Speaker 1 (0s): This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk, where every week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry, and we discuss what's going on in our business. Plus we give you a tip on buying and selling websites this week. This week we'll be talking with
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Now time for this week's interview. My guest today on adults say broker talk is adult industry writer, Ralph Greco for his second appearance on our podcast. Ralph, thanks for being with us again today on adult side broker talk.
Speaker 2 (3m 3s): Thanks for having me again. It's wonderful beer. It
Speaker 1 (3m 5s): Is great to have you again. Now. Ralph Greco Jr. Is a professional writer of blogs, columns, reviews, interviews, fiction, poetry songs, SEO copy. I'm going to run out of breath here. And one act plays for both mainstream and adult clients. Ralph Short fiction, poetry and essays have been published in eight countries in major market magazines and small press in various anthologies and single author. Short story collections. Ralph's one act plays have been published in a complete collection as well as produced across the U S is self pen self-produced salicious songs and dirty words.
Theaters show love that name has been performed off Broadway in New York city. In fact, it was so off Broadway. The theaters were almost in Jersey. Ralph was also an ASCAP licensed songwriter and recording artists. And with fellow writer am Christian teaches classes across the U S at kink convictions conventions, not convection ovens. Now Ralph's new music site can be found at Ralph Greco, music.com and his podcast is titled licking non vanilla.
Now, Ralph I'm sure during the quarantine people just assume your clients would be needing more content and copy than they ever have before. Have you found that to be the case?
Speaker 2 (4m 28s): I don't know. I mean, both types of clients mainstream and adults seem to, it seems to be split. You know, some people certainly wanted to up their, their content. Then they came out of the woodwork to do so. And that's on both sides of the coin, but, and others, others, not a lot. Some, a lot of people certainly initially I would say in the first six months or so circle the wagons, so to speak and said, you know, we don't, we don't even know what's going to be happening here.
So we were not sure. So I felt maybe it's loosening up a little bit now, but I found both things happening, you know, soliciting some new clients that were jumping on board immediately. And the others said, no, I have to take a, take a step back because we don't really know what's going to happen. Wow.
Speaker 1 (5m 15s): Okay. Yeah. Now when it, when it comes to your fiction writing, are you incorporating the pandemic Intuit or just pretty much ignoring it?
Speaker 2 (5m 25s): You know, it's a, that's a tough one. That's, I'm having a hard time, there's a series or a couple of science fiction pieces that I've been writing and I've been trying to, and they take place with you now or in the near future. And I'm having a hard time with how to incorporate that. If I want to incorporate it in a role, in some instances, I mean, some essays that I'm writing these days, if, if they, if they have a little bit of a political bent to them or, or, or cultural bent with, they usually do, or the blogs, it's, it's impossible to ignore what's happening right now in those instances.
But I don't know. I don't know how I feel about the pandemic, querying the fiction at this point. I'd rather ignore it because it's a lot of people
Speaker 1 (6m 11s): Wouldn't we all
Speaker 2 (6m 14s): Right. There's a lot of pieces that, that I, that I have that I'm not finished with yet. And it just doesn't fit in there. So I'm going to be, I don't know. It's just so you can't, like you just said, you can't ignore it, but at the same time, I like to feel that I could, I could create worlds that not even, you know, not even worlds other than this, our own, but worlds where we're this kind of a hyper reality where maybe certain things just don't don't exist at the moment. That's all. Yeah,
Speaker 1 (6m 42s): Yeah. Yes. Sometimes, sometimes fiction is, is a lot nicer than reality.
Speaker 2 (6m 48s): That's for sure. Certainly. Now,
Speaker 1 (6m 51s): Are there any trends in content that you see people needing and wanting more of recently because of the pandemic?
Speaker 2 (6m 59s): That's a good question. I don't know. I don't know if anything's actually changed other than we, you know, before we, even, you and I have talked about this off the air and, and on the air, of course, too, that the, that there there's a niche quality to what we do in the, in the adult world. You know, there's, there's, there's more ma there are certainly more vanilla mainstream stuff and then very niche stuff. If I think if I see anything that's been coming across recently, and this may or may not be because people are, have more time to sit down and really concentrate on what they're, what they want and what they're looking for, and maybe go deeper into the rabbit hole of that kind of thing thing.
I think that it seems in just in my little corner of the world, that niche content seems to be on the rise a little bit more than, than just regular, you know, good old vanilla. Okay. So I would say, but then again, that could just be a faded complete in my world because it's kind of the stuff I gravitate towards. So I may be looking for that and not even realizing that, that I make that happen anyway. Funny how that works. Yeah. Yeah. Certainly, certainly. Okay.
Speaker 1 (8m 10s): So lately you've managed to place a good amount of nonfiction for outlets like killing kittens and the laundry addict that are not only run by women, but are buying content that features, or is centered around a feminine perspective. And how does a hetero guy, like you write about such things?
Speaker 2 (8m 30s): Well, you know, it's because I'm so evolved. That's what it felt like.
Speaker 1 (8m 37s): I like
Speaker 2 (8m 38s): It. I'm so woke. I want to go back to sleep. That's a little, you know, I don't know. I think it's the same as it's the same as anybody writing anything from possibly a perspective you don't specifically have. Right. But I think we will have, as we all share a certain sensibility of what we want and need and desire and, and, you know, you know, like I remember Bradbury saying that, you know, you know, so no way comparing myself, but Bradbury said, well, you know, that whole Axiom about, you know, right.
What, you know, right. And
Speaker 1 (9m 14s): Absolutely
Speaker 2 (9m 16s): He, but he had never been to Mars, but you know, one of his celebrated works is the Martian Chronicles. And he just put the idea of loss and prejudice and, and, and desire and, and, and, you know, memory and, and all that kind of stuff in, into those characters and into those stories that happened at a place or more. So I guess what I'm saying is we all, although I'm not, not hetero woman led, I don't play one on television,
Speaker 1 (9m 47s): Nor did, nor did you stay at a holiday Inn express last night,
Speaker 2 (9m 51s): Right. Exactly. I think that when it comes down, it was that you just, you kind of the things I don't know, and I don't even try to stretch and make believe. I do know. I wouldn't even assume that, you know, but I think, I think there are shared experiences that we will have and just you, right. Kind of what, you know, what to that point. And then when you don't know you either don't right. Or you admit, you don't know in, in, in kind of a, as, as entertaining a way as possible.
And those, those places that you mentioned seem to like this stuff. So I, I'm very, very, I haven't written, as we're speaking now, I haven't written it. I'm writing the article from laundry addict. The other night I started with killing, killing kittens and the editor there is absolutely fantastic. I'm like, I can't, I was talking to somebody the other day about having a great editor means it means the world. And she's wonderful.
And I actually did ask her a question. Do you have a day about perspective? Cause I just want to make sure it was tweaking it correctly. And she claims it was due under five. So I guess I'm on the right track. But you know, if it ain't broke, it ain't woke it ain't broke. Don't fix it, you know, and don't wake it up. So that's kinda where I'm coming from. I think so along a long answer to your question, sorry.
Speaker 1 (11m 14s): We, as long as you want, we don't have it. We don't have a time limit here. Now, despite this, you still find, do you still find some female editors are those identifying as female, female? Can't forget about that. Not wanting to publish stuff from male writers during the me too era,
Speaker 2 (11m 32s): You know, that it's such a loaded idea in question. Right. Because even before that whole thing, I would like to think I just walked around and was respectful to everybody. You know? So that was, that was always my perspective. I didn't think too much about, I just, just was always just th you know, just figured I one, I, people, the way I want to be treated, right. That was kind of like golden rule. I figured that that kind of works. So that said, I don't know if people are more aware.
I, I have certainly felt a bit of that. I've certainly felt a bit of caution. I should say. I felt it in my everyday life. And I felt it in my professional life kind of, I don't know if you feel it, but, and I know that people don't like to talk about that because they think sometimes they think that's, that's a negative to talk about that. But it's the reality of the situation.
Speaker 1 (12m 29s): Well, you know, the only, the only time on it, this industry, I felt it as when I, there was a women and adult meeting at one of their shows and I walked in and said, Hey, what's going on here? And he basically told me to get the fuck out anyway, go ahead.
Speaker 2 (12m 42s): Yeah, you don't, you know, these things always take on a wide pendulum swing. Right, right. Whatever, there's any kind of change or revolution, or there's always a wide pendulum swing. And there's always, and what happens with that, I usually is that if you, if you, if you just show up, if you have a question or you would like, would you just set or you walk into a situation and you just kind of, whatever happens to be, there's always a little bit of a blow back, you know, Michael, my whole thing about any of this, I don't care what it is is I think we should always be able to ask the question, whatever that question may be and not be, not be instantly labeled one thing or another, because we ask the question, right.
People beyond that, you know, I'm sure that there are, we were talking about circling the wagons before. I'm sure there are certain places that for whatever reason are circling the wagons and becoming more inclusive, why they think they are becoming more exclusive. You know, I think they're becoming more inclusive because of, you know, some sort of bristling against, against something. So I just try to be with, with the approach. We were talking about this before with the, with the approach to just people in general, in business in general.
And I don't care what business it is. I just try to be as open as possible and say, this is what I do. And this is who I am. And if you don't like either of those things, that's okay. We don't have to work together. It doesn't mean you're right or wrong. It's just, that's, that's fine. But I've been very, very lucky so far with our just fortunate. So far to everybody I've come across, doesn't matter gender. What they, what it is. Everybody seems to be open and, you know, giving me, give me a chance as much as they give them a chance. That's all you can ask for. Right.
Speaker 1 (14m 27s): And if, and if you knew the joker than I am, I, I walked into that meeting on purpose, knowing I was going to get thrown out of my hair. So anyway,
Speaker 2 (14m 36s): I'm like you, I, I lead with the, with the, with the, with the rye, you know,
Speaker 1 (14m 43s): It's a serious, don't be too serious. I mean, life is too serious already.
Speaker 2 (14m 47s): Yeah. And I'm taking the piss out of myself first before, take it out to anybody I'm first and foremost, you know, self deprecating. And I always, I always like to walk into a situation and cut it down to size quickly. So everybody could just take a breath, you know, but, and I think that's the performer side of me, you know, like I get up on stage and I have to be able to deliver. So sometimes you have to put an audience and, but, but I, yeah, I, I agree with you. I wish everybody would just take a step back a little bit and take a breath and realize, walk, just try to get through this man.
Speaker 1 (15m 23s): Oh, I hate that. Hate that the truth, by the way, you're a writer. You spend a lot of your life writing. How much of your life do you spend reading
Speaker 2 (15m 34s): Almost an equal amount. If not more. When, when Chris and I do the writing class, you were talking about the class that we teach, we teach a lot of writing classes at the conventions and which are, which are by far our favorite classes to teach. And yeah. And the best thing about that is usually what we do is we, we, we came to the conclusion of best thing to do was to have a little bit of an outline, but just start the classes with anybody, have a question. And then usually a, just closed some questions. But anyway, right, the, the number one thing I get asked all the time is how do, how do, how do I do this?
How do I write, you know, how do I start? How do I do this? And I always say, you know, I hate to say this, but this is the only way. The only thing I can tell you, I have two pieces of advice. One is, well, you got to start writing. That's a liquid, do it. Right. And then the second piece of advice I would say is you should, you should be reading a hell of a lot. You know, you should be marinating in, in great writers and even bad writers and, and everything. You get your hands on comics and recipes and novels. I don't care what it is. Right. So I, you just said, how much do I read?
Say, that's kind of all I do. It's what reading is really, really infected and in fused, and probably saved my life more than anything else. I know it's really, really important. And I've been doing, I've been reading since my mom's a big reader. So like she said, when I was a little kid, I was like sitting in the room with her and have a book propped up in front of me. I couldn't read, but I was imitating her reading. And then I became a reader, but I've always been a very, quite a voracious,
Speaker 1 (17m 11s): You know, I was never much of a reader, but as, but starting a few years ago, I would say probably when Trump got into office, because there was so much political stuff I wanted to read and, and all of it was just so incredibly outrageous. I started download books onto my Kimball app on my iPad and having stopped. And now I read every night pretty much. And so, yeah, it's, I love it. I absolutely love it, but it's, it's amazing that it took me to almost age 60 to really start and now reading all kinds of stuff, including the stuff that I enjoy the most, like, you know, books about sports and books about jazz, but, you know, I, which are the things or some of my passions, but I just read all kinds of stuff now.
And it's just, it's just really cool.
Speaker 2 (18m 3s): Yeah. Yeah. It opens your life to, to, in a way that I don't know if any, I don't know if any other art form can do that for you because you know, you, you know, visual, you know, the visual and movies are extremely important to me in music, of course, but sure. But there's something about reading because you, you have to form what you're reading. You have to form your own pictures of that. And I think that that stretch your imagination and vocabulary to a work place. That's just, just knows don't bounce.
You know,
Speaker 1 (18m 34s): It's kinda like, it's kind of like sports on radio versus sports on television. You know, I used to, I used to do, as I mentioned to you, I used to do a sports play by play when I was in my younger years. And didn't really make it on any kind of a big level, but I enjoyed painting that picture for people because they couldn't see the field. They couldn't see what the players were doing, but I could, but I, what you have to do in that instance, as you have to paint a picture,
Speaker 2 (19m 6s): Well, it's funny you say that because what you were just saying that it reminded me. I remember walking to the den and my dad watching, like, you know, we were talking about before, off the air, we're talking about work. Cause we're, I'm on the east coast of the United States, big, giant beach, giant fans, you know, Mets fans. And I remember my dad watching giant games on television with the, with the sound off and listening to the radio while watching the game, because he was getting much more information from the radio than he was from the announcements on television, on television.
You're looking at it. And I, and I was, at the first times I saw that. I said, what do you do it? You know, he explained it to me. He said, you know, would you listen to the radio? They're giving you a lot more of the information because they, they, they have to give you more information. That's correct. He's correct. The marriage of the two to see that working, you know, said that that makes a lot of sense because I saw that actually happened in my life, you know, right in front of me.
Speaker 1 (20m 3s): So we touched on this a bit the last time, but as opposed to how it seemed to be a few years ago when adult companies were still producing DVDs, we were seeing each other at shows and conventions were full of talent. And fans has, it seemed to you in the past few years that our business has gotten smaller.
Speaker 2 (20m 22s): Yeah. I was saying some ways, you know, as far as people are doing the one thing that, you know, used to be like, you would just say, like we were all over the place, you know, would go to a convention or we, you know, everybody was kind of bopping around and do a lot of stuff. It seems like people are focusing on the thing they do. It's trying to do that well and do it and get it out there as much as possible. But it seems to be, you you'd get a guy that was w w had a magazine, but he's also involved in the photography.
And he was also doing this nowadays. It seems to be like, okay, I, you know, although there are people, you, you actually, we have, we have shared mutual festivals on your show. And I know for a fact she does a lot of different things, but yes, but it seems to be that people are working tightly on their brand, wherever that, whatever that encompasses. And then they, so I don't know if they're, if they're putting themselves out there that much, although I know the exotica conventions are happening in the United States and presently, so I know that convention is starting.
And I know I got some press on Tom con the other day, so I know those, those are happy. So people are out there again, but maybe they're just, you know, but they're going out there with a very singular vision, I think at this point of what?
Speaker 1 (21m 45s): Sure. Yeah. And in the, on the B2B side, which I'm more in tune with, you know, shows like T E S are starting up again. And yeah. If, if they, if it wasn't for this, this fucking quarantine in Thailand, which I happen to be right in the middle of right now, as I mentioned to you coming back from America, I would be in Prague because I haven't missed it in many years, but unfortunately this September, it's not going to happen. Well, it didn't happen last September, obviously either.
So I'm hoping in 2022, everything will be as back to normal as possible. But anyway, talk about a fucked up country. I live in my God. Anyway,
Speaker 2 (22m 28s): We spoke you, you were, things were okay there. Right.
Speaker 1 (22m 31s): We're wonderful. The first year was amazing. And now they're losing the government got lazy and they started giving into business interests. Oh yeah. And I'm sure plenty of cash has changed hands, which that probably includes the money that it's costing for two fully quarantined people to be sitting in a 15 day quarantine. I'm sorry. Two full two fully vaccinated people to be sitting in a 15 day quarantine. Nice.
it's all about money anyway. Don't get me started. Okay. So it wasn't until your podcast looking non vanilla, that you began to really deal with social media. So what have you found out from that experience? Good and bad?
Speaker 2 (23m 17s): Well, it reiterated the one thought in my mind, which was that it's, it can be a holy time suck, you know, an incredible, incredible, you know, mind candy that you can just, you can just get, get thrown into and, you know, talk about talking about Alice down the rabbit hole, you know, you could just go for it. It's, you know, it's like when I start searching, you know, Emerson, Lincoln Palmer, YouTube videos, I'll be on YouTube forever know. So It's the same thing.
So I, you know, so I never dealt with it before. Well, so what happened was when we started looking at vanilla, my producer said, well, we got to get on some sort of social media. And I said, well, I'm not going to Facebook. I just can't become part of that Cole. I have no desire for it. So, so he said, well, you know, we can get it to Twitter. I said, well, right. So we got into Twitter and, you know, I'll, I'll make a, I'll, I'll put up a blog or, or, you know, one of the, whatever the show was on that week. And, and, and then I started, you know, seeking contacts through there and I made some contacts through them, which was good.
So that's the most I do really. I don't get into like the, let me show you what I had for breakfast and put it up on Twitter, you know, like that stuff. But, but I, it is, it is amazing to me. There's other places too, that you and I both actually know of and are on that. I, I see like people posting stuff that has nothing to do with the business or whatever.
Speaker 1 (24m 49s): Oh, come on. Let's just say it. Are you talking about miss? Oh God, it's my pet peeve. That's my pet peeve over there. And I've, I've voiced it many times and it's like, dude, if I want to, if I, if I want to get this information, I'll get it from apple news.
Speaker 2 (25m 4s): Well, like, you know, the minutia and I got in trouble on there a couple of times, because I threw out some, what I thought were right. Silly comments. And I got in trouble and really, they were like, yeah, how can you say that here? And I'm like I said, well, first of all, I don't even know what we're talking about. Should we be talking about the business? Like,
Speaker 1 (25m 23s): That's kind of what we're talking about.
Speaker 2 (25m 26s): And, and I, and then, and then, so, so it got off on a tangent and I was like, dude, do any of us really have time or care to be doing this about this? You know, like, first of all, if you want to do that, going to go on Twitter or whatever you want to do, but I don't even want to do that.
Speaker 1 (25m 40s): Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 2 (25m 42s): So, so, so the answer to your question is the good and the bad, the bad is that it is what I thought it was. It's just, you know, depository or a suppository. Abby, we don't look at it for just silliness in, you know, people, people feeling you may be looking for affirmation. And then it's also, it is a good way for me to quickly contact people if I want to, or people reaching out, but I'm not monitoring it every day and say, oh, I have, you know, 300 pop followers. You know, it's just that, that's just, that's just, doesn't equate in my life.
Is anything of value. Yeah. I don't, and I don't want to sound like a curmudgeon cause you know, I get to this age, you get the egg a little bit. go get you, get you, get your bikes off my lawn kind of thing. But now that I've come to the party late, I realized I haven't been missing much of a party.
Speaker 1 (26m 33s): No, you really haven't. And I agree. It's kind of a generational thing. Although Facebook tends to be more our generation, but I did that, that game for a while and on a personal level. And I finally just canceled my account. I got blocked. I got blocked so many times for putting things that were totally innocent on there. Yeah. We're, we're, we're Facebook gives you a timeout. And when they gave me a 60 day time out, I finally said, you know what?
I'm done. I'm just done.
Speaker 2 (27m 7s): And
Speaker 1 (27m 9s): I canceled, I just canceled it. I just canceled the account. And I got to say, I don't miss it. The people that, that, that care about me and, and I care about will find me on my, on my business page. I would do have a business Facebook page. I use it to promo the podcast and some listings and things like that. And Twitter and LinkedIn. But I don't know. I don't go overboard either. I just can't see it. And you know, it used to be such a time suck, man. I used to, every time when I picked up my phone, I went to Facebook to see what people were saying or saying about me or saying about Trump.
And then it gets to the point where you're like, oh fuck man, this is ridiculous.
Speaker 2 (27m 49s): Yeah. You know, it's, it's akin to, I say this to my buddy all the time. There was a, there was a point I was trying to catch the Marvel movies. Cause I, I'm not a comic geek, but I liked comics and it was falling the movies. And I was like, oh, this is cool. And then it got to a point like there was, you know, seven or 800 of them out there or whatever. And they were in order and you have yet to see the way the winter soldier before you saw this, you know, all this bullshit. And I said to my buddy, like in an end game, came out, everybody was raving about it. And I said, you know what? I don't, I don't, I don't care. I just don't care anymore. Like, it's just too much of like me trying to like, worry about what order I saw the movies in.
And like, I don't remember. I'm like, I just, it's just not, I'm just not interested. I want to live my life. You know, I want to like, I mean, I just want to, and, and I love all that stuff. I love, I love all that popcorn movies. And I dig, you know, I like watching Gail, Gail gal got do anything, but it got to a point where she was like, whoa, why am I chasing all this?
Speaker 1 (28m 50s): Yeah. When it starts to dominate your life, that's when you realize that it's too much. And I think probably one of the best things that apple put on their phones is screen time. And it's, it's a, you get a notice every Sunday, which how much time you spent on your phone that week. And I'll tell you what people
Speaker 2 (29m 12s): Are paying attention.
Speaker 1 (29m 13s): I do. And I'll tell you it's pretty eyeopening. I mean, it's bad enough that mine was three hours plus. Okay. I'll admit it. But at the same time, I bet it used to be more like eight or six or whatever it with Facebook was
Speaker 2 (29m 27s): That you, you cheated back a bit.
Speaker 1 (29m 29s): Oh God, like 50%. Trust me. Although now I'm putting a lot of that time into, into sports now, which, which I love, you know, and to seeing like, right, like as we, as we do this interview and it's going to run and it's going to run in a couple months, but as we do this interview and we're on the baseball trade deadline, we'll being a big San Francisco giants fan. We gotta, we gotta get which giants correct here. Yeah. I'm like, man, I want to see who, who gets traded and who we get and who we give up. So anyway, that's but that's, so devices are good for that.
Speaker 2 (30m 2s): So apple did that with the thing, is that, so you use apple less. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (30m 8s): Pretty much. It's called screen time. Absolutely. Well, yeah, That is a very confident company, you know, and they should be confident. So anyway,
Speaker 2 (30m 19s): I think about that model, there's a tool to regulate how much you're using their product.
Speaker 1 (30m 29s): It was for personal it's for it's for personal wellbeing. And I think it's wonderful. I really do. I really do
Speaker 2 (30m 34s): Wild isn't it? So they're looking to make money
Speaker 1 (30m 41s): And they do. Yep. So as we do, you're obviously not an apple user. So as we discussed last, as we discussed, last time you got into the business by writing scripts for the 800 and 900 phone sex lines back in the day. Wow. Yeah. So surely things have progressed in script writing over the years, just a little bit, but do you find opportunities to write scripts much anymore?
And if not, why do you think that might be?
Speaker 2 (31m 13s): I don't. And I think the reason is that most what we were saying before about how the business has changed a bit people where people are playing it close to the vest. So I think if you have a performer, a soul, you know, I'm a lady performer, who's doing her own content and there's some great women out there doing some great content, you know, had their own little studios and putting the clips up for sale and fans and friends with a few, but fans of more. And I would say a lot of them are doing it themselves.
They're putting a script, they're putting a crew together, a small crew and they're putting the scripts together themselves. They know how to do it and that's what's happening. So I don't, I don't think people are occasionally I'll get, I'll get some sort of a, the guidelines or somebody looking for a script and I'll write them. And then I don't get a hit back. And it's not pretty much just be me as well, but I tend to think that people start that and then they realize, you know what? I don't need to get a writer in here. I can just do this. Sure.
Speaker 1 (32m 13s): Well, yeah, the clip, the clip and fan sites are certainly dominating the industry now without a doubt.
Speaker 2 (32m 20s): Yeah. Yeah. I don't, I don't know. What's the last time you've seen a movie that's really been more than 23 minutes. If that, you know, I think that's what, that's the biggest, the longest things I've seen now, you know, if it's,
Speaker 1 (32m 32s): There's some producers that still put a story into their stuff, and those are the people that if you want script work, those are the people you should be working.
Speaker 2 (32m 42s): Right. That are the people I seek out. But again, you know, those people, you know, everybody, everybody, if you get to that point at this point, you probably have a good crew around you. And you're the go-to people. I'm always, Hey, look, I'm looking. So if anybody wants to contact me, I'm always looking where you go.
Speaker 1 (32m 60s): Well, okay. So what does the scene look like at the kink convection conventions you teach yet? Now they're starting up again. Obviously we talked about that. Are they populated? And do you think they're going to stand the test of time?
Speaker 2 (33m 15s): Well, I can only, I just didn't do it. I just did a piece for kinky magazine. K I N anyway, a shout out and what, and I had to interview some people about that very subject. And it seems like there is a return there's, there's a group I know in St. Louis that, that I know pretty well. And I, I, Chris and I have taught there quite a bit and they, they seem to be going full, full steam ahead with at least two events a year back to their, to two event a year schedule.
So, and like I said, exotic is open again, exotic that does not have any kind of COVID restriction that I know of. I know the other, the convention, the king convention, you have to be, you have to be vaccinated. So because, you know, in those instances, of course, people are getting very close together. You know, they're going to, you know, reach out and beat someone basically. And so, So they, those guys are starting up again.
I haven't seen much call for there's a couple of other conventions I know of Don, like we were just saying is happening. Right. So the other ones, I don't know, but, but it seems the ones that are, have done enough research and have enough together that they know how they want to move forward, you know, and they are moving forward. Okay,
Speaker 1 (34m 45s): Good. That's good. Now in doing adult writing, have you ever had those moments when you feel, you, you know, just want to write about vanilla sex or just maybe get out of the business altogether?
Speaker 2 (34m 59s): I don't know if you know, there's not a get out. There was never a moment where it was get out, but they're here. There are those moments where I'm like, I have to step back from this for a week because my, my perspective is getting colored all by, you know, robots, spanking stories. And after a while, it's just, you know, so that's why I have multiple projects open at once. And I say open, I mean, on my desktop that I go to. So I'm constantly flipping back and forth.
So I'm running an article about chassis, which I'm doing right now, writing chassis, but I'm also doing work for a, a local company that does the air duct cleaning in your house. So I'm going back and forth, you know? And so I'm constantly keeping that fire going so that those fires going. So I don't have to, I don't get bored by either one, but there are times the only thing I seem to have to take a break from is certainly the erotica writing. Cause that that's, that really is, is very intense. As far as, you know, the things you're talking about, things you're writing about and conjuring you, you, I have to take a step back from that on many occasions, you know, just to give myself a little bit of a break,
Speaker 1 (36m 10s): That's all understood. Now, now, now the last time we spoke, we also touched on your music career. When we talked before the site was fairly new, maybe you can tell us more and give us a little bit of an update.
Speaker 2 (36m 24s): Ah, nothing to update at the moment. What I'm trying to do now is because I can't physically go to the studio, right. So I'm gonna do as much as I can. I'm working on. And it's pretty easy because easy is a relative term, but I have a, I have a, because that way technology is such that you, you know, digital recorders, you can hold in your hand, you know? So I
Speaker 1 (36m 51s): Guess it's called a mobile phone.
Speaker 2 (36m 53s): Yeah, well, there's, there's, there's a zoom recorder. That's a professional recorder that I can get great guitar and vocal sales. And then I will throw that out to my engineer, producer co-producer and engineer, and you know, via email. Right. And there are, luckily the projects that I'm working, he has a couple of projects, a couple of songs for me that he's working on now, but, and they, they're more, they have a lot more instrumentation, but the things that I want to work on immediately are four projects in there.
They're all just acoustic guitar. And those are just a guitar. So that's four different products. So it's not a lot, there's not a lot of production involved. So I can do, I guess what I'm saying is I can do most of that recording myself. I just have, I just have to do it.
Speaker 1 (37m 45s): How many, how many hours in the day, right. So what are your future plans for your podcast? Looking non vanilla.
Speaker 2 (37m 54s): We're just trying to increase the reach and a listenership and get on, you know, bigger and better. And that that's a relative term as you well know. Yes. You know, we've had some, we've had some great we've of course the board, if it's a great people, but just because someone has a big following doesn't mean they're going to be a great guest as you well know. Right. And just because someone has a great following doesn't mean that their followers are gonna follow you.
So it's really crafting, you know, I don't know how you find it, but for me, for Chris and I, it's certainly a crapshoot on feeling out. You want to have all our publicist touch you and you, you bandy about the, the guests are not, you know, so you know how it is very, very hard to do.
Speaker 1 (38m 47s): I do. I'm recruiting, I'm recruiting guests, every damn I'm putting feelers out every day. I see a news story and I go, God, that person would be a great gas.
Speaker 2 (38m 55s): Yeah. Yeah. And sometimes they don't, they don't end up being a great guest for it's all good. And I put the blame on myself. I'm like, why didn't I ask him the right questions and have the, I didn't have the right up to the right thing up to speed or whatever it is. But there are times when I'm like, well, they're just, they're just not great communicators and that that's not, everybody is not everybody's
Speaker 1 (39m 15s): And everybody can talk. Not everybody can talk. Well, absolutely.
Speaker 2 (39m 20s): It's scintillating as you and I, you know,
Speaker 1 (39m 24s): Hey, we're talkers buddy. We're talkers. And they tell an Italian and a Jew who would figure, okay. Anyway.
Speaker 2 (39m 33s): Yeah. What'd they say, what's it the joke about that same corporation. Different division. Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 1 (39m 43s): So, and there's, and there's, I'm sure in New York, there's a finer line from my experience anyway. So what writing projects are you currently working on and what do you see coming in the near future?
Speaker 2 (39m 58s): Okay. Well, I have a memoir that I hopefully get done and published. I have a publisher name. Cool. Yeah, but that would have to be anonymous because it's a little, there's a little dirty and it's a little, you know, I can't
Speaker 1 (40m 11s): Wait. Do I get a copy?
Speaker 2 (40m 14s): Sure. That's why they don't want to just send them out the, the music projects. And then I have a view, a book about music that I've been working on for a long time. And then, you know, all the other, you know, there's a couple of things in the wings, but that's the problem that I have, you know, whatever it is, BLT or EDT or ELP or EDD L ADB, I don't have that, but I feel like I do cause I bounce around for so many things so much.
Speaker 1 (40m 47s): Yeah. You definitely have BLT for lunch, right.
Speaker 2 (40m 50s): PTO or ELP ELL, but that, that site bounce around so much. So that's the whole thing. So that's what I'm hoping to get to within the next couple, you know, just keep going until the next, till the next couple of months here, you know, and then whatever else comes in, any projects come in, you know, I'm certainly open to everything, you know, basically.
Speaker 1 (41m 9s): Absolutely. Well, Hey Ralph, once again, I'd like to thank you for being our guest today on adults. I broker talk and I hope we'll be able to do round three in the not too distant future. My broker tip today is part six of how to buy an adult website. Last week, we talked about the sales agreement. So now both you and the seller have signed the agreement. What comes next? There needs to be an escrow setup where you send the money, whether it be a one-time payment or a deposit. If you're going to be making payments, this has done about half the time.
These days, the seller for their part puts the assets of the sale into escrow, namely the domains being sold and any other tangible assets that can be put into escrow. Your attorney can give you more information on that. We recommend escrow domains for escrows. They're a firm out of Washington DC. And know they're not paying me to say this. I just use them, trust them. And I'm delighted by the work they've done for us. Either an escrow agreement will be drawn up by them in the case of a custom escrow, or if it's a simple one that can be set up on their website, then you, the buyer, the seller and the broker will be contacted by escrow domains with further instructions, such as wiring information, the escrow is opened and either the deal closes within a matter of a few days or an inspection period is allowed.
It all depends on what the agreement calls for, whether you need an inspection period really depends on whether there's still some information you need to find out prior to the deal, closing your broker and your attorney can advise you more on this. And it's on a case by case basis. Then the money is transferred as they're all the domains and the deal is closed. Now in many cases, in fact, most of the time, the seller either stays on board for a period of time to help with the transition, or is at least available on an on-call basis to answer questions.
This is something most buyers should ask for, but at this point you're pretty much own the website. What do you do now? We'll talk about that more next week. And next week we'll be talking to professor and author Edward Shorter. And that's it for this week's Adult Site Broker Talk. I'd once again like to thank my guest Ralph Grecco. Talk to you again next week on Adult Site Broker Talk. I'm Bruce Friedman.