe Sex Films. He's an official spokes model for Playgirl as well as brand spokes model for VR or rather EXER brands. Lance has received countless nominations, including from Aviรณn Excuse the TIAs, the Fetish Awards, Fleshpots Awards, Gay Fleshpots, but awards, PornHub Awards, all porn awards, Urbanek Awards, Sciver Socket and the Grammys. He's won Nitch Performer of the Year and multiple awards for his team work from The Aviator Awards. He's one male clip artist of the year from the Exes Awards and he's won the Expo's CAM Awards. Best male clip artist Lance has also scored Male Performer of the Year from the federal awards three times in a row, as well as favorite male fetish webcam performer and favorite fetish featured film. Lance has also won best male performer from the alt porn awards to awards and given awards. He's grabbed a ton of mainstream coverage from outlets like GQ, BuzzFeed Paper Magazine, The Daily Beast, The Boston Globe, Occy and Input. Before entering adult Lance has had a wide array of jobs from street performer in New Orleans to senior sales executive for Cogent Communications. Well, that's all we have time for today, Lance Short.
[00:08:45] So I kind of know what I'm doing. I guess for the stuff, it's quite a resume. So how is how's the new by site coming along? Well, I'm excited about it. I'm really so I bought the Domain by Fok, by Fouquet and yeah I was, I was looking at all kinds of different buy things for domains and, and then I was like this is, this is going to be take and it wasn't, it wasn't taken, it was like it was taken. And then I bought it from someone who wasn't using one of those things. But that got me excited because it's a short domain. It's like six letters and it's pretty simple, like buy fuck, you know what I mean? So, yeah. So I'm parked about that and that the only bummer sort of like been saving up for a while to have the money for all the content so I could shoot a lot really fast and shoot all the marketing shit, do all the stuff it costs money upfront and spend seven ounce of an hour and then well and then you know, pandemic happened and I was like, well, fuck. And then things kinda opened up, but they probably shouldn't have already, you know, like everybody's back shooting porn. My wife and I are staying home. We're not we're shooting porn at home. Right. But I don't know. I just the other day I just kind of got a hair up my butt and I was like, well, you know what it was with all the the explosion of of of unrest, with racial issues in the country.
[00:10:24] Sure. Why? As one thing led to another. And then I start working on a project where I could teach, you know, basically like teach black people how to build their own porn company instead of just perform the ideas like Ricky Johnson or Anna Fox instead of like, oh, I want to win Performer of the year. Why aren't they thinking, why do I own a company just like Evil Angel? Why don't I own kids? Why don't I own Gross or something like that, you know what I mean? And and it so I started working on that, like helping to connect those dots. And because it really is what the quote unquote racism is, it's systemic and it's I don't think it's on purpose, but I think it's real where I don't know how to put it bluntly and less bluntly. But basically, you know, a lot of times white people just don't take the time to explain shit black people, because they think, well, this isn't for them. Like they're not. Yes, sadly. Sadly, they're not going to be. You know, you're a black person, you're a model. You're not going to be a CEO of a big company. So. I would assume it's the same reason you don't have that I'm aware of many like black sports team owners, right? You know, you have a lot of athletes, but not a lot of owners.
[00:11:49] So. So anyway, so I'm doing this project where I'm trying to teach really anyone who's interested. And then that turned into whatever it is mad about the abuse and porn and consent violations and all that kind of stuff. And I was like, well, if you really hate that, you're sick of that shit. Instead of telling people to cancel people, why don't you just start your own company and hire who you want? That's right. You know, and so that's where that project is. And it's doing that. And I'm explaining soup to nuts to people how to build up their own porn company like a Paysite Stands. I'm not like only fans for a hey, I want to shoot stuff, put in a PornHub and make a little money. I mean, like building your own standalone business. As I was doing that, I was like, oh, I did want to start a buy site. Maybe I should do this. Just just walk through. I'll just go. I'll do it. So it's in front of me. That way I'll be able to explain it better. Right. And then I got excited because I'm like doing it. And I got to say now I put one clip on it that I shot a while ago and I'm like, oh, I really want to shoot. I want to finish this. So now I'm excited and I don't know, I might really be imprudent about should I be doing this by nature. If it's a by scene, there's at least three performers.
[00:13:03] So it's not just like I'm injuring two people and injured three covid. So I'm like, fuck, all right. And then it's not gay. So there's a female there. There's going to be makeup involved. So it's like I can shoot. Can you shoot safely, man? I mean, define safe, you know. Yeah. What's there. Yeah. Like OK, before covid shoot it. Making porn is dangerous by nature because you're agreeing to with layman's terms like one Lamen is talking to another, not lawyers, but one layman is talking to another layman and saying, hey, let's go into this contractual agreement together that involves over a thousand dollars and your own physical safety and unprotected sex, right? Yeah, unprotected sex. And then also, even if there's no S.A.M., there's penetration in your throat fucking and I mean, you know, it's not exactly it's not the most dangerous job in the world, but there's risk, you know. And, you know, even if you bump your head accidentally while you're having sex, while you're getting fucked, you're at, that's two ingredients that can lead to trauma, even if there is no malice involved. Like if there's no no one was malicious, no intent to do anything wrong. But user bumped your head, you had head trauma and then sex was involved. Now you've got PTSD. Congratulations. So it's you know, it it's dangerous. Right. But so you start there and then you add a global pandemic. And but I mean, you said I love it.
[00:14:44] I can't imagine doing anything other than this job. And I've had other jobs before porn which sucked it on their own, you know what I mean? Even being a salesman for a big software company where suit day, you know, fancy dinners, all that kind of stuff that was painful and so many weird, it's just different anyway. So I love doing porn, so I don't have to import. But now we're adding a potentially fatal virus into the mix. That's lovely, isn't it? Yeah, and it doesn't from whatever, but at least from what I understand, it probably is going to kill me, but it could kill my mom or my friends behind. And I'm like, so that makes it even dirtier because it's like you and I might agree to have sex on camera, but what is your mom involved in the conversation? Right. You know, like. No, because it's sex. That'd be weird. But do you go visit your mom ever? Because if you do well and then it's like you get the mental goose flesh of the whole thing because you could really just go so many ways with it, like, well, how do we even know it's a dangerous and how do we know it's fatal and how do you know contagious and no one knows. But you just got to I'm in and I like to be in the neighborhood of polite where I don't kill people's moms. So I you know, it's probably wise.
[00:16:07] Yes. Probably one.
[00:16:08] If there's if there's if even like killing someone's mom is on the table, I'm kind of like I don't want it to that. Right. So so then but then the other it's like, oh fuck man. We got to got to go on with our lives, you know. So and this is not just porn, obviously it's every industry across the board, but it's just living so. Just living so so can you shoot safely? Well, here's what's on the board at the Free Speech Coalition. So Foreign Trade Association, so were whether or not it's really our job, everyone look to us to make the rules on is it safe to make porn or not? And Michelle, our leader, is really, really good at running a nonprofit trade association. I mean, she's like a bank that's never been in porn, never been a sex worker. So she knew that, you know, she's not an idiot. So she said, OK, I'm going to have to consult with the entire industry, basically. And, you know, we did she did everything she could to learn everything she possibly could and then build a team and a task force of people to try to figure out the different levels of risk and when to say it's no go or go and. So currently, according to me on the board, the board, my my task force and me were saying, yeah, yeah, you can you can do porn, you can.
[00:17:32] It's highly advised that you don't leave your house, but you can. And if you're going to here's a doc. We have a 15 page document that reads like a technical document. It's like really. But it should because it's technical information and it's what we gathered from industrial hygienists and medical experts and scientists and fucking people that know the shit. You know, we had to pay money. It wasn't just like, hey, hey, I do some talking on the side and sometimes the doctor or a medic for money. And so I asked him and he said this, you know, it's not like it's like we actually paid them as a trade association to get us this good data. And so you can break that document down into, like steps to take that fit, whatever your production is. And that turns into that's the safest way to make porn. So that's good news is there is a you can make a blueprint to do it. But it's this big question mark of light, because there's so much we don't know, like if. So, for example, if I have a tentative I have a studio of a location booked for the 10th, six years from now, they are just as prudent as me. The location owners, they're super scared. So but we're friends, too. And they trust me and I trust them.
[00:18:59] And they so and so the first step is either shoot at your house or shoot a location that's plain as fuck. Right. So you clean the shit out of it right. Before you meet everyone in the parking lot and you take their temperature outside with one of those temperature guns. Go ahead. And then if that's clear, you ask a bunch of questions, just like you get asked at the nail salon, like coughing if you lost your sense of taste or smell of who did it. So the clear that then you look at their covid tests, which has to be a PCR tests kind of technical term, but it has to be special kind of covid if it's within the last three days and it says you don't have covered, there's a 60 percent chance you don't have covered that, that she's. So pretty good, 60 percent if someone was like, hey, there's a 60 percent chance you'll get laid if you go to this bar tonight like you probably do. Well, yeah, but if they're like there's a 40 percent chance that your mom will die, if you go to that, you're like. Wait a minute. But but that's kind of a leap, right, because maybe you could the person you working with could have covered it, but you don't give it your mom. Your mom doesn't die. Right. So it's still I mean, it's like so OK, so there's 60 percent chance no one has go, but everybody gets tested.
[00:20:16] You let them in. You keep everybody six feet apart. Everybody has a mask. Makeup lady has a facial. Nobody eats next to each other. Everybody keeps their stuff separate by six feet. So you don't have one model suitcase of laundry exploding and doing other models that you tape off areas where you're like, hey, these areas I know are clean. You can be here outside the tape, though. Don't go outside the tape. It's like we don't know. Right. And then you start shooting and you if it's there and then when you're shooting, you try to do positions that aren't face to face as much as sure. So probably not much kissing or no kissing and that a lot of dog, you know, and not a terrible thing. Not no, it's doable. Right. And then everybody cleans up, washes the fuck out of their hands, you know, and goes home. You clean the shit out of the set. And then you as the person the director of the like the like me in charge that day I go recovered test three days later just to have in writing that, hey, there's a 60 percent chance I didn't have it before the shoot and now there's a 60 percent chance I didn't get it on the show.
[00:21:34] So you have to and that'll hold up in court kind of kind of OK. Like well so if you do all that.
[00:21:43] And pretty involved, yeah, if you don't let anyone travel to your chute, your odds are much better, like if no match, like they can drive in your car, but you don't have to take a bus or an airplane to get you. You're going to cut down greatly on that risk of them being in the 40 percent. And so, you know, in all that over something that. And like, is it just the flu or is it kill your mom? I don't know if I can now, and that depends on which part of Facebook you're looking at the day, you know, it's so severe.
[00:22:23] So you mentioned cancel culture.
[00:22:27] What's your what's your take on that?
[00:22:30] So I'm not I don't jump into that, I've kind of I just have a hard policy for just for myself where I don't say negative things about people on the Internet. No. And if if I'm in a digital conversation like text message or something, and it looks like it's going to get emotional, I say, hey, we should talk in person on the phone. Mm hmm. I don't that's been my rule.
[00:22:55] And that's kept me it's given me a lot of peace of mind just having that rule, you know what I mean? That I'm not perfect. So, like, I'll gossip in person with people, which I did. I wish I did. That's a bad thing to do.
[00:23:08] But I found myself talking some shit with my buddy or my wife, you know, like, you know, the motherfuckers doing Jesus, you know what I mean? So I got there's stuff I could look at, but I don't talk shit on the Internet, so I don't really fit into the cancer culture thing. And I get yelled at because I won't cancel people because just people on the Internet are like, you need to speak out about this person. You know them directly and they're an abuser. And you need to take a stand with us. And I, I just don't do it because. Because I don't I don't know. I don't think you can effectively, like in Hollywood, they canceled Weinstein and then got him arrested, right? Right. And then Roseanne Barr got canceled because everybody surprised and she's not going to probably do much work anymore. But then it's in porn. It's not like some giant studio or big conglomerate of investors is making the decisions that have to do with pornography that's being made like it's true. Like if you're even in the cases where there is like Mindich and Gammer, OK, you can you can say Craig Moorehead got booted basically from porn. Right. Enough people spoke up and got that guy out of there and that's that's good. But that did it all start his own site, you know, and he could recruit people and they would work for him and they would you know, what's going to change, man? You're not you can't. It's just it's it's so cheap to make porn. You can't boot people out of it forever. So that's my little view on that. And also, like, I don't know, I've been asked to, like, speak out and a few people who I know and I'm like, why wouldn't I just call that person and see if I could? Talk sense into him?
[00:24:57] Yeah, I think I think a lot of people have forgotten that talking exists.
[00:25:05] Yeah, my friend John Johnston, John Johnston, give John Johnson is my friend you to John Johnston is my friend, works in the gun community and he's like a shooting instructor. So when I get them confused, it's weird, especially if I send one of the nudes. It's weird, but the gun guy, John Johnston, you know, he says, yeah, the world a better place. If people just talk me out like, you know, like hang out better than shooting. Yeah. Because, like, if you and that's like all a dinner with anybody. I don't care how big of a dirtbag, scumbag, evil, evil person zali dinner with anybody because I might learn, I might get some empathy for their situation and I might learn more about how I don't want to be or how and they might get some empathy out of my situation and say, oh, maybe I should stop reading people, huh? You know, I don't know.
[00:25:59] You know what I mean? Like, well, you know, so many people have that mixed up. Yeah, I'm friends of mine. You know, I was anti Trump as they come in, friends of mine go, I can't believe you have friends that are Trump supporters.
[00:26:11] Well, they're my friends, you know, and I try to understand them. I don't agree with them, but I try to understand them.
[00:26:20] Well, you got it. Otherwise, it's maybe I make logical leaps since I did a lot of LSD when I was a teenager, so I make these leaps that don't exist sometimes. But sure, if you can't be friends with someone who is votes different than you, then how can you be in the same country? Like, should we have two countries then? Do we have to?
[00:26:39] Sometimes I wonder. Sometimes I wonder. Hey, you mentioned you mentioned guns. You see a lot of gun stuff on your social media. What's up with that?
[00:26:50] So I like guns. I always like gun since I was a kid, but they're basically metal penises.
[00:26:56] What's that? They're metal penises. So I don't but I've got to give them credit.
[00:27:03] Tracy Morgan said that. But it's true, man. It's like a metal dick. It's really cool. And so I was getting the guns and my dad taught me how to shoot and stuff and as a kid, mostly hunting and stuff like that. And then I got into well, when I lived in DC, I had a close friend who was like, I know to say he had like a top secret job he couldn't talk about. And he did like like a spy movie shit. But probably not like his calls in the movies. But he did spy shit. So he he he would tell me stuff a lot like like, hey, did you need to you should really carry a gun. And this is guy he did not like. He was not a gun advocate. Right. He was just a dude who like before he got that job was like, I don't know, whatever, it's fine. And then he got the job and he was like, yeah, you should have a gun in your car in Chicago and your person, you should have, you know, all the exit routes. And I'm like, what does this guy know from work that I don't know what's interesting, what's going up? What's going on? It could give more, but he couldn't tell you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it'd be like I'd be in the car with them going over a bridge and they'd be like, yeah, this would be like a really, really good spot for a terrorist attack.
[00:28:20] And I'd be like, what if you like, did nothing. Nothing. Just think about worship and like, Jesus Christ, you know? So it just weird, weird stuff. So so it kind of got this like kind of spending. So I got a concealed carry permit when I was buddies with that guy. They just got in the habit more of just like an exercise of like before I like jump through hoops sometimes and I'm like, OK, now I can get a gun. OK, now I can so well so then I start carrying a gun and I'm like, OK, so if I carry a gun I got to dress different because he had to hide it and then logistically this and that and then it carries a certain responsibility with it, of course, like safety. But then also the moral decisions of when would I draw this thing. Like not to take a lot for sure, but what would that take? And then I kind of like that, just that having that kind of responsibility in my head at all times. It keeps my awareness up. It keeps me from looking at my phone when I'm at the grocery store because I'm looking around and I'm like aware situation and it makes my life more enriching. And so then and then I get into porn and then a couple of my friends get, like, abducted. Terrible shit happens to them. Jesus Christ is bad, know. And so then I started thinking and then I get married to a small goth lady who's famous for doing quadruple anal and getting pissed on.
[00:29:43] And so the Internet is like constantly coming at her. And then we go to Walgreen's together. People are like eyeball. I'm like, oh my God, that's what she wants me to choke her, like that kind of stuff. And so I started getting more wary about personal protection, that kind of stuff. So now I don't think I'm like a crazy person, but I you know, I have a lot of guns and I always have at least one on me and, you know, security at home. And I train a lot and it's fun. It's you can it doesn't really feel like six hundred bucks. You can pay like an ex special forces do or a Navy SEAL or some dude to just teach you how to shoot like this, you know, like they have classes for that. And it's cool. It's fun. You learn. And then I met these dudes and like half of them are gay already. And I'm like, I thought it'd be weird because I do gay porn and they're like, oh, no, I know you're gay porn. Yeah, man, my you know, my old captain. I really love dudes, man. He was so manly. You would only fuck men, you know, I like it's so you kind of see this other side of humanity and it's surprising. They're like super masculine, like beards, velcro, like tough guy teams. Guys, I don't like dudes, you know.
[00:31:00] So anyway, so that's been fun. And then and it's just I don't golf, you know what I mean? So it's like fun to shoot. It's just the practice of drawing and squeezing the trigger without fucking it up and getting the pull of exactly where you want it to go and time yourself. Short timer. It's like super fun, but yeah, it's a sport. It's a shooting sport. Yeah, it's in the guys that do the shooting sports and the competitors, they are like on a whole another level that even where I like like I've been at it for a few years training a lot, I can honestly say I'm better than every cop I've ever met because I'll shoot where cops are in standard infantry guy like someone who was like when I was a Marine or I was in the Army. I know, shoot. And then they suck. But the ones that compete in some cops compete in some army guys compete. They are fucking another level. I mean, they're like you can't see as fast as they can draw. And you're like, what the fuck? You just do that. You know, it's like it's like it's like an amateur golfer versus like Tiger Woods or some shit. I mean, you just it's like what's happening. And then so that's been kind of cool to like. Yeah. Like that. And it's fun to it's I get excited like at night vision and I like to larp around my house sometimes.
[00:32:19] My wife thinks it's weird but that does weird so. Yeah. Yeah. So, so you're so you're forty one now Lance. Yeah.
[00:32:29] So young and you've been doing porn since you were twenty seven. So what's different about it. What's different about it now from when you got started and what do you want out of porn now that you didn't before.
[00:32:43] Well, man, I want like well, when I was new, I just needed money, man, I was like Broke and Hapgood. I was a sales guy for these companies, but I kept it laid off because there are tech companies, you know, so they're stuck and they get new funding and change anyway. So I was always broke even I had good jobs. So I got into porn because I was unemployable. I got laid off so many times in a row and in a quickly learned that like, oh, hey, I got hired in gay porn. But as it turns out, I actually kind of like dudes. This is a really looked into that kind of like dudes do, you know? So it is kind of like a sexual exploring thing. And then I was spending a lot on hookers and dominatrixes and strip clubs at the time and I was like, well, now I can just do that at work. That's kind of cool, you know? So it was kind of like I think it was like back then, plus just paying the bills and survival. And then after a couple of years I was like, well, I kind of want to be someone in my community. So I got interested in like moving out west and going to Aviรณn and working for bigger companies, learning at bigger companies work and and, you know, and then it kind of evolved into like I got to know the people who own the big companies.
[00:33:56] And I'm like, now they're just some dude like me or some lady, you know, like what's different with me? And then, like, I want to have become so. So then building on that, I don't have a huge porn company, have a very tiny independent network, but it's it's just kind of grow in some depth, depth and weight. And that has been cool. That's a big that's how big things start. They start small and you build them up. You build them up. Yeah. And it I don't know. So lately it's been kind of nice. I love where I'm at now. I don't know where I'm going to be at ten years from now. I kind of worry that, but you know, like won the awards and stuff that I wanted to win. So not that I mean, everyone want if you win one show, anything, you want to win another thing. But I mean, honestly, I can say I'm kind of good and I don't have anything to prove there.
[00:34:47] So I'm not too worried about taking the big shoots and doing the big features anymore. I just want to help people get you know, if someone out there is in a place in their life where they can start their own business and become independently, financially independent and financially independent sex workers. Beautiful thing. The world needs more. And if I can help people do that in a safe way, that's fucking awesome. And in the meantime, I'm scared of losing. What you have is always that's typical human shit. So I want to keep my business going. But that's been the it's been the mission lately is just kind of help people do what I did. But but I know building your own business isn't for everybody. And it's not it's definitely not a smart person thing. I'm not smart. I've never been accused of being smart. And it's definitely not a I. I would just I would disagree. Go ahead. Well, I guess anybody I ever had before point they'd be like an idiot, you know, but then I got to pawn and they're like, you're a genius. And I'm like, oh, the bar just moved.
[00:35:53] Like not to not porn, but oh my God. You know, like but they.
[00:35:59] You got to be at a certain point in your life to want to, like, take risks and save up to start a business and all that. I wasn't there till I was like late 20s, early 30s. So, I mean. Right. But then some 21 year old or 18 year old might be like, fuck you on that right now. Go just where you're at, not who you are, I think, but. But on we're trying to clean this town up and hopefully we get enough independent producers and only like two, three, four, maybe five people doing what I'm doing or more a little more to total changing of the guard and porn.
[00:36:42] Well, there has been a lot of consolidation. There's no two ways about it. Yeah.
[00:36:48] So tell me about your Dungeons and Dragons quest. How's that going?
[00:36:55] So we have a friend, Tim, and he's like a not a porn guys.
[00:37:00] Chuter, super duper nerdy, great guy. And he invited my wife and I to start playing Dungeons Dragons with. And we were like, all right. And then pandemic started. So we do it a resume now. But now on Monday night, which is zoom in and these are Dungeon Master in a nonsexual way, just in a Dungeons and Dragons way and.
[00:37:21] It's fucking awesome, I never thought at the end I was like a pretty nerdy, but I always thought that was a guy that was like in the Venn diagram of nerds that was like not, you know, like I just thought, oh, that's for those different candidates.
[00:37:34] But it's fucking awesome because you can be is it's all about your imagination to like the game gets as perverted as you want. You know, like currently my character is like a human form person, but because of what happened. Long story short, in the quest I got a dragon tail attached to me and at the end of the dragon tale is a dwarf penis that just got stuck on there.
[00:38:01] Ok, and so so I'm running away and you can tell I am I know nothing about this, but go ahead.
[00:38:07] Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, just anything like like you're you're basically you're you're Dungeon Master guy if you've ever done this before. Right. So he he explains the situation like you start playing and he's like, OK, you remember where you were last time. You're all in this room. There's two doors which already go through and then you decide, OK, let's go through this one and you watch it. And then you pretend that you all walk to the door and he goes, Oh, man, there's a goblin in there. What do you do? And then you like it, whatever the fuck you want, says Charlotte. Sometimes it's like, I'm going to stick my arm up as blood. And then and then a dungeon master will be like, All right, that's your wife, I assume? Yeah. Yes. And they be like, all right. Well, she sounds like a kick ass. Yes. Like roll roll. It dies for, like, dexterity in the new role to see how successful you were at sticking your arm out there. But and then it just kind of goes from there anyways. It's nerdy as fuck, but it's fun imagination times. I love it. So many of the big dinner now.
[00:39:12] So. So tell me about your cats.
[00:39:16] So they're good. They're really good. There's for how many of you how. Four.
[00:39:22] And there you got me, you get you got me matched, we've got we got four dogs, by the way.
[00:39:27] Ok, yeah, for the number no, I think that there's a big fluffy one, he's the oldest balck and he's in charge and he yells a lot in then, but he's nice. And then there's a black cat ripply. And Jonesy is like a tabby, just a big chunky tabby cat. And the baby cat is the only girl. And she hides hides all day from everybody, but she sleeps on my butt every night. But so that's cute. That's good. But they're good man. They're like, oh, they're such good kids. I mean, they get along. They don't like breaks. Yeah. They almost always poop in a box, you know. Nice. Yes. Can I ask more than that. My dogs. And anyway, any easier if dogs poops in a box. But when I shoot porn at my house they always all of them except got to come and say hi and like meet the model stuff and all that.
[00:40:21] You know, I'm sure that, I'm sure that warms the model's heart for sure.
[00:40:25] It's good. Yeah. And then I know, like, there's models I won't hire again because they were like rude to a cat.
[00:40:31] And I'm like, well, yeah, if you don't like animals, you're you're you're on one of my lists and it's not a good list. So yeah. At least pretend. Yeah. Right. Well people that are mean to animals I can't handle that.
[00:40:46] Oh yeah. Me. Yeah. But if they can't even like even if I did like I like dogs, dogs are great but like if I go house to say hi to the person but I'm going to be really nice to dog because the person who owns the house wants.
[00:41:00] Oh yeah. Oh yeah. And I love it. I love animals. So. So any lessons learned from years of volunteering, helping homeless people, people in prison and people in psych wards?
[00:41:14] Yeah. I mean I did that for a long time, like my whole 20s. Every Friday I would go to this place in Washington, D.C. called St. Elizabeth's. And it's the it's that I know of. It's the only maximum security psych ward on the East Coast. But it might be wrong, but it's the only one in that area.
[00:41:34] So it's really it's really heavy duty.
[00:41:37] It's kind of cool. It's like, yeah, it's all big ass brick buildings. And if you go at night, it's cool because there's steam grates in the ground and the steam is billowing out of the ground and then on the campus it's all fenced in like the armed guards and shit. But once you get inside, there's a homeless shelter, too, like the bunch of trailers set up that are homeless shelter. And the guys that live there, they just kind of walk around like loom around the the like premises. And so there's like steam grates and then metha looking dudes kind of limping around, you know, and then like it's old, like gothic look and stuff. I mean, it's it's really looks like you're in a horror movie. It's kind of cool. But that's where John Hinckley lives. The guy that shot Reagan. And really, if he's still alive, he might be dead by now.
[00:42:28] But he was he was there when I was there and I thought died from that.
[00:42:32] He might have died. Yeah. So they he they let him out one day because he had gotten to a certain point in his therapy there after like ten years some shit. They're like, all right, John, let's see how you do on like a field trip, you know what I mean? Just to see how you do. And when he came back there like John Howard and he's like, I went to a place called Starbucks, everybody has their own phone now. It's so weird, like, oh, John. Yeah, right outside. And then they had to search them because they're like, you know, he was he's a do they try to kill the president? Right. So they had to search him. And on the on his in his pocket, they found a human finger and there were like John Wisco. And he's like, what do you mean like. Like what are you got a finger, your pocket. He's like, What? You don't have a finger in your pocket because he's crazy. Right? So they didn't let him out of there.
[00:43:26] Yeah, I think it's probably no more no more Starbucks and we're no more service.
[00:43:34] Is the person missing finger. Yeah.
[00:43:38] Yeah. Someone in DC is just like one finger fewer. I guess so. Hopefully not at all. Yeah. But every Friday I would go there for like three years and just I used to do a shit ton of drugs and alcohol and when I turn 19 around then I got sober and then so my friends and I would go there and just kind of help people, anyone who wanted to like, not get fucked up anymore.
[00:44:04] We got to where you grew up was DCL and.
[00:44:07] Yeah. DC area. Yeah. So it's like if you're in a maximum security psych ward or you're in a homeless shelter, it's not a guarantee that you have alcoholism, but there is a chance that there's some crossover there where you might be. Yeah, you might be. So, so it's a good place to look for. People need help. So we would do that and it is cool. Is it is good. Spent a lot of people, because you get down to the brass tacks of humanity, of like, you know, because you're talking to another human that's dehumanized the world. But I also learned that man, the majority, at least the thousands dudes that I met in there, the majority of them, they're what I call pro Hummel's like they had no interest in not being homeless anymore. Is kind of like camping for them. They're like, I'm you know, I'm good. All right. I'm in here because it's cold out. But it says it's nice to go back to living on the street. And they have like a locker at a YMCA and they know what it is and they get a shower every day and they got their spot fought for. They sleep in and they just kind of do the thing. So it kind of changed my view on them. I just feel like there's a certain part of the humanity that's just going to choose that.
[00:45:18] Yeah, I guess. I guess so.
[00:45:20] A lot of people look at it as a problem. I guess they don't look at it as a problem.
[00:45:24] Yeah, they they don't. Well, not when I say they I can't speak for all of them, but I'm saying there's a big head, the majority of the dudes that I try to help because I would be like, hey, in the car, I could pick you up Monday and help look for a job like, you know, like and they're like a what? Yeah. They're like, why would I do that? Like, I got clean. I like my life. I can hang out at the subway and I'll make forty bucks. Just hang in there with like my hand. Like why wouldn't know. Are you stupid. Like Oh well good point. But so, so it's kind of changed my view on that. And then you know, you learn a lot. I mean I did that in Florida too. And a lot of people who knows all the oranges in Florida, they're not all the the guys that I was working with, a lot of them would get kind of taken off the street and the city and then they get put in the back of a pickup truck like, hey, man, day laborer, I'll give you a pint of whiskey and a pack of cigarets and get in the truck and be like, all right. And then for the next four or five years, they're in an orange field in the middle of Florida, like and they can't get out and they're picking oranges. And that's where oranges come from. So, like, they're just kind of like like slaves. You can't. Yeah, yeah. It's kind of like and like they can leave if they can walk for, you know, what a three hour drive is like. They can totally leave an alley captive. But like so it just kind of kind of, you know, just going to a different spin on like.
[00:46:51] Hmm. Interesting.
[00:46:53] Well, but again, it's just like starting a business if you you know, it depends on where like if you want to get out of that or not, doesn't depend on much else.
[00:47:02] Life, my friend is full of choices.
[00:47:05] Well, look, I got to say, by a good margin, this is the most interesting of the interviews I've done so far.
[00:47:14] And let Lance, I really want to thank you for being our guest today on Adult Site Broker Talk.
[00:47:20] And I really hope we get a chance to do a part two real soon.
[00:47:25] Me, too.
[00:47:26] Yeah, let's do it, my broker took today is part six of how to buy an adult website. Last week we talked about the sales agreement. So now both you and the seller have signed the agreement. What comes next? There needs to be an escrow setup where you send the money, whether it be a one time payment or a deposit, if you're going to be making payments. The seller, for their part, puts the assets of the sale into escrow, namely the domains being sold and any other tangible assets that can be put into escrow. Your attorney can give you more information on that. We recommend escrow domains for escrows. They are firm out of Washington, D.C. And no, they're not paying me to say this. I just use them, trust them. And I'm delighted by the work they've done for us. Either an escrow agreement will be drawn up by them in the case of a customer escrow or if it's a simple one, it can be set up right on their Web site. Then you, the buyer, the seller and the broker will be contacted by escrow domains with further instructions such as wiring information.
[00:48:30] The escrow is opened and either the deal closes within a matter of a few days or an inspection period is allowed. It all depends on what the agreement calls for. Whether you need an inspection period really depends on whether there is still some information you need to find out. Prior to the deal, closing your broker and your attorney can advise you more on this. And it's on a case by case basis. Then the money is transferred, as are the domains and the deal is closed. Now, in many cases, in fact, most of the time the seller either stays on board for a period of time to help with the transition or is at least available on an on call basis to answer questions. This is something most buyers should ask for. But at this point, you pretty much own the website. What do you do now? We'll talk about that subject next week. And next week we'll be talking to Evan Seinfeld, the former Rockstar porn star and currently the owner of the very successful clip and social media sites is my girl and is my guy.
[00:49:36] And that's it for this week's Adult Site Broker Talk. I'd once again like to thank my guest, Lance Heart. Talk to you again next week on Adult Site Broker Talk. I'm Friedman.