This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk. We’re each week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry and we give you a tip on buying and selling websites. This week we’ll be speaking with likes to be of the free speech coalition in part one of a two-part interview. At Adult Site Broker we’re proud to announce our latest project, the You’ll find articles from industry websites as well as mainstream publications from around the world. It’s designed to raise awareness of our industry’s plight in the War On Porn and the numerous attacks on our industry and online free speech by hate groups, the religious right and politicians. You’ll find all that and more at You’ve probably noticed our new podcast site at It has a more modern look with easier navigation and more information on our guests including their social media links. For more go to And we’ve doubled our affiliate payouts on ASP Cash. Now when your first sellers are buyers to us, you’re going to receive 20% of our broker commission on any and all sales that result from that referral for life. Check out for more details and to sign up. Now let’s feature our property the week that’s for sale at AdultSideBroker. We’re proud to offer a gay blog that’s been in business for over 12 years. The blog highlights new talent in the gay space, gay porn news, mainstream gossip, and a just for fun section. The members area has lots of content you won’t find in the free area. The site only takes 25 hours a week to maintain. The monthly costs are minimal so the site is very profitable. There’s an email list of over 29,000 and the site has over 165,000 social media followers. It has great potential for growth if it’s purchased by a larger company or a small one where the owner will put in a little more time. There are over 600 member posts including videos and images. The traffic is all organic, direct, and social media. No ads have been purchased. Users come primarily from the USA, the UK, and Australia. Only $450,000. Now time for this week’s interview. My guest today on AdultSideBroker Talk is Bill Schwab of Monogamish. Bill, thanks for being with us today on AdultSideBroker Talk. Oh, good to be here. It’s good to have you. Bill is the founder of Monogamish, a ground-breaking dating app that’s shaking things up. Bill is a visionary who’s using his technology and business experience to redefine the way we approach dating. It’s all about empowering people to ditch old school relationship rules and really explore what they want. When he’s not on the front line pushing for the future of dating, he’s busy making sure Monogamish users get the absolute best user experience. Monogamish believes the world needs to celebrate all types of relationships, not just Monogamish. They’re here to inspire the new wave of relationships by uniting and empowering everyone who wants to date. It’s a networking hub connecting the consciously like-minded through purposeful and meaningful matches. Monogamish is a judgment-free space where you can openly express your identity, individuality, sexuality, and desires. Whether it’s casual dating or long-term commitment, Monogamish can help you find someone or more special people. Love doesn’t discriminate and either does Monogamish. Their LGBTQ+ friendly will help you find a match no matter your gender identity. They focus on helping people find other like-minded people and building connections. Plus privacy and security are their number one priorities. Monogamish just had a relaunch where the platform was fine-tuned to ensure the utmost stability and optimal user experience. They’re also focused on forging partnerships and collaborations with other forward-thinking companies. Their aim is to provide users with not only an excellent platform, but also exclusive deals and promotions that enhance their experience on the platform. Plus, they’ll soon add an affiliate program. So how’d you like your commercial bill? That’s good. So, Bill, why don’t you tell us more about yourself and Monogamish? Yeah, so I’m Bill from Melbourne, Australia. I come from a relatively entrepreneurial type of background. I’ve always been inspired to be a bit of an entrepreneur and always tried to reach management level in whatever I was sort of doing. I come from a security kind of background. I’ve had 15 years in security and most recently was a general manager for a life security company. But when we were doing COVID, a lot of that work went quiet. So I found myself a lot of free time. That’s how I sort of came in created the app. I sort of identified a space for needed a better type of solution for people that were like myself looking for other relationship type structures in non-monogamy space as opposed to just finding out the people’s toolcup with. And yeah, we started out with a beta in early 2020-21. I’m kind of grew from there. Sounds good. So, was designing Monogamish at all having to do with your own personal life and your own personal experiences? Yes, it was. Yeah, it came out of necessity from our own experience. I found that the platforms that were available to us here in Australia at the time were not great, even the leading one, which I didn’t necessarily mention, it wasn’t really great experience. And the users on there, particularly for males, I was partnered at the time so I could see the difference between the response for males and females. But females got a lot of male attraction and then the male’s got a lot of scammer attractions. So it decided to go and sort of create our own space and leading with something a little bit different. Sure. So what did you do specifically before founding Monogamish? I was the general manager of a large security company and I oversaw the operations of Victoria in a bit of South Australia and that included within the vicinity of the 30 to 49 clubs, pubs bars, those type of things and around three, four hundred staff. Okay. What’s your opinion of the overall online dating landscape? Challenging, I would say, it’s still growing. I don’t think we’ve still seen the peak of the dating industry as yet. We’re starting to see a lot more applications created for niche markets, which is good, which I support. I think that’s a good way to be able to create more, like, better focused community groups and having applications specific for those community groups. But it’s still early days. I think it hasn’t completely matured. So there’s still room for growth. Okay. Yeah. In fact, I had a gentleman on the other day that episode will run prior to years called Get Kingsters and he’s dealing strictly with the King community in dating. So you’re right. I think you’re seeing a lot more niche dating sites and dating apps. Yeah. Agreed. And the meet Kingsters. Is it Brad? Yeah. Yeah. I’ve known him. I’m following his journey and things like that as well and definitely supporting his cause. Yeah. I have a feeling there might be some good synergy between the two companies. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. I wouldn’t say that we’re in the similar space or just a little bit different. We are in the similar space, but we’re not in the same space. So yeah. For sure. Now, I’ve looked at my nogamish and it’s pretty awesome. But with so many options, why does the world need another dating app? This is a good question and I’ve been asked that a lot most recently. That’s why I asked it. With commercial dating apps such as your big ones like hinged, Tinder and Bumble and all of those. And we’ve seen most recently, and I’ll speak in particular to my demographic and the non-minogamous space. We’ve seen these larger apps adopt the feature where you can identify your relationships structure. So now you and him, you can for example mention that you’re non-minogamous. But because of the application being so broad and so I would say targeted towards the general conservative and you know, monogamous folk, the people that identify as not monogamous can be quite shunned out or segmented out and then not necessarily tailored towards fostering a good experience to those users because it is a little bit different. They are more open and so sometimes it can be not the great space to be on a nap that’s most a conservative. So having an application that’s specific for their demographic of users makes for a better user experience, makes for better connections and just makes an overall better experience. What happens to people who as you say are you know, have different ideas on what dating and what relationships are all about? What actually happens to them when they’re on a normal dating app? I mean, how are they shunned? Give me some examples. In my experience, we’re being on the application and some of them have heard others as well. They’ll match with the user and then not necessarily know what non-minogamy is. And then when asking about it, then try and say that it’s a bad thing. So instead of being open and being okay, respectful of this person’s choosing a different type of lifestyle that’d be shunned for it or even targeted and put down on the application. That’s the worst case type of scenarios. But best case type of scenarios, we’ve seen a lot of people and couples put E&M into their profile, so ethical non-minogamy. And when other users don’t know what that stands for, that acronym stands for, when you tell them they just simply unmatch with you anyway. So it’s just a waste of time trying to find people on something that’s generally targeted towards conservatives. Yeah, but this is very true. Conservatives in the way of conservative types of dating and relationships. Yes, yeah, that’s right. Okay, not necessarily political conservatives. Let’s make sure we’re clear here. Sure, American, this isn’t such a... So when we say conservatives, we mean something totally different. Yeah, that’s right. God knows I’m not one. Although I believe that it really wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of the people who are more open would be on the liberal side politically. Suppose so. Think a lot more of their values and things would align a little bit more with the open front for the liberals. Yeah, for sure. So a few of the larger global dating platforms are trying to be more inclusive as you mentioned of different relationship types, including non-minogamy. Why do you feel it’s important that this community has its own platform other than what you mentioned about potentially being shown? The main reason would be for that space where you’ll find the other people that are like-minded. And for those that are in the non-minogamous space, they know that it’s a different type of lifestyle. I went to sort of get into the space. There are a few things that you need to sort of learn and start putting it to practice, being a little bit more open, being able to communicate a little bit better about how you’re feeling, what’s going on in your space right now. And so it gives us or at least Minogamy, and this is what we’re trying to do on our platform. The opportunity to educate our users around that space and provide educational pieces and articles and connections, podcasts and such that would be able to help our community being able to communicate better and live a more rich non-minogamous lifestyle. That’s something you wouldn’t see on the larger dating apps because again, they’re not niched. So they’re not targeted towards communicating these practices to our demographic. So when we talk about non-minogamy for the layman, which for the most part I am one, in that particular area, are we largely talking about a swingers lifestyle or is there something else? It’s a bit something else. So Minogamy should in itself, it’s not as I would say sexually active as a swingers lifestyle, although they’re basically close to one another, but there are other type of relationship structures there as well because we understand that although our application is relatively targeted towards that Minogamy, I mean, hence the name, we do understand that there would be other type of relationship structures that would come onto the platform as well. And so we’ve incorporated that into the application. Users can choose their relationship structure, be it a close relationship or an open one. We even have the option for those that were stumbled across the application that are minogamous, but would like to know a little bit more and sort of dabble in the space. So we have that option on the relationship part of the profile as well, actually. So we’re open to all of it when we do have communication features around most of them. Yeah, you mentioned a podcast and you also mentioned more information even get into a little bit more detail about that. Sure. So in the platform itself, you’ll find there’s a new feed type of structure. I mean, you’ve got your traditional, you know, Swap Less, WipeRide on viewing people’s profiles, but there’s a new tab there where we will incorporate a feed type thing. And in there, you will find links to educational pieces to people that have either been affiliated to us or we find a piece that might be useful and relative to our audience. And so we include that into the feed. Furthermore, we also have deals and promotions and something you mentioned in the intros that we offer special tailored deals and promotions to our users. And that also will appear in the feed. Okay. Interesting. Is there like a discussion forum, anything like that? Nothing, I know, nothing like that. Sounds like good idea. We are in the way of moderating that would be a challenge. Yeah, that’s not something I’m prepared to do at this point, but yeah, I mean, it could be on other channels and we’re happy to sort of link that but not at this stage. And there’s no actual chat. Okay. What are some of the unique features available on Monagamish that you’re not going to find on normal dating apps? So the most prominent is the one that we’re one of the first, and I’m not sure if there’s any other dating app that allows this, but where we allow linking up to six profiles to your profile. So in this way, something that a lot of people in the non-monogamous space have been advocating for for a long time was that dating apps, and even the leading dating apps only ever really allowed profile to link to one other profile. They’re favoring that the relationship hierarchy structure, where there was only one primary partner, say for example, and not allowing polyamorous relationship to be able to really show their relationship dynamic accurately on the profile, because you would have to own the two partners. So we’ve opted for six because anything more than six would be a bit of a back-office coding issue, but we started out with six, and we’ll see how we go. I haven’t had too many users you do like that, the two they’re advantage just yet, but then again, we’re early days, so we haven’t we don’t have too many users on the platform just now. We’ve only been live for a couple of months with that new version and slowly slowly growing. So are you doing things to educate the users you have on those types of features? We are, yes, that’s exactly right here. We do. The educational pieces will come from, as I mentioned, all the partnerships and things that we’re working with with other educators, and we’re linking that to the application. So that’s something as well that’s not relatively seen in other applications. Yeah, there’s definitely a feature on our application that nobody is really doing. Okay, share a little bit about the user demographics from Monogamish. Are there certain age groups or geographic locations that seem to be more active on the platform? Yes, there are. So when we launched, I was interested to see where it would sort of grow organically. We held back doing any paid advertising and such. The main reason was those because I’ve been strapped this myself and I didn’t necessarily have the funds to do paid advertising. But we launched it internationally and the applications only in the English language. So that’s a bit of a barrier. So some of the other countries that don’t have English as their first speaking language. But the US is definitely dominating, I would say, in the users. It’s about 50% of our users are in the US and it’s generally East and West coast. Other countries that come in close next or Australia, the UK and Canada. And then you’ve got other countries like Germany and a few other Euro countries that are coming there as well. But it’s mostly America, Australia and UK. That’s interesting because you mentioned East and West coast. I could tell you a joke, former girlfriend of mine. I’m from San Francisco and she was from New York and she had a joke about the East coast and West coast and what was in between. But I won’t get into the whole joke because it’ll offend some people to live in the Midwest and the South. But people on those coasts do tend to be more liberal both politically and otherwise. Might have something to do with the warmer weather. I don’t know. It’s just the way it is. People on those coasts tend to be a lot more liberal in every which way. So that’s kind of interesting. And then on the other hand, in the Bible belt, well, that kind of says it all right. I don’t think the local preacher is going to suggest you go on an argument. No, he wouldn’t. Let’s see today. I’m looking to join the dating app. Why would I choose an argument? If you’re non-minogamous, it’s definitely the space you’d want to start. We’re specifically tailored for non-minogamy. So all the communications is around healthy relationship structure around non-minogamy. We’re not focused on a hookup type of culture. We’re looking for longevity for our users. We’re wanting to be in a space where if you’re in the non-minogamous space, you’re looking at minogamy as an entry. The least that way, if you’re an experienced user, you can link with other people that are on there. And if you’re new to the space, if you’re joining on therapy, not only are you going to meet other people in a non-minogamous space that would be able to help you learn and experience what a non-minogamy is all about, but we do have healthy connections and offers and things like that to our users where we’ll teach what it’s like to be even healthy and happy in non-minogamous lifestyle. I wonder what would happen and maybe you’ve already experienced it where somebody who didn’t know what minogamish was signed up and they weren’t necessarily in that type of lifestyle. I don’t know. I haven’t had any reports of this. I think if you don’t raise an eyebrow at the word minogamish, I think you’re definitely living under a rock. I think everybody, and this is what everybody’s never relatively told me as they’ve always said, "Great name." Yeah, I was just going to say that. I love it. You kind of know that it’s something that’s got to do with a relationship and it’s not about minogamy. So it’s immediately there. And our onboarding process, it has everything, all the details as you’re onboarding. So it would be very difficult to get to the point of swiping on profiles and not realizing that it’s a space for non-minogamous. Okay. So how does minogamish make the user sign up process simple and welcoming for those who might be new to this type of dating app? Yeah, so it’s a pretty relatively comfortable UI and UX experience. We’re not super quick in comparison to Tinder. I think you can get onto the platform and start swiping within seconds and without even having to upload many photos or details of your profile. But we vet every single profile before the user’s able to swipe on a profile. So the onboarding process communicates what the application is about, what the community is about, and what our rules and terms and conditions are. Then there’s this section where you upload just the basic, so we need four photos and a minimum of one prompt. And something that’s unique to ours is that you can create your own prompts as well. So we’ve seen on the other platforms like Hinge and Bumble where they’ve got the prompts you can choose one and you’re having to answer that prompt. What do you mean exactly by prompt? Oh, okay. So there’s a little section where you used to be in the old dating app, you used to be what you’d call in an about me section or your bio, for example, and then the Bumble and the Hinge apps for comparison. We’ve got sections where you’ve got two or three of those sections where you can pick a question, like a pre-input question, and then you answer that question, so to make your profile look fun and whatnot. We have those, we’ve got a whole bunch of questions which you can use, but then at the bottom of that you can actually make your own. So you can choose right your own and then you write your own little prompts. Like for instance. Yeah, let’s say for instance you wanted to talk about how good it is you are at skiing or I’m planning on going skiing a couple of weeks, so that’s why I’m thinking about skiing. But if you wanted to talk about how good you are at skiing and there wasn’t necessarily a prompt for that, you could create your own. Interesting. Tell us more about the importing. Yeah, that’s right. So then once you’ve passed with that, it will bring you to the section where you can start swiping on users, but those swipes and actions won’t be delivered until such time as your profile is validated, because we manually validate each user. We don’t use an AI or we do them manually, and that way we found that that’s the best way to ensure that we don’t have any scammers and that every single person on the platform is a real user. That’s good. I’m going to assume that you don’t have fake profiles on there. No, absolutely not. Yeah, no, no, no, and that’s why it’s still really early days. We’re finding users getting onto the platform and it’s not too many users in too many areas, particularly users such in Canada and there’s other countries like Germany and things like this. We’d get a lot of users come back and I wouldn’t say a lot of users, but I’ve had a couple of users email and saying, hey, there’s not many people in my area. XYZ, are you new or what’s going on? We’ve only been a few months promoting the app and such. So we are. It’s very early days where we’re still looking to reach their critical mass in certain cities and certain areas. I mean, when you’re a new dating app, and like you said, you’re getting people that are upset because there aren’t people around you, I mean, how are you dealing with that? Just positively. I mean, we own it. There’s no reason to hide for it. There’s a good reason as to why we don’t create fake profiles and that, to me, that’s just annoying. You’re in the industry, so you would have seen that dating app. I won’t mention it, but yeah, they got big problems. They raised something like $200 million and the whole time it was all fake. So they’re just wasting in this money and that’s just not on. Yeah, I heard about that. Yeah, exactly. And that’s just stuff you can’t do, you know. That doesn’t mean they don’t, but you shouldn’t do that stuff. So how do you see yourself getting to as you call critical mass? Just organically, just naturally. It would things, these things take time. I’m happy to ride the wave and take time. I mean, in the non-minogamous space, being forward, open and honest is valued so much and that’s what makes relationships work really well. And I feel if we don’t approach that in the same way to our app and to our business, then what are we trying to teach and what are we trying to promote here? So absolutely, no fake profiles. I’m happy to just take the time and build an app from the ground up. And if it takes a slower for us to get to critical mass, then it would, if we were to use fake profiles, then so be it. At this time, we’re not heavily focused on monetization in such any way. So yeah, it’s not a problem. Yeah, if you’re starting a business and you expect to make money day one, don’t start a business, talk about fake profiles in the dating industry as a whole. What’s your feeling about that? I don’t like it because I mean, I get it. The whole point of it is to get users on the platform as much as possible. So that way they are the screen time, the on screen time or in app time is up there. So that way they can monetize the user as much as possible. It’s annoying. I mean, I get it. It’s revenue raising and such, but it comes at a cost where users experience is frustrating. Bad, yeah. Yeah. Me personally in the non-monogamous space, I don’t necessarily see long-term value in it because, and I’ll explain, I’ll give an example, in a monogamous relationship, when two people match, they generally delete any other dating apps, because it’d be considered cheating or such if there’s seen to be on the dating app. However, on the non-monogamous space, even users that match, they would generally still stay on the platform because they’re still looking to find other fun and like-minded people, they’d be able to possibly play in such a day, but then anyway. So the lifetime value for non-monogamous users compared to a monogamous users is better. So I’m aiming for a more better user experience on the platform where they’re not having to match with fake profiles and not driving traffic down that path long-term. To me, it’s just just honest. I mean, I know people that have such platforms. Obviously, I know a lot of people in dating. Like you said, I get why they do it. When I was single, I tried to hook up app once and, oh man, that was crazy. The supposed women that with these glamour shots that would contact you. I think a lot of guys, either because they’re hopeful or because they’re just playing dumb, don’t get it. And most guys are, or all guys are horny. So, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s just, it’s using that to the advantage. But in an unhealthy way, in my opinion. So we don’t do that. There’s other avenues and other ways in which we’ll be encouraging users to come back to the platform. And that goes into the educational pieces and fun stuff and socials, but they will be organizing through the application. Yeah. And the bottom line is they should come there because they like it. So privacy is a big concern for people when they go about exploring their relationships and their sexuality. How does Monagamish manage the issue of privacy and security? So from the user’s perspective, there’s definitely a tier, any subscription offers you the option to hide your profile photos. As a basic, every user has the option to choose their own name or synonym or nickname on the profile. So users don’t have to use their real name. And then in our level and our back offices, the privacy stuff is heavily guarded and we don’t sell data. Some companies sell user data for advertising purposes and revenue raising and such. That’s something we don’t do. There’s other ways in which we make money through the application, how we’ve chosen to monetize our application. And although that’s not the focus for us at the moment is we’re only in just a user, we’re in a growth period. So we’re just looking for user acquisition at this time. But when we get to a point of past user mass and we look to properly monetize it, our main revenue would come from subscriptions. There’s a couple of other ways in which we make money there as well, but that they’re not, where there wouldn’t be considered an ethical or you know, I get it. And let’s face it with all the privacy laws now, you’re really setting yourself up for trouble if you’re selling people’s data. Yeah, you need to be super careful with that. You need to notify users that that’s happy even though it’s a simple tick. But it’s so common. Most people kind of expect it and they’re generally quite surprised when there’s an error on the application that doesn’t sell their data, particularly something like a dating app or a phone finding app. Well, your background is in online security. How helpful is that having a dating app now? Yeah, definitely really good. We’ve got really good security features and things like that in the back end. So users can feel confident and comfortable that their information that they’re putting on to the platform is safe. Well, yeah, I mean, we had the whole Ashley Madison thing maybe five, six years ago. That was quite a fiasco. Yeah, that’s right. I’m sure that discouraged a lot of people from even going on dating apps. Yes, and no, I think people have kind of all forgotten, long forgotten about that. I mean, here in Australia, we had a data leak with a large telco company. But even then, it’s sort of nothing really too damaging came out of that. Yeah, well, there’s all kinds of data leaks these days and a lot of the companies were a lot bigger than Ashley Madison. So it’s one of those things where there’s bad people out there and they’re targeting everything and everybody. There was one in the similar space. There was one one of the apps called ThreeFun. That’s a three-some dating app and that one got targeted most recently. I remember they had somehow managed to log in to their back office and then lock everybody out and then ask for a ransom. So that way they could release a login, but they managed to work around it. So that’s a good thing. I hate those to see those ransoms paid. Those people are just, you know, abominable and when they get compensated for committing crimes, it really bothers me. That’s it, I don’t support that. Yeah. So you’re based in Melbourne. How would you describe the dating scene in Australia, especially in regards to non-monogamy and different types of relationships? Is it becoming increasingly accepted? Yes, very much so, I would say. We are very progressive and forward thinking country. I think it’s definitely accepted. I wouldn’t say that if you’re a non-monogamous then you’d have to be worried about that. We’re a very open country. My developers from Australia, I think I told you that and I just love Aussies and the way they look at life. Yeah, yeah, we’re a pretty chill country. We’ve got a particular type of suburb in area where it’s definitely progressive in Melbourne. It would be your runs week. Just the Smith Street there. It’s very open to gay communities and other LGBTQ+ communities. Yeah, we’re very open to these ideas. Yeah, you talk about the LGBTQI+ community. I’m from San Francisco. So I think Melbourne is a lot like San Francisco in that way, isn’t it? I don’t know. I’ll have to come up and visit and let you know. I’ve never been to America. It’s a great city. It has its issues these days like a lot of big cities in America, but San Francisco is still a marvelous place. I’ll take you to a giant scammer for both out there at the same time. Monogamous offers a premium paid subscription option with additional features for users to take advantage of. Do you see the people are willing to pay for an improved eating experience? Yes, yes, they do. Even when I had the first version of the application and we were just a beta, I was stunned to see people pay for subscription and certain tiers of subscriptions, even when we were super early days. They just showed that yes, there are users on the platform that are willing to pay. Like I mentioned, it’s not a focus for us right now. We are looking to grow user and then tailor the application to our users so that it’s a better experience for them. And then we can justify charging or having the option for users to upgrade. Well, I mean, even at this point, we definitely have people subscribe. There was a purchase yesterday and there was a few purchases the couple of days before that. So people definitely do pay. That’s awesome. So looking ahead, what are you most excited about in terms of Monogamous’s development? Do you have any targets for changes you’re looking to achieve? Yes. So I mentioned it earlier. It’s the feed. We’re just ironing out how that’s going to work. And then we’re probably weeks away from launching it or incorporating at least the first part of it. Probably by the time this drops in September that it will it’ll be there. We’re off to it actually. Sorry. Yeah, by the time this releases, there’s probably been there already. And the feed structure will be something a bit new. It’ll be connected to the profile. Like profiles will appear on the feed as well, along with the educational pieces and deals and promotions and social happenings and things like that around the users’ local area. All of that kind of stuff will be sort of in the feed, sort of close to your Instagram or Facebook type of feed structure where you’re scrolling and things will appear. By the way, you mentioned partnerships. And since this is a B2B podcast, what types of companies are you looking to work with? Anyone, really, if you’re seeing that our users or this demographic is your target and your target audience, then absolutely we’d be happy to work with you. And we’ve got a month and use later that we push out as well, along with being the application, having that feed structure where you could advertise your business or products or services. Absolutely. A young open to communicating and discussing what that might look like by all means for reach out to me. And sure, you’ll probably ask me how to reach out to me at the end of the podcast anyway. So why don’t you tell us now? Well, you just linked in and you know, or Instagram, it doesn’t really matter whatever is most convenient for him, but you can always find me under Bill Schwab. Or they can hit me up on my site and I’d be glad to do an introduction, not a problem. And your socials will be on the podcast page, if you’re a good boy and you fill out your form that I send you. How can we keep up with you and the developments at Monagamish? LinkedIn is definitely what I’m kind of posting what we’re doing in the back end. But we’re only just now starting to do a proper posting on the Instagram page. I’ve had a really basic Instagram page there for a while, just only to, you know, reserve the name. And the Instagram pages get Monagamish, similar to our website, But we’re only just getting started in that space now. And I’ll spell that for people, M-O-N-O-G-A-M-I-S-E-T. Are you on Twitter? Yes, we are, yeah, yeah. That one’s not super active either. Well, they can find you there. So what’s next for Monagamish? Just growth. Well, focus areas at this time is just Australia, the UK and America. The main focus is Australia at this point. The next one would be America. But it’s just getting the platform working correctly and having the user experience really good. That’s the main focus. Yeah, because before you want to invite a lot of people in your house, you want to make sure you redecorate it, right? That’s right. You want to make sure it’s clean and ready and the foods out there on the table ready for people that are wanting snacks. And if you have ever been to a party party, you know, and talking about... I’ve actually been to industry events where they just had like chips as food and I’m like, "Oh, God, why are you people inviting people here?" You want a bit of a range. You want to have your fruits, your chocolates, your lollies, and you know, party pies and a couple of... Probably the sandwiches and things like that. So you have a good, you know, set up for a good party. I think it’ll be a very attractive and enticing for users. So we’re just organizing that right now. In the next couple of months, the feed structure will be in the app, and then we’ll have the opportunity to link in all the educational pieces that we have and all the affiliates that we have that are all in the educational space around non-minogamy and everything, and it would be very comfortable and really nice experience for our users. You made me hungry for breakfast since I haven’t had it yet. Well, Bill, I’d like to thank you for being our guest today on Adult State Broker Talk, and I hope we’ll get a chance to do this again soon. Yeah, me too. Thank you so much, Bruce, and thank you so much. Thank you. My broker tip today is part two of how to buy a site. Last week we discussed first deciding the type of site you want to buy, and then establishing what your budget is. Next, it’s time to look for your new website. So where do you look? Well, Adult Site Broker is a great place to start. We always have a nice variety of website and non-website properties for sale, but if there’s a particular type of site you want, we can also act as your buyer’s broker to help you find just the right site. Other places to look are boards like and, but to be completely honest, unless what you’re looking for is a really low-end property, you’re probably not going to find what you’re looking for there. Of course, you could contact site owners yourself, but take it from someone who does it for a living. It’s a major hassle, and it can be really hard to even find out who owns a site. Almost all adult sites use who is privacy from their domain registrar, so when you send them an email, it will be an anonymous address, and in most cases the emails aren’t returned. We have a huge database of sellers and generally know who owns what. And if it’s a website of note, if we don’t know who owns it, we can usually find out. We’ll talk about this subject more next week. And next week we’ll be speaking with writer Ralph Greco. And that’s it for this week’s adult site broker talk. I’d once again like to thank my guest, Bill Schwab. Talk to you again next week on adult site broker talk. I’m Bruce Friedman. [Music] [end of video]