How to Browse Porn Sites Safely

Picture the scenario: you have the day to yourself, so you decide to load up your favorite porn site on your laptop or mobile, but then out of nowhere, you notice that it has started acting odd, not loading correctly, or even worse that your passwords suddenly get hacked. This is what happens when you accidentally download malware or viruses. 

Cybercriminals use these nasty files, which are often uploaded or embedded within the pages, pop-ups, or ads that appear on the page without the sites themselves knowing. This allows them to access your details and even cause threats or make you a victim of email scams.  

But can we enjoy our favorite sites safely? The answer is yes, and in this article, Adult Site Broker will set out the best ways to browse porn sites safely so you can enjoy your favorite videos whenever you want. 

What Are The Main Security Threats When Watching Porn? 

The online world has become a constant place to worry about our most personal details, from banking and passwords to even our geographical location and usernames, being exposed to those who wish to use them. And adult sites are no better; in fact, porn sites have become notoriously one of the most popular places for hosting viruses, ransomware, spyware, and other malicious files that could harm you, your details, and your devices. But what are the main security risks to look out for when watching porn? 

Computer Viruses (Trojans)

The most common threat is computer viruses, often called trojans. Although the majority are harmless, like the common cold or flu, they can be frustrating and challenging to get rid of. For the most part, they slow down your desktop, tablet, or mobile device and can also open up the risk of nastier files ending up in your system. The majority of these viruses come from ads and pop-ups. 


Another security threat that is common on porn sites is adware; as the name suggests, it can come from the ads displayed on porn sites. Not only do these malicious files slow down your systems, but they can also cause infringements to your privacy as they cause adult ads to pop up on your desktop as well as other spammy content, which can further freeze or slow down your laptops, tablets, mobiles or desktops. 

Spyware or Malware 

The nastiest of the lot is spyware or malware; these files are malicious and can cause severe privacy infringements. Cybercriminals use these types of files to gain access to your usernames, passwords, credit card information, and emails, which can result in scams, threats of extortion for money, and even fraudulent behavior with your banking details.   

How To Browse Porn Sites Safely? 

No matter how safe a porn site says that it is, knowing how to browse safely online is critical to making sure you can enjoy your favorite porn star and not risk your desktop, tablet, or mobile getting hacked. Your details are being exposed to those who would use them maliciously. In this next section, we have set out some of the ways that you can browse porn sites safely. 

Use Incognito Mode on Your Browser 

For many, incognito mode has become a safety net for those wishing to browse adult sites without others seeing. However, sites like Google and Firefox note that going incognito will not protect your privacy from employers and internet providers. It is also important to remember that incognito mode doesn’t stop ads, where most viruses, spyware, and adware can be found. However, for simple privacy, especially if you share a desktop or tablet with others, it’s a great starting point for safety to be used alongside the other ideas discussed below. 

Use Ad-blocker Extensions 

As the name suggests, ad blockers stop showing third-party ads on websites. This may impact your ability to access a site, but make sure to download an extension, as it will block any pop-ups and third-party ads that could be carrying malicious files. 

Use a VPN To Watch Porn 

A VPN hides your identity, internet traffic, and browsing habits entirely by masking your real IP address and generating a new one that can be used to access porn sites, including ones that your internet provider may block. They also protect you against having your data collected by porn sites, third parties, and even the government by encrypting your data. 

Use Antivirus Software When Browsing Porn Sites 

It’s no longer good enough to just use your built-in firewall, but using heavy-duty antivirus software with built-in adware and malware protection is a useful way to protect yourself and allow you to browse porn sites safely. Look for ones that will enable real-time protection so that they can scan for threats in the background as you browse porn sites or the internet and offer ransomware protections and clean-up and detection options. 

Stick to Trusted Porn Sites 

This is especially important when using porn sites that require you to put your personal and banking details in. Ensure you are using a site with strong password encryption and banking protections, and always stick to sites you trust without moving between them and third-party sites from ads. 

Don’t Download Anything 

If you get a pop-up saying that the only way to use a porn site or access content is you need to download a third-party app or file, then this is usually a scam and an easy way to download trojans. Simply close the site and ensure you have not downloaded anything. 

Don’t click on Pop-ups or Ads.

Although this may seem like a no-brainer, making sure that you have pop-ups and ads blocked on your browser is a great way to protect yourself against threats when browsing porn sites. Making sure not to click on any pop-ups or ads from third parties on the porn site of your choice is also crucial for protecting yourself against spyware, viruses, and adware. This is because while most porn sites themselves may be safe, it is these third-party ads that tend to contain malicious files. 


Staying safe when using porn sites isn’t just about looking after your desktop or mobile; it’s about protecting your details, location, and passwords from malware, viruses, and spyware. However, by ensuring that you look after your stuff with VPNs, antivirus software and only using trusted porn sites, such as ones that you have to pay to use, you can easily protect yourself against files that would look to harm you and your stuff. 

If you are looking to buy or sell your porn site, Adult Site Broker is here to help. Contact us today. 

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