Speaker 1 (0s): This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk, where every week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry, and we discuss what's going on in our business. Plus we give you a tip on buying and selling websites this week. This week we'll be talking with Filip from Quantox Technology.
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Now time for this week's interview. My guest today on adult site broker talk is Philip chief executive officer of Kwan talks technology, the leading development and outsourcing company in the adult and affiliate spaces. Phillip, thanks for being with us today on adult site broker talk, Hey
Speaker 2 (2m 59s): Bruce, always obviously happy to join you and great to talk to you
Speaker 1 (3m 3s): Now, Phillip has been on our podcast before, and if you haven't listened to the first go round, when we were like in our second month, I suggest you do. There's some great information in there. Now here's a bit about Kwan talks. Kwan talks has been doing development and outsourcing work in the adult and affiliate spaces for over 15 years. They've grown to over 350 people, man. That's awesome. Including developers, programmers, customer support agents, virtual assistants, and more, they do all types of web and mobile development, including native apps.
Now at Kwan talks your employee not to mention your project. Won't suddenly disappear and run away. God knows I've had that happen. Now that's because they're a company and not an individual. So, you know, your project will be completed. Their staff speak and write and fluent English. Again, unlike many competitors with a dedicated staff, your project will be done on a cost efficient basis. And since they're offshore, you're going to save money. They're frequent sponsors of industry trade shows.
So you see Philip Dan and the rest of the team often. So Philip, how has the pandemic affected your industry?
Speaker 2 (4m 19s): So, yeah, we are now like basically two G years into, into this pandemic. And basically, you know, after the initial shock and big, big changes that we have been through, things are kind of getting back to normal because it's definitely this new normal, how they call it right now. There are many things are changed. And what we are witnessing right now is that many things that seem to like temporary change are actually here to stay. Probably one of them is remote work.
Yes, our, our team is operating in six different countries and we are working with clients for many, many more regions and countries and conditions are different. You know, somewhere people are in the office and trying to get back to work as usual. But also we are seeing that in many, many regions, people are working remotely and even companies are deciding to switch and this strategy and to, and to work remotely because obviously there are some challenges, but also there are a lot of positive sides of these things.
We have seen many changes also in the industry itself, and these are different business models, some talk, some something down, some head to accommodate and change. So it was definitely very, very dynamic period behind
Speaker 1 (5m 39s): For sure. Now with the pandemic, we have a new era of remote work as you alluded to, what's the best way to deal with it?
Speaker 2 (5m 49s): Well, yeah, basically a few years ago we had to invest. We as a company, had to invest a lot of effort to explain to our clients how remote work is actually being done because many of them were used to hiring only in-house people working from the same office from the same building being physically present. But nowadays these changed, as you said. And basically I actually did one conference like a few weeks ago and I was very surprised because, you know, from being like a company where probably eight of 10 people would tell us, thank you, but we are doing in-house now.
Now it's like, everybody's very interested when they see like, you know, near shoring, offshoring, outsourcing, remote work, and Dave, even if they don't really need the development services, they are kind of keen to just like talk with us and maybe get some information and some hints and tips. And that's actually how I got the idea that perhaps one of the topics on our today's agenda should be just discussing the perks and challenges of remote work.
Speaker 1 (7m 0s): Sure, sure, absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. I, I, I, I think overall that I'd say virtually every company now accepts the fact that remote work for development and many other services is just a assist a fact of life.
Speaker 2 (7m 23s): Exactly, exactly. Like we are, we are seeing like an, and I'm hearing from our clients from adult industry that they're also experienced some challenges where basically right now some huge mainstream companies are taking their employees, you know, and hiring them as a remote. So basically I just recently talked with one of our clients from Canada and they're having huge challenges with big mainstream names like apple, like Shopify, like Microsoft, who are in us by insane time zone.
And they are messy. They hiring their people and sending them like really huge offers, different hard to compete with.
Speaker 1 (8m 8s): So as an it company with hundreds of employees, you become a bit of an expert on remote work. Now, what advice do you have for other companies dealing with this and what are the challenges?
Speaker 2 (8m 20s): Well, yeah, definitely. There are some things that people need to be aware of even before the pandemic. We, as a company offered two months of remote work to each and every employee during the year. So this was kind of a advantage for us when a pandemic happened, because you already have all the procedures, but also all the infrastructure that you need in place. So that basically we can be working remotely. But when I say working remotely, now this is the first thing that I would like to, to quickly cover and explain because people usually use a work from home and remote work is the same thing, but it's actually not because remote work is usually when you basically work remotely from your original team, but it can be an office.
So, you know, basically let's say you take three weeks to do some visit or anything, and you will maybe rent an office over there and work from the office. So working from home and remote work are definitely not the same. So that's one thing that people should keep on their mind. And also tell the same when you have like a team of maybe 6, 7, 10 people working on a project and vinyl of them is remote or working from home. And then basically everybody's.
So these are some differences that even we have experienced, even though we had it as part of our benefits before. So basically I would like to just go over a few things that we have experienced switch and actually feel that it would be nice to share with people who are working remotely. So basically one of the first things is you working from home, you need to make sure that you manage your own time and schedule properly.
There are basically two things that can happen. One is people postponing start of their actual work during the day, you know, and they always do the science of gals. And then they start working at 3:00 PM, which is good for our US-based bias because they will overlap with their working hours, but it's maybe not really good for them and you know, their, their daily routine. And then the other trap that people fall in very often is that basically, you know, they just keep working.
They start working in the morning and it's always like, you know, I'm at home, my laptop is open. So I will just try to do one more thing. And one more thing. So in general, it's good to try to schedule your exact work hours and stick to them pretty much the same way as you would do. If you were working from the office, this is also very useful for your team members, because they will have some understanding when they can contact you. And then you are actually, you know, operative. So that's, that's, that's one thing the other one is, as I mentioned, try to basically set your daily goals and to stick with them.
And then when you achieve it, you are done for today. Because again, when you are working from home, you can just, you know, continue and say, okay, I will just do this one more thing. And this one more thing, one more thing. And you know, very soon basically you realize that you are working all dates. This is not good for anybody because very soon it will become unproductive.
Speaker 1 (11m 40s): That's true. And you burn out, you completely burn out. You know, they say about all work and no play makes Johnny a, a very adult boy. How have you been managing your own schedule and time? Are you able to make a schedule working from home and stick to it?
Speaker 2 (12m 2s): Well, to, to, to be honest, I'm kind of acception care because I live in the same apartment where our offices, so I worked from the office even during the pandemic. I worked from the office, but in general, yeah. I also try to follow these rules that I have. And maybe one more interesting one is basically making sure that you don't have too many distractions. So for me, for example, you know, when I have important meetings or parts of the day, I read to be really focused and productive, I would switch from my home to my actual office and spend a couple of hours there.
So I don't have distractions like TV or other family members coming in asking me questions and things like that. And then once I'm done, I can maybe move back to home and do some more casual or light work from home. My family, you know, just,
Speaker 1 (13m 2s): Well, not everyone has that advantage though. Philip, you know, I mean working from home and I certainly go through it myself, you know, you really never completely seemed to be off duty. How do you suggest people deal with that? Who can't go upstairs to their office? Well,
Speaker 2 (13m 21s): Basically paid various option to try to create a home office. So obviously again, not everybody has enough space for it, but in general, it's very good idea. You know, sometimes you can just use your bedroom and turn it into the office. And then the combined with my previous teams to have a regular work hours, basically, even your other family members you'll know that maybe from nine to five, your bedroom is your office and they will not get inside and they will not interrupt you or bother you. And you will also feel a bit more normal, like, you know,
Speaker 1 (13m 54s): Good luck with good luck with that, by the way.
Speaker 2 (13m 57s): I know, I know it can be, it can be challenging, but, but yeah, another, another thing when we are talking about home office is a treatment. So what we have done in our company is basically the offered to all our employees to come and take any piece of equipment that they need and bring it home. And this can even be a desk and a chair. So not just like your visual Mysore monitor, but you know, in some cases, some of our team members actually, you know, came and took their chair because they need a comfortable space where they will not, you know, be working from their couch or from their bed.
And then Becky shows up to do this.
Speaker 1 (14m 34s): Now how about dealing with your team? Has that been a problem when, when people have been working at home?
Speaker 2 (14m 43s): Absolutely. I think that's one of the crucial changes that people need to be aware of because starting from the, from the first minute you start your actual work, you know, when you come into the office, people actually see you and then they have to say hi, and you say hi, they know that you're there, but basically when you are working remotely, it's a very good practice to kind of check in. And when you start working, you know, just give a quick ping to your other teammates and tell them, Hey guys, I'm here. I started working. So they know that you're available.
So that's, that's one thing. The other, the other is the actual, actual daily communication where you should, at least that's what you recommend. You should try not to speak only with texting and emails, but actually try to do some, you know, voice calls with video on so that people can see you understand you and exchange much more information in much more efficient.
Speaker 1 (15m 40s): Okay. So what advice do you have for others when they're setting up a home office? What equipment and tools will they need?
Speaker 2 (15m 49s): Well, basically, as I mentioned, like a good share is always, always a plus, but then some other things like, you know, having a proper monitor is very good thing because most of us have small laptops, which are, you know, easy to carry. But then if you are working for a longer period of time and in order to stay productive, in many cases, you will need more real estate on your points or more place for your apps or your CRO would be in our case and things like that. So that's, that's another thing then obviously, a good pair of headsets and headphones, because you will be spending a lot of time using DS when communicating with your team.
So it's very crucial that they can hear you well and you can hit them. And this works without the needs issues and challenges. And as I said, basically, you can go and buy it, but you can also just go and pick it up from your office. I'm sure any other company would also have no issues if their employees would come and take some home?
Speaker 1 (16m 47s): Sure, sure. No. They want them to be productive. Right? Exactly. Okay. So what are the opportunities and advantages of working from home that people should be aware of?
Speaker 2 (16m 60s): Yeah. I mean, we were talking a lot about challenges, but they're obviously plus and good things. Otherwise people would not stick to this. So from, from my experience, when I'm talking with our employees, one of the important topics for them is basically commuting time. So the time that they would spend or waste in traffic and again, in all the regions that we are working in parking space is a big issue also. So, you know, they would lose a lot of time in the traffic and then finding the parking space in this case, you know, you don't lose this time and you can use it for anything else, like spending with your family or do some hobby, or like another thing, like we were talking about distractions at home, but there are also distractions at the office and I'm sure that everybody has experienced it.
You know, when you have people just popping into your office, asking you questions, or maybe asking your colleague questions, when we sitting next to you and then basically disrupting your, your focus and your productivity. So this is something that you will experience less here because litigation is a bit more structured and you have planned meetings where you will actually be talking about any, any important and important topics. One also very big advantage that we are utilizing and using lately is the fact that you can hire remote people.
So before even for us, it was like only people that can actually come and spend time physically in our office. But these days, you know, like right now I'm in team in Ukraine and we used to hire people who only live in queue, but nowadays we would hire people from other cities here and maybe get some really good experts, really good talents that he couldn't reach other way. Hm.
Speaker 1 (18m 46s): And that's, that's gotta be a real attraction to potential employees that they can work from home.
Speaker 2 (18m 53s): Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Like for them, it's a completely new market of opportunities because it's not anymore, you know, you just need to look what companies are operating in your city or in your town, but you can work like, like we are having right now type of candidates that you're hiring, they're living in smaller towns and they are not willing to relocate, but they really appreciate the opportunity to work for a company like ours.
Speaker 1 (19m 25s): Sure, sure. Now, what is the state of affairs overall in the outsourcing space? Obviously we talked about working remotely and working from home, but what's the, what's the overall state of it. You know, the, it obviously is very fluid changes all the time, but where, where are things these days?
Speaker 2 (19m 53s): Well, basically these days, there is huge demand for more resources and manpower and talents. And basically we are seeing companies like crazing in different offers, including different benefits, get two good people on board and to not just get them, but also get them to stay and stick around for a longer period of time. And this is, this is something that, that are also doing, and this is something that is now also becoming kind of additional benefit for our clients where they don't have to think about it.
Very, it's basically our duty as a company to make sure that their team is happy, that they have good work conditions, that you know, that they are actively their projects within work, that old benefits they have entered the state because this is something that's super important for most of our clients.
Speaker 1 (20m 51s): You guys have grown by leaps and bounds. You know, I've done some work for your company and I've watched you guys grow. And it's, the growth has been crazy over the years. I remember when you had less than a hundred people and then it was one 15, then it was 200 last year when we did this interview, the other interview, it was two 50. And now you're over three 50. What do you attribute the growth?
Speaker 2 (21m 21s): Well, basically VR doing, you're doing two to two things and you're trying to grow by two different models. One is expanding to new regions. So just this year we expanded to two more countries. So we are now operating in six countries in total, but the other one is also, you know, nurturing our existing offices and, you know, making sure that they feel valued and that also they get all the support that they need from us in order to grow, to grow more.
So it's not just about opening the new offices and, you know, promoting this, but also making sure that your existing teams and offices are feeling good and that they will still recommend you to their friend or colleague and say, okay, come work here with us at,
Speaker 1 (22m 11s): Okay. Now you're obviously always in recruitment mode. That's, that's pretty obvious to me. Why don't you tell the people out there that are listening, who might be developers or customer service or other people that would be potential employees? Why, why should they work at Kwan talks?
Speaker 2 (22m 31s): Well, yeah, so phase you said we are, we are always, you're always hiring. You're always looking for good times. And you know, even, even if you don't have exact a open spot or position in one of our teams, if we have application from somebody who we feel is a good to become our team member, we would just hire that person. And basically I would say it's why would they come and work with us? I would say it's combination of two things, at least based on the feedback that I'm getting from, from our team members, that's company culture, where we try to keep it a stress, stress, peer environment.
And very, we try to basically make sure that every team member gets proper support, meaning that, you know, if you are a developer and working with us, you will have your project manager, you will have your HR, helping you with whatever you need. You will have your system admin here helping you with your equipment. You will have your Dell's guy helping you with your dev stuff. So, you know, like you will really be able to focus and be the best, you know, you need to be best. And that's the actual, the actual development. Second thing are our clients and our projects, which are amazing.
And as you know, we are working for a lot of industry leading companies and in adult space, especially this means, you know, working on a projects that are dealing with huge traffic, huge loads, where you really need to be on top of the game, you know, and be very scalable and be very secure and, you know, make sure that everything is working perfect all the time, but this is kind of adventure and something that's challenging and something where, you know, every developer can grow.
Speaker 1 (24m 16s): Yes. As the CEO, I would imagine that your job responsibilities have changed a lot from the time that you had less than a hundred employees to having 350 plus, how have you dealt with,
Speaker 2 (24m 33s): Ah, yeah, it's, it's, it's always changing. Like actually yesterday I had long meeting with my CLL staff because we are just right now going in, going through one restructuring and basically, you know, adding some new positions and roles that we didn't have before, but you realized that we are maybe missing them. And it's a something where basically, you know, you really have to be careful and listen, what's happening within your team.
And then react based on that. It's not always easy to predict up front, but you need to react quickly. If you see that, you know, at some places you need to pay more attention that maybe somethings you need to do differently, you need to basically share the feedback from your team. That's what you are trying to do. Just this, this January. I had personally one-on-one meetings with each and every one of my employees. So it was exhausting. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (25m 36s): How long, how long did that
Speaker 2 (25m 37s): Take? It was three weeks, four weeks, actually three and a half. I would say a lot of travel. So I, yeah, I was traveling to each and every country and city and talking to each and every employee and everybody had like 30 minutes with CEO to ask any questions, to give any feedback because you know, that can be very, very good. Both for them at me, it was great experience. I learned many things about us that maybe I didn't know, and they had a chance to know, to ask any questions that they would like.
So, yeah.
Speaker 1 (26m 9s): And, and I, you know, I know you and I know you well, and I know that you care and what you care about the most besides your family is your company and that, and that your company is doing everything that it should well along with your clients obviously. And that I'm sure that comes through to the employees. And that's got to make a big difference when the CEO sits down and says, Hey, how are we doing? What could we do better?
Speaker 2 (26m 40s): Well, I, I believe so. I mean, that's, that's the reason why I decided to, to do it in this January. And that was like, because he had this whole pandemic thing, right. And I re I realized that there are too many people within our company that have actually started working during the pandemic. And they never, because like, when things are normal, you know, they would have like different team building activities. You'd have different company events and, you know, people could use these.
We have some meetups, people could use these to maybe, you know, spend a few minutes with me discuss about, you know, what's, what's going on in the company. What's new and things like that. But since this was not happening, I realized that there are a lot of people who basically never had a chance to speak with me or some other of our C-level guys and, you know, just understand a bit better where they are, what we do, you know, maybe see a bit bigger picture of the company. Maybe hear a bit more about our clients, about their strategies, our plans.
But as I said, also for me, it was very, very useful to hear how they see us. Okay. And people were very honest and direct each.
Speaker 1 (27m 57s): That's awesome. Now back to remote work homework, how about security? Okay. So you're working from home from the point of privacy and security. What do people need to know and be okay,
Speaker 2 (28m 16s): When you are working from the office, you have much bigger support in this area and also much more limitations in this area, right? Because you are working on via Wi-Fi India is the secured. You are working on equipment that's fully secure and things like that. When you are working from home, this is something that, to certain parts you need to take care of. So, but basically what I, what I learned and seen from experience is that sometimes even some very simple things like, like what I will give as a tip, number one to everybody is just, don't leave your laptop at your coffee date.
Because like in last year I heard a lot of time. A lot of times, you know, just a simple things like, okay, so I got the coffee spilled on my laptop, so it's not working. So I lost some of the daytime side, you know, or my kids just spilled something and things like that. So it sounds a bit silly, but trust me, trust me. Sometimes this can be a bigger danger than some, you know, experts, hackers will try to in your laptop. So yeah, that's, that's, that's on the simple side of things, but basically I believe that there are some other things that you need to be very, very aware of and careful about starting with your document management, because basically a lot of confidential documents are now being shared and being worked on and contributed over middle Google docs or some other parts on you need to be very careful who you are sharing with and how you're using it so that it doesn't fall in the wrong hands.
Then there are some other things that people are not aware of. Like, for example, your calendar, which people are using extensively, when working from home, you need to be aware of that. It's some new features. Google is actually by default showing the titles of your events to other people. So you find to, to book a meeting with you and basically try to see what are the empty spots and slots in your calendar. I will be able to see the titles of your meetings. So, yeah. So you need to be aware of that.
Speaker 1 (30m 29s): That's another reason, another reason not to use Google for that.
Speaker 2 (30m 34s): You can obviously disabled this, you know, but I can see that many people don't and then if you put the title, like, I don't know, ending cooperation with, Quantock said that seat when I'm making a meeting with you, it can be kind of food center, embarrassing situation. So at least you're ready.
Speaker 1 (30m 51s): At least you're ready for it.
Speaker 2 (30m 53s): Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And then you need to be aware that, you know, if you are working from home or remotely, you're using public wifi, this is the traffic that can be monitored, that can be intercepted and you should have your office VPN set up and use it all the time. When you are doing something that's confidential report. Now,
Speaker 1 (31m 14s): What are the latest trends and how have they been affected or caused by the,
Speaker 2 (31m 20s): The pandemic? Yeah. Basically there are like few different models or platforms that are like really booming right now. I would say that's probably the first one is anything related to subscription-based content gated content. So basically I believe that one of the reasons for this is just the fact that there are more content producers and there are more people who are willing to become content producers into current team and, you know, not being able to travel or do something else or, you know, events.
So this is definitely something very, we get a lot of requests for different type of subscription-based content platforms. Then the second one is definitely everything that has to do with live video. So any kind of live video streaming, we have seen like this industry being doubled in 2020, it was already huge. And there are some projections that the next five years it will grow to be $150 billion industry.
So really, really huge behind it. Another interesting thing, or figure that I have stumbled on recently is that at the moment 80% of all the internet bandwidth is being spent on liabilities. So yeah, that's
Speaker 1 (32m 41s): Crazy.
Speaker 2 (32m 42s): Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And again, just like, I would say one of the latest things that's, that's becoming a trend is a progressive web applications. They are here for a long time just to give a quick explanation, basically PWR or progressive web applications are websites that provide you a native application experience on a mobile phone, which means that you don't have to actually go on app store on Google play to install the app, but you will have an icon on your, on your home screen and basically you can access it offline and you can basically have the whole experience of push notifications and other things just the same way as if you had installed application.
This is something that's been here for some time, right. But just recently Google basically changed some of their integrations and some of the dating industry models are now no longer acceptable on their Google play store. And so people need to switch to this kind of model in order to keep their mobile traffic there. So this is asking that's really, really,
Speaker 1 (33m 58s): I would imagine as limiting as apple is, and like you said, as much as Google is scale that that back the native apps have to be huge, right?
Speaker 2 (34m 8s): I always like need to have so always are always huge, you know, and it's growing because mobile traffic is growing. So this is something that's, that's kind of, let's say mandatory, but again, as I said, progressive apps are becoming very popular. And also because of the fact that you cannot put any adult content on any of the app stores, but if you create the progressive application, it can be shared on your website. It can be shared text messaging very easily and installed, or also it's a bit more cost-effective because you call it only advanced compared to native applications I have to call was completely.
Speaker 1 (34m 46s): So that's the main difference between a native app and a progressive app. I was just going to ask you that. Yeah. Yeah. So with, with the native app, you need to keep coding
Speaker 2 (34m 55s): Native app. Basically, you can just code it once, you know, you can have just one team of developers coded for you, and then, you know, you use it on both platforms, which is quite,
Speaker 1 (35m 6s): And how's that different from the progressive app, just to, just to be clear.
Speaker 2 (35m 10s): Well, on basically that's for the progressive that's the
Speaker 1 (35m 13s): Progressive
Speaker 2 (35m 14s): on the progressive app. You code it only once, and then you use it on different platforms, like on apple and on Android phones, but for the native ones, you have to build them completely different way. Right? Yeah. This process is much more complex,
Speaker 1 (35m 33s): So that's all, so that's all going to be based on the, on basically browsers, right? Yes.
Speaker 2 (35m 40s): Yes.
Speaker 1 (35m 40s): Okay. Interesting. Interesting. Do you think there will be a time where progressive apps will just kind of take over?
Speaker 2 (35m 48s): That's a very, very hard to predict, to be honest, I believe that they are taking more and more of the space in the mobile development, but we are still seeing also a lot of need for the, for the native patients themselves. So,
Speaker 1 (36m 4s): And that, and that will also work on laptops and desktops. Yeah. Interesting. Interesting. Okay. Learn something every time I talked to you, Phillips, what would your advice be? So we're prepared for what's ahead of us.
Speaker 2 (36m 19s): Well, yeah, as you can see, there are like a lot of changes. And basically what we have the best in last two years is something that people like to call forced to digitalization. There are basically a lot of things that maybe would take years to happen happened in months. This is a good from some point of view, but also what we are seeing is many unstable products and many unsecured products because of the needs to build up quickly. So I, I believe, you know, one of the things to be aware of is that, you know, if you are building a new product and of course you want it to build quickly, you need to keep your eyes on that.
The dose of things, making a stable, making it safe because you know, later on it can really, really become an issue for you. And then if you're talking, if you're talking about, about the future proof platforms, what is basically starting to become kind of a standard is multi experience development. And this is something that we are actually promoting strongly in last year. So just to explain quickly, what it means is these days you are getting much more touch points and different devices that you can use for the same activity.
So you use not just your mobile phone and your laptop. You can also use your virtual glasses. You can use any other variable, like smartwatch, voice assistance, chatbots, a lot of different things. And basically it's not idea anymore that you just are able to install and use the same software on all of these. It has to be consistent. So basically it tests you be built in a such way where I can start the process on one device and then continue it to another and finish and third run and do it all seems.
So this is multi experienced development. And this is something that, you know, we are encouraging our clients to adapt because it's becoming kind of standard. So like very, very simple example would be Netflix obligation where you can start watching the movie on your laptop and then finish on your smart TV. And you don't have to think, you know, what was the last episode that I had seen or where did I stop or things like that. So they, they become like, people get used to these kinds of simple things very quickly.
And you know, then if they are missing them, it's very disappointing.
Speaker 1 (38m 52s): Yeah. And I, and I know I noticed that that's already the case on, for instance, on Amazon.
Speaker 2 (38m 60s): Yeah. Yeah. All the bigger platforms are adopting these and trying to follow this as, as a trend, then all the food delivery apps that you are working, reaches e-commerce platforms. You can start your shopping on one device. You are maybe interrupted. You want to continue that later on each all has to be like 40 plus.
Speaker 1 (39m 20s): Interesting, interesting. Again, I learned a lot every time we talk, Phillip, well, Hey, I'd like to thank you once again for being our guest on adult side broker talk, and I'm looking forward to, to part three at some point in the near future.
Speaker 2 (39m 37s): Oh, it's great talking to you and always happy when you invite me to one of these, one of these stocks and looking forward to that time, me too,
Speaker 1 (39m 46s): My broker tip today has to do with what to do to make your site more valuable for when you decide to sell it later, this will be a multi-part series first, make sure you're converting as much of your traffic as possible. Traffic's expensive. Whether it's search engine, traffic, review, site, traffic, or affiliate traffic, you paid a lot for it. So make sure that when someone lands on your site, you give them every opportunity possible to either spend money or do whatever it is you want your visitors to do in the case of a pay site, make sure your billing options allow as many people as possible to buy, have multiple ways to pay in north America.
Most everyone has a credit card, but in other parts of the world credit cards, aren't used nearly as much in Europe. For instance, credit card usage is low. So look for billing options that will match the areas where your traffic comes from in Europe, ACH and debit cards are used a lot in Africa and other developing countries. Many people pay by mobile, do your homework and find out how people pay in the regions you get. Most of your traffic it'll make you more money. The worst thing you can do is get a visitor, had them want to buy, but since you don't have their preferred way to pay, they can't.
If you're looking for suggestions, feel free to get in touch with me via my website. Along with this is to improve your user experience, make your site attractive and easy to navigate. People have more options than ever these days. I can't tell you how many sites I go to. Even some that are owned by large companies, where the navigation isn't obvious to the user, you poke around the site for what seems like an eternity to do something that should be relatively easy. Keep it simple. Before you launch any changes to your site, ask your friends to go to the site and check it out.
Unfortunately, designers and tech geeks don't think like us. You need real people to look at your site for you. The same kind of people who will be visiting your site next, make a good offer. If you're selling something and the offer, isn't good. You won't make money. It's plain and simple as that. And if your offer is to contact your, to get more information that make the offer attractive and easy to understand, if you're selling something, make buying easy, show them an easy way to buy and then leave, help them by making suggestions on what to buy.
amazon.com is the best at this. They always have suggestions on what to buy based on your buying and browsing history. They use AI to do this. There are AI engines available these days at a modest cost. Look into this. If you can, don't clutter up your site with unnecessary items, buttons, and images. Keep it as simple as possible. The best and most successful sites are the simple ones. The ones that lead you to take the action you'd like them to do. It's not that hard. Just remember when you're putting together any site, try to think through the buying process, like a human being, whatever you do, don't turn over that process to your designer.
Don't just say, build me a website. What you'll get out the other end. It will not give you what it is. You're looking for. Give them as much direction as possible and make it easy for them to build a site for you that makes your business succeed. We'll talk about this subject more next week and next week, we'll be talking again to freelance writer, Michael McGrady. And that's it for this week's Adult Site Broker Talk. I'd once again like to thank my guest Filip from Quantox Technology. Talk to you again next week on Adult Site Broker Talk. I'm Bruce Friedman.