Speaker 1 (0s): This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker, and welcome to adult site broker talk, where each week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry And. we give you a tip on buying and selling websites. This week we'll be speaking With Daniel Abramovich of VR Bangers.
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For more information. Contact us at Adult Site Broker dot com. Now time for this week's interview. My guest today on Adult Site Broker Talk is Daniel Abramovich of VR Bangers Daniel, thanks for being with us today on Adult Site Broker. Talk.
Speaker 2 (2m 24s): Thank you Bruce for having me.
Speaker 1 (2m 25s): Well, it's good to finally have you. You know, I've wanted you on this podcast for as long as I've been doing it, so it's really a pleasure. Now Daniel is a serial entrepreneur with many years of experience in marketing, management, design, and PR. At the age of seven. Daniel started his first venture when he went to the golf course, found golf balls and sold them back to the people that lost them for $1 each making $20 a day. I love that. He suddenly realized how much he loves making money, and that became his real passion.
While, growing up, Daniel has always created different businesses from clothing, online stores, construction development, and more. Not all of his businesses were successful, but the drive to create and hustle were always his passions. In 2014, Daniel and his business partner Boris had an idea to create the first VR Porn content in the world, which became the leading VR company in the industry within a few years. Today, Daniel and Boris employ over a hundred people and run the biggest VR Porn sites in the world, such as VR Porn dot com, VR Bangers dot com, and VR Cahn dot com.
So, Daniel, how is VR doing? Is it growing as fast as you expected when you got started?
Speaker 3 (3m 42s): Well, that's a good question, Bruce.
Speaker 1 (3m 44s): I know, that's why I asked it.
Speaker 3 (3m 47s): VR is going, well, obviously it's stopped a little bit since the the very beginning. You know, we, we all depend on the growth of the VR headsets, on the growth of the companies that release these headsets. So whenever a new headset comes out, for example, the Oculus, you know, everybody's waiting for the Oculus three. Then we see like a spike in sales messed up our statistics. I mean it, I mean, in a good way when, when Covid hit, we just saw like a huge spike of, you know, growth and everybody sat home.
Nobody went anywhere, like everybody was watching, you know, VR, Porn, and it was a great time. Once Covid, you know, they got lifted and we basically saw kinda like, it, it didn't feel like a drop. I mean, it felt like a drop in the beginning because, you know, compared to the statistics before Covid and then after it felt like a drop, obviously, but all the studios are saying the same thing, and now it's pretty much like a stable pattern for everybody. Sta stable growth. It's not like something crazy like we started during Covid, but it's still, it's still growing.
Speaker 1 (4m 57s): That's fantastic. Now what new things are happening overall in VR?
Speaker 3 (5m 3s): A lot of the, the new companies, not new companies, but Meta is releasing new headsets. You can see some new players coming into the, like, pco, it's more for like Europe, but they're also releasing their headset. So a lot of new technology, new headset releases. Some of them, I would say a little bit overpriced, some would say not well done, like PSV just released their headset, the PSV too. And I think it's, it's kinda like a big fail just because, you know, they made a wire that that connects to the PlayStation, which makes it, you know, we're already over that.
Everybody makes wireless headsets these days. It's days kinda like all in one computer or you just put it on your face and that's it, you know, it's, you're there. But we have new cameras, which is great. Companies are making new, new VR cameras. Cannon just released theirs recently, so that's a good thing. Like, you know, which helps us create better content. We recently actually created a 12 K virtual reality scene, which nobody ever did before. Yeah.
And, and, and honestly like none of the, if your headset even supported, you would have to have like a super, super strong computer to like watch something like that. But we just like to be ahead of the game, you know, we've always created the first eight K, the first six K, so it's always like about being the first to create something, even if it's hard to watch. But yeah, technology is out there and it's companies are pouring a bunch of money into VR headsets and technology, which is great for us.
You know, it's, it helps us grow
Speaker 1 (6m 49s): Better to be ahead than to be behind. I've always said.
Speaker 3 (6m 52s): Exactly.
Speaker 1 (6m 53s): Yep. So what are the advantages of some of the new cameras out there?
Speaker 3 (6m 58s): Mostly the quality. I mean, some cameras are not the best made because just the, they're buggy. Sometimes they're blurry, you know, some companies try to make good technology, but it's not working out for them. But like Canon for example, they, they didn't, they didn't make a a camera, they made a lens of VR lens that you connect to your existing camera, which makes it very cool. You can just like, you know, pop it into your camera and then create VR content and super crisp quality.
Speaker 1 (7m 31s): That's neat. You know, another thing that, you know, you were talking about the cost of some of the hardware in terms of the VR headsets, I've seen an estimate of what Apple is planning on charging for theirs, like $3,000 for a VR headset. I mean, that's insane.
Speaker 3 (7m 49s): Yeah. And honestly, I don't think that's gonna work out for them. It's like people still don't know what VR is. You know, if there was a, a DVD player that everybody had in their home, and this would be like a new DVD player that just, you know, brought better quality, then everybody would run to get it. But since not a lot of people still know what VR is, it's like gonna be hard for them to spend like three K for a VR headset.
Speaker 1 (8m 14s): Yeah. Talk a little bit about the education of people as far as what VR is. What do you think has to happen?
Speaker 3 (8m 22s): I think more creators should just come into, you know, this field because First of all, like the, the main two drivers in VR are VR games and VR Porn. Correct. If you look at Google Trends, like those are the two biggest drivers. And it was the same thing with vhs, you know, that that's what brought, you know, VHS Up to Grow is Porn. Basically. There isn't many games out there in VR, which is kind of like, that's why people are not purchasing these devices because you, you purchased one device, I purchased one, I, you know, I have one at home.
I, I downloaded like, pretty much all the games I can download, I play them all. And, and it took me like maybe, I dunno, a month or, or two months, and it's like, okay, I play them all. What's next? Right? So you, you go to look for the next best thing. It's either games or Porn. So you go look to look for Porn. So thank God there's a lot of great creators out there that are creating, you know, great content and, you know, we bring it out to people and at least people can use VR headsets to watch VR Porn, you know, that's, that's cool.
Not for everybody, but it's, it's a great thing.
Speaker 1 (9m 34s): Now in terms of normal creators, you know, the only fans types, which I'm guessing that you were referring to, do they have access to some low cost VR equipment that they can use?
Speaker 3 (9m 50s): Yeah, of course. In today's markets, I mean, there's not a lot, but there's a few like low cost VR cameras that you can buy out there. Some of them like are about like $400, $300. We're seeing some companies creating some more cameras for, you know, for Camgirl, the dream cams, that's the company's name. Like they, I think they're the only creators that work with Camgirls and they're creating a good technology.
They really know what they're doing, and it's helping to kind of grow that, that side of the industry as well. Because on the professional side, the cameras are pretty expensive. They can, you know, run anywhere from like 4,000 to 20 to $30,000 per camera. But yeah, on the creator side, like only fans and Camgirls, like, we need something that's less expensive and easy to use.
Speaker 1 (10m 44s): Yeah. Well I, it's like any other technology, I think the longer it goes on, the more prices drop.
Speaker 3 (10m 52s): Exactly. I mean, I was just reading today in the article that by 2025, we should have 10 times more VR headset on the market. So that's, that's a good thing. But again, we need more creators, we need more games, we need like, more interesting stuff because a lot of creators don't create interesting mainstream movies. Like if you go into, I was searching the other day for like a cool mainstream VR movie just to like check it out and I couldn't find anything.
It's just like, everything is like so short or like, or so it's like cheaply made, you know? So it's hard to find something good.
Speaker 1 (11m 33s): Yeah. The the mainstream moving industry really hasn't embraced VR, have they?
Speaker 3 (11m 39s): Exactly. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (11m 41s): So the VR market has certainly grown, including competition from previously non VR companies. How competitive is VR an adult?
Speaker 3 (11m 51s): It's not very competitive, honestly. Basically the, the, the companies that came in in the very beginning, basically we competed at the very start just between each other because nobody had, like, you know, the technology, we all had to create something of our own. We, we created like different cameras, different rigs. At some point we all like, you know, came together and we became like good friends and started sharing the secrets between each other. Like who uses what, what cameras, and like, we all work together because it's a, it's a small industry.
I always like to help out, like anybody that comes into the industry, if there's a new creator, there's a new studio. Like they ask me questions, I'm always easy, you know, to reach. I, like, I help them out, like what kinda cameras to use, like I recommend them anything I can. So
Speaker 1 (12m 42s): That's great. Yeah, and I think that's the nature of the adult industry, isn't it?
Speaker 3 (12m 47s): Yeah, that's, you're absolutely correct. Like the adult industry is like very friendly. Everybody helps each other out. I've seen a lot of cases, like in the mainstream, they're, it's like totally different. Like I've, I've heard people in the mainstream, it's like they're not friendly, they don't wanna help each other, they don't wanna work with competitors, you know, they're dickhead, like, not all of them, but you know, like, it's just, I guess I try to talk with people from the mainstream and they're like totally different people.
Speaker 1 (13m 20s): Yeah. And look, there's enough noise from the outside and enough attacks coming from the outside that it does definitely pull us together. And I always like to say, this is a family. When we go to a show, it's like a family reunion. That's what I tell people who aren't in the industry about the adult industry. And I think it's hard for some of them to understand, but it's easy for us to understand. Talk about the attacks from the outside. We were chatting about that prior to rolling the tape or the virtual tape, I like to say, how does that impact you and what you do?
Speaker 3 (14m 1s): I mean, it's, I'm new to the industry. Like I've been in this industry for eight years. I came from the non-adult industry, like, and it, it's scary because, you know, you, you build this business from ground up. You have all these employees that you have to feed and then like these, these people are just coming in and, you know, they're kind of like attacking us for no reason. We're not doing anything wrong. We're the same people as everybody else. We're, you know, we're creating jobs. Like my company just creates a hundred jobs, you know, so we're paying taxes to the government.
And then, you know, it's like, why, why are you doing this? Nobody's gonna get hurt by watching adults Entertainment.
Speaker 1 (14m 44s): Exactly.
Speaker 3 (14m 45s): There's always gonna be a, a, a turnaround, even if you block it. Like no matter what you do, people will like go around it. It's just the nature of it. It's like, let's block drugs, you know? And then they come in and just make drugs, legal, you know? It's like, ok.
Speaker 1 (14m 58s): Yeah. Or, well, even if you make things illegal, people will do them. In fact, if you make things illegal, they're more likely to do them.
Speaker 3 (15m 5s): Yep. I just wanted to say that. Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 1 (15m 8s): Yeah. I just did an interview with a guy who wrote a book about the early days of British Porn and when it was actually illegal in the UK to produce and to sell Porn. And there was a thriving trade in adult content because it was the forbidden fruit.
Speaker 3 (15m 30s): That's crazy.
Speaker 1 (15m 31s): Yeah. The, the book's called Under the Counter, and that interview will be on in June. So you guys are an industry leader, if not the leader in the VR market. How do you stay on top? We
Speaker 3 (15m 43s): Just like to create, do something new every time or go forward. I know there's, you know, a lot of people that create a product, it starts working well and they just like abandon it. You know, okay, it's working, I'm making money, I'm just gonna abandon it. Like, I don't care. And you see a lot of these companies, even in our industry, it's like, why you were like the leader from day one. Like why not, you know, continue to grow it, make it more innovative. So that's how we are. We always try to be innovative. We'll always try to, you know, create new products, do something, because again, we're not from this industry.
I come from, you know, a different side of things. And it's like, I guess creativity is a little bit higher for me when I come to the adult industry, because some people have been used to doing things, you know, the, the, the same pattern. And a lot of people told me that like, wow, you guys do things completely differently. I'm like, yeah, well, I mean, we don't know how you do it and how you did it before with like, we just came in with our system and just brought it in here like that.
Speaker 1 (16m 44s): I think that's one of the strengths of the adult industry is people coming from mainstream with new ideas. How has the technology advanced in VR from when it started to today?
Speaker 3 (16m 55s): Like I said, I mean, new cameras, better quality, you know, performers are obviously easier to work with because a, a lot of other new talent know how to work with VR because back then you would have to like pretty much explain a tutorial and, and, and show them how to like properly work with the camera. Like you gotta have eye contact, you gotta whisper in the ears, you do the kisses. Nowadays, like it's so easy, you know, like the performers come, like, they're all awesome. They just like, they know what to do.
Technology-wise, it's, again, it's like better cameras, better speakers, better voice. So it's like we're just trying to upgrade it as much as we can to make it more realistic and more immersive.
Speaker 1 (17m 39s): So what do performers have to do differently when they're performing in VR as opposed to non VR?
Speaker 3 (17m 48s): They just have to, to imagine, you know, that they have to talk, do a lot of talking basically to the camera. So you as the viewer can feel that she's like, really there, she's talking to you. Obviously the male, the male talent behind the camera. He can't do any of the talking because that's gonna gonna ruin the immersion. So the, you know, talking whispering in the ear, petting the head, doing some kisses. So doing everything like that, she would probably do in real life to make it as, as realistic as possible.
Speaker 1 (18m 21s): That's cool. So what innovations are we on the verge of in VR?
Speaker 3 (18m 27s): I think right now there isn't any like special innovations. There was a lot of buzz, you know, about creating some smells for VR, right? But then like, you know, why would you have a sweaty girl or somebody, you know, like far in the middle of the scene, just like, yeah. But yeah, but I'm just saying, I mean, for games there is innovations like, like a treadmill where you standing there and then you can run and then you can feel like you're in the game.
And then actually it makes it more realistic. But for, for VR, Porn, again, it's mostly like the, the quality of the scene for us, it's like very important to create that realistic experience. Like we, we wanna make sure we choose, we don't film like only in houses. Like that's not our thing. Like, because that's boring. Everybody films in house. Like we wanna film and creative locations that nobody ever, you know, filmed before like a barber shop or like on the beach or like, you know, in the woods somewhere cool that people could, you know, could never have sex probably in those areas.
But like, you know, through VR they can, because it's, it's very realistic.
Speaker 1 (19m 38s): That's really cool. Now, I understand companies like Apple are developing IR glasses. How much of a revolution will that cause an adult?
Speaker 3 (19m 48s): I think it wouldn't be, to be honest, as popular as VR are, just because, you know, people actually wanna leave their, you know, leaving to a different reality. Let's say somebody's stuck in, in his like Japanese little apartment and he wants to be in this like mansion all of a sudden, you know, and now he's transferred there with VR. It's like, it's like that movie, like, what was it called? VR one or something like that by Steven Spielberg, where like people were, would live in a, in a trailer and then they're suddenly like transferred into this like whole world.
So that's what people want. I think. Ar we, we tried it before we, we even had like some air glasses that we purchased and at some point they were like companies selling these air glasses for like three grand and we created an, again, experience for in, in the ar and we were like one of the first ones to create something realistic like that. And it didn't really work well. Like people didn't really like it. So I think even if Apple creates something like that, people would prefer to be in VR versus ar.
Speaker 1 (20m 55s): Ok. So one of the barriers to market for VR has always been the hardware needed. I remember when VR first hit the adult market that some companies were giving away paper glasses. We talked about it a little bit earlier, but why don't we get into more detail? Where does the hardware market stand now?
Speaker 3 (21m 15s): Like I said, I mean we all depend on these companies that create hardware. So fortunately, but you know, meta is, is actually the leader right now because they're creating affordable VR headsets, which are, you know, they run somewhere between like 3 99 compared to like the other companies, which are like not affordable because PlayStation headset is like a lot more money. And plus, you know, it's really hard to install their software. So they're making it really hard for people.
But some new companies are coming in, they're smaller and they're trying to come in. So we're, we're seeing some movement, but again, it takes billions of dollars to create a, a company that will really create a good product and market it. Because even Meta, I think they're poorly marketed these VR headsets. So a lot of people, you ask them these days like, Hey, have you tried a headset? And you're like, yeah, I heard about it, but I've never tried it before. You know? So it's like, I think they should spend more money on marketing and get these headset into people's hands, not, not by making them like $1,500.
It's like, Hey, you know, $1,500 and try it out. If you like it, you like it. If you don't, you're stuck with it. So nobody's gonna buy it for that kinda money.
Speaker 1 (22m 33s): Well, yeah, well I don't think Zuckerberg's strength is marketing. I don't think businesses is strength either, but that's a whole other story. There was an article yesterday that I posted on Xbi about internally how Meta is really failing its employees. And with all the layoffs and everything, there's just a lot of uncertainty in the company. So they have their own set of problems. So because of the hardware needed, do you think VR is always gonna be a high end product that's out of the reach of people who can't make the investment?
Or do you see the prices ever coming down to something really affordable? For most people?
Speaker 3 (23m 14s): I mean, yeah, it should be like, you know, like a VCR back then it used to cost like, you know, 200 bucks and you have it. So it should be that kind of price because that, that's where the people don't care about, you know, losing their money. They're, they're gonna try it, why not? Okay, cool, I'll pay 200 bucks. Cause 400 is already on the limit. So once you get, you push over the 500, that's already too much. So by making Apple, by making like a three grand headset, although Apple has its own users, you know, I buy a freaking laptop for four grand and my partner looks at me like, dude, I just bought like the best PC for, for like thousand dollars.
You know?
Speaker 1 (23m 57s): Yeah, exactly. I'm one of those suckers too, so don't feel bad dude. Right. I pay three grand for a phone too. So, you know, it's just one of those things that we're definitely suckers when it comes to that stuff, but I'm not paying three grand for a headset. That just ain't gonna happen. I've already got an Oculus. Oculus are like 300, aren't they?
Speaker 3 (24m 17s): Yeah, 3 99 I think. But they're great, honestly, like the Oculus is like more than you can ask for because the quality is amazing. It's just easy to use. Like really nice.
Speaker 1 (24m 30s): Yeah. But I think 200 is the barrier. I think if it gets down to like 1 99, you're gonna see a lot of people jump. So I heard you did an acquisition recently, Porn VR Porn dot com. Why did you decide to make that move and how's it going?
Speaker 3 (24m 49s): Yeah, we did that last year.
Speaker 1 (24m 52s): He takes a deep breath as he says that thinking about what he paid. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (24m 56s): Oh yeah. It's a lot of money. But you know, we, we saw the movement into the tubes. Like we saw a little decline as a studio, and I'm not sure if you know, it was a decline because Covid was over, or just, you know, the decline. People are not looking into getting into studios anymore because, you know, they have those premium tubes. So Tube we're like, okay, what if we build a tube of our own? And then we thought like, no, that's gonna be too hard. It's gonna take us probably a year to build and then another year to get all the studios on board if they wanna come on board, you know, and, and the traffic.
So that would be like three years, you know? So that's why we've decided, you know, you know what, like let's just buy VR Porn dot com. It's the number one tube site, the premium tube site in the world. It's like, that's where you enter, like you enter VR Porn and that's it. It's on Google on the first page. So yeah, I mean, it has the most studios and now we, we, we took over, we're gonna redesign everything. We're gonna like, make sure all the studios make even more money with us. Oh yeah.
It was a big steps. And and I'm happy we did it.
Speaker 1 (26m 6s): They make more, you make more. Right.
Speaker 3 (26m 8s): Exactly. Yep.
Speaker 1 (26m 9s): So there's been a lot of consolidation in the adult industry over the years, years. Do you see the same thing happening in VR?
Speaker 3 (26m 17s): Like by consolidation you mean
Speaker 1 (26m 20s): Companies buying companies?
Speaker 3 (26m 22s): Oh yeah. I mean I've, I've heard about it even before we like came in, you know, the bigger companies obviously acquired the other companies. Even the, the owner of VR Porn, like he, he came into this business. He wasn't, he wasn't in the mainstream. He just, you know, he, he started as a blog in 2013 and they just like created this thing and then we were like, wow, that's an amazing product. But yeah, I mean obviously I see bigger companies firing more companies under their umbrella, and I think it's a good thing because they know how to run these companies maybe better.
Some people get to a point where they're like stuck and they don't know what to do. And they're, and that's, and that's where Juice ends, you know, they're like, okay, got it this far. And now I'm, I'm burned out and I don't know what to do. So like, I'm probably gonna sell.
Speaker 1 (27m 9s): Yeah, they hit a plateau.
Speaker 3 (27m 10s): Yeah. And that, that's where we come in, you know, like we saw the opportunity, we're like, okay, we'll take this. We'll, you know, we'll make it even better and we'll make more money.
Speaker 1 (27m 19s): Fantastic. So if somebody wanted to be a startup VR studio and site today, what would they need to get started?
Speaker 3 (27m 28s): They would need basically a VR camera. And, you know, a access to talent. It's, it's pretty easy to come in. And again, like if anybody ever starts and they don't know what to do and how to do it, like, I always give free advice. I don't charge any like, consulting fee. Like people come to me like, Hey, what, what equipment do you use and how do you like film? I'm like, okay, here it is. You know? So it is pretty easy. You just need a little bit of capital to start, obviously, because it might take you some time to make money.
Obviously if they come to us or to another competitor, they can start making money immediately. But if they just wanna, you know, create a studio and try to, you know, get it on Google, that'll be a little bit harder to do.
Speaker 1 (28m 15s): So are you producing content for other sites?
Speaker 3 (28m 18s): We are not, no. Just for only our sites.
Speaker 1 (28m 21s): Oh, okay. Okay. So what new projects are you working on at the moment and when will we see them?
Speaker 3 (28m 27s): There aren't too many new projects. I mean, we are, Porn is obviously our new projects. You know, we're, we're constantly creating, trying to make it more user friendly or redesigning the whole thing. Right now, we just released that 12 K scene. That was a new project, even though people can't watch it on 12 K, those who watch it in eight k see like a whole much of a difference in the normal eight k that everybody else produces. We also have a game called Desired. So it's not one game, actually, we have many games.
It's like a choose your own adventure VR experience. It's not the regular VR scene where you just like watch Porn. Like here, depending on your selection in the game, the game will go different ways. So you can maybe have sex or if you choose to, you know, say the incorrect things to the to the lady, you may not have even sex, you know?
Speaker 1 (29m 23s): So you've got a blue balls mode in there, right? Yeah,
Speaker 3 (29m 26s): Yeah. And some people are angry about it. You're like, oh my God, I couldn't pass it. Like, you know, they're, they're writing pe other people on the form and they're just like discussing. I mean, we're trying to make it realistic as possible. We're trying to make it hard, not easy to pass, otherwise it's not gonna be a fun game, you know? So, and then when people get to the sex, they're more satisfied cause they got there, you know, by making the correct election.
Speaker 1 (29m 53s): That's funny. Now are you planning on doing more with gaming?
Speaker 3 (29m 56s): Yeah, we're, we're making, that's, I think we're, that's like our seventh game already. And this year we're gonna release even more games. We we're the only one actually that does games like these. So it's interesting. People love them and it takes a little bit of time and, and effort to make those, each game takes about three to four months. Some of them even takes six months to make, you know, the bigger ones. But it's, it's something new, something people love again, like we're trying to be innovative, create something interesting for people.
Speaker 1 (30m 26s): Well, that's something you're developing that's new. So are you working with any other game developers when you put these together?
Speaker 3 (30m 35s): No, everything's in in-house.
Speaker 1 (30m 37s): Wow, that's cool. You got quite a talented staff, don't you?
Speaker 3 (30m 41s): Oh yeah. I mean, it's hard to, like, a lot of people come to us and they don't even have experience in technology or VR, you know, some of them are like truck drivers or like, they were like movers and we just, we just, for us, it's, it's more of the people. If you're a good person, you're an easy learner, you're positive, you're, you have the can-do attitude, then, you know, we go ahead and hire you and then we just teach you. And usually it ends up well, like, people just learn fast and have fresh ideas because, you know, different for them.
Speaker 1 (31m 15s): Sometimes it's better to have someone without any training than to have someone with a lot of bad habits.
Speaker 3 (31m 23s): Correct. Exactly.
Speaker 1 (31m 26s): So do you think VR is here to stay and why?
Speaker 3 (31m 30s): I really hope so. I mean, it's the, the business we went into, it was, it started as an idea. Me and my partner just started it in, in his apartment first. And then we waited, did it in my garage later. And I wanted to be big because there's nothing else that can replace it, you know, before it was vhs, then it was CDs, so now it should be VR and I really hope it's gonna stay, you know.
Speaker 1 (31m 58s): Well, you would think so. So, so what do you see in the future for your company?
Speaker 3 (32m 3s): I see growth, basically. I see, you know, growth in the company. We're obviously, we're gonna keep innovating, keep creating new things whenever the ideas come up. You know, even these days, like I went to the movie theater the other day and I didn't see people in there. I'm like, what happened to the people? You know, back then you would like go to the movie theater. There's like big lines, a bunch of people. So these days you can even watch a, a movie in VR. It doesn't have to be VR.
You can watch a 2D movie in your VR headset. So you're like feeling like you're in the movie theater and you know, there are different apps where you can actually sit with your friends in VR and watch that same movie. So technology is cool, but I think like again, there's, they're not marketing it, right? If they market it, like I just said, like, Hey stop going to the movie. Like you can watch this new movie that came out with all your friends. That would be cool too. You know, like everybody, oh wow, I didn't know you can do that in VR and people will go by them.
Speaker 1 (33m 4s): Do you see Hollywood going that way?
Speaker 3 (33m 8s): I really hope so, because a really good Warner Brothers like VR movie or like a Fast and Furious for example, would be amazing to see in VR. Cause you can see all these like cars behind you in front of you, like action happening. It would be amazing to get a Hollywood studio in VR.
Speaker 1 (33m 27s): Do you think Hollywood fully embracing VR is really the key to VR growing to its full potential in adult?
Speaker 3 (33m 40s): Yeah, of course. I mean, again, the more creators come into the VR industry, the more traction it will get. Like, as I mentioned, like I was looking at this other website that has just a bunch of mainstream VR videos on it the other day. And I was surprised they couldn't find anything. Like just people shooting random content. Like a guy just like, you know, climbing a mountain. I'm like, who's gonna watch this? Okay, you can watch it once five minutes, but that's it.
You know? So if they, if they start creating cool content, then that's the key because maybe I found like 10 cool videos on that website. That's it, you know?
Speaker 1 (34m 23s): Well, and I think that mainstream, fully adopting VR, that's what's going to sell the hardware.
Speaker 3 (34m 33s): Yep. Correct. It's, it's all like a, pretty much like a chain, you know, a chain of events have to happen in order for it to, to really move forward. Otherwise, you know, you created a car but you don't have people to drive that car, you know?
Speaker 1 (34m 48s): Yeah. It's like what came first, the chicken or the egg, right?
Speaker 3 (34m 52s): Yep.
Speaker 1 (34m 53s): You gotta have the chicken first, otherwise the egg's never gonna happen. So Daniel, I'd like to thank you for being our guest today on Adult Site Broker Talk, and I look forward to doing it again.
Speaker 3 (35m 5s): Thank you Ruth for having me. Thank
Speaker 1 (35m 7s): You. My Broker tip today is part two of How to Buy a Site Last week. We discussed first deciding the type of site you want to buy and then establishing what your budget is Next, it's time to look for your new website. So where do you look? Well, Adult Site Broker is a great place to start. We always have a nice variety of website and non website properties for sale. But if there's a particular type of site you want, we can also act as your buyer's Broker to help you find just the right site, other places to look or boards like xbi.net and g y.com.
But to be completely honest, unless what you're looking for is a really low end property, you're probably not gonna find what you're looking for there. Of course, you could contact site owners yourself, but take it from someone who does it for a living. It's a major hassle and it can be really hard to even find out who owns a site. Almost all adult sites use who is privacy from their domain registrar. So when you send them an email, it will be an anonymous address and in most cases, the emails aren't returned.
We have a huge database of sellers and generally know who owns what. And if it's a website of note, if we don't know who owns it, we can usually find out. We'll talk about this subject more next week. And next week we'll be speaking with Danny Z of Zbuckz. And that's it for this week's Adult Site Broker Talk. I'd once again like to thank my guest, Daniel Abramovich of VR Bangers. Talk to you again next week on Adult Site Broker Talk.
I'm Bruce Friedman.