This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk where each week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry and we give you a tip on buying and selling websites. This week we’ll be speaking with Jamie Bell of PASS. Would you like an easy way to make a lot of money? Send sellers or buyers to us at Adult Site Broker through our affiliate program, ASB Cash. When you refer business to us, you’ll receive 20% of our broker commission on all sales that result from that referral for life. You can make $100,000 or more on only one sale for some of our listings. Check out ASB Cash dot com for more details and to sign up. At Adult Site Broker, we’re proud to announce our latest project, You’ll find articles from industry websites as well as mainstream publications from around the world. It’s designed to raise awareness of our industry’s plight in the war on porn and the numerous attacks on our industry and online free speech by hate groups, the religious right and politicians. You’ll find all that and more at We’ve also added an events section to our website at Now you can get information on B2B events on our site as well as special discounts reserved for our clients. Go to for more details. Now let’s feature our property the week that’s for sale at Adult Site Broker. We’re proud to offer for sale an innovative marketing agency that specializes in managing the top .01% only fans profiles in the world. It’s just under a year old but is growing very rapidly. They fully manage creators workflow from promotion to monetization. They’ve developed an internal CRM that empowers the sales management, marketing, automation and analytics. This is one of the most relevant advantages of the agency that allows it to drive in-target traffic to profiles and monetize them. The company is already doing over 2 million euros in annual revenue from just over 20 creators. They have a database of over 1 million contacts and 600,000 unique user accounts. This is an outstanding opportunity for anyone to enter the world of only fans management and immediately become one of the top agencies in the world along with its software, processes and know-how which will allow you to bring models up to three times their initial gross monthly revenue. Or established agencies can acquire the company and expand their business. Only 2.59 million euros. Now time for this week’s interview. My guest today on Adult Site Broker Talk is Jamie Bell from PASS. Jamie thanks for being with us on Adult Site Broker Talk. Thank you for having me Bruce. It’s great to be here. It’s great to have you. Jamie is a board certified nurse practitioner and is the medical director of a sexual health program at the Los Angeles LGBT Center, the largest facility in the world providing health and social services to the LGBTQ+ community. Jamie, they got to change the name of that one of these days. Jamie also serves as medical director of PASS, the non-profit organization dedicated to the health and safety of adult industry workers. As a staunch advocate for sex workers’ rights and safe and accessible healthcare for persons in the adult industry, Jamie joined the board of directors of PASS in 2021 and was appointed medical director in September 2023. With more than 20 years of experience in healthcare, focusing on social justice in healthcare, among marginalized populations, Jamie combines clinical expertise with compassion and caring for his patients and community. Jamie holds master’s degrees in both nursing and community health, graduating with the highest honors from Ball State University in Indiana. He’s board certified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. In April of 2011, the Free Speech Coalition created PASS to build upon a previous program to help standardize and monitor adult industry testing. PASS partners with organizations that conduct STI and other infectious disease testing in the United States and Canada who then report work clearance data back to their database. PASS began operating as its own organization in May of 2021. The PASS database only stores binary yes/no work clearance data, meaning no individual test results are uploaded to PASS. Clinical staff with appropriate licenses at the testing partner make a work clearance determination based on the results from the testing panel. Testing protocol requires nine different tests for seven STIs. Clearance is given for 14 days from the date of the first sample collection. So Jamie, tell us about your work and your educational background other than what I just mentioned. Sure, Bruce. So I’ve been a nurse practitioner for 15 years, but I’ve been in the field, I think as you mentioned, over 20 years working as an RN in STI clinics prior to going back to school. Many years ago, I read about a former adult industry performer named Sharon Mitchell who started the adult industry medical foundation here in Los Angeles, better known as AIM. And I was just really fascinated by Sharon’s story and the work that she was doing. And this is, you know, I was living in Chicago at the time and just thought, "How cool that she founded this nonprofit organization and doing this work for the adult industry." I had been seeing patients who were doing sex work in Chicago. You know, Chicago is not a big hub for filming, but I would see escorts and dancers coming into our clinics. Generally, I think, you know, LGBT healthcare clinics tend to be viewed as a safer space for folks to be open about their occupation and not have to fear the judgment or stigma that they might have experienced elsewhere in healthcare. So, you know, having this experience working with sex workers and then reading about Sharon’s story, I was very fascinated by that. And you know, fast forward to now being able to carry on that work and her legacy is just it’s quite an honor. Yeah, Sharon was a pioneer. There’s no two ways about it in a lot of ways. Absolutely. I had the good fortune of meeting her a while back and having dinner with her and talking about AIM. And you know, she was also very honored that folks are still trying to carry on her legacy there. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. We did some articles about her in our blog, actually. Talk about PASS and its importance to the adult industry. Yeah. So, as you mentioned, I became involved in PASS with PASS in 2021 when PASS separated from the Free Speech Coalition to become its own nonprofit focusing on the health side, where as you know, FSC is more on the policy side of the industry, the legal aspects. I went to AVN in 2020 just before lockdown and FSC had a table and at that time PASS was still part of FSC. And I just stopped by and I met folks and I talked with Ian O’Brien, who’s the executive director of PASS. And we just felt like the work that I was doing at the Los Angeles LGBT Center that there were a lot of parallels and overlaps with the work that PASS did. So Ian and I kept in touch and then when PASS separated from FSC, I joined the board of directors and then also, as you mentioned, in September of this past year was appointed medical director. But PASS just serves a very important role in the industry to really set standards for health and wellness. You know, again, it really kind of follows that philosophy of aim from many years ago of looking out for folks who otherwise people may not be looking out for them. And it’s just an amazing organization, small organization, but we have a really distinguished board of directors. And then as we probably will talk about later, we formed a medical advisory panel this past year as well. Yeah, it just serves a very important role in the industry. And recently at XBiz, we launched the PASS Studio Certification Program where some of the studios and industry stakeholders are really partnering to work more directly with PASS to address disease prevention to ensure that work clearance verification is being done for performers in the event that PASS would have to call a production hold. The Studio Certification also says that studios will work with PASS on those production holds and comply. We would reserve those as a very last resort because we understand the financial impact. Yeah, safety is the number one goal. We sometimes have to do that. Absolutely. Now, when did you first start providing medical care to sex workers and how did it come about? So in Chicago, again, it was kind of to a lesser degree when I moved to Los Angeles in 2017 and started working at the LGBT Center. I just started seeing folks coming into the clinic, not exclusively from the gay side. I mean, we would see all folks, gay straight bitrans coming in. So that was when I really felt like my vision of trying to carry on the work of AIM, it was slowly just coming to realization without me even really trying. I guess I was just in the heart of where the industry is and having patients come in and then it shortly thereafter got involved with PASS. I’ve always been just very interested in the history of the adult industry going way back to the early beginning in the ’70s and just kind of a history buff in that respect of the industry and kind of seeing this whole evolution where back then they didn’t have to worry about some of the things that we deal with today. Didn’t have AIDS back then? Yeah. No. Soon after, but they think it was the ’80s that AIDS had. And I’m sure you talked to Sharon about the early days of the industry because she was there. Absolutely. The early days in New York City and how they were just losing friends and co-workers and just very short time periods. And there were folks also using injection drugs at that time, working in the industry and certainly putting them at risk for HIV transmission. Definitely. But what I was saying was Sharon was involved with the industry at a very early date. Yes, absolutely. So how did you become interested in working with people from the adult industry and other sex workers? Was it basically from your work? Yeah, I just have always, from the beginning of my career, just really for marginalized folks wanted to provide a safe medical space for folks who were marginalized in healthcare, whether they’re from the LGBT community. I also worked in a homeless healthcare clinic for many years in Chicago as well. And I think when folks think of sex workers or adult industry workers, probably doesn’t come to mind right off as necessarily marginalized community in healthcare. But I would hear these really heartbreaking stories of folks going to medical facilities and just facing a lot of judgment. And just for any of my patients, to me that’s heartbreaking. I think people need to feel safe and feel that they’re well taken care of regardless of their orientation or gender or their occupation, any of that. So you know, something you mentioned a couple of times already was that people who are sex workers often go to LGBTQ plus health facilities because they won’t be judged. You find that happens a lot? Yes, absolutely. Happens a lot. And I think that maybe struck a chord with me early on too where patients would just open up and disclose this. And to me, that’s quite an honor that people feel safe to do that. And speaking for myself here, but also my colleagues that I work with all practice in the same way of, I mean, we’re very sex positive and then sex worker positive. So my colleagues also share that same philosophy. Yeah, it’s a damn shame the entire medical profession isn’t like that because I mean, when you agree to be a nurse or agree to be a doctor, you’re supposed to take an oath to take care of everyone the same. And it just doesn’t go down like that, does it? It does not. No, I’ve had patients come to me and they’ve gone to clinic and been open and, you know, ask for things like prep for HIV prevention. And you know, the provider would say, "Why would you want that? Why do you need that?" And they would, you know, disclose their sex worker. And they’ve been told things like, "Well, if you didn’t do what you do, you wouldn’t need that." And I’ve had people break down in tears in my office just, you know, once they feel safe and realize they’re not going to be judged and just, you know, very appreciative that they have somewhere to go. I was doing an interview with a Blair from SWAP behind bars and she was talking about how people being sex trafficked and they go, "Well, I can get you a job at Target." Well, they don’t want a job at Target. They want to be taken care of. Absolutely. And then that’s not our role. And we’re not recruiters into another profession where they’re just to keep folks healthy and well and... Exactly. It should be that for everybody. There’s no two ways about it. What do you think are the biggest health care challenges sex workers face today? And I think some of this also, you know, goes along with just challenges with health care in the U.S. today, too, just access, you know, for one thing. It’s really a mixed bag in terms of the patients that I see if they have health insurance or not. So I think one, just having that access, now we see folks who don’t have health insurance at my clinic and we’re a federally qualified health center so we can see people on a sliding scale basis and nobody is turned away. So I think, you know, that access and then I think it’s a lot of education too directed specifically to the community and really targeting that education that, you know, when it comes to sexual health, these are things that, you know, to consider in terms of preventative health care, for example, and things that, you know, really apply to a person’s work that they’re doing in their lives. So some of it’s just general, you know, health and wellness and then some really needs to be targeted. And I think that also at past we’re really building our education program and we’re going to be doing some videos. I’ve done a few videos already kind of targeting different topics like vaccinations and just very specific topics, infections that are kind of out there now that folks are dealing with in history. Well, I think the biggest overall challenge with the health care system in the United States is the health care system in the United States. Absolutely. It’s good to be on Medicare now. We put it to you that way. So how did you become involved with PASS in the first place? I mean, I have to say, other than just kind of looking online, I didn’t know that they were really the offshoot of AIM at the time when I met Ian, the executive director at AVN. And we just, we spent time, you know, talking and then everything kind of turned upside down with the COVID lockdown that we kept in touch. Here and there he would reach out to me because PASS was breaking off on its own from FSC. He kind of looked to me as a medical advisor at the time, you know, on issues and then shortly thereafter asked me to join the board of directors. And really it was just that relationship of us meeting at AVN and keeping in touch and kind of how things played out then when PASS came its own organization in 2021. You know, and this is all volunteer for me. As all of us on the board of directors volunteer our time as well, even in my medical director role, it’s all volunteer. I absolutely love it and it’s just a very passionate about it and it’s just quite an honor that I am able to be involved. So talk about the growth of PASS since it first started. It’s really become the standard in adult industry testing worldwide, hasn’t it? Absolutely. So, you know, PASS has a pretty, pretty wide reach even into Europe and PASS was a one-person organization, just the executive director for quite a while, which was quite a lot for one person to oversee. And probably within the last year or so, funding has increased a bit. So Ian has been able to bring on some part-time folks to do some project management, an IT person. So it’s slowly growing. You know, of course, it’s all dependent on funding and then folks do end up, you know, donating a lot of their time. But we recently PASS brought on a wonderful person who was a performer in the industry and she is wanting to get more active in the not-for-profit world of the adult industry. And so it really helps to have folks that come from the background of the industry. Who’s that? Casey Warner is her name. Yeah. And she also started a really great organization called Sunday Fair, which is here in Los Angeles the last Sunday of every month. I’m also involved with that a bit. And it’s a day of just wellness for sex workers and adult industry workers where things from meditation, art therapy, yoga. I’m usually there doing like a Q&A on sexual health. And it’s grown quite a lot. I mean, usually there’s, you know, 50 to 100 respondents every month. And Casey holds this at her home in Los Angeles and just does great work. So she’s been amazing addition to PASS. And there are some overlaps there with what her organization is doing along with PASS and really good things there. So talk about your roles with PASS as a member of the board of directors and medical director. What all do you do there? So on the board, so we have quarterly board meetings and, you know, we have the board right now. We have Kelly Holland, whom I’m sure you know from producer/director. We have Five Star from San Francisco, also producer and director Lucy Hart, who is a performer and just a few other, you know, really great folks on the board. So we meet quarterly and we, you know, basically talk about whatever issues are currently affecting the industry. And then also just working on vision and planning for the future as well for the organization and for history. As medical director, I, you know, my role is, I feel like it’s still evolving. I’m called upon quite a bit just when anything comes up. I’ll meet with Ian, the executive director, and we kind of work through things. Also I just, I have a lot of folks that reach out to me on social media performers, you know, asking questions or looking for guidance or connection to care, those sorts of things. So it’s been very interesting. The social media presence there and I absolutely love it, of course, but it’s just kind of an interesting way that people have to seek out healthcare basically, you know, to reach out to somebody on Twitter or Instagram and, you know, say, "Hey, what do I do? Where can I go? Can you help me with this?" And so, yeah, the medical director role I think is it’s really still evolving. And I’m just open to how it evolves and whatever works best for the folks that we’re serving in that respect. What are your biggest challenges as medical director of PASS? Balancing with my full-time job at the LGBT Center, which keeps me very busy. So, you know, just kind of balancing that part-time there. But I think also, you know, I think with us at PASS being a not-for-profit, I mean, we also understand that it’s very costly for performers to have to do this testing every 14 days and to get this clearance. And you know, we have no control over the cost of the testing. That’s all done through private labs. But it is within our charge to be very careful about our recommendations and what is the minimum needed to keep people safe and healthy and clear them to work on a set. And so, we’re looking at that now with the medical advisory panel. But I think, you know, those are the challenges. You think you might actually go over 14? And I think, you know, it’ll stay 14 days for the main panel. I think what we’re really looking at, though, because some of this testing is, it’s holdover, even somewhat from AIM, if you can believe that, you know, some of this goes that far back. And, you know, medical sciences has evolved over the years. And we’re really looking at this now with this panel of experts to say, is this test really necessary right now? You know, some of the hepatitis testing that we’re doing, things have changed there. And if we can take out tests that are not really needed for routine occupational clearance, it may be more a part of like a medical diagnostic if the patient’s history warrants that, but not necessarily needed for work clearance. So I think, you know, that’s a big challenge to us is how can we keep these costs down, but keeping people’s health the number one priority because we understand folks spend a lot of their hard-earned money on testing. Yeah. I mean, how much is it to do these tests? You know, it varies from lab to lab. But it’s, you know, it can be $250 to $300 depending on where they’re going. One of the labs has a monthly pass for around $400 that’s unlimited testing, which for folks it’s working all the time. That’s actually a pretty good deal. But you know, there’s also we’re trying to make sure that folks working in smaller markets have access to affordable testing. And that’s a challenge too, you know, when you get outside of LA and Vegas and Miami. How many labs do you have working with you in the States? Right now, I would say there are maybe five or six only. We only have a few that are actually pass certified at the moment. But I think, um, yeah, I would say it’s roughly about six that are in operation right now. I would imagine quest to certified. So the labs that are folks are using, they run their own tests. So you’re correct in that, like if someone came to me to get tested at the LGBT center, I would send those specimens to quest or lab core. Now the downside to that is the turnaround time is much slower than these labs who do their own, you know, they have their own labs. And the goal is, you know, like a 24 to 48 hour turnaround time. So folks folks can get to work. So yeah, they’re using their own labs. Okay. And what geographic area does pass cover? You know, national international in terms of the partnerships with the testing labs or the testing partners, um, some labs participate with pass and some don’t. And the benefit to those participating is then there is that oversight of, you know, making sure the standards are upheld. And there’s the database that you mentioned earlier where it’s a yes or no clearance to work without disclosing folks personal medical information. It’s just yes, they can work or no, they can’t work at the moment until we take care of whatever is going on. Sure. What’s the best way to spread awareness about pass and health issues for sex workers? Uh, well, definitely, you know, social media right now pass because there is a, you know, a small staff now that the newer staff that’s come on, they’re going to be working. Um, and while they currently are working on the promotion and the social media promotion, we’re going to do more events. We held a mixer for pastoring ex biz that was really well attended by the industry. Yeah. We hadn’t done it at the same time as the, you know, coalition one. Yeah. We’ll plan that better next year. So you will want to be there. Yes. And we want, we want you all there. So yeah, it was, yeah, the first, it was the first of its kind. So, so kind of learn as we go. But, um, but yeah, so we’re going to, we’re going to be doing more events, um, town hall meetings, um, you know, either here locally in LA or also where we can zoom folks in who are not here. So there’s a lot planned to really get this out. And like I mentioned, I’ve been, you know, working on doing, um, these health education videos, five star, our board member and just, you know, wonderful producer and director, um, has been, uh, working on these videos with us, um, as, as Casey Warner. So yeah, a lot of, a lot of really good things planned for promotion. And, um, it’s amazing what a little bit of extra funding can do to help, you know, move the organization forward. Absolutely. So what’s the current situation with swabbing for gonorrhea and chlamydia in addition to the urine test? So swabs for throat and rectal gonorrhea and chlamydia are required now in the panel. And this was something, you know, when I, when I joined the organization and I, you know, I started looking at the, the panel that was in use, this was something that jumped out to me immediately. Why are we not testing folks in these other locations that they’re using because it was just lack of again, education that, you know, folks thought, well, I’m peeing in a cup. Um, this is testing me for gonorrhea and chlamydia and that’s, that’s all I need to do. And you know, folks didn’t realize, well, no, these are very site specific infections. So you know, the bacteria can be in the throat, it can be in the rectum, it can be in the genitals. So you have to test, you know, every location separately. And this was also something that executive director pass also kind of it was stood out to him when, when he came on board. And that was a slow process to, you know, to get that added one, it certainly, you know, did increase the cost a bit. And there’s just a lot of misunderstanding. Folks were saying like, you know, well, I don’t have receptive anal contact. Why do I need to swab my butt for gonorrhea and chlamydia? We had a couple really, you know, well-known male performers on the straight side that came out and said, look, when we started doing this, I tested positive for rectal chlamydia. I don’t particularly do this or that, you know, but fluids transfer and, you know, it’s, it’s all in the general vicinity there. So I think people have understood now the really, you know, significant importance of doing the swabs. And, you know, when we first started doing them, we saw a spike, of course, in detecting these infections and then Positives go up because you’re testing. How about that? Exactly. But then dramatically went down because we were getting folks treated for, you know, a lot of times these infections don’t have symptoms. And so folks are working, you know, with an infection. And now, I mean, the chlamydia rates are lower than the general population among the industry as a result of adding this better testing protocol. How about the situation with Mgen? And I know I’m going to screw this up. Otherwise known as mycoplasma genitalium. How’s that? That was perfect. Oh my God. I was mistaken. Sorry. No, that was perfect. Yeah. So Mgen kind of continues to be a source of stress for us. So Mgen mycoplasma genitalium is a, it’s a, it’s actually transmitted infection that was actually discovered in the 80s, but we didn’t have an FDA approved test for Mgen until 2019. So in the scheme of things, that, you know, was relatively recent. And it’s not an infection. So those of us that work in the field of sexual health, it’s not something that we’ve routinely tested for, you know, as standard STI testing. It was really kind of a test in a diagnosis of excluding other more common STIs like chlamydia and gonorrhea, because they share pretty much the same symptoms. Mgen also produces the same types of symptoms as gonorrhea and chlamydia. If a person does have symptoms, again, many people don’t. So we’ve had a couple, you know, outbreaks or, or spikes in, in cases of Mgen in the industry. And because there was no good testing protocol, things kind of really got out of hand a little bit with it. I mean, the prevalence became somewhat high for a while last year. And we again knew the only way that we’re going to deal with this is we’ve got to get folks tested and get them treated. The problem with Mgen is it has become resistant to antibiotic protocols that were initially used. It’s become resistant pretty quickly. So the treatment now is it’s a two week regimen of two different antibiotics. And we still see to this day folks being inappropriately treated, you know, outside of, you know, industry, you know, standard testing and healthcare, yeah, which is again, just contributes to the potential drug resistance there. So it right now it’s Mgen testing is required every 30 days as part of pass. And that was quite a difficult decision to come up with a timeframe. We looked at things like 90 days and 60 days. And, and but we felt like if we waited too far out, we’re not going to get a good, you know, handle on the on the outbreak. But we also knew every 14 days was too soon because it is a slow growing organism. So the numbers are definitely going down and we will look at, you know, if we can revise that testing frequency at any point in the future. But the goal right now is to make sure folks get appropriately treated and take the right treatment. What preventative healthcare do you recommend for sex workers and adult industry performers? Yeah, I, you know, vaccinations stand out as number one for me. I mean, we can prevent hepatitis A and hepatitis B, which are both sexually transmitted HPV vaccinations, which in the past, a lot of folks have not had access to the sometimes difficult to get them covered through insurance plans. That that has gotten better. So definitely my philosophy is let’s prevent what we can prevent right off the bat. Hepatitis and HPV vaccinations for sure. Anytime we’re in close proximity, you know, people who open to flu vaccines or COVID vaccines, just like the general population, that’s very important when you’re working in these close work settings. There’s, you know, other things that probably are not thought of as readily, like, you know, there’s pap smear protocols for folks, you know, assigned email at birth. There’s also things like anal pap smears. So for, you know, folks engaging in receptive anal sex, you know, those are, but they’re not going to be done just routinely or readily for somebody to go to their medical provider again, who’s not familiar with the work that folks are doing. They may kind of why would you even bring this up? So that, you know, those are the main, the main things. Obviously, you know, the testing piece is, is there. So, you know, in terms of STIs and HIV, we’ve already got that covered. And then just, you know, kind of keeping an eye on what, what things may a present like, you know, MGEN, you know, when it, when it came out, it was something we hadn’t dealt with. So really just keeping an eye on, on anything else that might come up and figure out how do we, how do we address that as well? Discuss the past medical advisory panel of healthcare experts. Yeah. So this is very exciting. We formed this last year. We’re about to have another meeting coming up in March. So this is a panel, again, all volunteer. We’ve got infectious disease experts. We have a physician who is basically world renowned in HIV care, speaks at all the conferences. And, and so we’re very lucky to have Dr. Galant on the panel. So we have infectious disease folks. We have some laboratory scientists to kind of help us with, you know, the specifics on the tests themselves. We have a few folks who work in the adult industry who have science backgrounds, public health backgrounds. You really have to have people who, who are from the industry on, on panels of this type, you know, I just, I’m not one for like, you know, people who sit in an ivory tower and make decisions for other people’s health and their bodies and that. So a lot of that going on, especially in politics and religion. Yes, 100%. And we just, we absolutely can’t have that in, in this, this setting. So we’re very fortunate that we have a few folks who are working in the industry now and they have these backgrounds and, and are willing to donate their time to sit on the panel. So what we’re going to be doing when we reconvene in March is we’re really going to start looking at the current panel and just doing a deep dive into what is currently tested for. And can we tweak this now to come, you know, in line with current medical science and are there things we can eliminate? Are there things that we should have in there? And, and then also as a result of that, you know, if we eliminate hepatitis B testing, we need to replace that with how do we get folks vaccinated who are not vaccinated? But many people are. So, you know, if they’re immune to hepatitis B, but the current panel requires them to get this test, they don’t need it. And nobody’s looked at this up until this point. So that that’s the kind of the bigger goal of the panel and it passed to really restructure this. Very fortunate that we have all these folks that are willing to, to donate their time to, to look at this. Fabulous. How do you stay involved with the adult industry in terms of attending events and getting to know people in the community, plus hearing their concerns and needs relating to health care? I’ve just, you know, I’ve made it a point to, to really get out into the community when I can to attend, you know, things like XBiz and AVN and, and to really, you know, get to know folks. And it kind of goes back to that, you know, we don’t want to be in an ivory tower. We want to like know the community that we’re working with. And so I do my best to, to really have a presence as well on social media. And, you know, folks know that they’re, they’re always welcome to reach out to me. And yeah, it’s been great. You know, I appreciate that people include me and invite me to, to various events. And I’m always happy to go and meet people and hear what their concerns are and, and, and take their feedback, you know, and people have a lot of feelings that, you know, positive and negative about, you know, the testing process. And, and we need, we need to hear all of that. Yeah. I tried to do that as, as much as I can. And, and folks have just, you know, in the industry has been very lovely to me in terms of welcoming me into the community. And it absolutely is, yeah, I’ve made, I’ve made wonderful friends and through doing this work. Some of my best friends, there’s no two ways about it have come from this industry. Yeah. Yeah, it’s awesome. So if someone wants to reach out to you, where can they find you on social media? Yeah. So on X or Twitter, I’m Jamie N P. So J A M E Y N P for nurse practitioner. And then on Instagram, it’s Jamie underscore N P. That’s pretty much all I have right now. I haven’t gotten into the tick tock thing too much. I don’t know that I will. I understand. I’m a little old school even, you know, had to get away from Facebook here and they got away from me. So it’s okay. Yeah. An advance into like Instagram and but yeah, so folks are always welcome to reach out to me on, on those platforms. Also through pass, you’re going to the past certified website, submit questions. I have a, they can email me through pass, but social media is pretty efficient. Absolutely. Well, hey, Jamie, I’d like, I’d like to thank you for being our guest today on Adult Site Broker talk. And I hope we’ll get a chance to do this again soon. Thank you so much, Bruce. It was, it was a pleasure and an honor to be here with you. Likewise. My broker tip today is part seven of what to do to make your site more valuable for when you decide to sell it later. Last week, we talked about trademarking your site and ways to make it unique. Next, when you decide to sell your website, make sure you have the following information available for potential buyers, detailed information about your company, your website, and any other aspect of your operation, the potential buyers may want to find out about. This should include for a pay site, a detailed inventory of your content, number of images and number of videos, how much of those are exclusive and how much are non exclusive financial information for at least the last three years. If your company is that old, this should include sales reports, profit and loss statements and billing reports. Get all the information organized in a legible format that a good broker can use to sell your property. If you decide to sell it yourself, organize a list of potential buyers and start the process of contacting them. Be realistic about what your company is worth. In today’s market, the kiss of death is overpricing your property. Is there anything that a potential buyer needs to know, such as, are you being sued? Do you have any substantial debts? Don’t let these things be a surprise to the potential buyer. They’ll either find out before the sale and not buy, or they’re going to find out after the sale and you’ll have another lawsuit on your hands. Disclose everything. We’ll talk about this subject more next week. And next week we’ll be speaking with Jose Wiesner of Model Searcher. And that’s it for this week’s Adult Site Broker Talk. And once again I’d like to thank my guest, Jamie Bell of PASS. Talk to you again next week on Adult Site Broker Talk. I’m Bruce Friedman. [MUSIC] Thank you.