This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker, and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk! Where each week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry, and we give you a tip on buying and selling websites. This week we’ll be speaking with Anthony Rivera of the LAL Expo. At Adult Site Broker, we’re proud to announce our latest project, the You’ll find articles from industry websites, as well as mainstream publications from around the world. It’s designed to raise awareness of our industry’s plight in the WarOnPorn and the numerous attacks on our industry and online free speech by hate groups, the religious right, and politicians. You’ll find all that and more at You’ve probably noticed our new podcast site at It has a more modern look with easier navigation and more information on our guests, including their social media links. For more, go to And we’ve doubled our affiliate payouts on ASP Cash. Now, when your first sellers are buyers to us, you’re going to receive 20% of our broker commission on any and all sales that result from that referral for life. Check out for more details and to sign up. Now, let’s feature our property of the week that’s for sale at AdultSight Broker. We’re proud to offer a site that has a comprehensive list of the finest strict clubs in the world. The site has strict club reviews and discussions. It’s been around since 1993. The current owner can provide the new owner with all the information needed to run the site. Member stay on for an average of 3.5 months. There’s a total of 80 to 95 new joins and rebuilds a day. All the traffic is direct or from search and 99% is from North America. No ads have been purchased, which is something the new owner could do to increase revenues. There are several revenue streams that are currently not being implemented, including banner ads. These revenue streams could easily double or triple the monthly sales. The owner is selling so he can take advantage of other opportunities. Only $750,000. Now time for this week’s interview. I guess today on AdultSight Broker Talk is Anthony Rivera of AJ Studios and the Lael Expo. The next edition is March 11th through the 13th. Anthony, thanks for being back with us today on AdultSight Broker Talk. Hey, Bruce. How are you? Thank you for having me again. That’s always a pleasure. It’s great to have you back and congratulations on recently getting married. That’s great. Thank you so much. It was a few months ago, but we just had our honeymoon recently. That’s nice. We’re recording this in July and this is going to run in October, I think. Anyway, let’s tell everyone about Anthony. He’s the co-founder of AJ Studios, the leading supplier of CAM models in Latin America with more than 3,000 models working seven days a week 365 days a year. The most awarded CAM company in Latin America and also the biggest studio provider, Worldwide for five of the top CAM networks. Anthony’s latest project is the Webcam Lab. It’s a 24,000 square foot facility in total for the first outsourcing service center for the adult industry in the world. Currently, the Webcam Lab has a network of over 600 affiliate studios. Anthony is also founding partner of Laal Expo, the biggest adult B2B event in Latin America, which has an attendance of over 5,000 people. By the way, Anthony has a distinction of being our very first guest on adult site broker talk, so it’s great to have you back, my friend. No, great to be back. So how was Laal Expo born and why did you create it? So I started going to trade shows myself in 2012, actually my first show was in Miami. And from that year, I started kind of hitting area adult show I could. So after like a year and a half, I kind of figured like, hey, there’s shows like in the US and Europe all over, but there was any shows in Latin America. And that was the main reason, you know, I decided, okay, it would be good to have our own show, our industry show in Latin America. And that’s for one of the reasons and then the other reason was also to help the industry as a whole down here to become more professional and more legal because back in the day, there wasn’t like a platform where the industry could come together, exchange ideas, you know, corporate network. So yeah, that was the main goal and we’re still going. We started with 500 attendees. There are first edition and our last one we had over 5,000. That’s crazy. That is absolutely crazy. Talk about the mechanics of putting together the first show. How hard was it? I mean, comparing it to nowadays, of course, it seems like a piece of cake, but you know, every show, you know, there’s challenges. So, you know, it was a more of a local show, the first edition. So we focused more for the local market. We didn’t even have sponsorships like the first show. Basically, my only sponsor was initially live Jasmine. So we did like a collaboration where they had like the first day was all about live Jasmine or kind of a live Jasmine workshop. And then the second day, I had it some schedule of seminars and panels that were of broader interest. And then I call it a lexicon. And it turned out other companies reach out to me and say, hey, we hear that you’re doing a show. I’m like, well, it’s not technically a show. But if you want to sponsor, of course, I’m not going to say no. And then I got a few more sponsors and more. I remember like Paxims been with us from day one, back then, fan central. So yeah, there was an international company that had upcoming Julius, Hubert, like he came and covered as well. So, and that’s how we started. It was more of a local thing, kind of like a test run for us, the first show. And then when we saw the potential, we decided to make it an actual full show. And man, how it has grown. I mean, what do you attribute that to? Well, a lot of a lot of our work. Really, we put in a lot of our work and making sure the event. It’s a value for our attendees and our sponsors, you know, we try to innovate every year. We try to hear the feedback we get from the sponsors from the attendees and improve and come up with new ideas every year. I mean, basically we just keep adding value every year, year after year, like, you know, fresh speakers, fresh activities, like now recently, despite all the drama, we have to deal with. We like, we have a lot of support from the government from Cali, like our last edition. We have like over 40 government officials that came to the event. I’m sure they wanted to see the girls. Yeah. Yep. No doubt about it. So when it actually became a show. Okay, since that time, did you expect it to be as big as it is today? I was just thinking, like, oh, something local, like a little gathering for some studios. I never imagined it was going to become a full international conference. And especially that tension we get now and media and the government entities. So, no, I’ve never imagined it, but I’m happy it is. What did you think the first time the thing just absolutely blew up and a lot of people started coming? What went through your mind? No, I mean, it was a lot of satisfaction, you know, because basically seeing the work, the hard work pays off and the event grows and the event feedback in general, it’s very positive. And now it’s part of the community, you know, like the camp community down here, like they really feel like, even though we organize it and we put it together, like they feel it’s part of the industry is part of the community. That’s also been one of the successes of La Vexpa. Yeah. How about the work involved compared to when it was a small event? It’s got to be massive. Yes, I mean, we start about normally six to eight months in advance. So, I have a full time team that basically deals with events and they don’t only do La Vexpa. They deal like any events that I have in my company group. Of course, the biggest project is La Vexpa. So, like six to eight months, they start doing all the planning, all the preparation, you know, putting together sponsorship packages, you know, updating suppliers, locations. That’s like a full time team, like from six to eight months before and then during the show, we involve a lot of our staff from different companies. They participate, I can end the actual, you know, execution of the event. So, it’s a lot of work. It’s a lot of work. I mean, during the actual event, we probably have over 50 people over a company staff that it’s involved in it. And that’s another reason why I gave a lot of success to it because it’s our own staff who’s running the show and who’s really committed and is really motivated on it because it’s like really hard work. During the week of the show, it’s like 12, 16 hours. So, normally, if you’re not working, if you outsource it, you’re not going to get the same level of commitment and motivation. Absolutely. You talk about a dedicated team. How many people are on your events team? The events team is four people. She’s a lot of work for four people. Yeah. Well, they’re the core team, but of course, then again, once we start getting closer to the event, we start adding more people into the project. Right. You’ve gone through obviously some hardships and we’ll talk about that later and you mentioned the government and all that. Was there ever a time where you thought to yourself, God, is this all worth it? Yeah, last year. Actually, we took a break this year. We didn’t do the event now until 2023. Yeah, last year, there was a lot of challenges and we were very overwhelmed because basically we had to put together kind of three shows in two months. Basically, because we got the first city to cancel us two months before and then the second city canceled us a week before and then we went third one was a winner. So it was very overwhelming and that’s when we decided we were not going to do the show anymore. And that was actually a decision we made at the time, but-- You actually made that decision, OK. Not in Colombia, the big show, because we have to expand the two other projects that we’ll talk later, but the actual main show in Colombia, we announced that was actually the closing party. We went on stage and we announced to everybody, like, right on this part, we’re sorry to announce this is going to be the last edition. Yeah, and what got you to bring it back? Basically, sponsors in the community, of course, there’s a need for a show and the community wants to come together and everybody’s looking forward to that time of the year of LaLexpo. So we’ve had many of our sponsors who’ve been reaching out to us and telling us to reconsider and also a lot of the community in the attendees. So yeah, let’s say we recharge it, so we’re ready to go again. That’s fantastic. Sometimes you need to step back and take a year off for something like that, and I can completely understand. So why did you use the name LaLexpo? So the name, it’s initially actually we’ve had a change and we’re changing-- we’re going back to the original again. So the initial name LaLexpo, it’s for Latin America, Life Cam’s Expo. That was the initial name, and then after the second year, because the initial year was just focused for the Cam industry. So after our second show, 2015, a lot of companies from other niches like dating and traffic networks and processing some other adult niches started coming to the show. So they asked us, hey, what are you guys open the show for just the adult industry in general, not limited to camps. So that’s when we repranded the third year, we repranded to Latin America, Adult Business Expo. And that’s been the name for the last years, but since we’ve been doing a lot of changes this year, we are actually going back to our original name, Life Cam’s Expo. You know, because even though we still have some sponsors, some attendees from other niches, 80% of the show is camps. So we just decided to just go back to our original, focus on our core. And now, but we have some ideas and projects of doing something on the affiliate side. So that’s another reason why we decided, okay, let’s just leave LaLexpo, specialize in what it is, which is focus on camps, and we’ll start working on another project. Fantastic. Man, you’re a glutton for punishment. So what’s been the biggest challenge LaLexpo has faced and how have you dealt with it? Well, the biggest challenge, there’s been every year, there’s been a challenge. There hasn’t been one year that is easy. So, you know, like, the second edition, we did a managing, you know, usual story, we would deal with hotel, the degree management degrees, and then it comes back then it was a shareholder of the hotel group. And he came in and heard about any segment. This event is happening in my hotel. And that was their second year. Then third year, we go to Cartagena, same situation, we negotiate with hotel, you know, sign the contract. And then two months before the event, they have a change of management, and there is a Christian manager that comes in with the hotel. And a week before she’s calling us, and she’s going to cancel the event, blah, blah, blah, so, okay, we worked it out. Then the year after, we go, we still in Cartagena for the convention center. That’s the one I was at. Yeah, that’s the city convention center. So, they heard, you know, the problems in the drama, we had a deal with the hotel manager. So, they’re there, they actually reach out to us, and they’re like, hey, we heard you had some some issues with the hotel, we can’t do the show with us, we want your business, we have no issue with your industry. And, and no, and to tell you the truth, like, it was like, they were really, really professional. And then the year after the event, we went to the convention center, and then that was the year we became basically a media topic, you know, that that’s when Alex Boone, when Boone media. And that’s when the mayor, you know, tried to use as a smoke screen, and then we had a deal with the political bullshit. Is he still in prison? He’s still in prison, yeah. Good, that’s it. Yeah, so he’s still in prison. And that was the cartoon, and then we then this when we decided to come back home to Cali, and even Cali, we had our challenges, you like the last few years, you know, there’s always, I guess haters, you know, and they’re trying to give us a hard time, we have to deal with it. Last year was the worst. I mean, last year was like the, that was the worst of the worst, you know, we had a deal with basically with three different cities, three different mayors and the whole, we became national news. And it was crazy. Like, we were even the biggest media topic than the elections or presidential elections at the bar and key city, like at the city, we were number one topic. So many challenges, many challenges, is there really easy? Unfortunately, but, yeah, you know, nothing that it’s worth it is. I guess being in such a heavily Catholic country is the biggest problem, right? It’s a mix, yeah, I mean, it’s a mix of Catholic, the politicians are always looking for a topic for them to shine on media and use as an excuse. And yeah, it’s not only the religious, but misinformation, I think it’s been our biggest enemy. You know, people just common judges and in a common talk about the event, they have no idea what the actual event is about, what takes place. So they’re just thinking, you know, to do industry, there’s like 5,000 people doing orgies and going to do crazy shit. So that’s been a big challenge. I wish it was that exciting. Yeah, missing the misinformation. No, literally, like a lot of the politicians, that’s what this, they’ve some of the politicians have come. They’re like, oh, this is it. This is boring. I was thinking it was more fun, but they actually come to the event. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Nobody’s undressed and I know, I know, it’s pretty crazy. So for you, what’s been the best, and I think I know what the worst is going to be, but what’s the best, the worst memory you have of any of the editions of LaLex Bo? Well, I guess my best memory was the first time when I saw, you know, when we hit the 2010, the mark, you know, that was my best moment, you know, going from 500 and hitting 2000 attendees. Yeah, and in my worst, of course, was last year, the eight edition, you know, the drama we had a deal. We actually did a documentary. It’s a drama. Yeah, well, it’s a mini documentary. It’s a 30 minute mini documentary. And we cover like everything to happen, you know, last year behind the scenes. You should put in subtitles. I know, I know, yeah, I’m going to have my team do it because we only did it on on Spanish. Well, once you have the subtitles, I want to see it, man. Sounds good. I’d love to see it for sure. But it’s got to be really gratifying for you that despite everything people still stick with it and want to come to the show. Yes, I mean, that was a very rewarding to see that after all the drama because we were actually concerned like, you know, after getting basically two cancellations, you know, our people still going to trust, you know, the third one. We’re making it and it was our record attendance, you know, over five thousand. We hit the five thousand mark. The sponsors as well. We had over over 90 sponsors. We also have record sponsors. So at the end of the day, it was our, it was our most successful addition to date. Well, I think that everyone in our industry realizes the discrimination were all under. And I think because of that, they feel bad for you and want to support the event even more. Yes, correct. And we try to be as far as possible. You know, like when we had a second cancellation, like I told the sponsors, like, we’ll fully refund you like, you know, no, no, no problem. You know, it’s not their responsibility. You know, it’s just, you know, it’s kind of our control out of our control, but it’s still our responsibility. So yeah, we were very fake. Same thing in 2017, 2017. I mean, we did get canceled the second day, but then the third day we were able to, you know, work out something we were able to finalize. At least like the most important part of the schedule and we were able to do the party. So at the end, even though we were able to do the event, we had like a one day disruption. So I worked out for the next event. Like I gave like sponsors like like 50% credits for next event and so on. So yeah, I mean, I’ve always tried to make sure like the sponsors are happy and the attendees are happy. Even if we lose money. No, absolutely. And people appreciate that kind of thing. When you show them that you appreciate them, they appreciate you even more. But again, there’s so much discrimination in our industry by everyone who’s not in the industry that it just, yeah, it makes us all just pull closer together. And I think that’s good. What common myth is there about Lail Expo besides orgies that you want people to know as false. I just want to mention like, you know, people think like since it’s an adult event, there’s explicit things going on, you know, people having sex or like we have explicit shows like, you know, good girls doing really hardcore shows. You know, instead is just like an academic informative, you know, our business event. I think that’s the biggest myth that we have have to deal with outside of industry, of course, outside of industry. And industry everybody knows. Right. I mean, I remember when we were in Cartagena and the convention center after the first day, shut us down because the mayor was there with his five old ladies. You really had to act quick to make it so there was still some kind of a show that had to be interesting. I mean, to have to pull something together out of nothing. Yeah, that’s basically when we ended up because we got the notification of the cancellation like late at night, the first day, we had no sleep. Like we all the lawyers trying to figure out what to do. And then the next day, basically, we went when it was official, we went to one of the big hotels of the city, worked it out like in a few hours, the agreement, the contract and put everything together for that, you know, to pick up again, the third day, the event and have everybody we routed to the hotel. And we actually, and that’s yeah, you did the best we can. And we at least we, you know, we did like, maybe dispenser presentations and yeah, there was a schedule the last day. Oh, you did well. Look, I felt a benefit out of it. And, you know, I thought the whole thing was over the second day when I got there in the convention center was closed and people were outside and the protesters were there. And it was like, holy shit. Have you, I mean, have you ever thought Anthony about maybe just moving it out of Columbia period to a country that would be more friendly. And yes, but it’s not going to have the same level of attendance because as I mentioned since our core focuses camps really like the market leader in camps is Columbia. There are some camps happening in other countries, but there’s now like such a I will call it an industry, you know, there’s just more of a lot of, you know, here and there are some models for you know doing camps or in content. But it’s not a big industry like in the level I can Colombia. So we have expanded, you know, like that we started last year with our workshops, which is a smaller format. We call them the actual workshop, which is like a one day event. More of a 300 400 attendees, smaller number of sponsors. And we started with a format last year and I mean the Latin Americans ones because we started like from 2018 we started doing the actual workshops in Colombia. We do like we have like a tour of different cities. But we now last year we went and we expanded to two other countries. So we did a we’re doing now Argentina, Brazil and Mexico this year was our second year. And it’s working well, you know, like we’re starting also to create a community in those countries and start getting the industry together and you know, so it is a project that we you know once we see that it’s it got to a bigger level. We might do like a full law like spoke conference and one of those countries. I would think Brazil, Argentina, Mexico would all be good spots. They are they are there’s industry, but they’re now like the strongest and what we found it. There is camps for the strongest industry there is content creation. So there’s mostly content creators. Well, maybe that should be the theme of the show or just make it a general adult show because there’s a lot of porn that’s produced in all those countries. Yeah, not totally that’s where you know we’re starting to adapt the workshops like this year we had we had basically like last year was mostly 70% of the topics in this and the presentations were camps in about 30% content now this year we actually the 50 50 so we have 50% of the schedule was more focused on content creation and 50% in camps. Content creation is huge man, you know, it’s something certainly worth addressing so what impact has Laal Expo had on its attendees. Well, I think many want one is that the education or the teaching message for the attendees that which is one of the initial reasons and purposes of where we started a lot of expo was to professionalize the industry. I think we have achieved that through the different events and more than the events is through creating that community sense, you know, like now is a studios have become more professional models have become a professional and the impact that we’ve had like a national level because of things to Laal Expo we’ve also started like other projects like there’s a trade association we have and we’re doing political lobby with the government and we have been able to achieve some of the things that we’ve been doing. But to achieve some positive regulation for the industry get some friends and government and maybe you won’t have these issues anymore. Yeah, actually is that we’ve had like now we I’ve never liked politics but we had to. To necessarily yeah correct yeah it’s a necessary evil my friend there’s no two ways about it and I think inviting the politicos to the show and and dining them and having them sit next to a pretty girl there’s nothing wrong with that. So what contributions has Laal Expo brought to the industry? Well contributions has been the professionalism and we have helped the industry become also the legality and again like we as we mentioned the big part of our schedule and in our messages always been like you know do share legal and you know just do things the right way. So all our work our events we always have like the legal panels and legal presentations a big part of it. And you know and especially all the other networking connections that the industry has been able to do you know thanks to Laal Expo there’s a lot of business a lot of friendships and and a lot of basically a lot of collaboration they have resulted thanks to the Laal Expo events. That’s cool so we talked about it a little bit but how do you plan and execute such a massive event as Laal Expo. Well I mean one of the key things is having a full time team because I mean that’s something I learned a hard way because before it was like oh no like we’ll just start putting some time at the end and and you know it things that come up as plan you know. So one of the things is having a full time team because it gives more stability to the event because it’s the same team that has done the last two three events they have the experience they know the surprises and you know the things that could go wrong. And doing it in house I mean that we’ve tried outsource it many aspects of the event and we have bad experiences so we’ve decided just to do as much as we can do an in house. Like even the like not many you know people know but like we even do like all the printing we we after you decided to buy like all the the banners the machines to print the big banners and and all the all the advertisement that is at the show we actually have a printing shop that we we decided to do why because we have situations where the event is tomorrow and it turns out fuck we forgot to print this one roll up for the sponsor the main sponsor and it’s 10 p.m. where we’re going to find a print shop to do it or or like the sponsor decided like all last man is sending like a new art. So we like we decided on fuck you know we just do our own printing shop so like we have our own printing shop a lot of the like the booth setups like we have our construction team. So we feel safer you know when we do it in house then outsourcing it and that’s been one of the key successes. I mean we you know the as far as our company group like we have over close to 300 employees so it’s a lot of staff so there’s a lot of support you know everybody in the company kind of lot of expo it’s something everybody’s looking forward to to working and helping out and being part of like it’s part of the company culture. And so that that’s also reflects on the result you know a lot of our staff you know are looking forward and love to work on the event and that’s why things come that good. Well yeah it’s about taking ownership as opposed to yeah I got hired to work on this event. What do you feel overall the keys to a successful event if you were talking to someone who’s putting on an event what would you tell them. The keys for me the keys are the feedback listening to the sponsors and the attendees because at the end of the day that’s our client that’s who’s who we’re doing the show for you know that I see now like that’s a big mistake a lot of event producers they do it from their perspective and their way and and you know and I’m right and so we’re always open and and that’s one of the main things we do after every show say we send an email to all the sponsors attendees and asking for a few questions. Asking for feedback and and he has crude as you can the matter so the feedback it’s really important the events you know because I an event it’s dynamic it changes you know the market situations and you know there’s too many variables and you can expect to do the same show every year so you got to hear what your sponsors and attendees are asking for. Planning of course the planning it’s crucial if you want to deal with as less headaches you can you know it comes into the planning and yeah no those those I would say a two key aspects feedback and planning. Okay well we talked about it briefly politics and religion have been huge opponents for you show why do you think that is besides politicians grandstanding well as I mentioned before like whatever biggest problems has been misinformation you know there’s a huge misinformation about what the event actually is and what is that. And so most of the attacks we have from politics religion is because they just hear adult industry and they just think they think in their head and they just come right this they don’t take the time or the or the DCC to actually come and informed themselves first and find out first hand what it is so they just go with the misinformation misinformation and you know now with social media it’s very easy for the misinformation to spread that that’s been our biggest problem with regards to politics and really. Yeah and the bottom line is they don’t care politicians never care they just care about themselves and getting elected yeah correct is even though after we do we explain and we show them you know there’s still some sectors the still just don’t want to just want to keep even as a hard time yeah and 5,000 people that’s real boom to the economy big time I mean you you’re bringing a lot of money to the economy and a lot of money to the cities where you do these shows they should be greeting you with open arms yeah I mean that’s that’s the case of the the mayor of Cali he understood that and you know that’s why we were able to finally do the event and Cali and it was a huge success he we had his full support he understood the benefits that we brought to the city and the economical level tourism. We got an ally just help him get reelected that’s all yeah no let him lose whatever you do don’t let him lose again like I mentioned we we are about like we’re not involved but like we we really got had to get into politics and now we’re like you know supporting different campaigns and part of the game now. It’s got to be man you guys are bigger than you used to be hey tell me about this webcam lab thing that you’re doing it sounds like really exciting and interesting yeah so that’s actually my biggest company basically now you know we started with a J studios which is what’s my my my studio direct studios brand which still is pretty strong but um now we we have this new brand we start in 2000. We started in 2018 we started a webcam lab so what happened was back then since we were so big with H.A. Studios a lot of studios we reach out to us and say hey we want to work with you guys somehow how can we work how can we do something together. So one of the things that we we started doing many years was basically shifting of the of the operation or the into the banking system kind of not work the or not rely only on the digital wallet systems you know very very common in our industry but actually figuring the right structure to bring the earnings and the money into the country to the banking system. So we had some studios that were reaching out and say hey can we become like like an ally or something and you guys can pay us and maybe just trainings so we we we we started like initially what we call them sub studios when it was a G studios. But then you know we we we kind of saw a potential and and we decided to create separate brand because it it was kind of I guess it was more cleaner to have a different brand and then having you know us as a studio service other studios but at the same time they can see as a competition because oh yeah they’re helping me but they’re they’re my competition but they’re also studio. So that’s when we decided to create a separate brand the webcam lab and and this would dedicate to exclusively on servicing studios so right now days we offer over 12 different services for our affiliate studios between technical support model trainings management trainings legal consulting tax consulting marketing consulting production of photography video. So we have all this bond of services and benefits that we offer affiliate studios and advance payments you know it’s a lot of a lot of services benefits which helps the studios basically solve a lot of their headaches and just concentrate on what they should be doing is making money with their models and don’t have to be worrying about legal aspects or tax aspects or tech aspects so we kind of cover a lot of needs that a studio has in their day to day operations. And in this so they could focus on the core business and it’s been very successful we currently have over 600 affiliate studios in Colombia and we all last year we opened office in Romania so we also are getting affiliate studios in Romania as well so that’s the biggest operation of the webcam lab but then at the same time as we serve as studios we found that a lot of the camp platforms or platforms in general also needed some helps on on growing their brands and and growing. Operations and Latin America so we also have a division the services platforms on different services like marketing campaigns workshops back office support and its studio business development so we have a bundle of service always focus for the platform for international for them to grow their brands and operations in Latin America and in Colombia. That is an awful lot so what’s happening with AJ studios. I know we still have our four studios basically now you know we’ve cut down the operation we have four studios I mean big studios but still four and our biggest focus now with AJ studios because we’ve seen also like we’re always trying to see where the industry is going and the market trends and you know the trend is going that the models are always more independent and the need of the studio it’s you know it’s always losing that value or not losing the value the studios need to really be reinvent themselves to offer value to the model so right now we AJ studios we are strongest businesses the satellite models so satellite models are the models they’re work from their homes their apartments they have their own place they’re camp but they still they still have their own place but they still want to support and want the guidance and want to have a company there for them for different needs and so so that’s our biggest focus now with AJ studios. We have a network of over a thousand models from AJ studios from the satellite models. Wow now what about services for content creators. We’re getting into it there as well let’s say it’s kind of in Colombia it’s growing as well like you know just like the rest of the world so we’re starting to get into it. I started an agency viral view agency which is focused on content creators we offer like marketing services, chaters and to monetize and and help convert better their members on the platforms so we’re getting into it that’s one of my most recent projects but I’m learning I’m learning because it’s a new industry for me and it’s very different than camps even though people might think it’s very similar is now it’s super different than camps. So I’m kind of doing the learning process now I’m the learning curve but we we have started with our own agency as well fabulous well Anthony I’d like to thank you for being back with us again today on adult say broker talk and I hope we’ll get a chance to do this again soon. I’m Bruce anytime and thanks for inviting me and maybe hope next time you’ll be here in Colombia. I am looking forward to it my broker tip today is part nine of what to do to make your site more valuable for when you decide to sell it later last week we talked about what information to provide a potential buyer here’s more tell them what’s special or different about your site how’s it unique make sure and include a list of all the websites you’re selling in addition to any domains that come along with the sale. Is there anything that adds value to the sale provide them with any additional information upon request before giving a buyer any information have them sign a non disclosure agreement if you use a broker the NDA will be provided for you good brokers like oh I don’t know adult site broker have a large resource of potential buyers that are looking for properties just like yours and they know how to deal with potential buyers. They’ll also negotiate the terms of the sale such as price and any payment terms before closing the sale find a good escrow service to make sure that both the buyer and the seller are protected we have those resources of course let’s talk about some of the factors that influence the sale price of a website. Number one is always profit it will be a multiple of the profit and that multiple is based on whether the profit is trending up or trending down and how fast it’s trending up or down I’ve seen valuations of as much as five times although that’s very rare normally it’s in the two and a half to four times area I’ve also seen valuations of one time if the profit is taking a nose dive we’ll talk about this subject more next week and next week we’ll be speaking with the seller. We’ll be speaking with Mike Stabile of the free speech coalition in part one of a two part interview and that’s it for this week’s adult site broker talk I’d once again like to thank my guest Anthony Rivera talk to you again next week on adult site broker talk I’m Bruce Friedman. [Music] [no audio]