This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk where each week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry and we give you a tip on buying and selling websites. This week we’ll be speaking with Brian Sloan of Auto Blow. We’ve doubled our affiliate payouts at ASB Cash. Now when you refer sellers or buyers to us, you’ll receive 20% of our broker commission on any and all sales that result from that referral for life. Check out ASB Cash for more details and to sign up. And we’re proud to announce our latest project, You’ll find articles from industry websites as well as mainstream publications. It’s designed to raise awareness of our industry’s plight in the war on porn and the numerous attacks on our industry. You’ll find all that and more at Now time for a property of the week that’s for sale at Adult Site Broker. We’re proud to offer a premier female-led OnlyFans agency. Although they primarily manage creators from the US, their reach is truly global. 579 models are under contract, 22 of which generate significant revenue. The rest participate in qualification programs and online training, which ensures future growth. Their service includes 24/7 chat support. They also offer a range of templates, video courses, and other resources designed to streamline and enhance the content creation process. And they’ve started an OnlyFans community. This pioneering platform enables creators to connect, collaborate, and seek peer support. This agency represents a unique investment opportunity in the thriving OnlyFans market. Only 252,000 euros. Now time for this week’s interview. My guest today on Adult Site Broker Talk is Brian Sloan of Autoblow. Hey Brian, thanks for being back with us today on Adult Site Broker Talk. Thanks for having me. It’s a pleasure. Sex toy inventor Brian Sloan graduated from law school in 2005, but he decided he had a brighter future in the field of masturbation devices than he did in helping people with their legal problems. He holds numerous U.S. patents in the field of sex robotics and related technology with several additional patents pending. Sloan has been profiled in Playboy Magazine and featured in media online and on TV globally. He’s working towards a future where oral sex performed on a man by a human is indistinguishable from an experience generated by his autoblow machines. Brian has been doing this since 2008, so his product is one of the more mature ones of its kind. The company makes the Autoblow AI Plus, the Autoblow 2 Plus XT, and their newest device, the VacuGlide. They sell the devices directly to men from and to stores and chains in the U.S. They also have distributors in Canada, the EU, and Australia. The majority of adult shops globally carry their two devices. Brian, where do you think the sex toy industry is headed in the next five to ten years? It’s different, I think, where it’s headed for men and for women because I focus on devices for men. I sort of have a clearer picture of that. What I’ve seen, one of the devices you left out, it’s our other new launch. It’s called Autoblow AI Ultra, and that’s our model that syncs with porn videos. Actually, the device that syncs with videos, I think, is leading more towards where the future is in male sex toys. There are only a few devices on the market that sync with videos. That is, I think, going to become something that men just expect that their machine can do, and it will increasingly work with VR porn. There’s a website now called Sex Like Real that’s integrating the Autoblow AI Ultra. Although it’s a small percentage of men who want to connect to headset and go through this process, there’s enough of a chunk of those people that I think the market will move towards more realistic videos and concluding VR videos and becoming mainstream in the future. Okay. Sorry, I didn’t mention that. Brian, talk about the success your company has had up till now. Yeah. I think all success for people, it starts small and then suddenly people notice that something is successful. It’s like you ask a famous actor, "Oh, I never heard of you." They’re in a famous movie, and they’re like, "Yeah, I’ve been doing this for 27 years, and you just never heard of me or something." Overnight sensation. Yeah. Everyone thinks there’s an overnight sensation. Actually, they’ve been doing the same thing for forever. After I first built my beginning machine and learned how to market it, and this was back in 2008, it wasn’t a great machine, but it was on par with what was available. We were good at selling that online, and it was a time when there was not really any, but for fleshlight, there wasn’t really any direct-to-consumer brands. All brands at that time were going through sites like Adam and Eve or other browsing websites. Actually, my idea at first wasn’t really the machine. Idea really at first was to market something as a blowjob machine. I invented the category of blowjob machines. Once I understood how to market blowjob machines, then I went back to the drawing board and started inventing better and better ones. I think the first part of the success really is inventing the marketing around the blowjob machine, and the next part was the hard work of many, many years of making a blowjob machine I was proud of, which has taken many, many years. Each iteration obviously is better than the last, but every time I make it, it’s very clear what I can do to improve it. Our customers are not shy about telling us what we can do to improve. I’ve really been listening to them over and over and over, and each iteration, every about two years, we come out with something new, and we incorporate everything we learned from the previous generation of products. Do you have a lab to test these things? Do you have people come in and try out your prototypes? Yeah, good question. Yes and no. So I’m the main guinea pig for the brand. So whenever we do something at the factory level, we want to prototype, I’m the tester. So if it passes my test, really it’s sort of me 80% because by the time we’ve gotten to testing with our product testers, which we have some people that I’ll call them sort of super customers. Our customers who are heavy users of our machine, they will contact us for various reasons, or we end up knowing who they are. And we also pick some customers who are kind of bad customers, like customers who hate us and are very mean, and then we’ll contact them when they hated something and say, "Hey, Jim, guess what? We’d love you to be a tester." And then suddenly they’re like really excited to test them. So it’s probably like 80% people who love us and 20% of people who hate us. So after something has gotten past my stage where we’ve moved into a, to be able to make say, we have like maybe 30 testers that we work with, but to make it to the 30 testers, we already need molds made to get to those 30 testers because they’re getting sort of the version, the first version of the mass production of something before we really mass produce it. So there are some tweaks that we can do when it gets to that testing stage with customers, but we’ve already like invested $100,000 by that point in mold and more money than that, a lot more in the development process. So it’s pretty much like 95% where it needs to be. And then software and stuff like that and sleeve hardness and stuff we can still tweak at that point. Has there ever been a time where you’ve had something that you thought was ready for market and your testers said no? No, because that would mean that my testing totally, totally failed. And I mean, if I’m doing this for so long, it’s because I do have an idea of what people want and what something should feel like. So no, by the time it gets to them, of course, there’s people who’ve used things that have recommended improvements or there’s always one or two people who are like, I didn’t feel anything, but that’s for every generation of the product, even vacuum glide, which you’d have to be dead to not have an orgasm from that in like five minutes. I don’t like it. There’s always a guy like that, but generally, no, we’re like kind of in the 80 or 90% kind of happiness range when we get to the end stage there. Very cool. I noticed on your site, you now offer a lot of other products for men’s health and pleasure. What types of products are you selling and how’s that going? We don’t sell that many things. The reason, one of the reasons the brand has been successful is because I’ve not reached so far outside of my expertise, which is in machines. And that’s what we’re known for is making serious pleasure machines that are made like kind of for the quality level of kitchen appliances. So I only offer things that compliment the brand, but I never develop sort of deeply full lines of other things. For example, I sell three or four prostate massagers because that can compliment the brand, but those aren’t groundbreaking. Audible has all this stuff that it does that other products don’t do. But when you’re using it, yeah, you might want to put this thing in your butt and vibrate your prostate. So of course, I need to carry a couple of them, but I can’t say that they’re so distinguishable from some other popular brands. And we sell a few other like a sets of rings that I’ve found interesting in the market, but sort of the main thing is the main machines and their accessories. And then just things like I make a lube and a cleaner and stuff like that. Mostly things that compliment the use of the products that we already make. Okay, right. Do you think private equity will become more involved buying up and combining firms? And if so, how will that impact the industry? They’ve started doing that in Europe. Yeah, there’s a bunch of companies rolling up and not a bunch. There are two. Okay. There’s a couple companies rolling up distributors with brands and combining websites together and chains together. But that level of private equity activity isn’t happening yet in the United States. I’ve seen some stuff with female products that are more interested in kind of rolling up the lighter side of sex toys. And that usually means women’s products and they normally have a kind of more of a theme around sexual health. So that activity is starting in the United States, but I think that as people need better and better returns, they’re going to start looking more to male, the male side of things and maybe even to the pornography side of things. I think it will eventually get there. But so far it’s really about in the US women’s products only, but Europe is a bit less shy about buying up anything that’s making money and rolling it up. Have you faced increased or I could use the pun and say stiffer, but I won’t. Competition. And if so, tell me about it. Yeah. You were supposed to laugh there, by the way. But anyway, go ahead. Well, yeah. It’s true that since I started, the reason I got into the industry was that there was a lot of space to make great machines that we took seriously. That we introduced interesting and new technology into because the market was quite stagnant. It was people making the same 50 models of artificial vagina, thousand different packages over and over and over and over. And they were just making a mint off of that. And so that was the opportunity that there weren’t people really coming in with a background in technology or trying to offer something of high quality. And that has changed even in my automatic male sex toy space. A couple of companies have come in with serious people with technology backgrounds who are making really nice products. At first, I think it was a little bit scary that we’re going to lose market share. But I think in the end that the couple of companies that have come in have actually increased the market size. And I don’t think that anyone is really hurting by the presence because the customers actually, there are some customers who develop an affinity for a particular brand, but a lot of customers own, I know they own multiple different types of machines. Just like anything, like you have whatever your hobby is. Let’s say it’s not masturbation. It’s whatever it’s running or tennis. You’re going to go through different accessories related to this thing. And so the same way in masturbation, people get interested in a brand and a product. They don’t just buy one thing like a vacuum cleaner and they have a single vacuum cleaner and use that until it dies. They actually do like to buy competing products and compare them to each other. So it’s actually not as bad as I thought the competition aspect is on as bad as I thought it would be. We do use our vacuum cleaner until it dies just to let you know. I mean, that’s like a 10-year purchase. But sex toys really aren’t even the high quality ones that might last 10 years. People don’t want the same one for 10 years. They want to try different stuff. And as long as I think we keep offering them things that are offering new sensations, then it doesn’t matter that there’s people offering competing sensations. Yeah, it’s almost like being with the same woman. They may get bored after a while with the same masturbator. Yes, they certainly do. That is just a human effect of human life. And yeah, I find it as bad as I thought. One sells everything and they seem to be the go-to place when people are shopping. How are they impacting the sale of sex toys? I’m on a big rampage these days to let people know that they should not shop on Amazon for their sex toys. So Amazon used to be a marketplace full of like, I would say, brands. There were brands and there was the factory brands of products. And they sort of coexisted. And what ended up happening is that the factory brands, I think through like nefarious means, like reviews, attacking listings, because we used to be Amazon sellers as well in the marketplace a long time ago. The factories are experts at manipulating the results on Amazon and then squeezing out competition through illegal means. So the customer experience, you know, the customer might, for example, we don’t sell autoblow on Amazon. But if you search autoblow on Amazon, you get all these Chinese factory garbage products. They make them look like they’re awesome and they list like 80 features, but the features don’t do anything. People ask me, like, does yours have like heating and does it have like vibration? No, it doesn’t because the people who are making that shit, like just list all these features that don’t feel like anything. But since they have 10 features, you think it’s amazing. So I’m really trying to communicate to people about value and what they get. I’ve made several videos about what they get when they buy this like $100 masturbate on Amazon and I’m trying to convince them to look the extra $100 or an extra even $200. If what you’re looking for is pleasure, it’s going to last and you’re going to enjoy the experience of this device, then your $100 you might as well just set it on fire if you don’t want to spend 100 more. And I think that’s a reasonable thing because what’s another $100? It’s not like a ton of money. It’s like, oh, a shitty one is $100, but a good one is like $5,000. It’s like a shitty one is like another like couple times at Chipotle or something, you know? Like pony up and go for the real thing. And hopefully I make inroads in explaining to men that they’re basically getting ripped off with the factory direct kind of automatic male sex toys. But I do think it’s a little bit different for women’s toys. Women’s toys are a lot easier to make. The technology is a lot simpler. And I think the level of those factory direct Amazon sex toys are a lot higher when it comes to the women’s toys. Interesting. Why did you leave Amazon? So we used to be marketplace sellers. So what happened on Amazon is, you know, at our peak, we got up to, we were selling about $2 million a year on Amazon. That was like the Amazon part of our business. And so let’s say that we had a dildo. We were at the top of dildo category for a while. And let’s say I had this dildo, we’re selling, you know, whatever, 50 a day of this dildo. If I’m selling 50 days of a dildo, I need to order, you know, 4,000 of that dildo to make sure I’m staying stock. Right? So 4,000 dildos, whatever that said, they’re eight bucks or six, but whatever, there’s 20,000, $30,000 dildos. So when I have the dildos on the way to the United States, the Chinese competition, the factories would like screw over my listing. Okay. They would do all kinds of things at the time. They could say that their brand is my brand, and which it wasn’t, but it looked like my same dildo and they would list on my listing. So they’d steal it from me. And then you have to tell Amazon like, hey, that’s not a ladygasm dildo. I don’t know what dildo is. And then Amazon will put you in this like circle of hell of like support tickets that never ended. Even we bought it and then shipped it to them and there’s this whole process. It was garbage. And they would also attack the listings. So let’s say that we’re the number one dildo, have $30,000 of dildos inbound, they would report the listing. They’d say, I bought this and it had hairs on it. Okay. It didn’t have hairs on it. Like came from the factory. They would use. So then Amazon would take your listing down. They would say, we’ve taken your listing down. Please tell us like the steps you’re going to take to like make sure like, how do you hear you’re going to correct this? And then you’d reply, I did, there’s no hairs. It wasn’t a return. This is not true. You’ve not like told us how you’re going to fix this problem. And so we are not going to like give your listing back. So what you ended up having to do was to confess you had to issue, you had to write a false confession to Amazon. Okay. You have to say, I learned this just because of denying it didn’t get your listing back. And you’d say, dear Amazon, I’m so sorry that this listing was full of hairs. And I’ve gone to my warehouse and I’ve looked at every dildo and I’ve made sure that there’s no hairs in any dildo. And now I guarantee this is the case. And now can I please have my listing back? And they would say like, okay. So just like living in this bizarre reality where you need to write false confessions to things that were not true. And then by the time you got your listing back from Amazon, you were no longer than number one dildo at 50 a day. You were like the number 16 dildo because during this time period, the Chinese seller who screwed you over, the used dildo would be on the top. And so then you’re building, then they get $30,000 a dildo is landed. But I was like selling for a day. So there was just a lot of this like building of inventory where we’d have a win and then we’d have a loss. We have a win and we have a loss. We have a win and a loss. And it was just so risky. The amount of inventory that I was, for that $2 million of sales a year, I had an unbalanced, same amount of inventory because I was building up debt inventory. In the end, the best thing I ever did was I found someone in the US who owns a lot of stores and I had about $500,000 of my Amazon inventory, $500,000 of my cost. And I told them, hey, I have three, like 53 foot trucks of this stuff. Give me $125,000 for it and you can have like everything. And they said, yeah, and they filled their like kind of bargain bins and stuff in the store. And I’ll bet you to this day that are still having like, because the build-up will last for a long time. And I mean, they got them for 25% of what I paid. So they knew that was a good opportunity. And I was just so happy to be, you know, I made money, even though I lost it one day, $325,000, doing it for years, obviously I made money, but I was just so happy to be out of it and just have it off my plate. And then actually the audible emphasis from that point really went a lot faster and a lot better because I focused all my attention on something I had control over, which was our own sales channel, selling to stores and distributors and everything else. So I hate selling on Amazon. Did you start out? Yeah, we started out just as that, that was a part of the business. We started out really direct to consumer on our website, but Amazon became a channel certainly, but never a channel for autoblow, only a channel for our white label stuff that we bought like from China. And then like no name dildo, we called it Ladygaz and dildo, whatever, but a lot of people have these dildos and artificially, we were like the top seller for whatever, a few months probably of artificial vaginas like those big rubber butts, stuff like that. It’s a commodity, so it’s a bad business. I bet you there’s zero people in the US who are still doing good on white label, Amazon sex toys. Sure. Your new machine, the VacuGlide, syncs with porn. Explain to me how it works. Oh, the VacuGlide doesn’t sync with porn, the autoblow AI Ultra syncs with porn. VacuGlide is the milking machine, but the Ultra that syncs with porn. So basically we have a thousand or so videos licensed, which for most users it’s kind of like enough of a library. We found couples, so we don’t use what do you call like porn stars, like professional kind of porn. We use sort of amateur porn that I think more in fashion now with people. I license videos from people. We run them through like a technical process. One syncs all the movements with the video, and then when you log onto the web app with our machine, you go to like your own, it’s not porn hub, but like it’s your own little mini porn hub, but every video that you play, the machine moves in sync with the actions in the film. So it moves the stroker up and down exactly with the action. So you really feel that the action’s happening to your penis. Very cool. So tell us about the VacuGlide. That’s new too, right? Yeah. VacuGlide is also new and it’s a milking machine. It’s big. It’s like a 15 pound $900 machine. And the reason it’s so large is because of the size of the piston that’s causing a vacuum. There are some smaller versions around, but the thing is you only get as much vacuum pressure as the size of the air you’re displacing from inside the machine. So we have quite a large piston and long story short, it rips and glides and slides in a way that’s superior to the feeling generated from any other sex toy. And it also hits an interesting market. In particular, it’s good for men who can’t have erections because it’s pretty much, it’s like an auto, it’s like the autoblow ultra and a penis pump combined. So it’s using suction and it’s causing the orgasm and the erection at the same time. That is unusual in the field of male sex toys. Interesting. So how’s the porn sync coming along and what have your customer reactions been so far? It’s great. It was a lot of work actually to find the people who want to license videos to us, but it’s great. We have every day, it’s like, you know, every week, maybe it sets a new record of how many users we have online at once using the porn sync at one time. It’s the main thing that I think most of the buyers enjoy for free because there are other people who sell products where they push you into a subscription, but we don’t push people into subscription. We actually offer this for free the way to gain access and you need your token that’s generated by the machine. So you need a physical machine to gain access to the videos. Yeah, but they love it and they use it a lot. It’s like a thing that people use multiple times a week. A lot of users. That’s very cool. Are you planning on increasing the library as you go along? Yeah, we’re probably always going to, we’ve sort of been at it hard at first, but no, I don’t think that we will offer for free. There’s a reason that some people charge for access to libraries. The trick is that some, let’s say you have a library, say there’s 10,000 titles in our library, but you look at it and you could license this kind of like 2007 mainstream porn, professional porn for like whatever, like $5 a video in bulk, right? So we don’t offer that kind of experience. So I’d rather offer fewer videos with more up to date sort of better content. So yeah, the library will grow, but it’s never going to be like we give 20,000 videos for free or something. But for most people, it’s enough for them to jerk off to for a long time. Do you ever see you going to a subscription model? If so, maybe just for VR content. So if the adoption of VR headsets increases, that is something that that content is a lot more expensive to film and therefore it’s a lot more expensive to license. And that’s something that we wouldn’t be able to just absorb with the profit of selling the product we would need to charge separately for our own VR porn library. So that is possible in the future. Okay. Look into your crystal ball for a moment. What kind of technology do you think we’ll see in the future of male sex toys? Really I think that there’s just going to be smaller and better and more powerful motors that will be integrated into the machines to do various things to your penis at the same time. So most sex toys just have a single motor. Some sort of have a dual motor, but there are sort of more exotic types of motors. There are kind of special magnetic silent motors. There are there are some kind of special motors now that cost hundreds of dollars. But if those motors find more uses in other kinds of products and those motors become you know, 15 or $20 and set up $200, there’s quite interesting things that can be done in terms of movement and sound and volume of the product, which is a consideration for people. Of course they wanted to silent as possible, right? Yes. How do you keep track of all the motors that are out there? I just like read kind of technology news. I Google things every once in a while about motors and yeah, I just sort of read up in the field and make sure that if there’s something new, people also tend to contact us. People with new inventions, motors or materials, they tend to Google for potential uses for that and contact us. But normally they contact us way too early. Like we’re not going to pay to develop like some idea that someone had. But when there’s company, you know, once in a while we’ve been contacted by people who actually have a business going, making a particularly interesting thing. And I think that might happen in the future is that they’ll come to us. Okay. For the longest time, we just had the flesh lad in male sex toys. Obviously things have come a long way. So how is the overall health of the male sex toy industry today? I think the health is, I wouldn’t say it’s at the strongest it’s ever been because that was in the middle of COVID. But that’s also when people couldn’t date and it’s also when the government gave them money for not working that they spent on sex toys for themselves. So the health has been better a couple of years ago, but still I think overall the adoption of just people who are trying male sex toys for the first time, I think it’s still in its way to becoming more and more mainstream. It’s still not anywhere near the level of mainstream adoption compared with sex toys for women. But I do think it’s still on its way there. What do you think could be done to make male sex toys more mainstream? I don’t know. It’s a cultural sort of gift would have to happen. I mean, there’s a reason I think just thing in the culture that men using sex toys is kind of the butt of jokes, but women using sex toys is somehow empowering and interesting and great. I think that people would have to be nicer to men. I thought about it before. Why are sex toys thought of in this way for men? Like who is driving that kind of thinking? I realized, well, is it men or is it women driving this kind of thinking? So I think maybe if you get down to it, maybe it’s that women for the most part probably in general feel uncomfortable with men using toys that look like mouths and vaginas because women use sex toys that most of them don’t look like a real penis. They just might be penis shaped or they just vibrate. So I think there’s still a high level of uncomfortable feelings among most women in men using these kind of products. So I really don’t know how that can change. I think men are the problem. Oh, why? Because guys give guys a bad time about everything. Using a male sex toy, you know, guys are going to be all over that. Do you think the men are just being mean to each other? They’re being mean to each other and they’re being not that kind to themselves, really. Yeah, I think that I hope that that changes. It’d be good for business for sure, too. But I think it’s happening, but it’s just happening. It’s a slow process. It’s a slow burn, that kind of thing. Yeah, yeah. Any change like that is going to be slow for sure. I think the idea of women’s sex toys being accepted took a very long time. With men, I think it’s going to take even longer. Yeah. You know, look, if that keeps people a bit out of the market, if this thing keeps very talented people out, then I’m actually happy about that for a little bit longer, at least until I retire. Then they can have at it. But give me another, I don’t know, 15 years at this. Your newest devices, VacuGlide, we talked about it earlier. On your website, it says for advanced players. I kind of like that. It costs $900, which is on the high side for your machines or really any machine of its kind. We kind of talked about what it did, but maybe you can get into a little more detail. And how does it justify the price tag? What does it do? Inside, there was a motor and a very serious one at that. And there was a piston that’s displacing air. There’s a hose. There’s three different sizes of penis receiver. And there’s actually a silicone, a silicone sleeve that’s wrapped around the edges of the penis receiver that the hose is connected to. And there’s a cap on that with a valve. And so what the machine is doing is you lubricate your penis. You put it inside of this silicone part. But there was a chamber of air in between this silicone insert and the plastic penis receiver. And what’s happening is it’s actually sucking the air out of that compartment. And then that is causing the vacuum on your penis inside of the sleeve. So it costs so much because these surprised to learn how much it costs to make molds for things that are that large. So the per unit price is very high just based on the materials. It’s made from an aluminum body. So it looks kind of like a MacBook. It’s made from that same sort of material as a MacBook. All of the controls, it’s digital. There are electronically controlled valves. You can press buttons to move air in and out of the system. It’s just it’s expensive to make something that functions like an industrial sort of machine and that’s built to last for a very long time. So when I first went to adult industry events to meet the chains and distributors to sell autoblow too in 2000 and it started dealing with retailers and stuff till 2014 or 15. And I went to them and I said, we had already by then sold many, many thousands of the machine online and they said, how much is it retail? I said, it’s 150 retail. And you know, they all told me, oh, 150 retail. No one pays when you’re going to kill the market for your product by doing that. Anything under 100 cells. So and I was like, no, no, no, people don’t really care about the price as long as it delivers them the desired sensation that’s better than the other things. And I had to give them the product to sell for free for them to believe me. Okay. And so each time I did I came out of auto blow AI and how much is I say it’s 250. Oh, you’re going to deal with this is nothing so that we’re 199. And so this is $900. And of course on the distributors are like $900, you know, we don’t have customers that you know, or the store owner, so we don’t have this kind of customer. It’s like, no, no, you, it’s hard to tell people their own business. They, it’s like, there’s no nice way to tell someone that maybe they’re wrong about like their own business they’ve been doing for like 30 years or something. They do have this customer, but they just don’t know that people are willing to pay for the sensation that they’re looking for, which is a particular serious suction, a milking machine. They are willing to pay that amount of money for it. So I’m just making something that people have always been willing to pay for, but no one has really been providing for them. It’s not like it doesn’t sell like as many as our ultra, which is at, you know, $220, right? But it’s, it surpass our expeditions. It surpassed our, our distributors in Australia and in Europe and Canada. They can’t keep it in stock because they keep under, they don’t want to like overstock something that’s that expensive. That’s a very unusual price point for them. So, you know, their first order, they’ll say, yeah, we don’t know. And I’ll tell them like, we’re going to be fine. They’re like, give us 30. And then by the time the 30 get that they’ve already sold them because people have already pre-ordered, then they’re like, oh man, we sold it. And then it takes another month to get it from China. And they’re like, give us 60. And I’m thinking like, need like 300. Can we stop this like 30, 20, 30, 40? So, but there, you know, I get it. Like they’re nervous. They can’t just like walk a bunch of money into one thing without really being sure of it. They’ve done a year to catch up with the demand at this rate and because their risk covers which honestly they should be, but it’s going well. Of course it’s not for everybody. So that kind of has a lot to do with it. Who is it for? Well, there are two main groups. Well, maybe three. There are people who are take their masturbation very seriously and they want the best sensation. You know, there are people when they shop for whatever the thing is, they’re looking for like an air purifier for their house. Right? You can get the $89 Amazon special or you can get like an IQ error that’s like $1500. Right? And there are people who want the best of the thing. You know, it looks to get like the best car. It’s like, you know, a million dollars or something. Right? But to get the best masturbator, it’s not the space between two or $300 and $900. Isn’t also just like an enormous increase. Right? So people who want the best sensation and then there’s a lot of, we have a lot of older customers also who have an erection problem. Imagine if you have an erection problem, you need to use a pump, then you need to put like a ring on your penis and then you need to masturbate or have sex or whatever you’re going to do. But this allows you to do that without that, you know, I don’t think that would be like a very erotic thing to need to pump your penis and then put a ring and then masturbate. It would kill your mood potentially. For this makes you forget about your erection problem because it’s doing, it’s doing the erection and the orgasm and it feels amazing too. So yeah, just people who kind of want the best of a particular thing and a particularly strong market among, I wouldn’t say only the elderly because there are also younger guys who’ve had prostate surgery or all kinds of reasons that they can’t have erections. Yeah, very true. So we talked about this a little earlier. Overall among strokeers, your machines are priced on the very high side. Explain why that is and what makes yours better. So like I was saying, like because price is not the thing, we’ve researched, put our money into research and development and implementing technology that people want in the product and that’s expensive, you know, it’s not like a rubber butt and you’d, oh, we’ll just like make this mold and pump them out. No, it’s like software, like, you know, the half of the products, important features are actually software and then that includes motor control software around motor control and firmware for all of these internet features and servers for running the internet features. So to give people these features that distinguish the product from others, it just costs more money to deliver that kind of technology. And in the feedback you get, do people say this is of a higher quality than what I’ve experienced before? Especially for the new devices they do, you know, after 16 years, now the Ultra and the VacuGlide, I really feel happy for all the products I made before. Like I was happy that they, I thought they were better than what else was out there, but I didn’t feel like super pleased. I gave myself like a B kind of, you know, like I thought we can make it better, better, better. The Ultra and the VacuGlide, I finally give myself like an A on those just based on the, really on the customer feedback, like the customers are the happiest they’ve ever been. And finally, you know, we have a subreddit. Normally our subreddit was just like, it was very small and people only came, if they came there, they just came because they didn’t like something. And now they come there and like, they’re very happily participating and talking about things they like and giving constructive advice to us and feedback. So it’s, it’s changed and the numbers grew a lot of our subreddit subscribers. So yeah. Do you think the market is going to go more high end in the future? Yeah. The market that I’m controlling will. Certainly there are some concepts that I have that, you know, I think a thousand, some other concepts I could execute at a thousand dollars. And there are things I’m thinking about, you know, for the next three to five years that could be at the $2,000 price point, the retail price. But, but again, like I don’t think, obviously that’s not like our going to be the best selling thing, but there’s definitely, if we can offer this in section and the technology that people want, people spend more than that on all kinds of stuff that’s less important than, than their masturbator. How do you come up with the concepts as an inventor? That’s a good question. I don’t know. It just, it’s obvious to me like what people want. Then it’s just a matter of how do I get there? I have to talk to people who work for me and, you know, other potential people who can do, you know, like third party kind of work for us. I have to know what’s possible. And if it’s at a reasonable price point for how much I could sell the thing for. So for me, it’s just a natural. I know what people want. If I built a bigger team, I just don’t want to live that kind of lifestyle of running all kinds of teams all the time. Like I would think I’d be unhappy, but if I really wanted to scale it up, I could do all the concepts at once. I just wouldn’t be happy with it. So we sort of roll them out more slowly. Makes sense. Makes sense. Brian, I’d like to thank you for being back with us today on Adult Site Broker Talk. And I hope we’ll get a chance to do this again soon. Yeah. Thank you. My broker tip today is part two of what to do to make your site more valuable for when you decide to sell it later. Last week we talked about converting traffic and improving user experience. Make a good offer. If you’re selling something and the offer isn’t good, you won’t make money. It’s plain and simple as that. And if your offer is to contact you or to get more information, then make the offer attractive and easy to understand. If you’re selling something, make buying easy. Show them an easy way to buy and then leave. Help them by making suggestions on what to buy. is the best at this. They always have suggestions on what to buy based on your buying and browsing history. They use AI to do this. There are AI engines available these days at a modest cost. Look into this if you can. Don’t clutter up your site with unnecessary items, buttons, and images. Keep it as simple as possible. The best and most successful sites are the simple ones, the ones that lead you to take the action you’d like them to take. It’s not that hard. Just remember, when you’re putting together any site, try to think through the buying process like a human being. Whatever you do, don’t turn over that process to your designer. Don’t just say, "Build me a website." What you’ll get out the other end will not give you what it is you’re looking for. Give them as much direction as possible and make it easy for them to build a site for you that makes your business succeed. We’ll talk about this subject more next week. And next week we’ll be speaking with creator, Bull Boss Josh. And that’s it for this week’s Adult Site Broker Talk. I’d once again like to thank my guest, Brian Sloan of Autoblow. Talk to you again next week on Adult Site Broker Talk. I’m Bruce Friedman. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]