This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk where each week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry and we give you a tip on buying and selling websites. This week we’ll be speaking with Robert Warren of Robert Warren SEO. We’ve doubled our affiliate payouts at ASB Cash. Now when you refer sellers or buyers to us, you’ll receive 20% of our broker commission on any and all sales that result from that referral for life. Check out ASB Cash for more details and to sign up. And we’re proud to announce our latest project, You’ll find articles from industry websites as well as mainstream publications. It’s designed to raise awareness of our industry’s plight in the war on porn and the numerous attacks on our industry. You’ll find all that and more at Now time for our property of the week that’s for sale at Adult Site Broker. We’re proud to offer a premium cam site launched in 2010. It was designed and developed for models by models. Many of their current hosts have been with them for over a decade due to high traffic, high payouts, tons of earning options, a robust model interface and more. The site has safety features like the ability to block and report customers, geo blocking and geo hiding. The owner started an adult as a doorman at the Men’s Club of Charlotte. As an entrepreneur with little coding experience, he built their prototype site. Once the first dancer from the club made some money, more followed and the site took off. Their database has over 127,000 registered users and over 1,100 registered models. Potential buyers with access to models, dancers or creators can onboard their current talent and increase sales quickly. White label owners can instantly double profits by switching to their own platform. Also investing in recruiting and hiring hosts or onboarding new talent pays off instantly. If a host is added today, it is reflected in revenue immediately. Only $926,000. Now time for this week’s interview. My guest today on Adult Site Broker Talk is Robert Warren of Robert Warren SEO. Hey Rob, thanks for being back with us on Adult Site Broker Talk. Very welcome. I’ve always enjoyed my time when I’m here with you. It’s always great having you. Now Rob is a 32 year veteran of the adult industry and this means like me, he’s old. He owns and operates providing long time professionalism and service and SEO and marketing. Robert is the father of five kids. He’s been busy, two dogs and two cats and he says they help keep him sane. Rob is known as a longtime industry veteran offering advice, wisdom and guidance in addition to speaking at a variety of seminars, writing numerous articles appearing on radio programs and podcasts including this one and having articles written about him. Robert is gearing up for Internext Las Vegas coming up this weekend. He was chosen to speak on the SEO panel. Learn more about him from his website or at the Internext website under speakers. So, Rob, you’ve got Internext coming up as we just said. This isn’t the first time for you to speak there so why has it taken so long for you to speak there again? I used to do it all the time whether it was in Florida or Montreal or whatever, not just Internext but other places, Montreal. I remember one time I was on five panels in one show and it was basically because Internext, some of the speakers didn’t show up so they quickly gave me a call and said, "Hey, can you go over here?" I’m like, "Yeah, why not?" So yeah, I used to do it all the time probably for like about 20 years or something but since then and then obviously having the kids and being more tied down to the home, just working behind my desk and with the increased responsibilities to clients and that, I just kind of stepped away from doing it. COVID hit obviously and that stopped a few things but yeah, raising kids and I just couldn’t get away from my clients or my family in time and so when they asked me this time around, it took a little bit, took a little bit of convincing. My wife just said, "Get out of here please." So I was like, "Yes dear." So that’s why I’m heading off. So talking earlier, I sensed a little bit of, I don’t know if the word’s pain, from you since you’ll be in a room with people who maybe don’t understand SEO. Is that a fair assessment? Yeah, boy, do I ever feel bad about saying that. I don’t like being negative about other people and other people who claim to be SEO people or do whatever but I just found that over the years that there’s so many people who claim to know SEO but in short, they just really, really depend upon third party software that they buy like, you know, SEMrush or whatever. Well those are good tools though, right? But they have flaws. All of them have flaws and I can get into that later on if you want but you know and then other ones that they don’t even know the basics of setting up analytics or reading it or adjusting and listening to truly what’s happening out there. Some just think, "Hey, I’m just going to buy this software and go with it." You know and a lot of webmasters unfortunately are being suckered in by people. One situation where I saw a client or somebody who had spent $6,000 on getting an SEO report and all it was was just a SEMrush printout. $6,000? Yeah, $6,000. That’s what they spent for it. You can get it free from SEMrush. Thank you. I know but somebody charged them $6,000 and got away with it, you know and not just SEMrush but a lot of that information you can get directly from Google as well and some of the things that they have and you know I’ve seen people do some very nasty things like you know they’ll recommend certain places over others. They get a percentage if they recommend certain places so they’ll lean towards that. They’re not helping the client out. They’re helping themselves out. And so there’s a lot of things that happen out there and you know that company you know when they do stuff like that more than anything those companies tend to go under because they’re listening to people who are just in it for themselves and or they rely upon this third party software so yeah. I’ve always felt when it comes to SEO that a large percentage of the people doing it if you looked at it if you used a medical analogy or what would be called quacks. That’s a good word. Yeah, I’ve always felt that way and that’s been my experience over the years so unfortunately and I wish I completely understood SEO but who has the time right? Who has the time to keep up unless you’re doing it? Who has the time to keep up with all the changes that happen with Google? It’s crazy. Well, that’s why you know like on my website I’ve got all the latest Google updates and it’s just a link that goes right to Google and it tells you what’s happening every single time and as an SEO person you’ve got to keep up on all of the latest stuff that’s happening whether it’s some of the latest updates and how it’s going to refer to it and you know if Google is going after a black hat SEO or whether you know they’re changing things around and using the new type of algorithm and AI tools like they’re starting to right now. They’re using Gemini AI which is changing, well they’re using them more for mobile than they are for desktops but it’s changing the way SEO works in finding keywords and doing various things like that because using now this AI tool you have to change your structure around and your meta takes and everything to be able to suit it for that purpose. So yeah. So you mentioned third-party SEO tools for webmasters and that even SEO people use them the wrong way. Why don’t you get into a little bit more detail on that? Alright, first off the tools themselves there are some positive and benefits to them. Let me get that out front but some of the other things that people don’t realize about some of these tools I mean outside of them I mean you got the costs of them you got the overwhelming features of them you got the limited customization, the reliance on third-party tools, the redundancy that happens with free tools but for example SemBrush that we just talked about it doesn’t take into account the worldwide situation and they also they have a slower reporting system as far as you know it’s not a live type of a thing and they also give an inaccurate overview of domain authorities and I’ll talk about that a little bit later on. People have an over reliance to it the data accuracy isn’t exactly there and that’s simply because SemBrush has its own algorithm which is separate than analytics and a lot of times these they give you an imperfect data source so there’s a lot of inaccuracies so there’s accuracy and reliability of the data the limitations and the features and the depth of the analysis the dependency on the tools like for example well SemBrush wasn’t exactly built for adult content or websites we know that. Was anything? Well yeah but you know the algorithms right and so and the traffic in SemBrush is also an estimate and it’s using its own algorithms and data source it’s an estimate but here’s the key thing that a lot of people don’t realize the traffic only covers Google and not any other search engines so you’re kind of stuck there I mean I just had somebody that who’s a client who came back and said my domain authority dropped for whatever and I said no in fact it actually went up and I said well SemBrush said this and I said oh god here we go so I listed about five or so different five or six different domain authorities out there you know who do that. People besides SemBrush who do that including Google I’m sure. Right yeah so I had all of them and oddly enough they all were above they didn’t go down I mean he was saying it went down to 28 and then all of a sudden it was like there’s other places that are going it’s in 50s it’s in the 70s right and I’m going see what I’m saying like they have their own algorithm they do their own thing and when you’re talking about you know it’s like oh here’s certain type of some of your back links or some of your other links aren’t working yada yada yada and then you go to your Google search console and there’s no there’s no warnings there’s nothing there that tells you that you know hey something’s wrong in this thing it’s because SemBrush and other ones have their own algorithms that say oh there’s a problem here but they’re going there’s a problem but the Google’s going no there’s nothing wrong here you know then you go to fix the problem and then it creates a problem in analytics and in the Google search console so a lot of people get confused and I’ve seen people I had one guy that actually just signed up with me two months ago three months ago and a year ago he was my client and then he said okay I’m going to be fine I brought him up to like about I don’t know he was getting something like about 20,000 hits a month and he said okay I’m good now and then he went out and he got SemBrush and then he got another SEO person to do it and I was like fine and then over the year they just dropped and all the traffic was going all the back links are going the whole thing and he finally called me up and he was just like I need you and I was like well what did you do I had this thing growing and he was like well we looked at SemBrush and they were telling us all this stuff and I was like well that’s what happened and all these error reports well there’s what error reports Google search console well the SEO people never told us about that that’s because they didn’t look at it yeah Google search console is the Bible there’s no two ways about it when it comes to that stuff but people who are SEO should know analytics they should know your search console and understand it and read it like where do I get keywords well the search console has it it’s right there you know so yeah anyways that’s just why too soon there’s a lot of things that Google provides you there’s no two ways about it as much of a pain in the ass as Google is but that’s neither here nor there what changes are you seeing in your approach to assisting people with SEO well a few years ago everybody was getting into like web games like during COVID and things like that everybody in their mother was wanting to create a web camp site and they were doing all that because they can do it from home but you know I don’t even want to get into white labeling then came only fans and that’s where you know that was something that’s that actually came upon me a couple of months sorry about a year or two ago first time I had an only fans person could give me a call and say can you help me and I was like I’m gonna do the best I can fortunately I was able to and now what’s happening lately is I’m getting multiple calls from people that are starting up these AI sets you know taking your picture and changing into this or you know you know hey if you want to see yourself kissing your favorite celebrity or your dead grandmother or whatever giving them a hug this is what you do so that’s and that’s by the way I’m gonna give you a little secret here a lot of companies who start up a AI have a difficult time getting processing with credit cards and things like that I know I know a lot of people in AI who’ve lost their processing because they tried to go through things like like patreon and oh I’m trying I’m just trying to think what other mainstream processors they used it was dumb well you would know because you’re the best broker that’s out there so you would know about the different sites and what goes on there but I found that one of the things that helps them out a great deal is having a takedown policy a takedown policy that’s just right there that says no matter what you don’t like it it’s gets taken down and the credit card company goes okay that’s fine right so I’ve seen a lot of people being able to get their processing credit card because they’ve had they have a takedown policy that’s just you know we don’t even debate it it just gets down because anything that’s you know they’ll look at it as being revenge for that’s one of the things with AI and then you’ve got you know x or that your twiddle twiddle twiddles good social yeah then you know I get people that are talking about their Twitter you know a lot of them I just help just for the fun of helping them like I had this girl that was out in BC and she had her own stuff that was going on she was on porno she was on a bunch of other places and she was just going you know hey can you give me some advice here so I was throwing her some stuff there and that’s the problem is that a lot of people who are on only fans or Twitter they don’t know any of this stuff because they don’t get on let’s say certain message boards or they don’t know where to read any of this stuff and you know what is out there really doesn’t help them you know to succeed or to know what to do next day you know to know what to do as far as you know helping them out with that particular group because if they’re on Twitter or wherever or only fans they’re very very limited on what they can do what they can’t do well they can’t really sell anything on Twitter or acts as it’s now called thank you it’s um yeah thank you for many things Elon we will get into that but you know I mean you can’t really sell anything on acts but acts is used as a promotional vehicle for only fans and other creator platforms and other porn sites and things like that so that’s that’s some of the things that I’ve noticed that have changed over a little while so do you are do you finding your hearing from a lot of creators who who want to help their only fans yeah I find it a lot yeah I’ve I’ve been surprised I’ve gotten several porn stars fortunately I’ve been able to help them out and increase increase like a lot so they’ve been very very happy and you know I teach them how to do it themselves so that they’re not depending upon me because I know these people you know they’re some of them you know are you know having to nickel and dime themselves just to be able to survive and then to afford somebody for SEO is is difficult for them so I try to teach them as much as I can I can see it now Robert Robert Warren only fans agency it’s coming I would rather create something on my website or create articles to help them to help them out because you know unless they’re the ones that are making like ten million dollars a month then come to me sure though and those don’t usually ask for an agency to take a percentage it’s the smaller ones that are trying or the medium sized ones are looking to build up they’re the ones looking for an agency so we’ve talked about going to trade shows which are important not just for networking but also for gaining knowledge do you have advice for people who are planning on attending shows especially people new in the business make sure you get the address right of the place what I’ve always found is your body your health is very very important and so I personally always arrive the day beforehand I get some rest and I plan out what my next day is going to be including the seven hours or the boosts you know even the parties if I’m getting there some people will have jet lag others just you know getting used to their surroundings so I always try to just like get into my room I order some food up to the room I might take a little walk around just to make sure I get you know my bearings correct and then I go back to my room and I sleep and I sleep till the next day and then I’m pretty much rested I always have water nearby and I always make sure that I as far as the parties go I will go for a short time because if you go too long then you burn your throat out because you’re talking to the to the as far as business wise I have policy it’s called never eat alone so you find somebody that’s in your niche or whatever product or whatever you’re doing and to invite them out for a meal and you talk to them over the over the meals so that you know if you make a sale or you gain knowledge then that was not a wasted hour or whatever that you had it eating the other thing is networking as well is a lot of people they tend to go to the shows and just think that if you build it they will come and that’s not really what happens in this industry people buy from the people they trust so you need to get to know them first you know talk it out you know get to know things about them and develop a relationship so that you know if they do decide to go with you it’s like you know hey I think this person’s cool let’s do it and always research you know who they are like check the references as well just don’t assume that they’re you know multi-million dollar company and doing whatever or buying traffic for example that’s the worst one is you know when you buy traffic from somebody and then it just dies but as I said drink a lot of water don’t expect too much business at parties because it’s loud as can be try to keep your sleep under control so that you’re not burnt out too much and have a goal or a task that you want to achieve and work for it this is not a holiday this is business and you’re going to treat it I’ve you and I both have seen people that are just like you know sliding down the fountain or you know just going absolutely crazy and wild and I’m like if I’m a company and I’m spending let’s say three to five thousand dollars sending this person on a business trip and all they’re doing is just you know screwing around then that’s a waste of time free booze is not free very very smart you’re right I’ve always said that about the shows I learned it very early on free booze is not free so what are what are some common mistakes people often make regarding SEO first off the name I mean I know people call search engine optimization but there’s a new phrase that’s out there is called search everywhere optimization so you got to think outside the box and start reading new venues and getting to learn new venues whether it’s social media whether it’s whatever get to learn it anyways the first mistake that I that I see people make is just they don’t need it and that’s usually followed by a couple of months of low traffic and failed purchases and all that stuff you know oh I bought this script somewhere or I’m using this third-party tool and I don’t need it it’ll do it by itself and the second mistake and you know this as well I’ll guarantee you know this through brokerage and all that stuff cheapest is not always the best people often higher as I said people using third-party software or you know you get somebody who’s like oh you know somebody in my apartment building can do it for me for 50 bucks a month and I just shake my head because it’s like if you’re talking 50 or 100 bucks forget it and you know the same thing you know you know is in what you do or as I mentioned you know or they buy their own SEO software and we already talked about the too many cons and the inaccuracies there the other thing that people make a mistake on is they’re still stuck in in universal analytics UA I ran into that three weeks ago I was talking to guys like well perfectly fine you know we’re getting this and this and I looked at it and I just went wait a minute you have a UA in front of your ID I was looking at a source code right because I always check out their source code and I was like you’re still in universal analytics man what’s going on I didn’t even think I didn’t even think that was available anymore oh it’s not that it’s available it’s not available in fact I mean your your readings that everything are all screwed up but people haven’t upgraded to analytics for because they don’t know how and they never done it so they figured hey I got UA it’s still giving me some readings so it’s got to be working somehow and so they just stick with it and they don’t they just ignore it that’s ridiculous oh yeah that’s because you come at it from somebody who knows what you’re talking about people don’t know what they don’t know Rob right but I’m just saying you know you you asked what what are some of the things that people mistakes the other thing is what we talked about before ignoring the search console recommendations and warnings and also people thinking that SEO is a short term thing they think that you know it can be done in a couple weeks or whatever talk about that it’s ongoing isn’t it I mean once once a site is quote unquote optimized it really never ends it doesn’t but the difference here and what I’m saying is that while I’m optimizing it and while I’m doing it I asked them and I get somebody that’s working with them whether it’s the owner or somebody and I train them so that one is like okay you don’t need me now this is something this person can do you know and so I I train people to take over that job so that they can and then I leave myself available to them so it’s like you know you’re down the road it’s like hey Rob I’m noticing this happening can you take a look and I do that’s one thing that last thing is that I shouldn’t say the last thing but the other thing is that when you have somebody who’s been around for a while like you’ve been around a while and I’ve been around a while and if you’re getting advice or recommendations and you ignore them there’s something wrong because there are people that are so stubborn in their ways that it’s like you know I have a dream you’re not Luther King okay you’re not more Luther King you you have a vision as to what you would want your website to look like but it doesn’t work and so they get on the webmaster boards they talk to people like you and I and it’s kind of like okay seriously man it’s not going to work and then they go screw you but I think one of the last things and I don’t know if this is going to come as a surprise to you or not but domain authority is it’s not that important in other words people misunderstand what domain authority really is because what it is is is domain authority really or DA as people call it and I know a lot of SEO people and everybody loves throwing that out there saying oh you have a domain authority 32 year you know you got to bring it up to here and do this like wait a minute here hang on it is not a ranking factor for Google Google does not actively take your domain authority score into account when they decide how to rank your website pages instead think of a domain authority or DA as nothing more than an indicator of where you are already or how you stand already as far as your organic ranking strength okay so when you when you use a domain authority checker like the ones you see SEO you know Russian all those two pages and get a number get a numbered scoreback you’re just seeing a numerical representation of how Google Google currently views your site and that’s why domain authority is still useful to number to track as you work on your SEO but the issues that determine your zero to 100 domain authority or DA score are the exact issues that Google is looking at to rank your pages well you know here’s here’s something that’s interesting and just a thought that I have if you look at my situation okay broker and websites obviously it’s a big ticket item okay it’s very different from adult sites where they’re looking for some volume but somebody like me if I got one visit a day and each one of those became a client then my SEO is working okay but everybody’s needs are different very true interesting way to think about it it is but is it realistic well no my point is if you get if you get one quality person to visit you is my point so anyway have you ever declined to work with any client and if so why oh yes yes I have and the first one I would say is just having a sense as to whether they’re unwilling to change anything about the foundation of the site or care about the recommendations and you kind of sit back and say well why are you hiring me or why are you thinking of hiring me because if I’m saying you know you’ve got to change your text here or you got to use these key words because they’re basically getting watered down because your competitors using them or you know using a word like teen everybody uses it so how are you planning to have that benefit you hard to rank for that yeah yeah you know I’ve had so many people like I can’t say their names but I’ve had large organizations massive ones worth millions and millions of dollars and I sat there and went you can’t do that you’ve got to train your people this way and do it this way and do it this way and then they just said nope we’re gonna do this and within three years they were out of business it happens because they don’t listen to your wisdom or what you’re trying to help them with you know and sometimes yeah you get hired or potentially hired it’s like so if you know all the answers why are you sitting here talking to me because my boss told me to hire an SEO person yeah well that’s the second thing is that when they finally a lot of times they’ve given me access to their Google search console and the first thing that I do is I head directly towards the notifications and if they’ve got several takedown notices and a large amount of content that’s either stolen or illegal I have a problem working with these people I have left people who have started off okay and then they’re like okay I want you to do this and this and this and I’m like wait a minute where did this come from and then I’m seeing takedown notices like crazy there’s actually three people that I can think of in the past year that I’ve had to decline and walk away from it’s like thanks for the money but I just this just came up and I’ve telling you you’ve had notifications you know takedown notices and I’m looking at your website and where’s the IDs where’s all this kind of stuff and then the third or the third one yeah third one and this is where the webmaster boards come in handy this when you look at the history of how they work with other people you know are they the ones who refuse to pay for work that they’ve gotten in the past or do they do a lot of charge backs that kind of stuff so if they got a negative reputation on the board and I’m negative not the sense that they’re just the way that they present themselves but negative in the sense of how they’ve done business with other people that’s why it’s very very important to scan the boards to find out you know that kind of stuff because if you got somebody who’s you know charging back their you know the payments or refusing to pay for work and things like that those are red flags and I but don’t believe everything you read on GFY obviously obviously you have to be smart enough to do your own research yes but if there’s a history and right it comes up over and over again yeah and I’m sorry but if there’s if there’s four people or five people that have all said I’ve had the same thing and these people who said it are respected individuals like if you came up and said such and such a company has jerked me around for money they refuse to give me my commission I’m going to take that a lot more seriously because I know you and I’m going to go okay well that’s a red flag versus somebody who’s you know named Trisket who just does three posts and they you know put something on there I mean that’s where it gets back to what we talked about at the very beginning was like what do you do at trade shows you develop a network because people buy from people they trust they also take the advice and the warnings not just advice but the warnings from people that they that they know yeah and there’s also scam groups of scammers like on Facebook and all that I was in that before I got kicked off of Facebook so anyway oh well anyway you were to go off of Facebook yeah it’s a long story they don’t like people in the adult industry yeah I hear you so you’re known for not having too many long-term clients why is that well as I mentioned before my goal it’s it’s kind of like if you were to bring a car into a into a dealership or a garage I mean you would expect to take it in they might keep it for a couple of days and fix it and then they let it go because there’s no reason for it to stay in the shop so I look at it that way that people bring their websites or their problems or whatever to me and I fix them I get them up and running I like to train the people and and then kind of let them fly on their own for a little bit and you know be there for a little bit but there’s to me there’s no sense in screwing people over for money I mean I’ve got people to keep coming but you know to me for more work so it’s like you know what’s the purpose and the point you know of doing that like get them to learn for themselves and if you’re training them to find and assess and fix the problems you also got to train them to look ahead now if it’s the owner then fine then that’s their choice and they might want to pause and monitor it for a while but my job is to help them make money by converting the traffic I’ve always told that to people I mean you know your job is for SEO and this is my job is actually to help convert the traffic because I can throw traffic at your site you know that and I know that you especially with the broken being brokers you know that people can do that easily but throwing traffic as somebody say is useless if it’s not converting well I think that my feeling on that is any traffic source SEO purchase traffic social whatever the job of the person or the job of the traffic is for it to be quality traffic okay I think the job of the company is to convert the traffic that’s my feeling because if their websites and unmitigated disaster then you can’t convert that traffic I guess for me doing a CEO for as long as I have I also have got my feet wet into you know people who purchase traffic or where they get it from so I often give advice on on various forms of traffic and what works and what doesn’t work right let’s talk about that yeah sure I’m not a keen thing at the beginning of the stage of the relationship with the client I’m not a big supporter of purchasing traffic I’m a huge champion for fixing the problems getting the foundation fixed before you build the house okay because it’s not since throwing traffic the site’s curing up everywhere I had a guy for example last year they were spending a kid you not they were spending $12,000 a month on Google ads and I sat there and I went and how much is converting how much is actually coming back to you and they didn’t know well you know what the problem is the problem is Google makes it very very hard to track that they don’t want you to know you can do it in it you can do it in analytics you can track it in analytics true but so you can’t do it in Google ads I’ll tell you that yeah I yes but there’s ways of doing it that that’s what SEO people refer but in being able to traffic or do that I found that everyone that I’ve worked with this is this is a bold statement everyone that I’ve worked with I’ve always found has never been able to get ahead of the curve when it comes to buying Google ads and actually converting it so that you’re making money rather than losing money every month whether it’s $12,000 or whether it’s $2,000 or $200 you can spend $200 but you’ll always be even make $20 back oh I think I know people who have been successful with Google ads very successful actually I think it depends I think it depends on the business okay I have one client who has does only fans traffic and he’s made a freaking fortune on Google ads I mean I’m not saying it doesn’t work okay but normally when you run up against people who try to do it themselves like I’ve I’ve done Google ads so that I think I know it can do something but generally generally is what I’m talking about well if you don’t know what you’re doing it’s very very difficult yes you’re right you need somebody to help you and that also goes with purchasing traffic from your regular sources that you know when they talk about traffic there’s like okay let’s go to juice yet or let’s go to some other company that’s out there the problem is that with these companies outside God because I love the people over there and I know them but what happens is they can send you some good traffic at the beginning but then they also also have to get new clients coming in so they only have so much good traffic to go around so then the new ones come in and then they got to shift that traffic over there and so that makes you going down the other thing is that you have to monitor it almost on a daily basis because you got to know what sites to work with and what sites not to work with and doing all that and seeing the conversions and doing all you know working with that they leave you alone a lot unless you’re working with your manager but then again it’s just like you’re constantly having to work with it work with it work with it and that’s what happens with a lot I mean I’ve been in places where they’ve had six different types of places where they purchase traffic for and you’re just like every single day it’s like spreadsheets and going out and doing all that can it be done yes but before you get to that point there’s also specific places you can go that just have for example you want tube traffic then I’ll get you tube traffic I want cam traffic then I’ll get you cam traffic some people when they go out there they don’t know what traffic they’re actually getting right they don’t know how to buy traffic they should they should be working with an experienced meat meat bar so fortunately I’ve had experience with that and I know you have as well that that it’s like when you get to that point I want you to purchase traffic you have a whole new area that you got to teach them on how to be able to monitor it and learn the conversion ratios and make it work for you but the first thing obviously is getting the foundation of the of the SEO set up there I agree I agree do you think it’s wise to work on the SEO of a site you plan on selling oh man I guess that’s a yes it’s a yes and a yes because being a successful broker as you know are I know that you look at numbers and you’re looking at the sales and you’re looking at the traffic and as a growing it is that’s excellent for projections and the whole thing but you also got to take into account is that traffic that’s on the site is it organic or is it for purchase traffic because I’ve seen people that have inflated the traffic for six months or a year for the purpose of selling it and then once they’ve sold it then they stop buying the traffic and then suddenly everything drops some people will inflate the traffic which inflates the sales which inflates the profits and if you don’t keep up at that level then right yeah not exactly what so that’s why that’s why and again I’m giving you a plug here that’s why it’s always important to use a broker if you’re planning to buy or to sell a website because that’s your job to sit there and say hey look this is its value this is its real value and the traffic that’s here this is organic versus you know the real stuff so somebody’s offering to pay 15 you know 150,000 or 200,000 then you’ve got to know that the sales that are there are from organic or you know from whatever and if somebody’s willing to take on the paid traffic or the or you know what we were just talking about purchase traffic then are you prepared to switch that over and give us the account you know but just being open and honest sometimes it’s very difficult especially if you get somebody who just wants to sell but it’s right there in the financials to right the costs are there so you know I make sure that my clients my clients put accurate financials in there so the the cost of the traffic is going to be right there in the marketing oh god I wish everybody would say that I’ve talked to brokers and you know this and again I hate I hate being negative but I know people who sit there and they come out and they send email saying this is making this much traffic this is doing this much but they don’t break down what is organic and what is purchased or how long it’s been going for they don’t give you that fax well the analytics are available to any client who wants them yeah but to what point there are brokers out there and people selling their website that are not exactly doing the most honest thing oh I know I’ve run across people like that for sure and I don’t take on those listings then we get back to what we originally when I originally talked about a while ago where basically you pay for what you get that just going with the cheapest route is not exactly the best thing to do if you have somebody who’s trained and know what they’re doing then you got to go that route what recommendations can you give for someone who can’t afford an SEO professional like yourself great question great question um actually I’m going to be coming out so I’m working with uh uh Mark from Tumatri now we’re we’re building a section on my site that’s going to be free that you can enter your URL and you’re going to get all the details about your site that needs to be changed or helped out or spread that way and it’s totally free it’ll be totally free and if you want any other information or more details you just then email me I’ll try it out on my site almost it’s almost done we were just testing it like two days ago okay so let’s I’ll keep this as brief as possible so you use you conduct keyword research for example there’s free tools out there like Google keyword planner there’s uber suggest answer the public to find relevant keywords for your niche whatever look for long tail uh keywords more specific phrases things that have got lower competition are relevant to your audience focus on keywords that solve problems to your target optimize your on page SEO many people don’t know that your title tags the maximum you should have is 60 characters your meta description 160 characters for each page headings make sure you’re using your h1 your h2 tags properly uh don’t overkill h1 tags are basically for your your primary keywords uh URLs use clean descriptive URLs I don’t know what somebody some people just they have the strangest URLs so they create and they think that it’s going to work a very very important thing if you haven’t learned anything from anything about SEO this is very very important internal linking linking to other pages on your site using relevant anchor texts that’s going to help boost uh boost your site up image optimization right now the big thing is go webp don’t go jpeg don’t go anything change everything over to webp smaller files easy to load works like that and on your file names do not go like zero one phone four four jpeg or webp use descriptive keywords for your images because Google does not read numbers okay obviously then the next step would be create high quality content improve your website speed there’s a free tool from Google and you can also find it on my website there’s uh improve your website speed is very very important mobile optimization is very very important keep in mind that your mobile speed is going to be different than your desktop speed and that’s basically because you’re going through a lot of stuff your mobile is going to be slower than your desktop as long story but anyways if you are a business that has local stuff understand your local SEO create you know like the google my business profile make sure you have your address whatever accurate everything’s out you know accurate there optimization for local keywords you know your business type things that are near you your city encourage customers to leave reviews is very important then you’ve got your backlink building get it from reputable websites do guest posts relevant blogs in your industry let’s see let’s see create shareable content like infographs or research based articles reach out to other websites in your niche do a collaboration that kind of stuff we can even use harrow haro which is help a reporter out to provide expert opinions in exchange for backlinks from new sites monitor your performance setting up google analytics properly use google search console that is said keep track of your keyword ranking with tools that you know you can use serp watch scrp watcher or again google search console itself you can use social media prove your user experience make sure your site is easily easy to navigate check your bounce back rate avoid too many pop ups regular updating your site yeah oh god i can’t believe i just went through all that yeah did good that’s out the top of my head don’t even ask me to get detailed right now but yeah that’s out the top of my head that’s what you can do and if you want more details go to Robert Warren SEO dot com well rob i’d like to thank you for being back with us today on Adult Site Broker talk and i hope we’ll get a chance to do this again soon i hope so too it’s always a pleasure being on here with you and talking with you and uh and just uh having some fun like this i appreciate it indeed enjoy vegas i will thank you my broker tip today is part six of what to do to make your site more valuable for when you decide to sell it later last week we talked about eliminating unneeded expenses next you can trademark your website having a trademark instantly protects your brand and makes your site more valuable for when it comes time to sell it trademarking your site will cost an average of about fifteen hundred dollars but should be more than worth the investment when it comes time to sell show buyers ways you feel the site can make more money in the future this includes showing them future plans you may have traffic trends as well as sales trends if things are growing and you can show them how to grow them more they’re likely to be willing to pay more for the site do something unique with your site if you have competitors figure a way to do it better be different in some distinguishable way that makes you better your members will notice and spend more money with you make your site a place that people want to visit not just to buy things or view porn be creative not just one of many keep thinking outside the box and make positive changes to your site think like a buyer when planning or updating your site don’t think like a tech think like the consumer we’ll talk about this subject more next week and next week we’ll have a very special guest Solomon Friedman of ethical capital partners in part one of a two part episode and that’s it for this week’s Adult Site Broker talk I’d once again like to thank my guest Robert Warren of Robert Warren S E O talk to you again next week on Adult Site Broker talk I’m Bruce Friedman [MUSIC] (suspenseful music)