Adult Site Broker Talk - Episode 9.mp3
[00:00:09] This is Bruce Friedman of Adult Site Broker, and welcome to Adult Site Broker Talk, where every week we interview one of the movers and shakers of the adult industry and we discuss what's going on in our business was we give you a tip on buying and selling Web sites. This week, we'll be talking to Alex Lecomte of 7Veils.
[00:00:33] Before we get started. Adult Site Broker is proud to announce Adult Site Broker Cash, the first affiliate program for an adult Web site brokerage with adult site broker Cash. You'll have the chance to earn as much as 20 percent of our broker commission, referring sellers and buyers to us, that adult site broker. Check our Web site at adult site broker dot com for more details. First of all, today, let's cover some of the news going on in our industry as positive. Kovik 19 rates continue to rise around the country. The Free Speech Coalition has reiterated their advisory that it's unsafe to shoot content outside the home. However, as there is no specific threat to the talent pool of production, Hold has not been called. The text of the announcement is as follows. Rising Koven 19 rates and production hubs, including Los Angeles, Las Vegas and South Florida, have resulted in a rollback of reopening plans in those areas. As we stated last week, we cannot offer any guarantees that adult film production can operate safely. However, as long as film production is still permitted in those areas and there's no specific risk to adult performers, we will not be calling for any national or regional production holds. The French parliament has agreed to introduce an age verification requirement aimed at preventing minors from accessing porn Web sites.
[00:02:02] France's president, Emmanuel Macron, has made a commitment months ago to implement such a system, according to news site Politico. Macron made the protection of children against adult content online. A high profile issue well before the Corona virus crisis hit in January. Tech companies, Internet service providers and the adult movie industry signed a voluntary charter pledging to roll out tools to help ensure minors don't have access to porn content. The new French law, according to Politico, gives cites discretion to decide how to perform age verification. Requiring users to enter a credit card number seems to be one of the most popular options. The age verification requirement is part of an amendment attached in June to a law domestic violence in order to enforce the law. The French audiovisual regulator will be granted new powers to audit and sanction companies that do not comply, including blocking access to the Web sites in France. With a court order cam for has activated its cam for Keres team to assist local groups in Colombia in the battle against the Corona virus pandemic that is ravaging poor countries. In a statement, Camp four said In recent months, the Corona virus has led to the loss of over 120000 jobs. And because many low wage workers are employed off the books, there is little or no opportunity for the newly unemployed to obtain welfare or any type of social assistance from the state.
[00:03:40] When this area faced incredible adversity, we had Cam for reacted swiftly with empathy to provide our allies and their friends and co nationals with much needed supplies as a direct response to Covid19 devastating impact on these communities. A group of camp for broadcasters and customer support staff teamed up to raise funds in order to deliver crucial supplies to six of the most affected communities in Met Again. To date, over 740 care packages have been delivered, with each package containing a two week supply of food and basic necessities. Now let's feature our Property of the Week that's for sale, an adult site broker. We are selling a network of 312 white label campsites. They promote Webcam Wiz, Live Jasmin, Streamate, Flirt4Free., Bonga Cams and XLoveCams. Besides us being a highly profitable business with a lot of quality traffic. There are some older sites that don't have a lot of traffic but have some amazing cam domains. All traffic is either direct or organic. If you're already in the live cam business or want to get into it, this is a great opportunity for you. You get the entire network for only seven hundred and sixty thousand dollars.
[00:05:03] Now, time for this week's interview today on adult site broker talk. I'm talking to one of my favorite people on the adult space, Alex Lecomte, director of one of the industry's preeminent social media companies, Seven Veils. Alex, thanks for being with us today.
[00:05:19] Hello. Thank you very much for having me. Thank you.
[00:05:22] So what makes seven Veals unique is they recognize I got this from your about us, by the way. They recognize how the needs of adult entertainment. Marketing differs from mainstream, and they create successful marketing strategies, work with adult entertainment to create deliverable results and long term success on social networks. The company has won multiple awards, including Alex being named best industry representative in 2018 at the Y, not awards. My question is what happened to twenty Alex?
[00:06:00] I was not a great not as good of a year.
[00:06:03] Ok, I understand Lauren.
[00:06:07] Lauren McEwen founded the company in 2010 with just herself as a one woman company and recently named Alex as director. And I have to say it was a great decision on her part.
[00:06:19] The company has grown to a large group of social media experts through statistical analysis of your social marketing campaign. You create a social media strategy that bus through the ceiling of diminishing returns. It's responsive to your growth patterns and is predictive of the overall social media trends. They ensure that their engagement, marketing and analytics work cohesively to create an unbeatable social media presence.
[00:06:46] Did I leave anything out?
[00:06:48] No. It was actually very, very detailed, very representative of what we do. Thank you very much for putting it this way. It's very clear, I think. Yeah, okay. It's okay. What what do you do on a daily basis, Alex? In your work.
[00:07:09] So that's one of the things that I love the most about working as an agency, whether if it were when I was working for traffic companies or seven veils. The thing is that we're in touch with many different clients. So it really first of all, it's not boring at all. There is not I can not say one day's like the other.
[00:07:29] So what I will describe is the tasks that I'm trying to have every day. But since it's different clients, of course, the tasks vary.
[00:07:40] So everyday we go on our clients accounts, on social media platforms, whatever they hire us for, you know.
[00:07:48] So there is Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, TripAdvisor, ticktock on the stands, et cetera. So we check a little bit about what people are saying about them. We check the activities or what our team has been posting over the week, over the day. And we perform a search of so two kind of searches, the reputation of the clients, or to see if there is any negative feedback, any polemical or any kind of controversy that is around the client and his brand. And the other is about the marketing trends. In general, the target, but not only the direct competition, but also the extended audience for our clients. So there is a lot of it's a big mix, actually, of information of marketing trends.
[00:08:42] It's all about the trends.
[00:08:43] It's all about making sure that our clients are updated and everything is going so fast, all the information that the slow communication, telecommunication, etc.. So we just want to make sure that we are on the spot. If something happens or if they're just published, even if it's something funny, you know, if everybody is talking on a TV show and something if we can relate it to the business, that's what we do.
[00:09:08] Tiger King. Right.
[00:09:12] You know, know for the words. I mean, for me, the word. But that's for the clients. It was Game of Thrones. Oh, my God. I wasn't watching. And it's something it's one of the main thing that I've changed my previous jobs. I really because on my my previous jobs, I only had to focus on our industry. But for seven veils, I really have to be aware much more about the whole global young trends, you know, so people that even if, of course, we don't target teenagers.
[00:09:42] Of course not. That it's we need to know what's going on because they are the trendsetter. So you're king and but Game of Thrones was I wasn't I hadn't watched the TV show and before the fire.
[00:09:56] Oh, I know. Did you then? Never.
[00:09:59] Oh, my God. It was so many mediums this last season on the final season. And everybody was every week.
[00:10:06] There was a lot of things to take to work on. So I watch it.
[00:10:12] I pride myself. I pride myself on not watching primetime network television.
[00:10:19] Well, that's. So that's the big that's the big thing. We have very limited patience for things like Big Brother, for example.
[00:10:28] Big Brother is really something that I can't personally. I mean. OK. People are watching it and entertained. All right. But it's definitely something that is not entertaining me at all. I watch. I watch trash TV. But Big Brother is. I can't. It's beyond my limits and the. But but these kind of things, this kind of trends, you know, it's it provides a flow, a wave that we we need to serve on social media. You know, so for the companies, it's just like the three accounts that we always pay attention to our Netflix, Wendys and PornHub because they are really, really good at what they do. And they really have this capacity to take something that all the popular culture, the pop culture is is dealing with. And they adapt it to their business. And it's fantastic. It's really the way to do things.
[00:11:21] Now, you live in Brazil. You're from Brazil. So are you in any way.
[00:11:27] So I was born in Europe, but I'm from I'm mixed. I live in Brazil. I used to live in the northeast of Talisa. So I live is what I make the region north. East is what I call home. But right now, I mean the south in Karachi by near between some pilot and you.
[00:11:45] Ok, OK. How is the situation there with the virus.
[00:11:51] I think I don't know about all the countries, but I have the feeling that it's pretty unique because what we see, what I see on the Internet and what my family is and my friends are explaining me.
[00:12:03] But there are countries or mainly Western Europe and the US. She it seems that in Brazil. So first of all, we have a government that is not taking the well, the president, not the whole government, but the president is not taking the virus seriously. He says he keeps saying that it's just a Lil's flu and kind of reminds me as kind of reminds me of somebody.
[00:12:25] Yeah, it does.
[00:12:29] Yeah. We were at the beginning, you know, in Brazil, we make fun of everything. That's it sounds like something cool, but it's actually something very bad, I think, at the end. We cannot explain everything, but that's what happened.
[00:12:41] And when we saw some governments in very powerful countries and then we were like, oh, you're laughing at them, but we actually have something. Similar or even worse? Yeah. So, yeah, he doesn't take this seriously.
[00:12:56] So we did.
[00:12:58] The good thing is it's Brazil is a very complicated country. So people are really sharing a lot of information, maybe too much, I don't know.
[00:13:06] But the we take care of each other in a way that everybody is staying home. And we are well aware for the majority of the population that there is a big threat.
[00:13:17] So the local governments have asked to close the businesses. So shopping malls are closed partially.
[00:13:24] But, yeah, the problem is we don't really have that.
[00:13:29] The president is it's just that he keeps going to the crowds. You know, he has a lot of people for him, so they keep gathering. We have some last two weeks ago, we had a demonstration. People in the street, like in my city, which is one of the city that is the most in favor of this person of the president. They were like 200 people in my street in a demonstration saying that we need to go out or the economy will collapse.
[00:13:56] Sounds like it sounds just like the states.
[00:14:00] I know. It's it's it's it's terrible for me. It's it's so stupid, but it's.
[00:14:06] Yeah. Sort of situation. Well, from what I can tell, to answer the question, sorry, I was thinking a bit of time, but. All right. It is it is good because we are home and taking care. But from what I hear from my family and friends, sometimes it can be a lot of pressure that you can not even go at the corner and, you know, in peace or the police will give you a fee or a ticket or whatever. So that's the good thing about here. We are taking care of ourselves. But at the same time, I don't feel the pressure. If I want to go to a walk in the park, I can do it.
[00:14:36] It wouldn't be responsible, but I could do it if I wanted to. So I think psychologically it affects us a little bit less.
[00:14:44] Absolutely. Absolutely. Now, you speak at a lot of industry events and if I may say you're quite good at it.
[00:14:53] I've told you that many times. In fact, you run the speed networking at a lot of the shows because you're just so damn good with crowds.
[00:15:01] Does this come naturally or is this something you've had to work out?
[00:15:08] First of all, thank you. Thank you very much. But I don't I don't think that I had to work it out. I have. I know that I'm a little bit strange.
[00:15:19] I mean, everybody's complex. But I have some big difference. I mean, you know, this whole situation. I'm actually a super introverted person. So when I have to speak for myself, it's complicated. If I have to go on a stage and tell things about my private life, it's I barely can become.
[00:15:39] But you do that. You do that all the time, Alex.
[00:15:43] And so that's the thing. So when it's about me, the real person, it's almost impossible. But what it's about business. It's totally different because it's got nothing to do with my taste and my you know, because I think my most significant experience, work experience before joining the whole industry was working as a public relations officer for the French Air Force. And I learned I learned a lot there, you know, because that the topics we had to deal with were so important. But also the frame was really it wasn't flexible at all. We had some guidelines that we couldn't take many liberti or, you know, horse. And I think it helped me a lot to separate things.
[00:16:27] And that's what happened when I'm. And that's why sometimes I'm a little bit concerned, because I think, oh, my God.
[00:16:33] Maybe I'm being rude or brutal, because when it comes to work, of course, we can make some jokes. It helps a communication base. But it's also very important to be, you know, professional and.
[00:16:46] Yeah. So when it's something that I have to talk about business and stuff, it's fine because I can relate. Based on my experience or what I've read and stuff. And so, no, I think it comes naturally.
[00:16:58] But being professional in our industry, which I am, I'm a very firm believer.
[00:17:03] And as well as you know, it's also somewhat relative because we do have a rather loose.
[00:17:13] We have some rather loose codes in our industry. Wouldn't you agree?
[00:17:18] I, I definitely agree that our industry is very friendly. But you are a good example at this because, for example, you are never appropriate.
[00:17:27] See, and that's something that we can see that is appropriate or inappropriate. Inappropriate.
[00:17:36] But I wasn't sure I wasn't sure what you said there. OK, go ahead.
[00:17:40] But you're a good example because see if any of this didn't working would be early in the morning and everything. You always show up in advance, prepared, prepare. Do you have your business cards? You have your your your speech. You do the follow ups. You're one of the fastest person to do the follow ups. And it's something that. Okay. Our industry is flexible and very friendly, but there is a time for everything.
[00:18:02] And that's why, for example, I think seven years ago or eight years ago, I met a wonderful person, Ines Petersen, and she became one of my closest friend because even if we were socializing at parties and etc. at 7:00 in the morning, we were having coffee and I saw her being very professional.
[00:18:21] But of course, since our industry is very friendly, she's also very flexible and very open mind, etc. But I really appreciate it. And I saw how powerful she was being at 7:00 in the morning, having her coffee, reading her emails, you know, and that's how we became friends, actually, because I strongly believe in that. Even if our industry is friendly and flexible, there is a time for everything. And for example, we see that new people coming in our industry, sometimes they have some behavior as some gestures, some jokes that are totally inappropriate, especially towards women and people like you. People like Ines. People like Katie from Bonga CAMHS. They are so professional. You are so professional that it's not it doesn't really feel that our industry is. Oh, thank you. But yeah, I don't have this feeling that our industry even being more flexible than mainstream because I don't want to work in mainstream anymore. I hear, you know, even though I think that we need to keep it professional because it's a business, there is money.
[00:19:20] And, you know, I think that it's changing a lot because I see the difference from 10 years ago when I started. And now that the companies are hiring, a lot more people are not scared anymore to work with adult entertainment. So we've got some people that are various color when they arrive in the industry that they want to keep this this this child they have from the mainstream. So I think it's changing.
[00:19:45] It can add to the list your boss, Lauren. She's certainly one of the most professional people in the industry, without a doubt. Sam, what?
[00:19:56] And one of my favorites is with the Fin seven veils is the personality of the companies. Clearly, Lawrence. Pretty sure only the company and she's leading the company in a way that I'm totally. I'm a huge fan of her. She has this capacity to be exactly this way. Friendly and professional. At the same time, she set boundaries, which is something also very healthy at the same time. She is so interesting. She's a fascinating person, you know, because she. She has. She's so smart. So all the time she has something interesting to say. You know, it's not speaking for speaking something relevant, relevant and interesting and funny in a friendly way. She's she's wonderful. Yeah. She totally represent our industry, in my opinion.
[00:20:43] I agree. You were already pretty accomplished when you got to the company. What have you learned from her?
[00:20:50] Well, I got so many things to set boundaries. It was really important because when we deal with social media, social media, it's clearly a rabbit hole.
[00:21:00] When we start working up an account, you know, for example, the clients on Twitter, because Twitter is one of the platform that I would like to work most with.
[00:21:08] And some of the clients, they are paying us for a certain amount of tweets per month or per day. So when we are doing this, even if we are counting our tweets, even though we can lose track of time so fast. So she really told me to set boundaries and also to to make to create a line a little bit more visible between being friendly and being professional. So she helped me to get better at this. And also, what about reading? Because most of the people are not reading things that are kind of boring, like the terms and conditions of use of the platform. So Lauren really is a great example of someone typically that you can say, OK, don't talk about something if you don't know it. So this is something that, yeah, she she brought me back to something a little bit more color prepared, you know, to to study more, to investigate more and to analyze more.
[00:22:10] So, yeah. Is. But she should have taught me so many things at work that also my personal life. Yeah.
[00:22:16] Yeah. There's a lot of people that are more than willing to to spew on about things they know nothing about.
[00:22:22] So true. So true. Now what's your favorite or meet them. Yeah. Oh my God. Yes. What's your favorite part of working in the adult industry.
[00:22:33] Not wearing a tie. That's definitely my favorite part. I've been I think I've exaggerated in the past. The other day I saw a picture of me speaking at a panel. Well, it was in Miami, but still, I think I was wearing flip flops because it was by the pool. But on the picture, I appear on stage barefoot.
[00:22:55] It's exact. I told the it's a mistake.
[00:22:59] But what I sure she made of. Wow. I shouldn't give some shit in Miami. Come on. That's Miami.
[00:23:10] It's a little bit too relaxed. But the fact that I don't have to wear a tie. That's something that really makes me feel comfortable because it matches my my personal style, because I think that, you know, it's just like for me, it's just like power points.
[00:23:28] I understand why people are dressing up and it's eventually it's a proof of respect and some, I think. But at the same time, I don't want people to. It's done. I'm not here. It's not what I wear. It's about the message. And I really want people to focus on the message. So that's why I understand the game about dressing up and stuff in the mainstream. But what I love about the adult industry is that people are paying attention to what I'm saying and what I look like or where.
[00:23:57] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What did you say? No, I'm kidding.
[00:24:03] I should have typed this message. But but it is that that's what I love the most. Yeah, definitely.
[00:24:11] Ok. How has the Corona virus affected your business?
[00:24:22] That's a great question. It has affected the business in many ways. First of all, we have clients that are that have stopped their activities. So because our clients are individuals or companies. So for some companies, they cannot shoot anymore. So it has limited their their content. And unfortunately, they had to oppose the contracts with us because there if there is nothing to say, you know, or to show about their business, then there is not no point. I mean, we can talk about the news, et cetera. But that's not what the customers want to see. So it has had a negative impact. But but it's still OK. I mean, it wasn't a lot of clients because we still have other kinds that could fortunately maintain their activities even from a home. Now, something that big, big, big impact from the virus situation on our businesses is that.
[00:25:21] For the same amount of money and the same contracts that we have with the clients, we are spending much more time on their cases because there is a lot more information posted on social media.
[00:25:33] People at home and they are posting and posting and talking, exchanging all day long all over the world. So the amount of information to deal with them to analyze has been really, really, really improved.
[00:25:49] And there was a huge growth on the data to analyze so that it has been a little bit painful. I won't lie. And also distress. People are so focused right now. So most of our clients are hiring us because they are not or they are not good at social media. That's their own words, or they don't care or they don't like it. But now that they are stressed and at home and they are using social media in their private lives, they start to pay attention to their business on social media. And that's when they decide to e-mail us.
[00:26:19] A lot of questions and feedback, et cetera.
[00:26:21] So that part of education that I have with the clients has also significantly improved and taken a lot more time than it used to.
[00:26:33] Ok. OK.
[00:26:38] What is the biggest challenge you run into on working with social media?
[00:26:47] One of the biggest challenges, really, the educational part that I was talking about right now, because many people so people hired us for three different reasons. One is the time. That's one of the main reasons. Most of the just say that you don't have the time to do it because most of the time they hire someone for social media and then they ask this person to do some banners and pick up someone at the airport, etc.. So it's very time consuming. So that's part of that. This part is fine. Then there is the reason why, because they don't understand social media and they don't know what to do with it.
[00:27:21] They see that there is a cool factor, but they don't know. Or the third reason is that they don't like it, that they don't like to expose themselves and tweet, etc., or post.
[00:27:30] So education is really important because they all have an idea about social media, how obnoxious it is, or boring or car addiction and or teenagers. Snapchat. Sixteen year old girls that are black.
[00:27:44] So we have to explain. We have to take a lot of time explaining how social media work and how marketing actually works together with social media. So to to help people to forget what they learn about social media and how they see it on their personal in their personal lives and to bring it for it to be the site.
[00:28:04] And honestly, this is the biggest challenge because it takes a lot of time and in many cases there is no return on it because it's a lottery. No, we can explain. We can take like five hours to extend a client. Why he shouldn't be tweet himself, for example, that, you know, they post something on Twitter and then a month after they decide to do a retreat of this previous tweet. So if we take a lot of time to explain why, because they are very curious and they want to understand what we're going to do in their account. But then after two months, maybe they will say, oh, I don't want to work on my social media anymore because I want to buy traffic from a tube site and get a lot of visits. And that's very frustrating.
[00:28:45] Sure. What? I mean, what do you what do you tell them when they're saying, well, what are the tangible results of social media? Why should know by traffic and study of social media? What would you tell them?
[00:29:00] It is my frustration right now because I come from traffic. So I know I came I think I understand about traffic and or I used to have some clients that were spending quite a lot. I mean, not spending, investing quite a lot of money every month with me buying some printers, et cetera. Right. It just companies and it's OK.
[00:29:25] It's a strategy. I totally get it. You know, Nigerian editors, they have the same.
[00:29:30] And branding is a big part, especially when you're a big, big brand. You need to show that you're healthy, et cetera. This is not the topic here, but it's very frustrating because it's seven veils. People say that our prices are high. I really swear they are not high because we can start working from one dollar. It average our services. It depends because it's all Alucard. But in average, it's about seven dollars per month. But the fact is, if it works, you know, and people see this as a traffic investment where it's actually a branding and traffic, it's a mix. But it's really about quality over quantity because you're building that the trust with your brand. And of course, it takes time. But for this amount, I can swear that it's really it's it's super fair. And so when people are coming to me and saying that they would prefer to buy traffic from a tube sites. Well, OK. You can have a lot of impressions from a free video watch. And people will be curious about your brand and maybe they will click and maybe they will have some sales and maybe the amount will be huge. But did the proportion of the money you've invested and the results. OK. It's good to have sales, but it's also very important to take care of their reputation, especially now that people are always on social media asking for advice and recommendation. So, yeah. Yeah.
[00:30:54] I mean. Yeah.
[00:30:54] And here's the other thing. And I'm sure this was the frustration of years when you were in traffic. And it's even probably a bigger problem now since you've had a couple of years in between the amount of traffic and junk traffic. What did I read that like 70 percent of the traffic in the world is by traffic?
[00:31:16] Yeah, I read that. I think I read the reports about three years ago, something like this. That's probably worse now. And it was killed. Well, I know that most of the networks have some security to fight this. I remember back then at just yet, they had someone that was just one person that was totally dedicated to the security of this kind of thing. So this the person's job was to scan everything and to fight. But. So I know that they are working on this. I'm pretty sure that all the networks are working on something similar. But it's it's it's probably hard to avoid. Yeah. But traffic, because people are there and they are trying to make money. And it's it's a way it's a very western Wild West situation, you know.
[00:32:02] And if you will. But if you add up the BART traffic and the garbage traffic, what's left.
[00:32:09] So that's my that's that's my point, that's why I took the case of Nike and I did this, you know, because sometimes I see they're outdoors in some ways. I was in Chile two years ago and near I wasn't near a mountain and something. And I saw one of the outdoor and I was like, okay, yeah, maybe people are doing sports there. And but I wonder how much they're paying for this. So that's kind of.
[00:32:30] Yeah, sure they are. But it's. That's what I'm take. You know, if you buy some cheap sites, traffic, then your visibility will be huge. And I guess that people are bidding on the branding and the fact that, you know, I was reading this book hitmakers what what make things become a hit. And it's because the repetition of the message is so important. So maybe it will have them to build the trust with the brand this way. With the strategy.
[00:32:57] Yeah, I guess. But, you know, if you look at traffic and you break it down, OK, banners, quite frankly, are not nearly as effective as they used to be.
[00:33:10] And pop unders and pop overs, pop ups and all those things are irritants. And a lot of those good those get blocked by your browser anyway.
[00:33:21] So what's left?
[00:33:24] But, you know, that's that's why. I mean, honestly, that's why I had decided to switch and to stop with traffic ads, add traffic and go to social.
[00:33:37] Because one of my point was I still believe in ad traffic because I see that it's performing for some old clients. Sure. But my point is, even us, even, you know, we are working with this. We are making are we are paying our rents from ad sales and stuff back then that some of the people, most of the people that I know, they are still using some ads, blockers, you know, and it's OK if you behave like this. Why would you think that the customers will behave in a different way that looks like about, you know, being loaded, for example, everybody was fighting when I was in that networks for the first impression. And for me, it has never make sense about selling the first impression more expensive or anything. I mean, it's a trick. But I was surprised to see how much people are fighting for it, because if you're going to say it's very rare that somebody is just watching one video and that was a surprise, you know, that people weren't thinking like that, because if you adapt your own behavior to project your behavior to to the to the target, well, you will see that it's not the way you would do it for yourselves. And that's why I preferred social media, because it's the the quantity are not even comparable. It's much smaller. The amount of impression is way smaller than a chip side, of course, but it's more quality, you know. That's for me. If it's exactly about X, this shows people are always I keep hearing stuff about X base, OK? Five people are going to destroy or whatever. I've always had really good this shows. I love all of the shows in our industry that are doing a fantastic job. But for X base, I don't understand why people are complaining about the fact that there are very few people because it's always very quality oriented and you want to you want to hear something really funny about that.
[00:35:22] I hadn't been. Well, actually, two years ago I did go to Germany, but I hadn't been to a domestic show of there's oh gosh. Since they did the Chicago show, maybe Chicago where. Yeah. Shick Chicago, which was, I don't know, six years ago. Five years ago. Six years ago, something like that.
[00:35:42] And, you know, living out in Thailand, I obviously have to pick very carefully what I'm going to travel to. Right. But with Phoenix going away, which broke my heart because I love that show and I hope it comes back.
[00:36:00] I decided to replace it with the two Vegas shows and X Bismullah. And I got to tell you, X business Lay was fan task. It was great. And I got a lot out of it.
[00:36:16] And also that the two Vegas shows were were good, too. You know, they were really good, too. But I was really pleasantly surprised how good expositional I was. And it's on my regular calendar now, whether Phoenix comes back or not.
[00:36:30] Well, that's that's exactly the point. You know, people are because the European Summit and Avians shows are always a blast.
[00:36:37] Everybody loves them because they're they're really good fact.
[00:36:41] And I love it, too. But I keep hearing. Yes. Some concerns about X BS. And for me, it's a big surprise because at all the exhibit shows I had at least one contract. So that that's that's pretty good because one contract cannot justify the cost of the travel. Most of the time when it out of the rooms in an expensive. But it's a part of this. I also had really, really good things from the marketing because. I can sit with people and hear more about their business, but at the same time, it's very a friendly atmosphere. You know what I love the most about the shows? That the schedules are not packed. So I can go to some seminars and I can really update my knowledge about our industry and what people are doing. And that's fantastic, really.
[00:37:24] It was good. It was good. I was actually next door. I mean, literally next door.
[00:37:29] And there being be a first house, second house on the right hand side on that street next to the end is owned by a movie producer with a view from the deck overlooking all of downtown Los Angeles.
[00:37:44] Supersport was awesome. It was awesome.
[00:37:49] So, yeah, I will be back next year for sure. So what what kind of effect does this job have on your personal life, Alex?
[00:38:01] I was thinking this week about writing something about the effect of because I just go, yeah, I won't get into details in person.
[00:38:11] I'm like, oh, please go. Oh, please go ahead, Alex.
[00:38:16] It's a sad steps. No, sir, I was wondering.
[00:38:19] It always happens like I'm really like Carrie Bradshaw.
[00:38:25] But it's about I wonder if this industry is affecting our personal lives. You know, the fact that we are dealing with adult entertainment, but specifically the work at seven veils, it has affected my my personal life in a way that I was using a little bit social media from the well, Facebook from almost the beginning Wednesday when they started to open invitation at Harvard. And I was using social media to get in touch because I've lived in different places. So my family and friends are all we are all remote. So social media is a great way to share, you know, to make people part of your lives. But since I worked at seven veils, I, I guess I tend not to use social media that much on my personal life.
[00:39:11] I mean, I my professional profiles because I always have, you know, Instagram, personal and professional, Facebook, personal and professional. And my personal ones are actually super boring. But the professional one, I keep using them for the branding and the company and myself, I made it myself.
[00:39:30] So I use them. I treat those accounts as a client. But but yeah. Otherwise the real stuff, I tend to post less because or I do it in. I have developed a kind of stressful relationship with social media. It's very, very heavy, you know, not because it's it's a lot to absorb. So it's a lot of stuff. You see during the elections. You see during the quarter that Corine Iberia's current, that it's really, really obnoxious. It's so heavy. It's the lot of and people are sometimes really, really stupid, you know, and they just keep talking and posting and trolling. And it's like, oh, my God, no. So, yeah, that's the thing that has impacted the most.
[00:40:11] I guess it opened my eyes on how heavy some behaviors can be on social media.
[00:40:19] I post a lot of anti Trump stuff.
[00:40:22] And you won't see any of that in my professional bio because I don't want to be judged, but I've just seen just it just in case there's a Trump lover there.
[00:40:32] But it's what you know, the elections and this coronavirus thing has switched it because it divides up the population, the cyber population between people in favor or that it's also about a measure.
[00:40:46] You know, I live in a city that is completely in the majority in favor of the Brazilian president, and I'm personally against the Brazilian president. But so it's rough because even, you know, the news, the fake news, the message is everything that I posted. It just posted an ad I started. Okay, that's a personal act and it's controversial. But I've posted an ad because I was looking for a service in my city and then some people started. So but I am I am not necessarily a nice person. And I just saw that some of the people that were answering were really in favor of the president. And I just said, OK, I would like to hire someone that is not in favor of this president. Maybe I should say. Well, it's because I don't want to deal with people that don't share my ideas and on my personal life or even someone to help me to clean the house or whatever. I don't want that. And especially because this region is a little bit racist against the my region, against the north east for any reason.
[00:41:43] Yeah. And he started the whole controversy and everything. And that's what social media has become right now. People are arguing for their ideas and fighting for their ideas. Lack of respect, total lack of respect.
[00:41:53] So. Yeah, yeah, you did.
[00:41:56] Do you think society judges what you do for a living in the industry or an.
[00:42:03] I have this feeling. Yes. I don't know if it's true. I don't know if I'm being paranoid. I just know that we have some challenges. Yeah, absolutely. When we aren't yet for it the other day. Oh, my God. My client just sent me pictures of a twink. That was the guy is 19. But he really looked at younger. And I, I, I had the pictures on my on my computer when I opened it in the plane and I woops.
[00:42:29] Fight back. I mean, nothing looks nothing.
[00:42:36] It looks like under age. You don't want to do that or for that matter when you're on it. When you're on an airplane. Yeah.
[00:42:43] If it's even if it's nails, you know, showing boobs and you just don't want eventually at the airport showing you up when you're working. So I think society, of course, will always judge our activity. But yeah, even mainstream people, you know, at some shows, I had some comments that were a little bit awkward, like, oh, you do adult, you know.
[00:43:06] Okay, fine.
[00:43:09] So I think the I think we are judged. Yeah. I think I think it's important also to see because there is a person that has kind of left the industry.
[00:43:18] This guy has been working in the industry for a couple of years. And then he was posting a lot about being part of this industry, etc..
[00:43:25] But I think our industry has two levels because some of the people that are working on the digital business side, behind the Web sites, et cetera, they are facing maybe some judgments from the society. But we also have the performers and the performers are really much more exposed. So I think we can not take the same level of animosity from the society. You know, our industry has different levels, in my opinion.
[00:43:50] I don't if I make myself clear about that, it makes a lot of sense, actually. What are you what are you really missing during that during this lockdown?
[00:44:03] The lockdown, as it maybe it sounds bad for all those people that are suffering, but the lockdown has been a good thing to me because my personal life is a chaos and I've always used work and travels especially to escape from it. So it has helped me to recenter. It sounds so cliche, but it has. You know, I think it's time for me. And, you know, sometimes I'm just looking at the wall and just thinking it's something that hasn't happened much in my life.
[00:44:39] I said, yeah, I've been I've been meditating lately, which is great. I'm going to meaning to. So we're finally getting around to it.
[00:44:46] Well, yeah. I think everybody is finding some ways to cope with it and trying to take advantage, if you can call that the sweet spot. So you know that it's something that I would definitely miss from this situation is just the I don't know, my therapist always tried to bring this with me, but I still don't understand it because I read it as something that I value the most in my life is my liberti, my library. I don't want my freedom. I'm sorry.
[00:45:14] So my freedom is very important to me. So from the moment that something, a situation of government or whatever is telling me you can not travel, write books. And even if I recognized that, yeah, it's a good thing. I mean, not to travel right now. So I can of course, be healthy. But at the same time, you fixed my life.
[00:45:32] But still, it bugs me that that something is taking away a part of my freedom so that I don't think I don't think you're at all alone about that because somebody else is telling you that we're all races. We're all resistant to others telling us things, especially governments.
[00:45:47] Yeah, it's it's. But even if the government was telling me because in Brazil, we can still take the plane and go somewhere or whatever. I don't. But I'm still receiving the promotion of my plane company, asking me to travel and stuff, but I won't do it. So I'm more the situation that he's telling me not to do something. And I hate that. But it's.
[00:46:09] Exactly. Exactly. So what's the first thing you're going to do when you get out of jail?
[00:46:22] When I get out of my own jail, the face.
[00:46:26] Exactly.
[00:46:29] Yeah. I have a personal connection with Mexico. There is a connection with Mexico. Very strong. And I mean, the fact that I'm trying to visit family and friends there once or twice a year.
[00:46:44] And since January, I was I haven't been able to go there. So I think that probably the first thing I will do will be to book a flight to get to Mexico.
[00:46:55] Yeah, well, that that sounds fantastic.
[00:47:00] Well, Alex, I'd really like to thank you very much for being an adult. So broker talk today.
[00:47:06] Thank you. Now, really my pleasure. I hope to get you back on for a future show. And again, thank you so much for being here.
[00:47:14] Thank you, Bruce. Thank you very much for everything you're doing for the community and the industry. That's kind of you. And thank you for having me. Thank you very much.
[00:47:21] Thank you, brother. My broker tip today is part two of how to buy a Web site. Last week we discussed first deciding the type of site you want to buy and then establishing what your budget is. Next, it's time to look for your new Web site. So where do you look? Well, adult site broker is a great place to start. We always have a nice variety of Web site and non Web site properties for sale. But if there's a particular type of site you want, we can always act as your buyers broker to help you find just the right site, other places to look or boards like Expo's dot net and GFI dot com. But to be completely honest, unless what you're looking for is a really low end property, you're probably not going to find what you're looking for there. Of course, you could contact site owners yourself, but take it from someone who does it for a living. It's a major hassle and it can be really hard to even find out who owns a site. Almost all adult sites use who is privacy from their domain registrar. So when you send them an email, it will be to an anonymous address. And in most cases, the emails are never returned. We have a huge database of sellers and generally know who owns what and if. It's a Web site of note. And if we don't know who owns it, we can always find out. We'll talk more about this subject next week. And next week we'll be talking to Mr. Brad Mitchell, the owner of Mojo host. That'll be a fun one.
[00:48:55] And that's it for this week's Adult Site Broker Talk. Once again, like to thank my guest, Alex Lacomte. Talk to you again next week on Adult Site Broker Talk. I'm Bruce Friedman.