Adult Site Broker Talk Episode 4
[00:00:10] This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk, where every week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry and discuss what's going on in our business once we give you a tip on buying and selling websites.
[00:00:25] This week, we'll be talking to Dan Leal, a.k.a. Porno Dan of Immoral Productions.
[00:00:34] Before we get started, Adult Site Broker is proud to announce a Adult Site Broker Cash, the first affiliate program for an adult website brokerage with Adult Site Broker cash. You'll have the chance to earn as much as 20 percent of our broker commission, referring sellers and buyers to us at Adult Site Broker. Check our website at Adult Site Broker dot com for more details. First of all, today, let's cover some of the news going on in our industry. Viksund Media Group released a statement via Twitter addressing the Black Lives Matter protest and announcing a company wide review of brand guidelines and creative processes. In addition to making a donation to several organizations on the front lines diligently organizing and protecting our citizens rights to peaceful protest.
[00:01:25] Vixen's brands include Black, Black, Draw Deeper, Toshie, Toshie, Raw and Viksten.
[00:01:33] The Free Speech Coalition has announced a delay in the release of a set of preliminary health and safety guidelines for the industry when filming resumes. The production hole put into place in March in response to the coronavirus pandemic remains in effect. Now let's feature our Property of the Week that's for sale at Adult Site Broker. We're selling a network of three hundred and twelve white label campsites. They promote webcam with live Jasmine Chaturvedi stream flirt for free CAMHS, Dotcom, Bonga, CAMHS and ex love Kam's. Besides this being a highly profitable business with a lot of quality traffic, there are some older sites that don't have a lot of traffic but have some amazing camp domains. All traffic is either direct or organic. If you're already in the live cam business or want to get into it, this is a great opportunity for you. You get the entire network for only seven hundred and sixty thousand dollars.
[00:02:33] Now, time for this week's interview today on Adult Site Broker Talk.
[00:02:38] I'm speaking to Dan Leal, also known as Porno Dan. Dan's company is, of course, Immoral Productions. Dan, thanks for being with us today.
[00:02:48] Oh, my pleasure, Bruce. Thank you.
[00:02:50] Now, this is from Dan's Wikipedia page. Yes, he has a Wikipedia page.
[00:02:55] And if I read the whole thing, I'd be talking for a half hour straight. So I decided to take the highlights here now.
[00:03:01] And in twenty eighteen, Dan was nominated by X Business, the mainstream star of the year, the sixth time he's been nominated for this award. In addition, he's been nominated three times by Avon as the mainstream star of the year. Dan gained a great deal of mainstream exposure on a reality series. I didn't know about this. It ran for two seasons on HBO Canada, called The Right Hand Dance Journey Through Adult was documented in the twenty twelve feature length film Dan Land, which was on Netflix. Dan's career really took off in May 2009 when he starred where he started rather his top selling Fucka fan show, which is what a lot of people know. Dan, from the sled, what would become a partnership with Stream eight Fucka fan was the number one show on stream eight for many years. And Dan has been nominated several times as the most popular male on Cam. And in twenty fifteen, Dan got the ultimate award, becoming a member of the Abian Hall of Fame.
[00:04:02] And even more importantly than all that, he's the star of my Facebook feed because I just I just can't look at Facebook without checking to see who Dan Bowen today.
[00:04:11] So. So, Dan, thanks for being with us.
[00:04:18] What do you most like that you moved? I don't know. How many years ago did you move to Europe?
[00:04:25] Almost four years ago. OK, and you live in Budapest right now? I live in Budapest. What do you like most about living there?
[00:04:34] Oh, I like the change of pace, you know, it's not the first thing in our industry, it's a lot less drama free than it is in America. You know, America, it's more about politics and drama for being an important industry. And here people just do their job and kind of just leave you alone. So for me, it's a lot less stressful living here, OK?
[00:04:56] The the industry in Europe has gotten a lot more robust, has it not?
[00:05:02] Well, I mean, I think it's the reason why is, you know, with all the regulations in the United States and it's increasingly harder and harder to attract, you know, what models to do professional porn, that it's easier to get models in Europe to be professional porn, not to mention there's a big cost savings. It's not so much what the rate the models get paid, the crews and the relocations and the makeup artist, all the secondary cost, the editing, everything so much cheaper in Europe from that standpoint.
[00:05:35] So that's why a lot of American productions have moved production over here. It's just again, it's easier to do business here than it is in America now.
[00:05:44] Sure. I think I think with everything now, what what what would the cost savings be in Europe versus a production in the US?
[00:05:54] I mean, a cameraman I can't remember an editor is going to make it all just sitting around saying that America is going to charge you a thousand for a project and editor in Budapest is a two to three hundred. A cameraman it's going to be a thousand is going to be two to three hundred. So it's the secondary cost. Like I said, it's not the talent, it's the big savings are the crews. The locations of locations are going to be the same thing.
[00:06:19] That's where you save the money, the talent. Yes, it is. But it's not much cheaper anymore. It's really. Yeah, it's a talent. It's almost the same now.
[00:06:30] Are they really. Well, it used to be a lot cheaper, didn't it?
[00:06:33] It did at one point, yes, but not anymore. I think it's because you came there.
[00:06:40] Well, what it is, is just there's a glut of performers in America and it's not that much work, and that's driven the price down of the American performers and it's in Europe.
[00:06:51] There's not a glut of performers is there's a large rotation of models that come in from the former Eastern Bloc and they don't come for a long time. So it's most of the models, for example, where I live in Budapest or I used to shoot in Prague. Most of the models don't live there. They travel so that they're for a very you know, they're there for a very finite period of time. And as a result, they're there to work. They're not there just to make friends and socialize. Whereas a lot of most of the models in America, they live in America. Right. You know, they they might they might not live in Los Angeles, but they still love America. It's not like they're going to have to train. They don't have to go to customs and travel as much as it's like they're in L.A. or they're shooting. They're there for a while here. They're here strictly to work. They're not here, not here to socialize. And it makes the work much more serious for them. But also because of your first time, their rates have gone up. So the rates I mean, when you count, factor in the difference in the dollar and the euro, they're almost exactly the same.
[00:07:58] So basically, the the cost in the US have come down. All the costs in the European Union come up a little bit.
[00:08:08] Correct, the cost to the average girl has definitely gone down. Now the cost of the top stars has gone way up. So it's kind of like a night 10 or now, 10 percent of the girls in America are getting 90 percent of the work because it's such a star based system in America where, you know, it's the only two girls that are selling in America are the same 10 percent. And a lot of the girls, like all the others, like this great conspiracy. It's not ad sales, it's real. It's called Girls Get Shot Who Sell, and that's it. And you really don't want to shoot a model who's going to sell. There's no favoritism more. I mean, pretty much every company is owned by a large conglomeration. So very, very few independent. Porn producers like myself left most everybody is, you know, being gobbled up by one of the big companies.
[00:08:59] It's very true. Do you you know, you mentioned the star system. I would imagine you're in a you're in a position to help some of these models, you know, gain a higher profile.
[00:09:17] I mean, for Europe, yes. I love my stuff, I try to get as much exposure for Afghanistan and my stuff is very visible on see all over the globe. But again, it's not know, sometimes it's it's hard, even though I can't predict after 20 years, he's going to make it as a star and who's not because it's who the fans identify with. Right. And give them to quite a few girls who I thought, you know, shoot them once and that was it. And they've gone on to become very well, well known girls and other girls who are like, oh, my God, this girl is going to be great and you never see her again.
[00:09:54] You don't really know.
[00:09:55] You know, it's strange. But, you know, I think I said there's no formula for a girl walks in the door. This girl is going to be a superstar.
[00:10:02] Don't know. You don't know because it's because it is the 90 10 rule. Which of these 10 girls is going to be the one who makes it, you know. You don't know. And that's all it is really, it's one out of 10 and that's a real world that really makes it more.
[00:10:16] Mm hmm. So tell me about the project you're working on. I mean, right now, just from working on doing stuff of repackaging a lot of my content, so, I mean, I've got my sites with Gammer, we've kind of we've changed everything around.
[00:10:34] So in America, it was all more just strictly about the live show. But now we've changed it. So it's more story driven. So we're utilizing the backdrop and shooting the damage that I did shoot in Europe for the new sites I do project. It's all like a family taboo stuff, but with a different twist, with a European twist on it, which nobody was doing. So it's like all family related step stuff, but with European angle. So it's it's fun to shoot. And we I play into the street playing to your strengths.
[00:11:11] So the fact that the girls don't speak English very well, we use a strength, you know, where you didn't you know, instead of using it as a weakness, you use the fact that English isn't their first language to make it fit into the stories better with stepfamilies and, you know, pair things like that. And we write all these storylines for it. But then the sex itself is still streamed live on, you know, on my website. So we shoot to shoot the first part separately and then, you know, which is not streamed live and then the second part is streamed live. So it's kind of like it's a true hybrid where I can show, but with story driven content as well, which is very popular.
[00:11:50] Mm hmm. Now, besides the money aspect that we talked about before, what are the biggest differences between shooting in the US versus shooting in your.
[00:12:02] I mean, again, like I said, it's one the girls are here for a short time, so you don't know what you don't know the girls like I knew them in America. So from where I live in Budapest, which is one of the main two production hubs, there may be 20 girls that live here. Total that I know.
[00:12:21] Sounds like it sounds like they're coming to get you down.
[00:12:27] So there are very few models who live here and a very few Hungarian girls and get a more normal course. They're all coming. You know, they come in from other places. So because it's like I said, it's not it's not a it's not a social scene. It's professional. It's work. Right. You know, it's good.
[00:12:45] So it's like, you know, for someone like me and I scaled back my production, I don't shoot as often as I used to, but I have I've got more of a normal life where I can go to football games all the time and I go to the gym. So I'm a lot healthier than I was in America.
[00:12:59] You're not caught up in the rat role of one scene that you kind of get stuck in in Los Angeles.
[00:13:06] Yeah, I can. I can only imagine.
[00:13:11] What do you think is going to happen with porn production in the next year and beyond with everything that's going on in the world?
[00:13:21] I think it's going to I mean, realistically, the amount of professional porn production is going to continue to decrease as more and more companies are unable to make a profit on their own. I think every company is going to be forced to sell or go out of business to one of the big conglomerates, whether it be the Web group who owns X videos, you know what be Gammer, whether it be mine geek, you know, or one of the other conglomerations, that that's kind of what's happening because it's become so hard to make sales to a subscription based site that it doesn't make sense anymore.
[00:14:00] When the consumer has what I would call the Netflix and porn model available through a premium, you know, X videos, read X hampster gold. You know, all of those have thousands and thousands of quality for K videos for consumers to watch. And because more and more people like this all, you know, nine ninety nine, you can watch everything from X hampster or X videos or PornHub that you can watch tons of great scenes. So the individual guys, you have to introduce subscription sites. It's not really it's becoming it's becoming harder and harder for them, not to mention with the rise of ability for models to shoot their own content. If you're a top quality model and a model to work for the studios to help Brand get their name and exposure out in the beginning. And then once you guys think it's good for them to, you know, things like coming, coming, coming is much, much bigger than porn production. Much bigger. Yes. And and people don't think the cameras are porn stars, which. Yes, they are. They're the same thing. And porn stars are sure. You know, there's just no difference in your Canstar porn star. Same thing. Same thing. And camming is infinitely bigger than porn production, you know, and you have all the clip based models, whether it be only and or many vids or clips to sell.
[00:15:19] You know, those girls are all integrating and shooting their own content. And again, it makes sense for them to shoot for the professional companies every now and then. But again, most of them, if they don't, they can go directly to the consumer now. And since they it to the consumer, they don't need to work for the big company or porn companies as much. And it gives them the opportunity to build a career where that what that that wasn't always the case.
[00:15:46] You know, one thing I've noticed about you and it really stands out, I think it has a lot to do with your success over the years.
[00:15:54] You're one of the very few male performers that I see at the events back when we had events.
[00:16:05] And I just kind of, you know, obviously with my marketing background, I think that's something that's that that has a lot to do with your success.
[00:16:17] But maybe you can kind of give me your philosophy behind being president and accountable for the industry the way you are.
[00:16:26] I mean, my background is, you know, I was in sales and marketing as well, and I spent 10 years in corporate and sales before I did. And when I got into this, I looked at it as just a business and and how to build my name. And recognition wasn't just by building my brand recognition to the consumers, but to the company owners as well. And that's why I've always gone to the industry events and not the the ends of the world. You know, that the real industry events, you know, the webmaster shows and, you know, the business conventions. And you're right, there's as far as performers, I mean, over the years been maybe 10 performers that I've seen at these events on a regular basis.
[00:17:09] And they're all we've all got gray hair down.
[00:17:12] I don't know you. Well, you don't.
[00:17:15] But I thought the bilateral down, I couldn't have imagined that said.
[00:17:23] Oh, yeah.
[00:17:24] But I mean, it's like, you know, and again, like, you know how many everybody I see, it shows, you know, it's like there's like an old school class know, again, the newer generation of people. I do see some of them getting you realize that because they do stuff straight to the consumer where that option straight to the consumer option wasn't available. When I started, there was no copying. And if it was just infant stages, you know, the clips for sale model was just click clip. You know, it was just it was very limited and it was very niche and fetish. It wasn't it wasn't mainstream, except that there was no there was no only fans. It was not many because there was no.
[00:18:04] So it's a result now that they have all these platforms, a lot of, you know, the new generation of performers, they can they can sell straight to the consumer. You know, I think it's important for people to try to make it to realize that things are always changing in his business.
[00:18:22] And just because that's the situation now, they should probably also work with the studios because it helps build their brand and their recognition, because you don't know what's going to happen, because five years ago, nobody would have thought that. You know what? What is this? Just clip models taking off like crazy and the subscription sites have got hammered. But we don't know what's going to happen in five years.
[00:18:41] No one does, because you could, if you could know, be filthy rich.
[00:18:49] Amen to that.
[00:18:51] Now, do you think the the adult industry has become more or less accepted by the mainstream media and public? And why?
[00:19:00] In certain ways has become way more accepted, for example, if you say PornHub to any person, any millennial, they know a PornHub and everybody wants to watch. When I started doing this 20 years ago, you know, it was still KDDI dirty, you know, but we're buying VHS at the porno shop right now, and that's completely changed. You know, now, like I said, you could walk around in a PornHub shirt. Everybody knows everyone in the world or so in that aspect. It is more accepted, but on the other aspect, OK, when you have large networks like HBO that I used to be on, no longer accepts adult programing, and you have this kind of rise of.
[00:19:43] Of what to me, at least appears, you know, the very conservatives rise of, you know, backlash, that porn is evil, that it's not accepted. So even though, yes, it's accepted in one way, it's like it's like it's like, you know, but in another way it's not. And even though it's so much more visible and watched by so many the number of people who see my films now versus see them, you know, when I started it probably increase a thousand fold, you know for sure, because you don't even say a top selling DVD I had. So just say three thousand copies. Right. And that was good. Now I can put up the video on X videos and get five million people. Watch it. You know, so we're talking a thousand factors of more of those are views that are mind boggling when you kind of mind boggling when you think about it, right.
[00:20:42] So it's like so when you think about it. Sure. People used to recognize me for, like, OK, you pointed an outlandish ballot. I was. This is in the Vaccinator DVDs.
[00:20:54] But now it's like I you some people and people always look and I'm like and I know I didn't recognize you from pornhub x videos answer because they've got millions and millions and millions of views. Millions and millions and millions and millions of.
[00:21:08] That's awesome. And how do you like being recognized that way?
[00:21:12] I mean, I've been used to it for quite a long time because with mainstream television that I've done so, I've done a lot of mainstream TV most of the time when people come up to me, they'll do it. Oh, I see. Don't mention, like, whatever project I've just done, you know, like if I was on TV and stuff like that or if I was on, you know, like I did know working with HBO when Netflix approached me in that way. So that way to them, it's not like they it's not it's not like, you know, it's not a city that I know you from PornHub. They're like, oh, my God. Nice to meet you. But if I go to a nightclub, for example, where there's young people around, you know, it's one hundred percent chance people are going to come up to me. That's kind of cool.
[00:21:58] Yeah. I mean, I always know it's and it's always guys like, oh yeah.
[00:22:04] Oh you guys. Oh yeah. Yeah. You guys always come up to me.
[00:22:07] They want to be you, you know, young guys have come up to me and I'll take pictures or Instagram and I hang out. That's good.
[00:22:17] That's good. When do you think we'll be back to porn production after this whole coronavirus thing.
[00:22:26] I would think they start back in. I mean, I know some places in Europe never shut down and it seems I know some farmers in America never stopped.
[00:22:34] I'm not stupid, but I think probably realistically, within two weeks I'm in Europe that because Europe is, quote, ahead of the curve of America.
[00:22:49] And also I think that they'll start back with not one thing I've noticed living here is, well, the government here stay at home, for example, and hungry people stay. That's it. They don't argue, they don't protest. We never ran out of toilet paper. It's you know, it's it's they listen OK. And as a result, you know, the at least in Hungary, the covid rate is one tenth of that of a lot of other places per say. You know what it's like. Thirty three years, thirty for one hundred thousand, where the rate, for example, in the United States is about two thousand. So the reason the rates so much lower again is the people know they don't get eight years. You know, they're two hundred and two thousand, but for one hundred thousand. But the reason is they want the government to stay at home. They stay at home. They understand the government says social distancing the social distance. So. That's it. And as a result, it didn't spread as quickly now probably be a second wave to probably a second wave because it start to interact more. It sounds like the spread it got and when there's a second, I'm sure you know, will shut down again. But I guess said I anticipate within two weeks production starting back. And if it's if we get a second wave, you know, that's what happens. You know, we get a second wave and we'll shut down again. That has been enough rich people that have a vested interest that, you know, someone's going to find a cure for this and someone's going to find a vaccine.
[00:24:33] Seems to be seems to be here in Thailand has been the same way. By the way, when they told people to stay at home, they stayed at home.
[00:24:42] So, yeah, stayed home.
[00:24:44] And if they're finally opening up Pattaya, so, you know, they're down to oh, God, they haven't had a case in Pattaya for almost three weeks now.
[00:24:55] Oh, Jesus.
[00:24:56] Yeah, not bad. Not bad. Most of the most of the cases here in the South. So so what, what advice would you give to someone who's just starting as a producer?
[00:25:11] I mean, if you're starting as a producer, you got to look at this. You got to have a business plan and you got to you know, if you were a producer, I'd probably tell you to do something else because I really would. I'd say save your money, you know, do something else if you're a producer, because it's so hard.
[00:25:34] It's a company to be profitable because because because because you have the direct to consumer model now for the models, the models don't need producers like they did.
[00:25:47] They don't need the agents like they did.
[00:25:49] And, you know, it's a producer. You know, it's hard. How do you attract quality models? And how do you even if you pay low quality models and if you shoot the best content in the world, what you could do, all those things you say go to a great agent. You have the best hire, great scenes, and you put it out there on the tubes. OK, that was the secret. You put it out there, people see it. Why is somebody on your site for twenty nine ninety nine a month when they can join PornHub premium for ten dollars a month and see everybody's stuff? You know, and and and even if you put your stuff on Poorna p.m., you're still not going to make enough to make yourself profitable. So for produce. So for producers, I would say, you know, honestly, if you're thinking about it, think of something else, not for your talent. I think it's degrading. That's how I came up. I came up the talent of some producer, my talent. There's never been a better time for talent. The greatest time you can sell straight to the producer or me. Straight to the consumer. And you can also and if you choose to help build your brand name recognition, you can work for the production companies every now and then. And that's what I see quite a few of them out of Europe doing is the only thing to do that many bad timing. And then they do like one or two tours. And I think that's for a performer. It's never been better because they have the flexibility to work from home. Then they want to build up. You know, let's go to this consumer base and professional scenes or whatever big company that they feel like shooting for, they go shoot them. So performers this Julian, really, you know, the power is really into the performers hands now.
[00:27:31] Ok, what advice would you give to a new male actor?
[00:27:36] And if you're an email actor, I mean, I think, again, it's easier than when I started, you know, for a male actor, because you can build a fan base directly to the consumer and to consumers, you know, treat your fan base with compassion and kindness and be attentive because, you know, people talk and, you know, if you have a good rep is a good rep.
[00:27:54] So if and if a guy is a male talent now, he can see and sell straight to the consumer. And I think the best way for a guy would be doing camming. And if, you know, the guy has aspirations of the professional porno star, someone really would these days because, again, the money's not in it like it was.
[00:28:15] It's it's it's find somebody to camp with and and start camping with them.
[00:28:24] But for a guy, a guy again, a guy can make more money working directly for himself and build up the brand and everything else and bypass the professional system.
[00:28:35] Now, the most important question of all, Dan, how much of the early shows you attended do you even remember?
[00:28:45] Quite a few, zero zero, I look at some pictures of people posted on the.
[00:28:56] I don't remember. I don't remember that.
[00:29:00] I'll talk to some of my friends.
[00:29:01] I remember, like D.J., Eric and him, and I will just start laughing our heads off Eric Astle, because he's like Jayce, like see pictures of Baumgardner and he'll be like, oh, my God, what the fuck to y'all been doing this for 20 years. So, you know, 20 years ago, we were young and I was just turning 30 years old.
[00:29:25] So we were young guys and we just got into porn was a lot different back then. I was like, you know what it was like? It was like the Wild West. And, you know, the shows were, you know, it just shows was hedonistic as people can be more hedonistic that people can imagine. They were they were just giant parties.
[00:29:44] No, I mean, I came in I came in a little bit too late for that, but I came in and just on the heels of that, because I've been at this for like 16 years, so I thought I saw some of it.
[00:29:57] Yeah, the old I, I think the real Chris, the show's. Started to become more civilized after the IAEA 20 years.
[00:30:09] The diplomat and in in Florida were just those were the really crazy crazy because and then the Phenix Forum, the older ones would have been the next batch, just complete mayhem.
[00:30:27] Were those it was just, you know, you would get off the we we all flew into these places where you get off the plane and you really wouldn't put down you can have a drink in your hand until it's one of.
[00:30:40] Oh, yes, I recall yes, I recall I went to virtually every Phenix forum, I'm so sad that it doesn't exist anymore.
[00:30:50] I have hopes that it will be back.
[00:30:52] Yeah, but I mean, again, you know, the industry was different than, you know, it was a completely different production. That was a completely different game, a subscription base. Now, the two sites weren't even around. And I know the website didn't have pay models then. You know, it's just a completely different industry. And that's why I tell people like, what do you advise your future? I don't know what's going to happen because I look 15 years ago, you know, and this is one where we thought of it. Everybody figured it out. You don't need it anymore. Why don't you just figure it out? Subscription based Trever boom. To say it's OK to say it's you got that figured out. We're going to you know, we're going to make money. We're going to put the stuff on YouTube boom that you start. You know, it's like you don't know. It's like I got all the performance on straight to the now to the consumers. So you don't know what's going to happen next. No one does. Yeah. And that's and you don't know how things are going to change.
[00:31:47] Yeah. I mean, what if what you're if you could look into a crystal ball, what do you what do you see three to five years from now.
[00:31:54] I think you're going to see very, very few production companies left. Very few. If you're not part one of the big ones, you're going to be gone.
[00:32:03] They're going to have to sell. And I think it's going to see the continued rise of. Of of of the selling straight to consumer model camming, what can be popular, especially as technology gets better. That's a better technology gets an a clearer and clearer the broadcasting abilities become, which happens all the time, you know, broadcasting in VR, broadcasting and K broadcasting, augmented reality.
[00:32:30] I think you're going to see you'll see all that where they are able to, you know, interact with stars and other performers, you know, in group settings and things. I think Camming will just continue to continue to rise.
[00:32:43] It's not going to stop. And I think, you know, for the performers, since there's going to be less professional studios, they're going to have to performers will sell straight to consumers. And it you know, the consumers want to work for one of the traditional studios, which will be owned by one of the big five, six companies left. You know that they'll work for them. But you'll definitely what exists today will not exist when you see all these production companies. And you see, for example, when I get I'm speaking of America, you see this agency, you know, large that's that will all go away.
[00:33:20] Mm hmm. Mm hmm. OK, well, we shall see.
[00:33:25] Well, Dan, hey, I would so much like to thank you for being with us today on Adult Site Broker Talk. And yeah. And I really hope we'll we'll be able to get you back for a future show at a time.
[00:33:38] Take care, buddy. OK, take care. Dan, thanks.
[00:33:41] My broker tip today is part four of what to do to make your site more valuable when you decide to sell it later.
[00:33:47] Trademark your website. Having a trademark instantly protects your brand and makes your site more valuable when it comes time to sell it. Trademark on your site will cost an average of about fifteen hundred dollars, but should be more than worth the investment when it comes time to sell.
[00:34:03] It show buyers ways you feel the site can make more money in the future. This includes showing them future plans. You may have traffic trends as well as sales trends. If things are growing and you can show them how to grow it more, they're likely to be more willing to pay more for the site.
[00:34:21] Do something unique with your site. If you have competitors, figure a way to do it better be different in some distinguishable way that makes you better. Your members will notice and spend more money with you as well. Make your site a place that people want to visit, not just to buy things or viewport. Be creative, not just one of the many. Keep thinking outside the box and make positive changes on your site. Think like a buyer when planning or updating your site. Don't think like a tech. Think like the consumer. We'll talk more about the subject next week and next week we'll be talking to Leah Tenet of Pineapple's Support.
[00:35:03] And that's it for this week's Adult Site Broker Talk. I'm once again, I'd like to thank my guest, Porno Dan. We'll talk to you again next week on Adult Site Broker Talk. I'm Bruce Friedman.