0 (7s):
This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker, and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk, where every week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry, and we discuss what's going on in our business. Plus we give you a tip on buying and selling websites. This week, we'll be talking to adult star kira Queen.
1 (34s):
Adult Site Broker is proud to announce ASB Cash. The first affiliate program for an adult website brokerage with ASB cash you'll have the chance to earn as much as 20% of our broker commission, referring sellers and buyers to us at Adult Site Broker. Check our website at asbcash.com for more details. First of all, today let's cover some of the news going on in our industry. The preliminary hearing in the Los Angeles criminal case against Ron Jeremy has been postponed once again until March 30th, judge Jose Sandovall presided over monday's hearing at the Clara Shortridge Foltz criminal justice center.
1 (1m 17s):
Jeremy's attorney Stuart Goldfarb continued arguing that he could not conduct a proper defense without more information about the identity of the victims and witnesses. Judge Sandovall rule against Goldfarb's motion stating that for the moment, I believe you have the information you're entitled to sexual assault cases have special discovery rules designed to protect the safety of the victims. And the defense is requesting these special rules to be relaxed, to identify the individuals behind the assault allegations in order to answer them. Jeremy wearing a Brown prison suit was marched into the courtroom around 10:30 AM.
1 (1m 58s):
His signature black dyed hair is now almost completely faded out. And he sported a massive white beard visible under a white cloth face mask. The pretrial hearing in the Mercedes Carrera criminal case concerning multiple child sexual abuse charges against her and her husband, which was supposed to happen last week at the Rancho Cucamonga courthouse in San Bernandino County, California has been postponed once again this time until February 5th, the new court date officially pushes the proceedings to two years without a trial Carrera and her husband, Jason Whitney were arrested after a police raid of their home on February 1st, 2019 career.
1 (2m 44s):
And Whitney have been in County jail without trial since then first, without bail. And later after they had liquidated their assets and had no source of income due to their incarceration with bail, set it 2 million for each the pretrial, the crucial date that would determine the jury selection process. And the date of the beginning of the actual trial has already been postponed numerous times. Most recently, last month, the hearing took place with the second district attorney on the case, Laura Fragoso and public defender Lee Sonnenberg standing in for careerist court appointed lawyer, Joshua Castro Castro, according to Carerra as at home following either a COVID 19 positive test or a possible exposure.
1 (3m 32s):
Angela White and drew Sebastian set a top AEB NS ranking of the top 100 stars for 2020 based on per scene and movie sales, white joins Dee Williams, Gabby Carter, Adriana cheese chick, Nick India, summer of Bella danger, Julia Ann, Emily Willis, Reagan Fox and Sherry Deville as the top 10 performers and ABM straight theaters for the past year. Joining Sebastian and the top 10 ABN ranking of bestselling gay performers are boomer banks, Cade Maddix, Devin Franco, Rocco Steele, Phoenix felling, Titan, max Connor, Jack Dixon, Armand Rizzo, and Brian bonds.
1 (4m 21s):
Ella Hollywood has landed a top ABNs rankings of the top selling transgender performers. The starlet is followed in the top 10 ranking by Daisy Taylor Abra, Kate, Natalie Mars, Chloe K Casey kisses, Lena moon, Cora Del Rio, Luna love and Marissa
2 (4m 42s):
Mix in sadness.
1 (4m 45s):
Who's director playwright, journalist historian, and author. Jerry Douglas has died in New York city. He was 84 Douglas as a claim career as a filmmaker stretched back to the early seventies with the back row and score for which he wrote the script. Both films started legendary icon Casey Donovan after just two films in the 1970s, Douglas switched careers and spent several decades as a journalist and author notably as the editor in chief of man shots, which famously published long thoughtful interviews with gay adult filmmakers and performers, and served as a scholarly Chronicle of the industry.
1 (5m 26s):
Several collections of Douglass's classic man shots interviews have recently been published in book form in the eighties, Douglas returned to filmmaking for all worlds video and for the next two decades, embarked on an influential awards, Laden stretch, such titles as more of a man fret Ramoni kiss off an honorable discharge were known for lyrical plot lines. And Douglas was ability to coax emotional performances from his leading men. Douglas won numerous industry awards for his writing and directing his later films for Colts studios, including buckle ruse one and two.
1 (6m 6s):
And what would be his final film, 2000 sevens brotherhood or great examples of the golden age area of adult filmmaking. Now let's feature our property of the week. That's for sale. That adult site broker, actually our property of the week, this week, as a reminder, we have numerous private listings available in addition to what you see on our website and then our newsletters. We have pay sites, tube sites, and other types of sites available in these cases. The owner of the site is usually expressing the utmost care to make sure that the identity of his or her site or company does not get out into the public domain.
1 (6m 46s):
These are also generally larger listings with big revenues. If you're interested in finding out more about our private listings, please complete our buyer's NDA on our website to see if you qualify now, time for this week's interview. My guest today on adult site, broker talk is adult performer, Kara queen Kara. Thanks for being with us today on adult site broker Todd,
3 (7m 10s):
Thank you for having me. Hello everyone.
1 (7m 13s):
It's a pleasure. Now Kira queen is an adult film actress originally from Dagestan Russia and has been in the industry for nine years. She's a Raven haired beauty with blue eyes and stands five foot eight and is a buxom 34 double D 26 38. Ouch. Okay. She entered the industry is one of the first models to come to Europe and shoot from Russia. Kira's native state of Dagestan is a unfortunately a war torn area of Southern Russia. That's predominantly Muslim. So she had a very conservative and strict upbringing. As a result of her being raised Muslim, she has experienced much prosecution and problems to the point that prominent sports athletes have even called for her to be killed.
1 (8m 2s):
Oh my God. She was attacked in the streets by a Muslim extremists and is now a political refugee living in Europe. She's appeared in over 500 scenes and worked for many large global companies. In addition, she's been nominated for many adult industry awards, including AVN and biz. She shoots her own content for her company care queen productions and enjoys shooting, a variety of content and such niches as foot fetish, interracial, and obviously big boobs. So well, 34 double D you better be doing big boobs.
1 (8m 42s):
So what was it like growing up in Dagestan?
3 (8m 46s):
Well, deck is done. It's in session. Beautiful place. To be honest, it's all about the nature and culture and the history because it's the most oldest town in the Hebrew it's based there. So there's some negative things and it's all about the human and people and their behavior. So like, yeah, it was a challenge to grow up there being a woman. I can't say that.
4 (9m 18s):
Yeah, I can. I can imagine. Yeah. Cause the has a Muslim culture really doesn't give women much in the way of consideration does it
3 (9m 31s):
And that it doesn't, it's like you'll have more choice. You can't have like opinion and everything. It's all about the man and you have to worship that man. And since your child in going nap and everyday it's, we'll be tape telling to your like, or everything you have to do is for men. And so yeah, no feminism
4 (9m 60s):
Having been raised by, by a single mom after my, my dad left when I was really young, I, I kind of had a little bit of a different experience. So I, I certainly feel for you. What did you do for work before the porn industry?
3 (10m 20s):
Well, I will say working in a casino and yeah, I was working in Casey. I actually, I had the different forks. I was working in a shop while I was working in the beauty industry. I was a little bit modeling and so on, but the main was a casino I was working because in, in Russia it was a fun, it was cool experience. I, I enjoyed it. It's a lot. But when my cousins from Davison figures out and working in casino, I was in trouble, but loosely because I was wearing the high heels and skirts short skirts.
3 (11m 11s):
And so they didn't like it. So I was in trouble.
4 (11m 18s):
When you got the death threats.
3 (11m 21s):
No, it happened when I joined the porn industry. But so at that time I just have to, I was living in St. Peter's book and studying in economy, university of C pizzas books. So in working in casino, so Wednesday figures, hours on working in casinos, they came, they took me, brings me back home to Deggy Stan, which is sided of far away, three days by car. So yeah. Then I have to change my job and I was feeling not good.
4 (12m 2s):
And when you say they, are you talking about your family? Yeah. That's terrible.
3 (12m 10s):
Well, you have to understand your firmly. It's like, it's about hundred people almost in Pakistan because we have a huge families, like six kids, four kids it's, it's never limit. And you have a lot of cousins and cousins and whatever cousins there is. And all of them wants to control you, especially if you're a woman, if you're a girl and especially if you're having a father as me, I didn't have one. So yeah, it's kind of a fun to, to, to remember all the stories.
3 (12m 54s):
Yeah, it was cool, but circusy not. It's like, you know, every one of us have a step in the life. When you change from the childhoods, you get an adult like life. I mean, from, from the things outside, coming in, you understand this is a life that people can be mean to you. If you kept struggling, like you can have a problems and there is no any Papa mama who can help you. And you know, that was it.
3 (13m 35s):
We had a good life school. I can say, working in casino for me.
4 (13m 43s):
What did you, what was your role? What was your role in the casino? What did you do there?
3 (13m 49s):
I was changing the cash to Boeing's and I was sometimes working on a table and in end of my career in, cause you know, I was working as a head manager of that's casino. Yeah. I was controlling. We'll get this in there.
4 (14m 16s):
Yeah. Now what got you, why did you want to, to go into the, to the adult industry?
3 (14m 22s):
I'm going to open for you secret now. Okay. When I was growing, when I was in 15 years old, too, it was, was my cousin. What was watching TV late night. And all of a sudden these porn came out altar, like, you know, normal movie. And I saw it for the first time of my life. And like it wasn't long two, three minutes. I don't know. But I get so distracted from that and I love it.
3 (15m 4s):
What's going on there. And I'm like, Oh my God, I want to be inside of this moment. I want to know how, how it's happening. You know, I want to be part of that. So let's remember, I'm still mostly mom still there. And it's for me, even to date with them when not to have a sexism. So yeah, growing up, you know, the universe came to you with some ideas, with some people and growing up, moving to St. Peter's fork. And I met a lot of people who anyhow, working in important industry, like all the makeup artists or other photographer or actors, or, and they was talking about like, Oh, you know, we can shoot, we're going to do this.
3 (16m 3s):
We're going to do that. And I'm still good girl. And I'm still like, you know, we're a shy person. And I'm like, no, no, no. Okay, okay. University giving me this job, but no, let's quit it slow. Let's take it far away. So when they was 24 years old, my agent, I mean from the normal modeling chicken, like saying, Hey, listen are for sub coming to the city and he saw your pictures and he wanted to shoot your so much.
3 (16m 48s):
You don't have to do SX for the camera, but you can go there and give an interview and leave and have some cash in your pockets. Right. So I'm like, Hmm. Interesting. So now it's coming to the game again. Why not to try? And I give it a try.
5 (17m 14s):
Hm. Sounds like it was meant to be so, so what have some of your biggest challenges in this business been as the only Muslim perf is one of the only Muslim performers.
3 (17m 29s):
It's a huge challenge. When I did back to that story. When I did my first interview and first shooting in synthesis book for this French production, approximately one week, the scene was released all my schoolmates. I don't know neighbors from his son as they start to text me that messages on social media. And so I quit. I didn't done any scene for two years because I was ashamed.
3 (18m 10s):
I was put in, put down, I was depressed because of community. They didn't accept it in city. Didn't like it. And they don't want to kill me as it was sort of chasing me. And it wasn't that night. It was, I, I had to, it was a one more good wife, wife school, I can say because I can go through these and get stronger. And, and not just to be stronger, but say, say to the people, this is my life.
3 (18m 51s):
This is my choice. And I'm doing what I like to do. And you please stay away. I have to say that I have to find those stronger inside of myself to do it, to continue what I like to do to continue what I really wanted to do. Yeah. It was hard at that time. So after two years, when I was 26 years old, I turned the industry again. I moved to Europe. I started in a few years ago.
3 (19m 32s):
The people, the more like when I was a kid, it wasn't that bad. I mean, Islamic in the Luigi's back in Tikki, Stan, but now it's like every year it's more and more and deeper and deeper. And people are going crazy somehow because like really aggressively Muslim. I mean, and a few years ago say certain chase making. They start to follow me again. And I even got attacked on the street with them men here already in Europe, we'll see a knife.
3 (20m 14s):
I might, my car, my career in Russia was so, but they put it in fire. They found my house apartment. So I have to ask asylum because of that here in Europe, because police and nurses in care, the answer was well. Or do you expect you are porn star? I'm like, okay,
6 (20m 44s):
Nice to hear it. Huh? Nice
3 (20m 48s):
To hear it. So, yeah. And even here in Europe, I didn't feel so much safe because they was continue to following me. And one man, he asked for a gum and permission for my parents to kill me and gone from precedent of teaching in a public. Awesome. Also one of the Muslim Republic inertia, which is nearby to take his son. So he asked gum to kill me.
3 (21m 28s):
And I have to go to police and say, you know, to start a case and procedure. And luckily he's now in jail for five years because here in Europe say ticket series. They it's, it's a way of life and say, I want to protect my life no matter what I'm doing, you know, my teeth upon style or whatever. Yeah. But in Russia it's different. So I have to move. I have to move my hometown. I have to move on my house. I have to leave every single soul to that. And it's one of the change.
3 (22m 12s):
5 (22m 14s):
What advice would you give to other Russians who want to enter the porn industry?
3 (22m 19s):
First of all, you have to learn English. Both of them though.
5 (22m 24s):
Oh, you're fine.
3 (22m 30s):
Funny story. The beginning of my , I still didn't speak well in English and the production I get, I go to ABC and it was a huge production, very big production. And everyone speaks in English. C w they like all from you or American and me not quite sitting there, like, I don't know even what to say. All I can say, it's like, hi, how are you? My name is that six Oh maximum it's it's like, this is a table.
3 (23m 10s):
This is a cat.
5 (23m 11s):
3 (23m 15s):
And like they're shooting at, it was a shooting with any sick Kate beautiful French school. And so she having NLC. Okay. And I see she's struggling. She feeling pain. And instead of me continuing, because there is a camera rolling, I'm like all in Russian, which the third you would like to translate too. I'm like, Oh baby, I feeling pain. Or maybe Lola should stop. Maybe I should bring some soup. And them like touching health shoulder, you know, careful.
3 (23m 60s):
See, don't give it attention to me because I'm speaking aggression. And like, and I see her pain, but the cameraman, he was like, I thing think it was funny on one hand, but it wasn't funny for production and for girl, because they have, and also because of the misunderstood thing between actor and me, or between production and me, it was so many funny stories.
3 (24m 42s):
And like, so first it will, Weiss will be long English. And second and wise use all your social media as you can, because I was giving attention for my social media. At the beginning of my kid in second, be strong to community will not accept your job. Your friends, your family will not accept your job. And this is
5 (25m 15s):
Vladimir either. He probably won't accept it either. Now. What if, what if, what have been some of your favorite scenes so far?
3 (25m 27s):
Let me think. I know you've done a lot. I have done a lot. I have done so many things. It's like almost 500 since I have done just for myself for my production, but I don't want to talk about what my production, I want to talk over. I know Scarlet rebel. She's from England in DC. It's it's a woman point of view to the point, if I can say so if it's yeah. So it he's absolutely in the eating beautiful stunning, you know, it's not just a rough sex hardcore no, it is.
3 (26m 15s):
Was it costumes with a story and there is a storyline and it's not just the top two minutes of sex. It is a whole movie. We shoot it 24 hours. Sometimes it is hard to shoot. I will be honest. It is super hard to shoot, but at the end it is so beautiful. As a cinematic thing, you can nominate it to Oscar. That's
4 (26m 44s):
Good. Yeah. There's yeah. I think there's more people doing things that are artistic now. And that's, that's really good for our industry because it's only, it's only going to bring it up. Well, what do you like to do for fun? When we don't have a, a plague?
3 (27m 0s):
Well, I love to travel. I love I'm addicted from traveling, learning new things, learning new cultures, new history people. I didn't know. And I love to some books. I mean, especially the old one. This is the stay of skill. Yeah. I love, I love to play with my dog. I love to walk around the city. I love, I love eating. I love cooking.
4 (27m 37s):
I know you love eating because I see, I see porn on Dan's Facebook page and you guys are dining out someplace. Nice every single day. So, I mean, it's just like, I'm jealous.
3 (27m 51s):
Well, yeah, at the moment it ever sink close here. Well being careful, but for, is it current war locked down? Absolutely. In
4 (28m 4s):
The restaurants or the restaurants now closed
3 (28m 7s):
That closed every single.
4 (28m 10s):
Yeah. I haven't seen, I haven't seen any pictures lately. I know. I know Dan, Dan said his gym was closed, so I, yeah.
3 (28m 20s):
We're not allowed to be outside from 8:00 PM until the morning. And from morning till the norm, we're not allowed to go for shopping because all only the oldest people can go and like me sort of music. Well, I can say now we, me and my friends, but I'm sharing apartment with the best of my friends. One of my best friends. Sorry. So we decided to open a restaurant here in our dining room.
3 (29m 1s):
It's called keto queen kente, Alexa and I started and in white friends, we do already. So tomorrow people coming up and coming up, we cooking sushi, Check our Facebook tomorrow.
4 (29m 25s):
Hey, I know. I'll see it. I know. I'll see it. So what have you done to stay entertained during the, the quarantines
3 (29m 37s):
Editing movies, shooting content. Some, yeah, most of the time staying home or walking around the city of a sedan, some trying to not get depressed. You're lucky. You're so lucky. You, you can't imagine how lucky you're even.
4 (30m 1s):
You're definitely in the right place. Cause Thailand's done a great job on it. Yeah, yeah.
3 (30m 6s):
Yes. You have a son, a case you have a Sony have a good weather. And even if you can score outside, but you can say interior here it's minus three outside.
4 (30m 25s):
Oh God, that doesn't sound fun.
3 (30m 30s):
No, absolutely not.
4 (30m 32s):
Ugh. I hate cold. I don't do cold. I just don't do cold. I refuse. I don't have to anymore. So I don't. So who were, and this will be somewhat of a leading questions since we already mentioned them. And if you don't, if you don't mention him, then you're probably going to be in trouble. Who are some of your favorite performers to work with?
3 (30m 54s):
Oh, this is tricky question. Okay. Let's be honest. Let me to be honest. The question was creative, but by then, so favorites, well, buckets of time, micro Supria was here in New York when he started, when he became his career and we was doing amazing job together. I loved it. So now we don't have Americans coming here to Europe to shoot suddenly, but still have a good performance here such as Joel's.
3 (31m 42s):
I can mention it says Kendi. Alexa is several art in the Enlace Nisa. Kate's ah, there is so many I love to work in is a Vincent Darryl, deep 30 Moxie or some mini I don't want to. Now I will say some names and we'll forgot some others. They will call me and love to work with . I have done shooting with him last year and seven years and last year refusing to work with him because I was afraid my style.
3 (32m 32s):
I'm more, you know, like the Lao Morley, like more able to put, but his style is a little bit Seraph and not aggressive, but in terms of, and I was afraid to work with, because I heard so many rumors and I'm like, all the time. Yes, I will work with you. It or for your production, but not with you. I will maybe one day. So seven years I'm like promising and he's like, okay, it's no longer to wait. Seven years COI in the industry.
3 (33m 12s):
Let's do I love that? See you. It was Doughty. He Sal, I mean get shorty. It was super intense. See if I do next two days, I feel like I'm dying. I couldn't wake up from my bed, but the scene, it was so emotional. So cool in so much expression. Now I got to see it.
3 (33m 57s):
Sometimes, sometimes even the Queens have to do such a toxic stuff,
4 (34m 6s):
Obviously I'm sure Covid effects it somewhat. But what are your plans for the next
3 (34m 11s):
Travel, travel, travel content. My friends, if I still could do that,
4 (34m 27s):
I assume you're single
3 (34m 30s):
A yes. Okay. Do you have any children? Do you want children? I love my freedom.
4 (34m 42s):
I think that's a no, I think that's a no now. So what can fans expect to see when they join your only fans page?
3 (34m 51s):
Well, let's say can see more than two hundreds of videos on there. They can chat with me and say, can ask for custom videos or my warm calls, yourself, pen tests. They can ask custom pictures, custom videos. They can have talk to talk and things. Everybody loves dirty talk. Oh yeah, absolutely.
4 (35m 29s):
So any particular type of content you're putting out?
3 (35m 34s):
Well, I put every single patient. It can be a girl, girl. It can be a fetish. It can be a boy girl or just low job or hands-off, or, you know, there is a huge list of fetishes and I can go on my phone. I'm sure.
4 (35m 56s):
I'm sure. I'm sure you can. You know, in that, in that accent, in that accent of your, somehow it just sounds cool. Or when you talk about those things, I wish I had an accent. I got, I got a California accent, which has no accent. So by the way, by the way, you should know this. I'm actually a hundred percent Russian on both sides.
3 (36m 20s):
4 (36m 21s):
My grandparents on both sides of my grandparents on both sides of Russian and I've never been to Russia by the way. I don't know it's on my bucket list. It's definitely on my bucket list for sure.
3 (36m 33s):
Sure. You speak Russian.
4 (36m 38s):
No, I don't. I barely speak English. Yeah. I took, I took, he, I took Hebrew school for years when I was, you know, over the years and never really picked that up. I, I basically ignored speaking Spanish when I, when I took Spanish classes and in high school and God knows I don't speak Thai. So there you go. English, is it baby English? Is it? My wife is my translator. It works out really well.
3 (37m 12s):
She's from talent. Yes. Yes. She's Thai. You will
4 (37m 18s):
Have a chance to meet when you come visit us.
3 (37m 21s):
Oh, I was done last year. I was there a pocket for one month. Nice one. So amazing. I'm doing too fake. So now I can tell you a good news. So you can all apply for the Russian visas from next year online. And it's going to cost cheaper than it was because it was some crazy prices. I hope my friends says to me, and since I'm not allowed to go to Russian,
4 (38m 0s):
Nor nor do I think you should,
3 (38m 5s):
It's allowed to go to Russia, but I can advise for you to go only to St. Peter's book fast.
4 (38m 16s):
I'd be interested in going to Moscow and St. Petersburg. A couple of places I'd like to say.
3 (38m 21s):
Yeah, yeah. For sure. Same pieces would be, I have to spend most time he said Ebola, Russia. St. Petersburg and food. Yeah.
1 (38m 38s):
Nope. I hear there. I hear they're fabulous places and I definitely look forward to visiting. I'll have you give me a, I'll give you, have you I'll have you give me a crash course on the language before I go. So Kira I'd really like to thank you for being our guest today on adults. They broke her talk and I hope we'll get a chance to do this again.
3 (39m 2s):
Having me have a good day.
1 (39m 9s):
Broker tip today is part four of what to do to make your site more valuable for when you decide to sell it later, trademark your website, having a trademark instantly protects your brand and makes your site more valuable. When it comes time to sell it trademarking, your site will cost an average of about $1,500, but should be more than worth the investment. When it comes time to sell it, show buyers waves. You feel the site can make more money in the future. This includes showing them future plans. You may have traffic trends as well as sales trends. If things are growing and you can show them how to grow it even more, they're more likely to be willing to pay more for the site.
1 (39m 50s):
Do something unique with your site. If you have competitors, figure a way to do it better, be different in some distinguishable way that makes you better. Your members will notice and spend more money with you. Make your site a place that people want to visit. Not just a place to buy things or view porn, be creative, not just one of the many. Keep thinking outside the box and make positive changes on your site. Think like a buyer when planning or updating your site. Don't think like a tech think like the consumer. We'll talk about this subject more next week. And next week we'll be talking to Alma from VIVIO
0 (40m 34s):
And that's it for this week's Adult Site Broker Talk. I'd once again I'd like to thank my guest, Kira Queen. Talk to you again next week on Adult Site Broker Talk. I'm Bruce Friedman.