0 (7s):
This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk, where every week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry, and we discuss what's going on in our business. Plus we give you a tip on buying and selling websites this week. This week we'll be talking with
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Our property of the week that's for sale that adult site broker, we are proud to list for sale and network of two mainstream flirt chat sites. The sites get their traffic from the UK, Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands and New Zealand, both are mainstream flirt, chat websites with credit monetization on a pay per message basis.
1 (1m 17s):
They have a loyal customer base of 27,000 plus real members with many customers still active from 2017. Some have spent more than 10,000 euros. The average customer spends 450 euros. The sites have very steady recurring revenue with very low overhead and a proven ROI of 900%. Plus on every Euro spent on affiliate marketing. These sites have room to grow from where they are now. The weekly upkeep of the sites requires very little time and most of the work consists of promoting the sites to bring in new customers and tease the existing 27,000 plus strong member database.
1 (1m 59s):
Many great markets are yet on tap for these sites, but could easily be added such as Germany, France, and the USA. Thanks to the non adult nature. You can easily promote them via Google and email. You can buy these two great sites for only 484,000 euros. Now time for this week's interview. My guest today on adults. Broker talk is Natalie PanIN of mojo host, Natalie, thanks for being with us today on adult side, broker talk, thank you for inviting me. It's a pleasure now. And mojo hosts we're Natalie works has 58 awards for outstanding hosting services and business practices.
1 (2m 40s):
It's the leading choice for hosting in the adult industry established in 1999, mojo hosts growth and attention to powering the success of its clients has positioned it as a choice for mainstream hosting needs as well. They offer dedicated servers, virtual private servers, the mojo hosts, CDN global content delivering network. That's a mouthful, a mojo host cloud computing services, mojo shield, website security, and other web technology solutions. And Natalie has been part of the adult industry for eight years now. And she grew from user technical support to decision-making sales and marketing positions.
1 (3m 22s):
She's now the business development sales and marketing marketing, shockingly BDSM get that business development sales and marketing manager at mojo host. Her job is to take on everything required to develop the business. So do these are quite varied from sales and marketing to HR and team building to washing the dishes she handles, what needs to be done. I threw that one in and is not afraid of the responsibility that comes with showing initiative. And Natalie's has a master's degree in journalism and you did one better than me. Cause I only got a bachelor's in broadcast journalism and worked in many fields before entering the business of digital adult entertainment.
1 (4m 7s):
She's been a teacher, she sold diamonds wholesale. She's been a barista. I didn't know she could make a good cup of coffee. I need to ask her next time and a legal clerk. She enjoys reading scifi and fantasy books. And if she goes to the movies, you can pretty much bet it's something about superheroes. She wears many hats. The two most wide brimmed of those are mojo hosts, BDSM, and her she's a mom Natalie's Natalie's daughter is going on five years of age. So that had, is getting more and more fun every day. So, Hey, talk about being a mom. You got a five, you got a, he got a five-year old.
1 (4m 50s):
How how's, how does that mix with doing business?
2 (4m 56s):
Well, you know, it sometimes does feel like you're a jigsaw octopus. That's sort of my term for having to multitask during work. But that being said, I mean, motherhood is great and I've managed to incorporate, you know, B being a working individual who puts in at least eight or 10 hours a day to also spending time with my daughter. And that's something that I particularly enjoy, especially now that you see her growing into an individual and somebody with her own opinions and somebody who, you know, thinks and functions as a grownup as a small little version of a grownup.
2 (5m 38s):
So, so it's certainly an interesting experience for sure. It was difficult, especially in the very beginning with, you know, no sleep. And I think I took a total of four months for maternity and that was that, and then went right back to work. So it, it was a little difficult to juggle, but overall I just I'm enjoying the, the, you know, the life as you say it and definitely enjoying the job as well. So it's a good, it's a good place to be where you're happy to wake up in the morning. You're happy to come to work. You're happy to get off work and spend time with your daughter. So the whole balance of life and work is certainly working out if not particularly easily, obviously, but at least to the best.
3 (6m 23s):
Yeah. Now, now you live in the Ukraine that's you guys have certainly had your share of issues. How has life been there lately?
2 (6m 34s):
I am kind of far away from any issues. So it's, it's not really touched me directly, obviously there's, you know, worries about things that are going on in the East, but it's kind of dying down lately. And I mean, Odessa where I'm at right now is really the quietest place. It's at the beach, it's a tourist destination. So the location isn't that big of a deal for me. And I quite like it here. I mean the beach in the summer is definitely gray. We do have four seasons, which is amazing. People think that since I'm from Ukraine, it must be really cold. And I guess everything is comparative. There's warmer places and there's definitely colder places, but I do enjoy the fact that there's four seasons.
2 (7m 19s):
We actually had some snow this summer for a change because last summer we had no snow and it was well to the great upsetness of my child who really wanted to go sledding and Katie and all of those things. So I'm happy with that overall. I mean, it's been pretty quiet. Odessa has always been a very, it's a port city and it's always been like a trader city. And the one thing about traders is they're trying to stay as far away from trouble as they can, because it's not good for trade, not good for business. So, so it S has kind of been away for most of most of the issues that has happened in the country over the past 10 years in a good place overall and, and countries doing better.
2 (8m 8s):
I think, you know, I'm not much for politics you'll, you won't see one comment for me in a political thread anywhere, but I just think that, you know, it's doing better than it was five years ago, for sure. So that much,
3 (8m 25s):
That is good now being where you are. And I would imagine a reasonable percentage of your business is in the U S how do you balance that
2 (8m 38s):
By working all sorts of hours is going to be my response. But I mean, we do have a lot of customers in Europe and we also have customers in Asia, which I can pick up on, you know, my morning. So sometimes I do have to show up for PST phone calls that, you know, maybe my 2:00 AM or 4:00 AM or whatever it is, but it's not really that common. I mean, most of the time I can easily schedule things into my more, my evening. That's still catches the PST morning as the office people call me employee from the future because by the time they've showed up to the office, I've likely been working for six or seven hours.
2 (9m 18s):
So that's nice. I usually have a, a lead on them for anything that's going on. And, you know, we've grown our presence here. I mean, being able to join Mojer host, and then eventually one of the first things that I noticed was that technical talent was always a restricting factor in anything that we did. And so I actually helped the company. I jokingly say that I brought the, the Ukrainian mafia, but I, I actually helped the company hire a lot of technical staff here. Very, very smart technical staff that are all senior level systems, administrators, and the team has the tech team had tripled over the past few years.
2 (10m 2s):
So I was lucky enough. Well, first of all, I was lucky enough to stumble upon a large hosting company that was closing its office here in Ukraine. So I picked up all of the best team members from them. And then, you know, and then obviously others, I've done a lot of screening for talented systems administrators in the country and was able to help us grow that way. Now we're certainly geared towards success with how much the tech team has grown and are able to bring out a lot more customers and do a lot of, a lot more migrations and really cut our response times and, and how quickly we deal with any requests.
2 (10m 43s):
So, you know, definitely in a good place. And, you know, we're always open to hiring technical staff really anywhere, especially with COVID now that now that the office work, isn't really a thing anyway, even for people in the U S or we do have an office in Ukraine, but we don't require anybody to show up there. It's more of a backup in case, you know, the lights go out or something, or, or your mother-in-law shows you can't work at home anymore. My mother-in-laws are touchy topics, but other than that, I mean, we've grown tremendously and I'm very, very happy to see this growth.
3 (11m 28s):
Yes. Yeah. There's a, there's a ton of tech talent in Eastern Europe. There's no two ways about it. And a lot of it is in the Ukraine now. Now, how did you end up in the adult business? Or I should say, how did a nice girl, like you get in a place like this?
2 (11m 49s):
Oh, you know what, first off I want to say that I do not think there's anything particularly about adults. I mean, we can, all, we can all be hypocrites and say, Oh, we joke about it. There's ethical adult businesses, frankly, a lot of ethical adult businesses. And I think it's better to have that than, than, you know, a shady way of doing it. And one way or another porn is going to be part of our lives. I mean, there's no other way to say it, besides that. I mean, the story's kind of out there, I've already done some written interviews on it, the sort of nuts and bolts on it were that I was 23 and had started a job selling diamonds, a wholesale, which was interesting and great and a little terrifying.
2 (12m 34s):
Cause you know, I could have $50,000 in my purse at any given time as I was, you know, dealing with jewelers, wholesale diamond sales are all dealing with jewelers. I never really sold directly to customers, but it, it was going well, but it was boring. You would think, right? The diamonds are a girl's best friends, but beyond the simplest city of learning the colors and shapes and being able to tell a better diamond for a worst one, it really wasn't all that interesting. And once you've kind of grown into knowing the intricacies of judging the stones, there's not very much, you know, you park it on price, but that's fairly easy.
2 (13m 19s):
So it became really, really daunting that I wasn't really learning anything. And every day it was really the same. So I started looking for something that would be more, a little more challenging. And I found a job posting that said that they're looking for a tech support person and, you know, having a very good English. That was one of the, really one of the biggest requirements there I decided to apply. And it actually took a good month for them to get back to me, which doing HR now, I think is ridiculous. But after a month they invited me for an interview were very happy with me, hired me.
2 (14m 3s):
And then as I was leaving, they said, are you religious? I'm like, no, not really. We're not particularly. And they said, well, how do you feel about, you know, this PR this working with this industry? You know, I had no idea that that I've showed up to an interview for that, but I said, okay, whatever, I quite liked everything else. I mean, it was a great office, really nice team. So, so I started working there and then my very first job was actually user support, not just on a adult site, on a hardcore full cocky network.
2 (14m 45s):
Yeah. So that was a lot of fun. I mean, most of the requests are obviously either billing or something, not working, but it, it was, it was certainly a step from diabetes. Let's say cocky is definitely a reach from diamonds, for sure. And then from there I got drafted into sales, kicking and screaming actually, because I liked the tech side so much and I wanted to learn more in it that I did not want to transfer into sales. And despite offering me more money and trying to push me to towards of, you know, sales and marketing position, I still did not want to do with.
2 (15m 26s):
And I think there was three or four frantic conversations. When I said, I don't want to go into sales. I just want to do this tech stuff. I really like it. I want to learn those API. I want to learn a little bit of coding, but you have such great people, people skills I was told. All right. So eventually I started, but I realized that being in sales does not mean you have to drop everything and only work on sales. First of all, and this isn't really common, but I think the sales person needs to know their product in depth and in depth by in-depth. I don't necessarily mean being able to write the code for it, but I mean that they need to know what it is that they're selling and how it works.
2 (16m 11s):
So maybe not, not, not the particular intricacies of actual coding, but at least the basics need to be known some of the technical questions. The sales person needs to know how to answer at least by, you know, kind of learning by osmosis. I mean, you worked with the tech team to answer customer's questions and eventually you'll figure out the answers to them and, and why those answers are so, and so I've always focused on understanding and being more in depth with both, you know, right now it would be server hardware and, and the server load and what the website's required in terms of infrastructure and how the CDN works and how TDN by the way, is that mouthful of content delivery network that you mentioned earlier and how, how web application firewalls work and how to protect yourself from like an attack, for example, and how all of those tools work.
2 (17m 8s):
So there's, there's definitely a lot of learning to do for somebody who has not been exposed in hosting at all. And I feel like in three years, I've certainly grown here and I don't really see a ceiling of growing since there's just so much to learn so much infrastructure there's so much to learn. So I, I definitely don't feel like I'll reach a ceiling anytime soon here, in terms of, in terms of growth and, and new knowledge, why did you move on from the first job? You know, I actually, are you talking about ceilings? I realized that I haven't went to somebody with a question for awhile and I haven't really learned anything new for a while.
2 (17m 53s):
So I've kind of known how to deal with pretty much any situation and people were coming to me for guidance or maybe the support staff or the sales staff. And I haven't really been required to learn anything new for a while. So I decided that it was time to move on. I mean, I spent five years there. I have the greatest experiences and the greatest memories of that job. It was just time to go. And I felt like the product had launched or the newer product. I don't know if I haven't mentioned yet, but I was with Centro. And then starting with adult century, moving into model Centro and eventually found Centro, the product of launch, they were successful stands great.
2 (18m 35s):
By the way, I mean, I like him very much. His family's great. So it, it was great working for him, but it was time to go. I felt like I wasn't bringing enough value anymore, or rather I was just bringing the same old value and not growing. So it was time to go, okay.
3 (18m 56s):
Now you've worked in very dynamic fields before mojo dealing with models and content owners, as well as site operators. I think you may have answered the question. I, if I'm, if I'm reading into things, cause I'm starting to follow your mind, why did you choose hosting something that some people would consider kind of geeky and boring?
2 (19m 19s):
Well, for somebody who likes Saifai geeky is sort of a compliment. That's true. My bad. I did partly answer your question. Of course, it's for a new thing, something new to do. The other reason is actually not so evident, but Stan being Stan and, and obviously he's a great man with a lot of businesses. I really did not want to do anything to upset him because I respect him. And I think he's a great guy. So my, one of my requirements for looking for a new job was to get a job somewhere where there is no competition to the things that he does.
2 (20m 3s):
So frankly, being such a great businessman, that wasn't very many things available anymore.
3 (20m 10s):
You make a point since then even more so.
2 (20m 14s):
Yes. So Stan definitely does, has a lot of businesses and is successful at many of them. So hosting was really among the very few choices that I had in terms of not stepping on the toes of my former employer or, or looking shady in terms of, you know, there's always talk when somebody leaves a company and joins another, is that they brought all their client base and all of that stuff. And I just, you know, obviously I still have the contacts. There's no way I can get rid of them forever because now they're, a lot of people are more than contacts, center, acquaintances, or friends that I want to stay in touch with. But at the same time, there's no competition directly or indirectly with any of the things that they are doing.
4 (20m 59s):
Did the fact that it had to do with technical things, appeal to you as well?
2 (21m 7s):
For sure. Yeah. So, so the whole idea of learning a whole new area was magnificent. I felt, I felt sad. I mean, I guess every time you leave a job that you've done for a long time and, and really liked, you feel sad leaving, like your people, you work with, you feel sad leaving the team as well as the customers that you work with directly. But even then, you know, I knew they were going to do well without me. So that, that felt lighter, but it was time to learn new things for sure. And, and I'm very happy for the opportunity that Brad gave me with learning hosts.
4 (21m 47s):
Yeah. Yeah. I was personally, I was shocked to see you leave. Cause it was like, wait, Natalie's leaving. It's like everybody so associated you with that company that we watched you grow up in that company. So it was kind of like, yeah, it was a shock to the system for all of us in the adult family. How are there so many hosting choices okay. Out there? How is mojo hosts different from everyone else?
2 (22m 17s):
So there there's actually many ways, but let me focus on some of the main ones. One is that we never compromise on quality. So when, so obviously it's easy to be a cheap host as cheap as possible, but actually providing value is, is also very important than much harder. We always focus on quality. Every decision we make is geared towards quality of service. It has to do with the network it has to do with the hardware, anything that has to do with technical support. Obviously that's what we're known for, for very, very high touch tech support and going above and beyond anything that a hosting company usually would offer because we do, you know, we help customers plan out their infrastructure.
2 (23m 4s):
We help customers implement, you know, go through the growth pains and implement new things that will help their websites grow. We fine tuned the servers to the point where it's optimized and perfect for what they're trying to do. We worked directly with customers to try to resolve any problem they have. And if our team can't do it and we'll find somebody who will, and that has to do with pretty much anything. I mean, people come to me for QA advice to help them, you know, make sure that there's no bugs on their websites. People come to me to ask which domain name Dubai people. Yes.
2 (23m 44s):
And then people come me to ask what billers to use. People come to me and ask what CMS systems they, the would be able to use for certain new project. It kind of goes above and beyond what they are used to in terms of hosting support. And we always help. That's part of our, part of our motto. Be a nice thing.
1 (24m 4s):
If I can, if I can interject it's part, I think any time your you're doing sales and you're working closely with somebody, you become a trusted partner, not just a salesperson, which you, which is what
2 (24m 18s):
Yes. And what I actually enjoy it because in the long run, obviously not because, because I just like helping people in general, but it obviously also helps my business because the better off the company is, and the better they grow, the more hosting they end up needing. But other than that, the other distinguishing factor is that we aren't a corporate machine. We are very human. We're very humane. And we are always approachable. Customers can text bread in the middle of the night, which I asked them not to do and to reach out to me and said, but we, we are approachable and we are human.
2 (24m 60s):
We will always understand and support our customers through highs as well as lows. You know, there's just for example, I have an interesting example, actually. You remember last winter there was fires in LA. Yes. So before that, a couple of months before that we spoke to a company that's based there and offered them hosting and they were using Amazon and they got her quotes thought about it. It was great. It was saving the money, but it was just so much work to move them out. Frankly, Amazon snared them with something where it costs them $8,000 to move out because of the outbound bandwidth costs.
2 (25m 42s):
Yes. So, so basically they were sort of a, a, a hostage to their hosts because of the rates, then the way that they were set up. So they weren't sure they wanted to make the move. It's a very large company. So, so it's not necessarily a gigantic sum for them, but it's still, it's still very evidence there. So they weren't really sure they wanted to make the move just because migrations are never simple. And the expected issues, especially with large digital businesses. So they weren't sure they wanted to move. And eventually the fires broke out and they're all stuck in tents with barely any access to the internet.
2 (26m 24s):
And they can't even log in to their banking to pay their bill with Amazon. And I was on says, we're cutting you off in seven days.
1 (26m 34s):
It's a very Amazon thing to do actually.
2 (26m 37s):
And I understand their corporate business. They're not making those choices. They don't have the tools or the procedures to make choices as humans. They make them as computers too. And they're like, well, this is our livelihood. And this is obviously a forced majority situation, but they were just sent from one person to another and never got any resolution. So they called us and said, Hey guys, what are the chances we can move in seven days? And I'll tell you, this migration is like, that usually would take two or three months working overnight 24 seven. We migrated them in six and a half days over to Mojer host and gave them unlimited credit until the situation is resolved with, you know, being uprooted due to the fires.
2 (27m 27s):
And luckily, you know, they hadn't lost any property. And then the ed went back to their homes and everything went back to normal. They caught up on their bills, but we were there for them to help them through a very difficult time. And I think we've gained a very, very devoted customer from that. And do you really ever see that from a corporate machine or a larger business with a lot more tears and eight levels of approvals for anything? So that's major hosts for you, we're human and that differentiates us. Yeah.
3 (28m 2s):
Yes. Now you mentioned Brad, your owner, Brad Mitchell, who he's a past guest on our podcast and he's in my mind kind of like the mayor of the adult space. You know, I, I got a story about Brad. We were in the why not show in San Francisco, the Lake, great. Why not show? And you might've been at that show. And I remember there was like really long dead time at the show. And Brad just said, okay, we're opening the bar, I'm paying for it. And he just got the bar open and they brought a bar in downstairs in the seminar area room, a seminar room area.
3 (28m 48s):
And he just opened the bar and paid for it. That is Brad Mitchell. So how was it working with Brad every day?
2 (28m 60s):
Well, Fred's absolutely indefinitely. Not only generous at trade shows. He is an amazing person. He combines generosity and being fucking also with all of his, excuse my language, with all of, all of his just day to day work and looks and actions and decisions. But other than that, he's actually, he's humble. He's nice. You know, anytime there I do something wrong, he is the one giving me excuses. And I'm the one saying, no, no, I, I, I messed this up real bad.
2 (29m 40s):
So, so he's really, he's really, really great to work with. Luckily my conscious provides all of the kicks that I'd require anyway, but Brad is just that. I mean, he's very, very easy to work with. He doesn't micromanage. He supports my decisions. And frankly, the decision method is very, very simple at motor hosts, which I really, really appreciate. We value every decision based on whether or not it's good mojo. And that encompasses pretty much everything in terms of is this the right thing to do? Is this the good thing to do? Is this a nice thing to do to our customer?
2 (30m 21s):
Is this, you know, th the, is the decision something that I won't feel bad about and that makes life so much easier because that on ties my hands to make decisions based on what I think is correct. And, and there's a great value fit because I think that I fully understand what good mojo is. And I, you know, it just makes things easy. I will never be at fault if I acted on doing what's right.
1 (30m 51s):
That's cool. Now it's interesting because when someone posts about needing hosting on one of the boards, the replies are usually either a hundred percent mojo host or close to a hundred percent. Mojer hosts. Now, I'm sure that's very gratifying, but doesn't that also make the expectations a bit higher on the part of the clients
2 (31m 11s):
That's true. And you know, it's our job to meet them. The, we do not try to lower our standards or, you know, in order to make sure that people don't expect too much of us, that's never happened. We've certainly earned a lot of brand fans. And that's what I sort of call the people who are very happy with her hosting and who recommend us. And that was done through hard work, through giving them a great experience through giving them a wow experience where they are impressed by how well we handle a situation that does not necessarily have to be a good situation, right? I mean, issues happen. Downtimes happen. It's nobody has full insurance against trouble with their hosting.
2 (31m 56s):
It's how well the company deals with it that makes that decision work or not work, or makes the person satisfied or dissatisfied with the service. Of course, we also, by doing the right thing, we also help our customers through everything that they need, and we help them through any issues they have, or if there's a, a problem that they need solved, that's likely that we can help them solve it. So, so they're overall happy with pretty much everything, not just their hosting. So our support is great. I mean, the, the response time, the guys there, they're very knowledgeable. Everyone who speaks to our customer assist is a senior systems administrator, which by the way, is very uncommon.
2 (32m 39s):
Most companies have what is called levels of support, right? And those levels of support start with a talking head, which is the level one, somebody who gets the request and gets the information from the customer level two, which is a person who may be able to solve your problem, but isn't very experienced. So he doesn't know how to do it. Then get escalated to level three who goes in and takes care of the requests. And that's the senior systems administrator. We employ our customer facing staff are all senior level systems, administrators.
4 (33m 15s):
Hmm, God, that sounded, that sounded like Apple. My God frustrates the hell out of me. Every time I call them,
2 (33m 24s):
They will escalate. You know, and I get it. There's economics of scale in those decisions, but we offer a very high quality service and that high quality service requires us to, to make sure that we don't differentiate, or we basically don't stratify our support team and only work with very, very experienced techs. And so that our customers, when they call us, be it in the middle of the night or during the day it's 24 seven, they know that the person they are reaching in the support staff is able to fix their problem immediately. And we'll need to escalate it through several levels before they get to it.
4 (34m 3s):
That's awesome. Now events are obviously a big part of mojo hosts marketing plan. How have the lack of shows affected you?
2 (34m 13s):
I would be saying untruths. If I said that there wasn't any effect whatsoever, frankly, I think we've had record attrition in 2020 for businesses closing down at the same time, people are using the crisis to start new things. So we actually managed to end up in a positive customer influx versus customer attrition over 2020, which was a difficult task. I'll tell you that. And in terms of where we get our customers, digital trade shows have been fairly successful with that.
2 (34m 57s):
And a lot of our customers are referrals. Thanks to the, the quality of service that we provide. A lot of our customers are referrals from one, or, you know, from one way or another, whether it's personal or through forums or through other resources, there's people have published guides about how great mojo host is and how everybody should come in and work with us. So when you provide a service, that's first people to make a webpage about how great your hosting is. And you know, most of them, I offered to act as affiliates.
2 (35m 38s):
And obviously we have an affiliate program that pays out a lifetime percentage of what your referral pay. Your referral pays to us. However many people don't even worry about starting the affiliate account and actually getting a percentage. All they worry about is that their contacts get good hosting and a great service, which we definitely deliver. So there's that, I mean, the trade shows I missed sorely every week really want to go back to live trade shows, but I think that we're doing quite well, even in the, you have traveling and business travel.
3 (36m 18s):
Well, we certainly are home a lot more now aren't we?
2 (36m 23s):
My daughter appreciate it.
3 (36m 24s):
Yeah, I bet she does. Mommy's there. My, my dogs appreciate it. Now with those were my children now without shows, how does mojo hosts make up for the loss of face to face time with potential clients?
2 (36m 42s):
There's always zoom calls where we're available 24 seven for any communication through either our website or Skype or telegram or fiber or WhatsApp. I think I have them all, maybe not signals that's maybe the only ones that I'm missing so far, but, well, yeah, well there's so many, so much space in my apps before they start breaking on me, but I'm, I'm considering it as well. Obviously Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, all of those resources are open for us. We do our best to make sure that we stay together digitally.
2 (37m 23s):
We propose phone calls for every sales conversation that we have, and those are all video phone calls. So we try to stay on top of continuing the personal communication. And other than that, I mean, we've put in efforts in marketing, we started an act of blog that people can check out by going to Mojo's dot com and clicking blog, where we share interesting and for an important information about infrastructure solutions, as well as other things. I mean, there's quite a lot of information that you can find in our blog, but since those are created with, you know, mostly my efforts than the blog posts are actually very non-techie.
2 (38m 5s):
So you may find it useful to figure out what it is your infrastructure includes by just going to a blog and reading through that.
3 (38m 15s):
We've got a nice newsletter too.
2 (38m 17s):
Yeah. So we, we try to, we do our best to, to keep in touch with our customers. I think our latest newsletter got it, giant word of approval from everyone. Since we announced that we've just launched a free DDoSs protection for our entire network. So those are very cool news. And a lot of people are very happy with it. That DDoS protection is already active for every customer at no extra cost.
3 (38m 42s):
2 (38m 44s):
So that's handled as well as I think on this one, bread approved a increase in default bandwidth allotment per server in our European servers, which is another nice little carry on top of that cake. So every, all of the, every server now comes with 200 terabytes of bandwidth and that's eight times more than, as, than it was. And I think it's very well, eight times or 80 times more than most hosting companies offer. I think the default now in, in most hosts offers is 10 terabytes,
3 (39m 26s):
Pretty cool news.
2 (39m 27s):
And then, so we try to keep, keep in touch with our customers. Mostly it's either email or passengers. I even started a telegram channel, which isn't very popular at the moment, but I'm working on, I'm working on making it useful and populating it with interesting content before I could actually start inviting people there. And that's going to be a techie channel where I'll talk in easy terms about infrastructure thing.
3 (39m 57s):
Add me. I'd love to see it. Cool. Yeah. So what is your, what does your typical Workday look like?
2 (40m 4s):
Well, it really varies and it depends on what's on my to-do list. And since my to-do list includes everything, my joke about that by the way, is in washing dishes. My joke is that if I need to walk the dog in order for the company to do better, I will. So whatever needs to be done today, isn't necessarily what needs to be done yesterday. Obviously I take care of sales matters, the social media platforms, anything in terms of, so we're always open to looking for new technical staff. So I do some of the HR screenings and meetings, phone calls, anything in between.
2 (40m 48s):
I handle all of our sales by sales targeted inbound tickets, just quite a lot of juggling, but it's fun. I actually started a new beam thing on Twitter, which I don't know if I'll continue. I need a lot of inspiration for making funny means, but they're basically infrastructure means that matter. And usually are, are funny. So if you want to check out our Twitter, that's at Mojer hosts.
3 (41m 15s):
2 (41m 16s):
I think I'm doing fairly well. Sows, thanks to meme generator,
3 (41m 22s):
Those things.
2 (41m 24s):
Obviously I try to make them useful as well as funny
3 (41m 26s):
Indeed. How do you envision infrastructure progress within the next five to 10 years? So that's
2 (41m 35s):
Sort of a stab in the dark because we don't know what we'll get. Well, maybe eventually quantum computing will happen, but that's sort of out in the future and it's hard to predict what I think needs to happen is optimization. And it's certainly going that way. So I think that's content storage is definitely going to move towards a cloud and we are definitely angling to move in that direction as well. We already have some cloud cloud solutions available for our customers and several fully managed private clouds. And so, so the cloud is definitely here to stay.
2 (42m 18s):
Despite the fact that people are sometimes disillusioned with it, it's, you know, it has its use cases. And then sometimes the dedicated server is better. It depends on the size of the project and what it is. What I think we'll optimize is static. Content is easily going to move entirely to the cloud. So anybody who has a server, that server is just going to host the active files or the what is called dynamic files. And then static is everything that does not need any changes. So video files, photos, actual, you know, anything, that's a static, we'll go into the cloud and be stored there while the servers will have their hands on tied to handle much more bandwidth.
2 (43m 9s):
And it's a bottleneck of constantly having to upgrade drives, you know, every six months or every 12 months is going to stop being a problem for most of our customers since the cloud is infinitely scalable, I believe this year we aim to expand our cloud to 10 petabytes.
4 (43m 26s):
Well, I've never heard that term.
2 (43m 29s):
That's a very, very, very large number.
4 (43m 32s):
And what is it? How many terabytes is a petabyte? She's thinking I can, I can hear the wheels going now. If you don't know, you don't have to say it's okay. 10 millions. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no. You don't have to it's okay. You know that, let me move on to the next question. What are some, what are some of the issues in hosting today?
2 (44m 4s):
A few, I guess part of the reason that hosting is making a lot of changes. And part of the reason why we introduced network wide DDoS protection is that DDoSs is becoming far more prevalent and the attacks are becoming far more intricate and unusual for sure. So this isn't just a simple matter anymore and going forward mean the, I feel like it will grow and become even easier for businesses to, or for hackers to attack businesses because of the internet of things, of all things, because a very, very smart hacker can actually break into a doorbell or at an air purifier that's connected to the internet and use that to attack your website.
2 (45m 2s):
Yeah. You know, not only that they would break into hundreds of hundreds of them and then start selling or start sending simple requests to your server to try to overwhelm it. And just the way that it's going and how, how many of those devices are coming out now, it's going to be easier and easier for them to do that. Oh, sure. So security, I feel like is going to be a major thing and a very important thing in the thing that will be actively developed aside from that the content is getting larger. So any infrastructure solutions that help deliver that content faster are going to be a big hit for sure, because you know, 4k files are larger and people are, you know, they won't be happy with 720 P video.
4 (45m 54s):
No wait until when until 16 wait until 16 K becomes the standard
2 (46m 0s):
That's yeah. So it's going that way. Not to mention VR, we have several customers who have VR and those files are gigantic. And so nobody's going to spend half an hour trying to download the one video. Nope. What they want is to stream it. And streaming video of that size really requires a local delivery, a local delivery from a node nearby that CDN allows you to set up. So what CDN or the, the, the term you stumbled upon during the introduction? Yeah,
4 (46m 36s):
I didn't stumble. I was just messing around, but anyway, sorry
2 (46m 42s):
For content delivery network and a CDN cashews content worldwide, the content that is active and busy, what we call hot content. It gets cashed worldwide than anybody who is in that same location will get that content much more quickly because of the proximity to the server. You know, but with internet, one of the biggest limiting factors is how far things are because although things travel at the speed of light, those milliseconds add up during every hop that that data takes to get to your user and the less hops there are the better, obviously for local content, it will be much faster delivered and therefore there will be no lag and you will be able to stream it with no trouble.
4 (47m 28s):
Sure. Well, Natalie, I'd
1 (47m 30s):
Like to thank you for being our guest today on adults. I broke her talk and I really hope we'll have a chance to do this again really soon. My broker tip today is part five of what to do to make your site more valuable for when you decide to sell it later, when you decide to sell your website, make sure you have the following information available for potential buyers, detailed information about your company, your website, and any other aspect of your operation that the potential buyers may want to find out about. This should include for a pay site, a detailed inventory of your content number of images and videos. How much of it is exclusive and how much is non-exclusive financial information for at least the last three years.
1 (48m 13s):
If your company is that old, this should include sales reports, profit and loss statements and billing reports. Get all of the information organized in the legible format that a good broker can use to sell your property. If you decide to sell it yourself, organize a list of potential buyers and start the process of contacting them. Be realistic about what your company is worth in today's market. The kiss of death is overpricing your property. Is there anything that a potential buyer needs to know such as are you being sued? Do you have any substantial debts, et cetera? Don't let these things be a surprise to the potential buyer. They'll either find out before the sale and not buy or they'll find out after the sale.
1 (48m 57s):
And you'll have another lawsuit on your hands, disclose everything. We'll talk about this subject more next week. And next week we'll be talking to shuck, Coon Sethi of tickle.life.
0 (49m 11s):
And that's it on this week's Adult Site Broker Talk. I'd once again like to thank our guest Natalie Pannon. Talk to you next week on Adult Site Broker Talk. I'm Bruce Friedman.