This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk where each week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry and we give you a tip on buying and selling websites. This week we’ll be speaking with Jose Weisner of ModelSearcher. Would you like an easy way to make a lot of money? Send sellers or buyers to us at Adult Site Broker through our affiliate program, ASB Cash. When you refer business to us, you’ll receive 20% of our broker commission on all sales that result from that referral for life. You can make $100,000 or more on only one sale for some of our listings. Check out ASB for more details and to sign up. At Adult Site Broker, we’re proud to announce our latest project, You’ll find articles from industry websites as well as mainstream publications from around the world. It’s designed to raise awareness of our industry’s plight in the war on porn and the numerous attacks on our industry and online free speech by hate groups, the religious right, and politicians. You’ll find all that and more at We’ve also added an events section to our website at Now you can get information on B2B events on our site as well as special discounts reserved for our clients. Go to for more details. Now time for our property of the week that’s for sale at Adult Site Broker. We’ve reduced the price on our network of sites in the Bukake and Gangbang niches. They’ve been in business since 2009 when the first site came online. The owner shoots his own content in swingers clubs in his local area. He’d be available for a period of time to shoot content and train someone to take his place doing production. The content model is brilliant. Guys pay for entrance to the club and this pays for the talent and the production of the content as well as the money going to the club owner. So the content cost is zero. Yes you heard right. The website income has been consistent and continues to grow. The websites and content make this a perfect turnkey business for anyone looking to own their own pay sites or for a larger company. Now time for this week’s interview. My guest today on Adult Site Broker Talk is Jose Wiesner of Model Searcher. Jose thanks for being with us on Adult Site Broker Talk. Thank you, bro. My pleasure. I’m happy to be here as well. It’s nice to have you. Jose has a degree in software engineering and over the years he’s built many websites and has worked in marketing and business development. He met Andy Wolmer back in 2006 when he was still at university. Of the sites he built many were for travel and he learned how to make things rank well on Google. His sites reached the number one position in many important keywords. After graduating he came to Germany to join Andy and the Sex Goes Mobile team. Sex Goes Mobile is of course now part of Traffic Partner which is also a model searcher is part of Traffic Partner. Now he’s part of the same company working on this project to help creators improve their reach and get more subscribers. Traffic Partner, the parent company of Model Searcher has been in the adult and dating industries for over 20 years. Model Searcher is a social media site for only fans creators. As a creator you can post both safer work and not safer work content. You can easily register using an only fans account. There are over 3 million monthly visitors currently on Model Searcher. The platform just started in the fall of 2023 so there’s a lot of growth ahead. So Jose, what’s the biggest challenge for a creator to be successful on only fans? That’s a good question because there are many creators on only fans and I suppose most of them of course want to get more subscribers. The main idea is to have the most subscribers they can but there are many challenges because they don’t have so many options to get them. So most of the options people are using are social media platforms that everyone knows but these social media platforms are not so friendly when it becomes too adult content. What is happening is that the creators try their best to show up on their social media that they are only fans but these social media platforms have many regulations that they can ban you very easily. So when you are a creator and you are starting or even if you have long time on only fans it is very difficult to let the people know that you are on only fans because as soon as you put a link on only fans on any other media platform on the social media platform then they will see they have bots or they have many systems that they can check if you have an only fans link or if you are using the only fans keyword and then they can ban you. So I think that’s probably one of the most difficult reasons. Oh yeah, definitely. So explain to me how Model Searcher works. Yeah, Model Searcher is basically a social media platform for creators. We saw that it was quite difficult to get subscribers on only fans, not only only fans and any fansites. So then because we have our websites which are driving a lot of traffic to a lot of fans to creators then we say okay we see this problem that creators are is getting difficult to get subscribers so why don’t we don’t create a social media platform which is for creators which we can allow the people, allow the creators to post non-same forward and safe forward content. So it’s basically a social media where they can sign up and start posting any content they want which of course is for promoting them themselves. What exactly do you do at Model Searcher? Well I help creators to set up their account. I help them to, I drive them through, I make them a short overview about how it works, I give them some tips how to get the best results and I also create specific steps of how to do it. I help agencies to create their account as well as Model Searcher. I kind of do many things so my main job is to let the creators know that Model Searcher is the 16 and the big advantage that they can get out of it. Right, okay. So how have your experiences been in the creator space as opposed to your previous work at Sexcos Mobile? Yeah, well it’s the same industry that’s true but on SGM I was more into getting publishers and advertisers. Here I’m more into the creators and the agencies. Right now I have more contact to the content, creation of the content and in Model and SGM I was more into connecting the best offer to the best advertiser. So even if both are focused in the adult industry they are kind of not so different but they are quite similar. That’s a good question because here I’m more in touch with the creators and teaching them how to pose. I will say here I’m more focused on the social media strategies because at the end Model Searcher is a social media and the same tips that I can give for Model Searcher will work as well on Instagram and TikTok and all the social media. Yeah, that’s true. How does a creator sign up on Model Searcher? First of all they need to have a fan site. They need to be already registered on a fan site. Let’s say only fans or let’s say fansly. So once they have the registration there and the registration is approved because they already cross a process, a verification process with I don’t know with password, with address and stuff like this, then we use this registration that they already have on the fan site to sign up easily on Model Searcher. So when we see that they send us the documentation that they are already in another fan site, then we can get this data from the fan site and let them sign up very easy. So it’s like claiming their account and then they are already on Model Searcher and once they are Model Searcher they are free to start posting. Oh wow. So it’s automatic at that point. Yeah. It’s very easy because even we can have the name, some pictures, so they don’t need to fill up so many things. That’s great. What’s the key to being successful on Model Searcher? Well creators need to understand that this is a platform that we build for helping them. It’s not only like I will sign up and then I will wait. As a creator you need to be as well helping Model Searcher to help their account to grow. So the key is that you need to be posting constantly your content on Model Searcher but at the same time you need to as well show the people that you are on Model Searcher. So to bring your community to Model Searcher and that every time you post on Model Searcher the people will see it and the people will keep a track on you and follow you and some comments, some likes. And as well the posting, I will say the posting is the most important. So they post on Model Searcher just like they post on other social media? Yeah. They post on Model Searcher and then the traffic that we have on Model Searcher they will see that, okay, this is a model here. I never saw her before because on OnlyFans you cannot post. You don’t have like a fee to see where what models are there, what models are posting. But instead when you go to Model Searcher then you see the feed and then you see all the models are there posting. Then you may say, "Oh, well, that model is interesting. I will take a look to her OnlyFans account." How often do you think they should post today? Well I would say between two and five times per day at least and the best thing is to post at nine in US like from 7 p.m. till 11 p.m. They should do safe for war and non-safe for war content. They should post and they will be sharing this with their audience and videos as well are very nice to post because people like to see videos, short videos and stuff like this. I would say that’s the best way. What should creators keep in mind when they’re posting on Model Searcher? Yeah, basically first they should check the quality of the picture, like nice pictures. I say not the studio style pictures but most like the selfie style pictures because this is what people like. It’s more personally. They feel like, "Okay, the model is right now taking a selfie and send it to Model Searcher right now. This is nice because they feel it is like live." This is as well helping the model to have more content because they are more able to make more content if they use their iPhone to make selfies than if they wait to go to a studio with lights and everything. This will cost more time because then the pictures need to be edited and so on. But selfies and video with the phone, this is super easy and you can create unlimited content. That’s true and the guys are into it because it’s almost like it’s for them. Yeah, exactly. What’s the best way to get people to check a creator’s profile at Model Searcher? Yeah, first of all, we are very focused on Google. When you post a lot of content, people will find you on Google as well because we have a very good ranking. That’s the way which is basically automatic. But as well, we tell the models and we tell the creators that they should also share their link on their social media. When you have Instagram, when you have TikTok or even Facebook, you can say, "Hey guys, I’m a Model Searcher. You may want to see my profile." And then drive these people as well to your Model Searcher profile. Okay, makes sense. Which websites drive the most traffic to Model Searcher and how do they each work? Basically, mainly Google because the amount of content that we have on Model Searcher. So we have a lot of traffic coming from Google. This traffic is organic and this traffic is focused on only fans because people find us on Google when they post the keyword "only fans." That’s different than when you, for example, are in another adult website, which are people coming from the general adult industry content. But in our case, it’s people who already know that only fans is existing and they are looking on Google for only fans, creators, and then they come to Model Searcher. So it’s like already half a niche and a high possibility to convert as a subscriber. What if there’s a creator on Model Searcher? We’ll just call her Jane Smith. If somebody Googles Jane Smith or creator Jane Smith or Jane Smith only fans, is that likely to go to Model Searcher? Yeah, because not only Model Searchers have a very high position on Google, we also have 15 other websites, which is Hubite and Fansmetric and many others. But mainly Hubite and Fansmetric have a lot of traffic as well. So in total, we have at the moment nowadays like 40 to 50 million monthly only fan visitors and all these traffic are connected to Model Searcher. Yeah, wow. That’s a lot. It’s come a long way. So why is Model Searcher different from other platforms? First point is that it’s SEO traffic. So it’s already SEO traffic and niche. So the niche is only fans. When you have SEO traffic instead of banners, it’s more organic that the people are going to the website to do exactly what they are looking for. Instead of watching a banner, you are on a website, you watch a banner and you buy coincidence by now that this banner is calling your attention. And maybe you have interest to see what is behind the banner. On SEO traffic is the person search for this specific keyword and found the keyword. With this, I’m saying that the conversion is much higher than when you place banners. And the other interesting point is that on Model Searcher, you are free to share non-safe for work. And this is what we are looking to do different to other platforms. Yeah, because most of the social media is with the exception of maybe Twitter, don’t allow that. Exactly. And another thing that I want to add is that Model Searcher, Fansmetric, Hubite and all these projects that we are building have the experience for a team with more than 20 years in the adult industry. It’s not a couple of guys who, "Oh, OnlyFans is existing. Let’s try to create a website." No, it’s a team that we know what we are doing. Over the next year, we have plans of how to improve and how to help creators on any fans site to grow. Right. Yeah, it makes sense. Is there any way for the creators to be more likely to be reached by a search on Model Searcher? Yeah, absolutely. Not only a Model Searcher as well on Fansmetric and Hubite. If you open Instagram, because in Instagram, there are many creators on TikToks as well. But if you open Instagram or TikTok and then you search for OnlyFans, it will be difficult that the algorithms from Instagram and TikTok will show you OnlyFans models. Even if you type the keyword or the hashtag, they will not show you what you are looking for. But Google does. When you Google OnlyFans and name name of the model, they will show you the model. Right. Okay. And I know that your other platforms sell keywords to creators. Does Model Searcher do that as well? Yeah. We have tags and categories as well. We not only have the models. We also have the categories like, for example, like Best Blondie Models on California and every category of every Best Models from, I don’t know, from any country, Best Model from Canada, Best Model from US. We share all this data. So those are available to purchase from your platform? Yeah. Well, Model Searcher is complete for free. Oh, okay. Yeah. What we do is that we are building like an activity rank where we will make a ranking of the most active models. This is from one side, the most active models. And then on the other side, the models which are posting more, they, of course, you will see them more on the feed. So we have an algorithm where people can see the most active models. Okay. Now, how about other niches like feet and BDSM and things like that? Are they likely to find that on Model Searcher as well? Yeah. When a model is posting something, they are able to see what niche is that. Or when they set up their account on the profile, they are also able to write down if there is a mil, if there is a teen, if they have any niche and any specific niche that they would like to know. So when the people search these keywords as well, they are able to find them. Okay. So if I’m a creator, why would I use Model Searcher as opposed to other platforms? Well, the tips or the main things that I mentioned before is that non-safe forward, safe forward content, SEO traffic, I think that’s one of the most important. And that it will never get banned. The content, you can post any content, of course, legal content and we never ban a creator. And another thing that I find very important is that this platform is made for creators. We’re not looking for anything else. That’s why for the registration, you need to be in a fan site. And this, I find a unique platform because no other platform is doing this. So Model Searcher is a platform which is 100% made for fansite creators. Right. And to be clear, not just only fans, right? Yeah. Only fans, fansly and we are integrating more fansites. Oh, okay. So you’ve got the two right now. Yeah, exactly. Okay. So how does Model Searcher work for only fans agencies? What we do is, because every model is a single sign up, what we do is that, you know, we create like an agency account. Like let’s say an agency have 30 models. So when they have 30 models, it’s a bit, I would say, tricky to sign off in every model and post their content. So what we do is we create an agency account when they sign up and they have a list of all their models. And we just one click, they can log into that model and then they can set up or schedule all the posts, the models. They can manage, they can change the profile of the model. They can upload content, put they have a calendar, a calendar there where they can choose where the post or when the post will be posted. They can go back and choose another model and upload content again and so on. So it’s very easy to manage. Yeah. Knowing what I know about agencies, that sounds like a fantastic tool for them. Yeah, it is. It is. Agencies love it. They have two creators. They say, "Hey, can you create an agency account for me?" And then they see the two creators because they can also see statistics, like some stats, like how many posts they make, how active they are, the models and so on. And we’re working as well on the agency side to make even more data, like how many clicks they have, how many likes, how many comments. Yeah. So they see the progress. It’s fantastic. What are your biggest challenges in growing model searcher? Us, as a company, I will say the timing. We want to make so many things in the platform. But of course, we have a lot of emotion to finish everything, to have everything that the creators have all the tools they need. But of course, this needs time, programming time and tests and all the stuff. But we know where are we going and we know what we want to build. Everything is focused on growth and help creators to grow. And I would say the biggest challenge is just time. We cannot go to the future fast. So we need to progress step by step. The good thing is that we have many creators active on model searcher and they give us feedback. These feedback are helping us a lot to keep building the platform exactly how they need it. How do they like it? What’s your feedback been so far? Yeah, they really like it. And we see it because they are posting a lot. We see many posts every day. We see some people also share the results. Like, hey, guys, I post so many pictures and I got so many subscribers. I got so many kicks. So it’s working very well. And that’s why we have a lot of motivation to keep growing model searcher. We believe that right now because model searcher doesn’t have not even one year. So I can imagine the next year is how it will grow, how much traffic we will drive to the creators. How are models finding you now and how should they be finding you? Well, mostly from Hubi and Fansmetric and as well from Google. And we are also running some ads on creator traffic, which is our other company. And there we have a lot of... Because there is more easy to run ads because it’s not a fan site. It’s not a model searcher where you have content. It’s an ad network. So it’s more easy to run some Google ads. So when the creator goes to the ad network, then they know about model searcher as well. Oh, that’s interesting. But one of the problems with SEO and with search in general is that something has to exist to have people look for it. And it sounds like model searcher is one of a kind, isn’t that right? Yeah. Well, there are many keywords that we may work on. And as long as we don’t include... As soon as we keep separated what is adult. Right. Great question. More has to do with... Okay. Before model searcher, was there anything like model searcher? I believe not. So my whole point here is people usually search... The toughest thing in advertising, especially when it comes to Google, is getting people to search for something that doesn’t already exist. Yeah. But they don’t look for model searcher. They don’t search for a fan site for creators. They search for the name of the creators and then the keyword only fans. Right. But what about the creators? How are they finding you? If they go to Google, how are they going to find you? One option is that they find theirself. For example, the model to mention one, Brittany. So they Google Brittany only fans. And then she Google to see where she is. Then she will find her profile on Fansmetric or her profile on Hubai or model search. And then she says, "Oh, I’m here. I will contact them to see how can I get a better position." Okay. So when it comes to model searcher, didn’t she have to sign up with her profile to get on there in the first place? No, because if she’s on any of the fan sites, she’s already there. So she only need to claim her account. Okay. Got it. Got it. Now I understand. Yeah, because it’s trying to put the two together and say, "Okay, well, how does this?" Okay. Got it. What are your company’s plans for the balance of the year on model searcher? Right now we are focused on building new features for the models that the people find them better, that the people interact with them better, and that the models, the creators, which we are more active, which are more post, they have a better ranking, not only on model searcher, but as well on fans metrics and in Hubai. The other thing we want to do is as well, we want to integrate more fan sites. Right now we have one of the two biggest, but we want to integrate more. We have more in the list. So yeah, we’re working on the API in order to integrate all these fan sites to have not only more creators, but as well more content. Yeah. That makes perfect sense. And if you were talking here, as you are, to creators, what would you tell them about model searcher? Well, I would say like, if someone told me 15 years ago about Instagram and they tell me, "Hey, you need to keep active here in this platform. You need to keep posting because it will grow a lot and will be nowadays Instagram. I don’t want to campaign. Instagram is a complete different niche and so on, but model searcher is very new and it’s have already a lot of traffic. The more you post, the more active you are, you will get a better ranking, not only internally in our 40, 50 million visitors, only fans, visitors per month, but as well on Google. So your content that you will be posting, your text and your profile will be shown more on model searcher. And this is giving you more opportunities to be or to have a high position on Google. Look, we have many models that we don’t have contact with and they are receiving a lot of traffic from our websites. And it’s just because they are posting content on other social media, but also the people are looking for the name and then they find the user find on Huubai, on Fansmetry, on model search. So I would say join to model searcher. It’s easy to sign up and post a lot of content. All the content you have, you are working on the street. Make a selfie, you are on the soft watching a movie, whatever. Just make a picture and put it on model searcher. Every time you can do it and then you wait a couple of days, weeks, I don’t know how long it will take because the problem I see as well is that they want to post something. Sometimes we get people, we get created and say, "Hey, I post three pictures and nothing happened." I come back and say, "Look, post three pictures on Instagram or on TikTok." And then, "What happened?" I didn’t get traffic. So when they come to model searcher, they directly, "We are faster. This I can guarantee. We are much faster given results that Instagram and TikTok way faster." But you only need to be constant. You don’t expect to post three times and directly have 10 subscribers. It can happen. If you post when the people is active and they see your pictures very night, it could be. We have cases of people who got five posts and already six clicks and two subscribers. That’s a good shot. But creators need to see on the long term, the middle term, I would say. Absolutely. You got to be patient. You got to be patient. Rome wasn’t built in the day. That’s true. Well, Jose, I’d like to thank you for being our guest today on Adults. I have broker talk and I hope we’ll get a chance to do this again soon. Thank you, Bruce, for having me here. I’m happy to do it again in the future. Probably will be interesting to speak again in a year or something like this. Probably I’m 100% sure that Model Searcher will be a huge potential source of traffic for creators. Sounds good. Thank you. My broker tip today is part eight of what to do to make your site more valuable for when you decide to sell it later. Last week we talked about information needed to give the buyer and being transparent with the buyer. Here’s more information on what to give to a potential buyer. How well has your content been protected from piracy and what steps have you taken to protect your content? Are you using a piracy takedown or monitoring service? These are important things to know. What promotional tools do you offer to your affiliates? The more tools you offer, the more successful your affiliates will be. What is your traffic breakdown by country? Tier one countries like the USA, Canada, the UK, Germany and Australia are the most preferred. Add in anything else that will add value to the sale of your property that you can think of such as what custom scripts do you use? What content management system software is on your site? Do you use billing or affiliate software like NATS? What’s your retention rate? How you retain your members is of the utmost importance. How many joins and rebuilds do you have a day? Do you buy advertising and if so what kind? Can your content make more money on the DVD or VOD markets or have you already tapped into those opportunities? How much did you spend to produce or buy the content that’s on your site? What do you believe the content is worth now? We’ll talk about this subject more next week. And next week we’ll be speaking with Walter Hasenclever of Venus Berlin. And that’s it for this week’s Adult Site Broker Talk. I’d once again like to thank my guest, Jose Weisner of Model Searcher. Talk to you again next week on Adult Site Broker Talk. I’m Bruce Friedman. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]