0 (7s):
This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk, where every week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry, and we discuss what's going on in our business. Plus we give you a tip on buying and selling websites this week. This week we'll be talking with adult industry writer Ralph Grecco.
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0 (55s):
Now let's feature our property of the week. That's for sale that adult site broker we're offering a rapidly growing hair, shaving site. The site shows women getting their head shaved. It does not show explicit content. So it is much easier to promote than most adult sites. The site creates an environment for their customers, where they feel like they're getting invited to the party of their hair, fetish dreams. They love using slogans like come join the party. There's a sister site that is a unique method of hosting their videos in a discreet manner for their customers. The site is fueled by redirects. This is essentially the brains of the whole operation.
0 (1m 36s):
It handles the billing and rebuilding user information and video displays. There's also a separate forum and a download store that did $5,000 in sale. The first month alone, there is no paid advertising. They go directly to their customers with targeted SEO, YouTube videos and social media. The community for this niche is very loyal and the members will help any way they can to see sites like this grow. They'll donate. Some will even do work for the site for free. This site has a lot of room to grow with a little more time and investment. There's a mailing list of well over 1100 model's hair can be sold for thousands of extra dollars.
0 (2m 19s):
There are trained producers for these shoots who would be happy to stay on after the sale. This great site is available for only $480,000. Now time for this week's interview, I guess today, an adult side broker talk is adult industry writer, Ralph Greco. Ralph, thanks for being with us today on adult side broker talk. Well thank you for having me. It's great to be here. Great to have you. Now. Ralph is a professional writer of blogs, columns, reviews, interviews, fiction poetry. Let me get my breath songs, SEO copy. And one act plays for both mainstream and adult clients.
0 (2m 59s):
Now Ralph's
1 (3m 0s):
Short fiction, both erotic and mainstream poetry and essays have been published in eight countries in major market magazines and small press and various anthologies and single author. Short story collections. Ralph's one act plays have been published in a complete collection as they've been produced across the U S his self pen self-produced salicious songs and dirty words. Theater show have been performed off Broadway in New York city. I love that. I love that name now. Ralph was also an ASCAP licensed songwriter and recording artists, and he teaches classes across the U S at kink conventions.
1 (3m 42s):
Ralph just launched a music site, Ralph Greco, that's spelled G R E C O music.com. And he has a podcast called licking non vanilla. I love it. Now, Ralph you're, you're a professional writer of songs, fiction, web copy, and plays. So a wide range of material. Do you have a favorite type of writing among all the stuff you do?
2 (4m 8s):
Oh, yeah, I don't. I it's a tough one. You know, it, it comes by, you know, assignment or, you know, I would say it's always, I say this whole time, I say I'm a hack, basically, you know, the, the work comes in. I don't, I don't wait for the muse to come to come tickling my balls. You know, I'm going to do it when the work comes in. But I would say out of all the things I write, the thing that has my heart the most is the songwriting, but that's something I do mostly for myself. I'm not usually commissioned to do that for, for anybody else. I was, I was in the game, the music business for awhile when I was younger and could fit into, you know, spend X pants.
2 (4m 49s):
And, and now that I'm older, I, I don't pursue it in the same way. I'm still professional position and I'm still pursuing it professionally, but I, and you know, the music business has changed greatly, so I don't pursue it in the same way. And it has more of my, my it's more, I hate to use this word, but it's more, more of the art for me than anything else. You know, that's what it is.
1 (5m 13s):
Yeah. I think musicians who do other things, that's always going to be their first love, and I probably could have fit into spandex pants too, but I would have looked terrible. Why, why is songwriting your favorite type of work?
2 (5m 28s):
That's the curious expression, I think from what's in my head and my, my marrow, it seems to come out directly, you know, I just get, get my guitar and I go, and, and also if I want to get that out or haven't heard or performed or whatever, I can, it's usually more direct. And I can see the reaction immediate from, from somebody who was listening, as opposed to write you write a short story. I don't get to experience the people, the short story, see what they feel. Only if somebody writes me back and tells me if they liked it or not. So I think it's probably just the immediacy of their, of, of what it is with the songwriting.
0 (6m 7s):
Yeah. Next time. We'll have you have your guitar on, yeah. Now maybe we need a new theme song. Now, how did you get into erotic writing in the first place?
2 (6m 20s):
Well, I've always been a writer always, and I've been trying to publish for a while. What happened was back in the day. And there was, I guess this is like, I'm thinking mid eighties, mid to late eighties. I had a friend who was going to do some voiceover work for a guy who wrote, who were made 800 and 900 number Colin service. And it's before him, before he had it all on servers, but it was not on the computer was you just call him. And some girl would, would be reading a sexy story. And when we went over to his apartment would cause she said, well, come with me. I'm not sure if this guy's on the up and up. So come with me just to make sure. So when would this girl and her friend, and we met this couple and they were really great people.
2 (7m 4s):
And as we were there, she was reading some of the stories and he had me read some stuff in the stories and dialogue. And somewhere along the way, he said, we got to talking about it. If he needed a writer. And I said, I've, you know, I've been thinking about Radhika for awhile. I love to get into this. So I started penning 800 and 900 phones, prerecorded phone, SEPs, sex scripts. And that's how it started. It was really funny, you know, back in the day when you could do that kind of thing, it's not like that anymore, but what, it was a lot of fun actually, and a good, a good way to get my feet wet.
0 (7m 37s):
Well, I mean, I mean, besides a Ooh baby, baby, I'm getting wet. I mean, what
2 (7m 45s):
It was scenarios, you know, you set up a scenario right. In the 800 number, the 900 number was, was more explicit, the 800 number wasn't. So there were certain specific rules to follow, which was a good challenge for a writer because you only write a certain parameter. And yeah, there was a lot of, you had to get to the, the meat of the subject, set it up and get to the,
0 (8m 6s):
Was that it was that the meat of the subject. Was that a punt?
2 (8m 10s):
Hell yeah. I can say it. You can say that, but so you'd get to, you get to this little slot a equals into slot B stuff quickly, but you had to sit there and it was typical scenarios, you know? Oh, a principal. I didn't, I didn't, I didn't know that I, you know, I'm sorry that I w I was already three times this week school, you know, that kind of thing was that it was, you know, a lot, a lot of women frolicking and, you know, and, and
0 (8m 35s):
You're gonna have to, you're gonna punish me
2 (8m 39s):
Exactly, but it was, it was a hoot and a half. And the girl, the girl I went with was, it was a good friend. So she was fun and watching her read this stuff. And then the next time I came back, I gave him a couple of scripts and he bought them and I was on my way. That's great. Erotic writing. Are you doing
1 (8m 56s):
These days?
2 (8m 58s):
Well, the fiction I do is pretty much niche based around BD BDSM, you know, spanking kind of stuff. But I do a lot of cross genre. I like to get fat higher in science fiction and erotic in when I can. All one story. And that's, that's what if you were to ask me what my favorite type of fiction writing, that's my favorite type when I can, but I can mix that tire and either some sort of fantasy or science fiction element with erotica. That to me is really a hoot and a half. I really liked that a lot.
1 (9m 30s):
Okay. Now it seems like everybody, these days has a podcast, even me, what do you do to make sure your podcast is unique and worth listening to
2 (9m 44s):
That's a real, that's a real good question. And I, I'm sure you search for the same thing. Well, I do the club podcast with a fellow writer, M Christian, and he's somebody I've known for a long time, a fellow erotic writer. And he's also a guy that I teach the teach classes. When we have kink conventions. At one point we were teaching our classes there. And anyway, so we get on the podcast. I try not to, we were initially going to make it about erotica writing, but then we realized that's a little too. Maybe it's a little too tight. You know, I don't know if many people are going to be able to tune in, but I don't know how many people work. So we try to keep it as in as inclusive as possible.
2 (10m 27s):
And, and it's, it's interesting, but you have to, I feel you have to kind of take it away from yourself as much as possible and keep it relatable to the outside. You know, you know, think about the audience I'm always thinking about, because I think because I'm a performer, I always thinking about the audience. The more you think about somebody sitting in a chair, never heard this song before I have to engage them. Same with the guest something. And these people don't know me. And like you just said, there's tons of podcast out there. So at to be engaging and interesting and not. So this is just about me. This is just about what I'm doing. And a lot of podcasts I hear are the guy gets on and the girl gets on and they're talking about their little minutia, the little world.
2 (11m 8s):
And I don't know how interesting that is to tell you. And also we try to get on as many guests as we can.
1 (11m 12s):
Yeah. Yeah. The, the answer is, it's not very interesting. And unless you're a celebrity talking about minutia, isn't really going to get you there.
2 (11m 23s):
I agree with you a hundred percent, a hundred percent. But the world we live in is, is that we're, we're used to tweeting and tweeting and posting about ourselves all the time. Right. And that's what we do. And I don't because I'm such an evolved human being, but that's a different story. But, but what happens is that becomes this, this scent in this kind of this egocentric view of the world, that we have something that's stated so important that somebody just got to come onto our podcast and listen to us because we're such a hoot and a half. But like you just said, unless you were a celebrity, I don't think it's all that interesting. So you better make damn interest somebody and work hard to make it interesting as you know, there's what you do.
1 (12m 4s):
Yeah. Well, I mean, my philosophy on it is I'm going to bring people on. They're going to be interesting, like yourself to other people in, in our industry. And the key is to bring people from all aspects of the industry, plus offer something to them about what we do and give them free information, which we end are we end our podcast with tips on buying and selling websites. So if they want to buy and sell their own websites, go for it, man. Right. But that's, that's the best way. That's the best way to give it away for free, right?
2 (12m 41s):
Yeah. I think, I think you've got a, there's gotta be a reason that tuning in and, or saying, and not only doing end, but staying with you, staying with a whole pot, the whole episode, as much as coming back next week to listen again or wherever you're going to be. You know, so there's there's but, but that the onus is on, I think that's the thing. I think the performer and, or the podcast or whoever the onus is on us to deliver a hundred percent and we can't ever forget that because that that's really important, you know?
1 (13m 10s):
Yeah, no, you're absolutely right now you also teach it kink conventions. What do you teach? And what's that like? Well, when they had them,
2 (13m 19s):
Yeah. Yeah. Well, we, it was actually, we did Chris and I, our favorite class to do there was, it was a writing course. So we did an erotic writing course, which was, which was a food and a half. It really was a lot of fun. We did, we did, you know, various different. A lot of our classes are centered around a lot of soft core, you know, play and fun stuff and nothing. We w we didn't do anything hardcore. Although those can come in, kink conventions can run from the, you know, the novice all the way up. And they usually do. They have a wide variety of people at them, but it was, it was, it was a lot of fun. And we, Chris and I got to travel across the country.
2 (14m 3s):
And because Chris lives in a different, he lives in Oregon. So I live in Jersey. So we would meet it certain like Vegas or St. Louis. And we met a lot of great people. We got to, you know, walk our books a little bit and get known. And it was, it was really a lot of fun. I met some of the best people ever at those conventions, because those are people who were there for a weekend to have a great time, let themselves have a little fun, but nobody's, nobody's taking anything so serious. And everybody's, everybody's real respectful and, and real, it was just, and, and we get to travel to cool places. You don't go to Vegas for free. So Y you know, we're having a great time. You know, I have a, I have a client in Vegas too, so it was good to always go there and touch base and say, hi, you know, so that kind of stuff was wonderful.
2 (14m 47s):
Absolutely wonderful.
1 (14m 48s):
Yeah. I used to think Vegas was cool until I went there for the 85th time. And then I was like, this isn't cool anymore.
2 (14m 57s):
Yeah. Well, and, and I'm interested in, I think we all are in some way to see how, what, what happens now, you know, how things are going to return. And I think we're, I think we're all interested about that across the board. I try not to get my mind so much on any of that stuff, but it's options, you know, that there's going to be some, some interesting tweaks and shifts of the way we do things. So,
1 (15m 20s):
Yeah, I mean, living out here in Asia, I feel really bad for my brothers and sisters in, in America and other countries that have been hit so hard by COVID. I happened to live in the country that was, that has been affected maybe the least in the entire world and has maybe done the best job of dealing with it. So I, I consider myself extremely fortunate. Plus we're not overrun by tourists. There's no tourists. So while I feel bad for the people who work in the tourism industry, it's like heaven right now.
2 (15m 58s):
Yeah, that's true. Absolutely. Yeah. It's definitely, I, I constantly know people, people were using that term, the new normal, and I say, there's nothing normal about anything that's happening, you know, nothing normal, you know, and, and I don't think anything good is coming from, but either to tell the truth, but you know,
1 (16m 14s):
The only good things that have that are coming out of it, I think are what's happening with the environment? Is that the environment isn't being as damaged as it normally would at this point,
2 (16m 29s):
1 (16m 30s):
You don't have, you don't have as many airplanes in the air. You don't have as many cars moving around. You don't. Yeah. I mean, it's not as many boats that has many cruise ships. So the things that are probably the most damaging to the environment are being taken away for the time being. But no, I don't, I don't think the word normal is ever going to be what we consider normal. Again, I can't, I can't see it, but, you know, I'm sure there will be some good Ford as well. So what are the S in your, in your view, what are some of the biggest misconceptions people have about those of us who work in the adult field?
2 (17m 11s):
Hi, you know, one of the things is that dirty stuff is on our mind constantly. Now it's on my mind constantly.
1 (17m 18s):
I was going to say, why isn't that true?
2 (17m 20s):
It is true, but you know, we're, we're functioning, you know, we're going around the day, you know, going into the grocery store and, and pet and our, our, our, you know, our animals and having dinner with our, with our folks. And, you know, like, we're, we're, we're just like anybody else, because I say this all the time I live in, I live on a dead end street, suburban street, if you, and if I walk out out of my door and look at the, the many neighbors houses, I there's Mo there's a multitude of things going on. Those windows, you know, things that I probably couldn't even write as good as what's going on behind those windows as far as interesting sexual maneuvers and kinks. Right. So we'll all involve some way.
1 (18m 1s):
Maybe you should knock, maybe you should knock on more doors. Well,
2 (18m 5s):
You know, because I know my neighbors anyway, so I know what's going on, but it's just funny to think that, you know, the first, the first reaction is, Oh, you write, you write that stuff, you know? And I'm like, well, first of all, everybody's thinking this stuff anyway, everybody's engaged in their own little ad, what they want or what they do and how to get it. And all that kind of stuff. The woman, I just happened to be more in the world of it. And also it would say, what's that saying about the cobbler's kids are not shod, you know, because you're in the business, you're not interested in, in it, in the sector the normal way. And that's not true. I just have to say, my lip is no different or more, or less than just because I write this stuff all the time, but I don't think it is my libido.
2 (18m 49s):
So I think that, you know, but we're, we're just normal people like everybody else, we really, we're not, we're no different than any, but we're just doing a job. Just happened to be, this is the job we do
1 (18m 58s):
Since this is how we make money. Yeah. I've got to say though, I don't look at porn the way I used to, not that I really spent much time looking at porn, but now it's kind of like, you look at it as an insider and you look at it like, okay. And with more of a critical eye, and it's a business. When I had a pay site, I started to get bored at looking at, at a women's bodies. And I thought, man, that would never happen.
2 (19m 27s):
Well, he had the guy that thing, but I, you know, I don't know. I, I think that I, well, I, I only, I only ever watched anything salacious when I have to review it or write for it in some way. I don't, I I've never been a bitter devotee of porn and I've never even been interested in it in any kind of level. So the only time I watch it is nah, you know, is to, is to engage in it some way with the writing. So I, I, my, my viewpoint on it, it's always been this been, Oh yeah. It's whatever it is, but I don't know if it's, I don't know if I would be any more interested or any less interested in it, you know, if I didn't, wasn't in the middle of it, you know, and you know,
1 (20m 11s):
Okay, so you do reviews. How do you like that?
2 (20m 15s):
It's fun. You know, I mean, you know what I try to do, I try to, and that's funny you say that word too, because I really do re consider myself a reviewer and not a critic. And I, and I think thinks is important because the people who make music or make a movie or make any piece of thing that they work in on, whatever, any, even if it's whatever it is, I always figured let's give him the benefit of the doubt. They went out there and they tried to make it. And whether you like it or not. So I try not to be, so I not, I try not to be a critic as much as a reviewer and enough in the review that if you, you may come to it or not, let you make, make your, your own mind about it and not try to be so hypercritical about it.
2 (20m 56s):
And I can be that way. Like anybody else, things set me off really well or not, but I just try not to be a critic because there's just so much criticism of, of work. And I think if you have to, and you try to do the work, like you don't, even, if the last thing you need is somebody criticizing it. So I try to be gentle and just review it, honestly, review it and say, this is what it reminds me of. This is what you may like about it. And this is what that's that's, as far as I go,
1 (21m 22s):
Are you, are you review reviewing? I can talk. Are you reviewing sites and also clips and movies?
2 (21m 32s):
Yeah, I do both, you know, I'm a little bit, and I reviews toys. You don't get the toy in and review it a little bit and see if it works in the way it works. Yeah. That's fun because you get to use it either. You get to have a toy and, and you know what, there's a, there's a sameness to certain things, you know, especially if you get into an, into reviewing and like niche content, you know, it's going to go, you know, femdom, for instance, it's going to have a same Instagram, you know, the same fact wall, but when you kind of, you know, you just kind of give it a, you feel fine, the nuances and stuff. But, but I, I enjoy that because I know somebody put their time and energy into it.
2 (22m 12s):
And I think they deserve at least a little bit of, you know, a little bit of my attention, enough of my attention. If I'm going to review it, it could be, you know, nice about it and not critical. Yeah.
1 (22m 26s):
Yeah, no, I get it. And that's, that's a good thing. Cause I've been both reviewed and criticized in some of my life's work.
2 (22m 34s):
Exactly. Yeah. And I mean, you know, it's hard enough as it is to even put it out there, you know, and, and get it done and put out there. And, you know, I don't know if we, if we need to knock as much as well. I don't think we need the false praise, but we also don't need a jab. I mean, who needs it?
1 (22m 52s):
Absolutely. What, what review sites are you working?
2 (22m 56s):
I was writing, this was interesting. I write for a hot movies and what's fun about hot movies is they would, they would, they commissioned me to write essay less about the review of the movies, but more an essay about a certain subject. And then within that essay, I would reference their movie. So they had, they bought a whole spate of a spanking movies. So they wanted like some Spanky one-on-one essays tutorials. So I wrote that and then I would, I would use grab their certain titles so they could put them in there, you know, for SEO purposes. So, you know, you see keyword searching, so what was writing for them? And that was what I w I wrote some toy reviews for cycled Tracy's dog, which is, which is actually an agent site.
2 (23m 42s):
And so they sent me out some, some really toys. I mean, well-made, and you know, when I've worked for Adam and Eve to do some stuff, and I've worked for vivid back in the day, vivid was doing w dividend wicked would put, we're putting in a lot of DVDs. They don't so much anymore, but, you know, they have their, they have their content, so cool. And, you know, then it's kind of like, whatever, whatever comes up, whatever somebody needs, I can kind of be plugged into it and figure it out. You know,
1 (24m 15s):
Keep that in mind. Now what's been, what's been the good and bad about the digital revolution as it relates to the adult industry.
2 (24m 26s):
Well, I guess the one thing is this kind of a thing, right? I mean, I could, I never would have been able to connect with people this way. Was it over a podcast and, or have my, my books, my eBooks read or seen, you know, years ago, I'd have to produce the book and print the book and have boxes of them in my basement. And now I don't have to worry about this stuff. So the digital revolution, the facility and the convenience is just fantastic, you know, and it can have connectivity, but you know, at the same time there is a lessening of quality. Oh yeah. Because we're, we're going for convenience sometimes before we worry about an obsolescence there's built in obsolescence and things with the digital world.
2 (25m 9s):
And, and then, you know, we, we, we've all experienced, this is a great pirating problem. You know, content is being stolen, put up other places, you know, and it that had, we have, you know, you know this, for sure. We've seen that, that come in and destroy, cut a great, big, pretty bunch of big, negative swatch through the industry in a lot of ways, you know, and a lot of people ran for cover. But then again, you know, we, we see this all the time. If you could make a better mouse trap and we've seen people who do, then you could make it. I worked with Neil at clips for sale for awhile. And, you know, he's learned how to circumvent that digital thing where we're taking content and putting it somewhere else.
2 (25m 54s):
He just, he said, well, you know, people want lesser amount of time and content. Let's just make a site that people can load the pro the provider can load on here. So, Oh, and he's done any, you know, I don't, I know him a little bit. We've, I've had him on my podcast and he's a great guy and he's very, very transparent, very open. This is what I did. You want to come on? You've got content there's there, there, there's what we do. And so he built a better mouse trap seeing that the digital world was opening up. So, you know, I guess, you know, as well as I do, you can't stop progress. So you just either have to find your way in there and do the things and take to the things that work for you and the things that don't, you just, you don't get involved with.
2 (26m 36s):
And I'm like that, like anybody else
1 (26m 39s):
Now, do you have a set routine as a freelance writer? Maybe you can describe a typical day
2 (26m 45s):
For me. Okay. Well, I get up and, you know, I have to, I have to negotiate between the two, whatever two buxom lasses have slipped, you know, sandwiched me at the, at the night. So I got to figure it out. So, you know, I never, I have to kiss the boat on a forehead cause you know, you never want to get out of the bed and make them feel bad, leaving the bed. It's cold now. I feel terrible. So that's the first thing. Then, then I hit, you know, I hit the, I hit the crack pipe for a while and do some blow. And then I get up in the morning, have some coffee. And I, I, it's funny.
2 (27m 25s):
I can write right out of bed. I can get out by that sometimes.
1 (27m 28s):
Well, after that, after the crack and the blow, I would think,
2 (27m 35s):
But it's funny, usually something, I, I get ideas like just this week will this state, you know, just as I'm getting up and, but I'm real good hitting the ground running in the morning. I'm real good at sitting down. And I usually have four or five different things on my desktop at a time that I need to get to. And I can usually hit the ground running and, you know, plow through coffee and a little bit of breakfast and just go until sometime in the early afternoon, when I hunger sets in and up, they go, Oh, maybe I should stop and go get something to eat or take a walk. But I'm pretty good. Mainly through the morning, into the early afternoon. And then like, if I have the podcast to do, or if I have a couple, I have some song stuff to do.
2 (28m 18s):
That's usually when I break to do that, like rattle lunchtime, you know, so, but I usually hit the ground running, writing very early in the morning and just go, no, no, no.
1 (28m 28s):
What have been a couple of your favorite examples of your work?
2 (28m 32s):
Well, okay. I just put out a new, a new book that he put out with pink Flamingo, which is a company I've never worked with before called the name of that book is no whip, no problem. And what's it called? It's called no whip, no problem. And it's a short story collection and that's one of my more it's by most recent work. And also one of my more favorite ones I'm trying to think of what else is, there's a, you know, in the erotica fields, there's a lot of stuff out there. I, I like, I tend to like the blogs that I write for looking non vanilla and then looking on below will say that right about two blocks a week. And they're pithy and fun.
2 (29m 13s):
I have another column called the sex files, which is on a, a site in New York and LA and that's fun. So in, and I have clients I write for, and, and I do a lot of ghost writing, non adult related ghost writing. I write bios and, you know, insurance, how to, and all that kind of stuff. And that ghost writing that I don't, nobody knows that I'm doing that writing, but those books came up. There's those books out and that's, that's mainstream that has nothing do with the adult world. And that's a lot of fun because totally different, you know?
1 (29m 46s):
Yeah, absolutely. Now how has your real life different or the same from you?
2 (29m 52s):
Well, in the erotica, I lost a lot of, you know, well, I don't know. I guess I'll be as discreet as possible. I have had a rich fun heterosexual existence as younger. And so a lot of what I write about is either the fiction is either from those experiences or, or, you know, amalgamations of those experiences or fantasy from those whatever. So I had a, I had a pretty good run because I was in a band in my twenties and I went to a school that for girls to every guy. So, you know, things were good back in the day. So I was a bit of a re you know, I had some good times.
2 (30m 33s):
So I would say nowadays by white, my life is a little bit calmer. I'm older and a little, I like to think my, my sexual life is a little more nuanced now, but you know, back in the day it was like everybody's role, well, full of piss and vinegar back in the day. So, but nowadays, and it's interesting. I was just thinking to say, yes, this question, the fiction is more nuanced now because my, my life in general was more nuanced. So I think, you know, the art, you know, art reflects the fiction and the fiction fiction reflects art or whatever it is. I think that's true in my, and certainly in my case.
1 (31m 15s):
Interesting. That's interesting now. Yeah. You mentioned when we were talking before we went on that you live in New Jersey, you're from New Jersey. Why don't you tell me a little bit about your upbringing and led you to where you are?
2 (31m 31s):
My upbringing is more normal than you could possibly believe. I have, I have a younger sister, my folks are still alive. They're in their eighties. It's an Italian-American household in North. And I grew up on a suburban street where everybody knew everybody were in, all the kids were in the, in and out of each other's houses, you know, and it was my, my, my little group, you know, Halloween time and St. Stickball. I mean, my growing up was idyllic. It was unbelievably wonderful. And I, my family is fantastic and I get along with everybody, everybody gets along with everybody else. So I was allowed a lot of freedoms and I was allowed to grow in my, my, my quote, unquote art, you know, and, and explore the things that, that were interesting, interesting to me.
2 (32m 22s):
And it's been nothing but nurturing. So I it's unconditional love. I've never known anything else in my life. And it's, so I have a confidence level. Not, not, I don't think I have, I do have a relatively solid ego, but I, I have a competence level from being the means. So having such good love in my life that I have, I I've been able to explore things and sometimes things don't work out, but for the most part, I haven't been able to explore things in and have the freedoms to land up limb, to do the work I do, and not feel ashamed or embarrassed by it. And, you know, and just, just try to treat people nice.
2 (33m 4s):
And that's, that's about it. You know, it just keep moving forward. You know, that's about all, you know,
1 (33m 8s):
So, so where do you see yourself in five years from now?
2 (33m 12s):
I've been making inroads now to get the rent, to get my music done. And it's been, it's been a long road to get to that point. So that's kinda most what's most on my mind. I mean, I'm, I'm doing the writing to make, to make money and keep missing myself and beer and Skittles, but I don't drink, I don't eat Skittles, but, but I've been trying to, but right now I would say for the foreseeable future, I'm trying best. I can to put a lot of my energy into getting the music done, whether recorded remastered or mixed or whatever I have to do, but that's kind of, what's, that's, what's most on my mind right now.
2 (33m 56s):
And that's where I would see myself in the next five years working, eh, working in, working in the writing, always, but working in the music, you know, more having a future and a goal set for that.
1 (34m 9s):
And what do you see happening in your immediate future? Do you have any work that you're currently finishing?
2 (34m 15s):
Yeah. I'm trying to get books, a couple books done. There's a book, there's a memoir I'm writing kind of, it's an erotic memoir. And, you know, I'll probably publish that under a pseudonym, which will be the first time I do that. I have also write, I write with a buddy and illustrator. I read a children's series of books, so that published, and then I have, I have another book music book, I'm, I'm getting in the middle of writing. And so I have a couple of things there, like, right. I gotta look, I'm bugging out, looking at the desktop right now. They're just on the desktop always. And they're just kind of looking at me and you got, you gotta finish this, you gotta finish this. You know? So those are the things that are immediate. If I can get those things done within the next couple months into the summer, I'll feel like I've gotten over a hump.
2 (34m 59s):
So, and then whatever, all the other work comes in,
1 (35m 2s):
You know, you're pretty typical of the creative types that I know. Do you ever feel like you try to take on too much?
2 (35m 10s):
Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean, I don't have, I really, I don't think I have add or BLT or ELP, whatever it is. I don't think I have any of that. I think what I do have is I just have I grow bored with one thing, you know, I'm in the middle of one project and I'm like, Oh, let me go over there for a little while and do that. And then let me pick up, it's hard to do that. So, and I'm, I'm not so good at time management. So I have to really work at that. But when a job comes in immediately, I, I I'll tackle that. I'm very good with emails getting right back to people because I, I have to be, it's the only way I can, I can function is to, is to get right out and stuff. So I'm, I'm pretty good with, with getting the job done.
2 (35m 53s):
It's just that the jobs that I need to get done for myself, you know, my books that are laying out there and stuff they'll take a while because they do jump from one thing to another. So I don't know if that's a creative mentality, as much as it's just what I, the way I, I have four or five folders that are open all the time, you know? So
1 (36m 11s):
I think it's the creative mentality and I, I'm kind of the same way. So I completely understand that. There's always a lot of stuff going on.
2 (36m 21s):
Yeah. Right. You know, you, you're running, you do the podcast, you're doing this and then somebody could come, he's contacting you through your business to do this. And you gotta, and you gotta write a letter to this person. And there's all that stuff going on. But I think that keeps me at least a week, you know, you know, cause it, I think I'm not sure because I always think, well maybe if I just worked on that one book and nothing else, I'd get that book done. And it's probably true, but I just can't concentrate that way, you know?
1 (36m 52s):
Yeah. I understand. I have a, like I said, I got a lots of projects that are, that are partially done. So I get it. Of course, some of that, some of that is some of that is development. But anyway, that's another story altogether. You, you, you have more control over everything. And I, the things I do are, are always somewhat controlled by others, getting them done. Yeah. Other than the adult work, you do. Who else do you work for?
2 (37m 22s):
I work for a company called Harbor books and Arbor puts together me as the ghost writer. Somebody will come to them say, look, I want to write a book about my life. Or I was in the, I was in the dental business for 10 years. I want to write about that or whatever. They come to Auburn as a ghost writer. And one of my biggest clients is a late text of fact manufacturer called Donna matrix designs. And I write for her and that's a lot of fun because that's, it's a little bit naughty, but, but Darren works on fees and she works on a whole bunch of stuff. So she works with lady Gaga and all these people that she, she kind of, she started in the kind of the fetish field kind of went around the back door and kind of now use, you know, doing latex and design differently.
2 (38m 8s):
I used to work for a magazine latex magazine, fashion magazine called Von Gutenberg. It's not in existence anymore. He was an offshoot of Marquis magazine, which is a very thing anyway. And there's a couple of the people that are right for on a regular basis were not mainstream or not adult in any kind of way. You know, there, there have to be naked, natural path. I worked for an at and a legal company, you know? So there's a lot of that type of stuff. I don't do any pharma or grant writing. There's the two things I don't do that takes specific writing, which I don't have a talent for. And other than that, that's so really you don't, I always say I'm in the best sense of the word.
2 (38m 51s):
I'm a hack. You come to me, you have a job to do. I I'm, I'm down for writing. You know, that's basically how I look at it
1 (38m 58s):
Back in a nice way. Now, have you, now, now, have you ever gotten a project that that's been proposed to you where you've gone? No, I won't do that.
2 (39m 9s):
The only time it's happened is when something's come across. And I know from the background of somebody told me something, or I learned from another source that the, the person whose project it is, or their company is problematic in, in, in ways that I consider them problematic. And somebody else may not. I mean, like in other words, they may not ever get back to you with emails. You have questions, although I'll never get back to you. Well, that doesn't help me at all because I have questions. I like to keep in constant contact with my clients. And because they could, they can get me anytime they want I'm available for email anytime. So some people, Oh, well, they're not so communicative.
2 (39m 50s):
Well, that's not going to help me. And then I've been in the middle of projects where I'm like, eh, couple of weeks in or a month in I'm like, we're just not, we're just not connecting. We're not, and that's fine because I always say no harm, no foul. I'm fine with that. I don't want to spin my wheels or have you spin your wheels over, trying to make that square peg round hole. Sometimes it just doesn't work. And, and I've been involved in a couple of those situations and that's fine. That's fine. Both mainstream and an adult. That's fine.
1 (40m 25s):
So nobody's ever asked you to write something that you just didn't for whatever reason.
2 (40m 32s):
I'm not, I'm not nothing's coming to mind. I probably, yeah, I don't. Yeah. Nothing comes to mind at the moment. Just curious. Yeah, nothing really.
1 (40m 42s):
Now, if somebody is interested in either coming on your podcast or just in contacting you in general, how can they,
2 (40m 50s):
They can find me by writing my email, which would be I'll spell it. It's R a L P H I E D a writer. So it's Ralphy writer@gmail.com and then they could also go to the licking non vanilla page, which is lucky, non vanilla.com. And that's the podcast. And then, like you said, at the, at the outset too, you can find me at the music page, which is Ralph Greco, music.com. So that's the three with three best ways to find me. I don't have a lot of social media presence. That's just a moral, a moral thing on my court. But yeah. So that's the way they can, the best way to find me
1 (41m 31s):
Tell writer. So New Jersey
2 (41m 35s):
Writer@gbl.com, the writer come over, I'll be out, we'll have a little Kalamata. We'll hang out. Don't worry about it. You know, good about it. Have a good time. Forget about it means sometimes it just means to get about it.
0 (41m 55s):
Exactly. Sometimes it means, forget about it. Hey, Ralph, I'd like to thank you for being our guest today on adults. I broke her talk and I hope we'll get a chance to do it again real soon. Maybe, maybe when your book comes out,
2 (42m 8s):
I love it. I love it. And you'll be well. I hope everybody listening, stays well and their families are well and blow. We'll get through this and thank you for having me on this was wonderful.
0 (42m 17s):
Fantastic, Ralph, my broker tip today is part four. What to do to make your site more valuable for when you decide to sell it later, trademark your site, having a trademark instantly protects your brand and makes your site more valuable. When it comes time to sell it later, trademarking, your site will cost an average of about $1,500, but should be more than worth the investment. When it comes time to sell it, show buyers ways you feel the site can make more money in the future. This includes showing them future plans. You may have traffic trends as well as sales trends. And if things are growing and you can show them how to grow it more, they're more likely to be willing to pay more for the site.
0 (42m 59s):
Do something unique with your site. If you have competitors, figure a way to do it better, be different in some distinguishable way that makes your site better. Your members will notice and spend more money with you. Make your site a place that people want to visit. Not just to buy things or viewport, be creative, not just one of the many. Keep thinking outside the box and make positive changes to your site. Think like a buyer when planning or updating your site. Don't think like a tech think like the consumer. We'll talk about this subject more next week. And next week we'll be talking to my friend, Natalie PanIN of mojo host.
0 (43m 43s):
And that's it on this week's Adult Site Broker Talk. I'd once again like to thank our guest Ralph Grecco. Talk to you next week on Adult Site Broker Talk. I'm Bruce Friedman.