Adult Site Broker Talk - Episode 5
[00:00:09] This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk, where every week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry and discuss what's going on in our business. Plus, we give you a tip on buying and selling websites. This week, we'll be talking to Leya Tanit of Pineapple Support.
[00:00:33] Adult Site Broker is proud to announce Adult Site Broker Cash, the first affiliate program for an adult website brokerage with Adult Site Broker cash, you'll have the chance to earn as much as 20 percent of our broker commission, referring sellers and buyers to us at Adult Site Broker. Check our website at Adult Site Broker dot com for more details. First of all, today, let's cover some of the news going on in our industry. The Free Speech Coalition has lifted the production hole put into place in March in response to the coronavirus pandemic and released a set of preliminary health and safety guidelines from the organization's covid-19 task force. For more information, you can read the entire FCC guidelines on the FCC website. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has scheduled a date for oral arguments in the back page dotcom case, which are now set to occur remotely on August 11th. The hearing will be based in Pasadena, California, though prosecutors and attorneys for defendants Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin will appear electronically via video call. The arguments will be live streamed. Laci and Larkin's attorneys allege the Department of Justice's seizure of assets from the former Backpage dot com owners is unconstitutional. The 9th Circuit Court houses are currently closed to the public due to the covid-19 pandemic.
[00:02:01] Now let's feature our property the week that's for sale at Adult Site Broker. We have an adult microblogging and social media site that has over seven point seven million unique visitors per month. The site is a mix of social media and microblogging with a very active user base, which is expanding rapidly every day. The platform offers every registered user a blog, which they can use to post their own content and read blog content from other users. They can also interact with other users through comments and an instant messaging system. The website offers truly immense potential for growth and earnings for the right person or company. By adding subscription plans for an ad free experience, a new owner would significantly raise the earnings and combine with starting to sell ads directly could more or less double the earnings in no time at all. The site is also very unique. There's nothing else like it. Also, it has not been advertised in any way, so there are tremendous opportunities for growth using ad campaigns for the right company. This is an opportunity which has immense potential. This great site is available now for only two hundred and eighty thousand dollars. Now time for this week's interview.
[00:03:17] Today, I am delighted to have as my guest on Adult Site Broker Talk Leya Tanit. She is the founder and president of Pineapple Support. Good afternoon.
[00:03:30] Good afternoon, Bruce. How are you doing?
[00:03:32] I'm doing great. How about you? Wonderful. All things considered during my time. No kidding. I'm OK. And I'm going to talk a little bit about Pineapple Support.
[00:03:43] Pineapple Support is a free support and therapy service for all persons working in the online adult industry. No matter their gender, ethnic origin, social status, age or sexual preference, they provide 24/7 support. Or I should say you do for all industry performers. There's no discrimination, judgment or service or stigma. I can say that pineapple support provides free and subsidized therapy, ensuring that every member of the pineapple family is cared for. Should they need it. They they create a safe, caring environment in which every performer can be proud. You can tell I read your book, Who is Hotrod? Pineapple support alleviates the isolation felt by many performers by supporting each other so that no one ever feel alone. They promote mindfulness and positivity, being proactive and caring for performers, mental health and to spread happiness. Pineapple Support Society is the brainchild of you who you're a British performer who originally had the idea after attending the exhibition, even award shows in January of twenty eighteen. Now, around that time, you and all of us were deeply affected by the news of the many lives lost to suicide during the previous few months. You decided it was time to take action and it was time to make a change. Pineapple support was born together with directors Lahn Ferrin, Dr Chen Ifield.
[00:05:18] Kelly Marsh.
[00:05:20] Christina Carter and your board of Chairs Pineapple's support is growing rapidly.
[00:05:27] If I could just make this this teleprompter go a little faster.
[00:05:31] A Support Society is a registered nonprofit in the U.S. I just made it slower. And as a registered UK charity, you got to love that. OK, why don't we get to the. Yeah, why don't we get on to the questions here.
[00:05:48] Ok, so well, I may have already covered this, but I'll let you decide what we're going to talk about now. I can't I can't think of anything but between you and I, I'm sure we'll figure something out. What is pineapple's support beyond what I just discussed?
[00:06:08] So part of my support is a nonprofit organization that provides free and subsidized mental health care to people who work in the auto industry.
[00:06:18] Now, the the point behind this really is, as you mentioned, a stigma free because there have been a lot of performers who have reached out for therapy through their insurance or whatever, and the therapist treats them for the for their career choice rather than than their mental health stresses, bringing everything back to to that to that job.
[00:06:41] And, you know, that doesn't happen to Joe Ordinary. Exactly. And then also there's the point that a lot of performers can't get insurance. And if they can't, it is extremely expensive. And this is a this is a job that, you know, you can't guarantee you might. You may or in thousands one month, but then the next month he may only a couple of hundred bucks. So so signing up to an insurance that it's going to cost you upwards of a thousand a month is you know, it's a big ask. So what's the way of insuring that with this stressful job, with this job that has so much stigma attached to it that you do have a safe place to go to, a safe place to turn when you do need that mental health support?
[00:07:29] Ok, yeah. And I mean, mental health in itself has a stigma, wouldn't you agree?
[00:07:35] Yes. Yeah, absolutely. I think, you know, research into mental health is. These young people have been looking into it for a long time, no one really understands it. So of course, people are unsure. I think in the past year or so, maybe longer, not just the past year or so. Sorry, you know, people are talking about a lot more. It's become a hot topic to try and to try and break a lot. A lot of that has to do with the fact that you guys started. Thank you. Told an adult anyone was true, an adult. Yeah, I mean, you know, I've seen I saw a post recently.
[00:08:18] You know, the stigma of mental health, a post from a producer in Europe on Twitter who said that he would not work with anyone with mental health issues and anyone that was taking medication for depression or taking medication for anything or had any kind of history of mental health shouldn't be shouldn't be in the industry. People should should should tell him who they are and he'll never hire them.
[00:08:41] And he shouldn't be. Maybe he shouldn't be. And maybe he's true. Yeah.
[00:08:46] Maybe he should be in the industry. What a horrific thing to say. And so you've got people who, you know, already stigmatized of what they do. Then they have some some mental health stressors and now they don't feel like they can talk to anyone about it, because even if they talk to their friends who are in the industry, they could they could have an argument and go and tell a producer and they don't get hired again. It's just. Yeah, yeah. The stigma around mental health is not helped by certain people. We are trying to break down those barriers. That's we can't I'm a pariah.
[00:09:23] I'm a very proud bipolar, so I completely get it.
[00:09:28] And who doesn't have some kind of mental health? I'm.
[00:09:34] You know, I think that I think that person probably has issues he doesn't even know about or he probably does know about them.
[00:09:42] So how did you get in the industry?
[00:09:46] So I guess it was always on my radar from about 15, 16, I started going to fetish parties and then working. I know, and then working after school and on Saturdays and a and a shop in my hometown that sold bondage and fancy equipment and club wear and things and that it was all he he actually ran the gang at the shop, used to run the fetish parties. So, so that's how we met. But they really looked after me. I didn't even know anything was going on of the dress. Just a really cool group of people. Yeah.
[00:10:25] It wasn't until I think I was almost 18 that he opened a little door and went, oh, by the way, this is also going on. OK, well.
[00:10:33] Oh, OK.
[00:10:35] Well, to keep that quiet and then I worked at some strip clubs 18, 19, then got into a relationship, got married, was terribly boring. So I put a stop to that. And then and then I started my own boutique and I thought I had a proper job and boring job. And then the recession hit. So I jumped ship and decided if everyone is if no one's going out and they're staying home and if they're staying home, they're going to want sex toys. So I opened a online boutique that sold quite lots of very high end heavy duty equipment.
[00:11:24] And on the side just started to start doing professional dominatrix work, used to run fetish parties and then the professional dominatrix, for example, getting filmed and I saw a to model and then it just went from there.
[00:11:37] Really quite natural. Very interesting. Yes, a progression.
[00:11:45] So when did you start thinking about this organization? Was it actually at those shows or had you thought about it before?
[00:11:54] It was just after those shows a member exposed ally.
[00:11:58] When I learned about all the deaths that happened in the industry that year and so many of them due to ill mental health. I was having a great time, and then suddenly I found myself crying, watching all the names come up on the screen, because this is the first time I've experienced this. And and that was that. And then you get caught up in exposed and you get caught up. And even though it wasn't until I was on the flight on my way home. From from Vegas and I was sat there on the seat thinking about what was that experience and what was going on. And, you know, I've I used to do a bit of a bit of stuff for charity here and to be the kind of dual functions to raise money for the orphanages or the animal shelters. I've kind of done I've done food banks and things for when certain individuals have been to too ill to work.
[00:12:57] And then I thought, why why am I putting all this effort that I'm putting into this? I could be putting into helping a community that was very much there for me when, you know, all through my life.
[00:13:08] So I start thinking about that and looking into charity and porn and how hard it was for one company to donate to charities because most people wouldn't take that money and and kind of decided that maybe I should do something and how to do it.
[00:13:27] And just spent a week at Jana Field with one of our directors. She's also a therapist. I spent a week at her place on a Sunday so far with a lot of notebooks in front of me and and came up with pineapple.
[00:13:41] That's awesome. That's awesome. You mentioned see you. How long have you lived out there?
[00:13:47] Five years yesterday might be the best three graduations, how do you like it? I love it. I love it. I don't I don't go clubbing.
[00:13:57] I don't do any of the kind of busy, touristy, loud stuff I live in a little a little class around. Yeah, this is Pinetree. Nice walks, the beautiful beaches. I'm going out on the boat for the day. Not that I have a boat, but I try and chat up a friend with one perfect person I don't like. It's wonderful.
[00:14:21] We yeah it sounds good. I think any of us who live in tourist destinations, you know, I'm in Thailand by the beach, kind of the same thing. You know, you're not necessarily going to be doing tourist stuff except when tourists come in town.
[00:14:35] Yeah, that is very expensive indeed. Indeed. Friends come. This is very expensive.
[00:14:42] Yes, indeed. So do you offer the same support globally?
[00:14:50] Yes, yes and no.
[00:14:51] So, no, it's got to be one of the Tulear, we offer support on a global level so anyone in the world can access the support that we offer, but we treat every country differently and how we are approaching them, because it's been it's been a big learning curve. You know, at the at the beginning, I just wanted to do one blanket, one size fits all idea for fresh air, every culture. And of course, that doesn't work. Right. You know, it's really interesting.
[00:15:28] And it's just that, you know, the difference between the US and the UK, between people in Spain.
[00:15:38] Sure. Between between Colombia. We have a full time therapist in Colombia the way all that works. So so although we offer the same therapy. Globally, we do it, we're having to to discover each culture and how each culture approaches therapy, which is really interesting.
[00:15:59] Oh, I'm sure it is. I'm sure sure. It's it's a learning process for sure.
[00:16:03] Yeah, that's everything. I thought about almost 15 languages between our therapists at the moment. Wow.
[00:16:16] Some of them, hmm hmm hmm, OK, so so what are you guys doing to help those who've been feeling the emotional effects of covid-19? Because I think everyone is stressed right now looking at the four walls around them.
[00:16:35] Absolutely. And, you know, it's it's it's the it's the not knowing as well.
[00:16:42] We don't know we don't know when it's going to end. We don't know how it's going to end, if it's going to end.
[00:16:49] I'm sorry, but. Yeah. So it's.
[00:16:58] The interesting one, and I was aware of two, we've had a lot of individuals can afford four four for one on one therapy, which we're desperate trying to raise extra funds for at the moment, because we we know that this isn't going to end soon.
[00:17:14] And even when the isolation and the pandemic ends, the lasting effects of isolation will continue for months. So we're working hard to provide more workshops. So we have a workshop coming up soon. But we're doing we're doing them every month. And we're we've now spoken to the therapists. And for the foreseeable future, we're focusing more to have a link to being in isolation and lockdown that can always be changed a later date. And we're also working to provide a lot more support groups. So we're now going to be running support groups every month because it's a great way for people who maybe, you know, often in the effects of isolation to connect with other people to talk to not just a one on one with a therapist, but to to connect with other people about what's going on. And it's a great idea to then be able to reach out to those people individually, to have to have a support group. Right.
[00:18:15] So so, yeah, what we're really trying to focus all of our attention on ways that we can provide as much care as possible to people who are being affected at the moment.
[00:18:26] And I'm currently writing a lot of blogs, which I'm not good at doing with us on on ways to help alleviate the feelings of isolation and lots of nice links to free online courses like free market groups.
[00:18:46] I found a really cool website yesterday, which was for cooking, but it's so it's got a list of all the things you've probably got in your fridge and you can take what you have. And then it comes up with a recipe that you can make just what you've got there.
[00:19:03] I love it. I love it. So go ahead. And you sure now? OK, so. So now what are the different options available for people seeking support through pineapple?
[00:19:20] So we have we have four, five main options. OK, see, the first one is the one on one therapy.
[00:19:30] We have currently almost have one hundred eighteen therapists and that's across Canada, US, Columbia, UK, Europe and Australia.
[00:19:41] Mm hmm. As I said, they speak a multitude of languages and you can do it the way you apply for therapy. That way is visit to OK, go to the therapy page. There's an application form to complete. It's really simple. We do need your your personal details, obviously, because this is a you know, this is a real mental health care. And so. And then we can connect you with a therapist usually within three days.
[00:20:14] Occasionally it takes longer depending on if you're in a state, because in America you can't treat across state lines.
[00:20:21] So if we have if all the therapists in your state are currently full, then then we need to wait a couple of weeks usually. But generally, it's it's very, very fast. Right.
[00:20:34] And the second resource which we're going to really try and push during during covid isolation is the 24/7 emotional support that is manned by volunteer lessness. They've all been trained and active listening. And then there's an optional kind of 50 more courses. But the idea with that is it's all it's all text based. You can go online any time, see who's available to chat and just have someone there that will listen.
[00:21:05] And and it's completely anonymous so you can talk about anything that's going on, OK? And yeah, the idea is just a bit to be there for each other. And it's great if anyone listening would like to be a volunteer listener. You can do so. We could figure out. Yeah, it's a really great service and it's helped a lot of people. And I think that's going to be something that should be should be really well utilized during during lockdown. You know, having that someone there immediately. It's great. That's awesome. We also have the webinars, which I was discussing with doing those every month. They are advertised through our responses. So and also on this expedition that I saw that, yeah, we have the support groups running the access and the website as well. So we've got coming up, I'll be updating those this week. And and also we have the Pineapple Summit, which is an annual mental health summit where pineapple's therapists talk on different mental health topics. That's cool. Yeah. And you can go on as pineapple some at the org. You can look at the archive and all the other videos are there from previous from previous summits. And this year we are purely focusing the summit on trauma, sexual trauma, talking abuse and doing that in honor of Dr. Amy Michalek, who was a support therapist who was murdered by her ex boyfriend. Oh, that's terrible.
[00:22:54] Yeah. That was awful, awful.
[00:22:59] What an incredible, wonderful, kind, amazing person and an absolute heartbroken guy. I can't imagine, you know, we do what we can.
[00:23:10] And I feel like finding a way to to help others in that position and provide information and resources is certainly something that we can do.
[00:23:23] Absolutely. So how can anyone listening to this, you've mentioned some ways, but how else can they get involved or help pineapple support?
[00:23:35] So volunteer, please. Right.
[00:23:39] And also individuals can donate through the website set up at the moment, it's really important that we carry on being able to provide this level of care to to persons in the industry, because it's going to be an extremely rough few months. If you have a company that is not already sponsoring clinical support for that, then it should be.
[00:24:04] Yes. Yes. So what are the what are the levels what are the levels of support?
[00:24:09] Oh, I'm sorry. Sponsorship. The levels of sponsorship start from as low as a thousand a year. So. OK, yeah.
[00:24:17] And you can you can even pay that monthly. So if you're if you're a small company, you haven't got a that.
[00:24:22] Is that is that a thousand monthly. No I'm kidding. But can be. I understand that.
[00:24:31] Yeah. A thousand a year you can pay. That has however which works best for you and they go up kind of five ten twenty five fifty seventy five up to one hundred thousand a year. So there's, there's lots of different levels in there but hopefully they're accessible to pretty much everyone.
[00:24:51] Ok, and if and let's say somebody sponsors besides that they're doing a good thing, what are other advantages they're going to have from a business standpoint apart from that warm, fuzzy feeling?
[00:25:05] Ok, yes. Yes, all that stuff.
[00:25:09] So you get you get access to the the webinars and you can promote those directly to to the people working in your company, performers or or execs or whatever happens.
[00:25:22] You write the.
[00:25:25] We will put your name on the website, we will release a press release across all the main media mags, will have a blog on the website. Your logo will be on all the printed promotional materials.
[00:25:38] Right. And I think what else? I'm sure many of the things. Yeah, I guess some promotion, we got some back legs and yeah, and you'll have you'll have your name out and there's a little badge to put in the website. And, you know, I've heard from some performers that now they they look for, for example. Com companies who sponsor us. So they know then the company that they're working with cares about the performance. Exactly. And what's once you're once you're a sponsor, you can then put a link on your will on the on the performance side of the website so they can click directly through to financial support from. So, you know, it is it's a really nice way to show the people working with you that you really do care about their well-being. OK, OK, great.
[00:26:35] Now I notice your list of sponsors growing. I guess you might have already covered this. Why should somebody listening to the sponsor. But I'll ask it anyway. Tell me why somebody should sponsor.
[00:26:51] I mean, performers are a stigmatized community. They have very stresses and it can be very, very challenging and emotionally draining in this industry. Everyone needs support. Everyone needs to know that they have that safety net. Should they need it? Sure.
[00:27:16] And, of course, you know, we want this to be a happy, hardworking industry. We want we want people to be making as much money as they possibly can at the end of the day. That's why anyone works.
[00:27:28] If you enjoy a job, fantastic. But at the end of the day, we all work because we need we need money.
[00:27:36] So if someone is in a good, good place mentally and they're feeling empowered and they're feeling confident in themselves, then not only are they going to make more money, but obviously the platforms that working with are going to make more money as well. So it's a win win for absolutely everyone involved.
[00:27:55] Absolutely. Well, yeah. And I can't encourage everyone out there more to get involved in pineapple. I think what you're doing is fabulous.
[00:28:08] I, too, was just completely shocked and taken aback by by the suicides and the other things I've heard about performers struggling. And it just it breaks my heart, you know? And I just think I just think it's it's a fantastic thing that you're doing. I think very much admire how you've grown it and where it is today versus where it was. And yeah, I just I just have to have to credit you for that.
[00:28:42] Well, thank you very much, Bruce. I appreciate that. I'm very proud of what's been accomplished.
[00:28:47] And and, you know, when I look at I look at the testimonials that we that we receive from from performers who have used that service, it's just, you know, it's absolutely wonderful. Yes.
[00:29:01] The the guys and gals, guys and gals that we have an incredible I mean, yes, it just I'm I'm so honored to to have to have these people as part of my tiny little idea.
[00:29:17] Your tiny ideas become a big idea. And that's awesome. That's all. That's how you must feel. A big sense of satisfaction.
[00:29:24] So, yeah, absolutely. Very much so fabulous.
[00:29:29] Well, Leah, I'd really like to thank you very much for being on Adult Site Broker Talk today. I hope to get you back for a future. So show soon. And thanks again from Schostak.
[00:29:41] Thank you. Take care.
[00:29:42] Ok, you too, my prototyp. Today is part five of what to do to make your site more valuable for when you decide to sell it later. When you decide to sell your website, make sure you have the following information available for potential buyers, detailed information about your company, your website and any other aspect of your operation that the potential buyers may want to find out about. This should include for a pay site, a detailed inventory of your content, number of images and number of videos. How much of it is exclusive and how much is nonexclusive financial information for at least the last three years. If your company is that old, this should include sales reports, profit and loss statements and billing reports get all of the information organized and a legible format that a good broker can use to sell your property. If you decide to sell it yourself, organize a list of potential buyers and start the process of contacting them. Be realistic about where your company is worth. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. In today's market, the kiss of death is overpricing your property. Is there anything that threat of a potential buyer needs to know, such as are you being sued? Do you have any substantial debts, etc.? Don't let these things be a surprise to the potential buyer. They'll either find out before the sale and not buy or they'll find out after the sale and you'll have another lawsuit on your hands, disclose everything. We'll talk more about the subject next week. And next week, we'll be talking to fill up the CEO of Quinn Talks Technology.
[00:31:25] And that's it for this week's Adult Site Broker Talk. I like it once again. Thank my guest.
[00:31:31] We get to talk to you again next week on Adult Site Broker Talk Free.